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 May 2016 LJ
One More Step
 May 2016 LJ
I wrote a letter to a cliff
Because I know how it is to be the edge of the earth
It's ingrained in my mind always from experience
How one more step can lead to a fall
How one more step....
I wrote a letter a cliff and sent it via the wind

I sang a song to a mountain
Because I know how it is to rise above the world
A monument standing tall amidst the valleys
How one more step can lead to a peak
How one more step.....
I sang a song to a mountain and played it on the wind

A wrote a poem for the sky
Because I know how it is to feel endless
And then have the clouds encroach in a threatening way
How one more step through thunder and lightning
Just one more step.....
I wrote a poem for the sky on the air that I breath

Just one more step
Can lead to a peak
Can lead to a fall
A step in the rain
Can lead me to home
I like this one
 May 2016 LJ
When Pandora opened the box
Zueses wedding gift
Was really Zueses revenge against Prometheus
For stealing fire from the gods and introducing it to man
When Pandora opened the box
A thousand evils including death filled the world
And one gift

That gift
Was hope
They tried to teach me
of the white man's way
but I was born of Native blood
and they could never take my pride
that's something they couldn't steal away

They tried to fill me with their lies
and drown me in their flood
but I was wise enough to see
to look beyond their greed

They wanted me to coward and hide
but a true Warrior never dies
and they couldn't make me bleed
no matter how hard that they tried

They thought they could give what I need
through empty words they would feed
but failed to see what was inside
that my soul kept satisfied
something that they never understood

They wanted to change me if they could
but I knew my path and destiny
on this Red Road of my journey
their words were only wasted on all they say
because who I am is who I am meant to be
    Spiritwind ©2015
 May 2016 LJ
 May 2016 LJ
Dark is the night, by the light of day

Harsh are the words, which some people say

Grievous the malaise, which we often feel

Deep are the wounds, of a hurt that won’t heal

Lasting the wrong, to whom it is done

Fleeting the moment, when praises are won

Tragic the loss, of someone we love

Empty the feeling, when they are thought of
 May 2016 LJ
 May 2016 LJ
The wine on my lips recalls memories of this
Your love in the tincture of a grape
The flavor of the skin
The flesh, the pulp
My cup overflowing
Suffusing my tongue
Pervading my blood
Saturating all of me
A remembrance of a time I was drunk

The taste of red wine brings it all back to mind
The vineyards of sun and clusters grown
The tendrils of the plant
The trunk, the vine
The roots digging deep
The sprout of a seed
The flourishing leaves
The sweetest of fruits to me
A remembrance of a time I was drunk
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