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It's taken me years
Of writing and reading,
Giving and receiving,
To realise;
Love is simple
It's humans
That are complicated
On some days
You make me
Ever loving you

Every other day
It becomes clearer
That losing you
Would be my biggest

I know which one
I can live with
Ever had
The kind of heartbreak
That makes you
Say a prayer
Dear God,
Stop my heart
Or replace it?
I've never claimed
To be the kind of strong-
Who stands
In the face of someone
That has caused them pain
And asks, why?
Why do I hurt?
And why are you the source?
Closure will always be a complicated subject for me.
laughing for real
like when you can't breathe
and your eyes tear up
and the harder your friend laughs
the harder you laugh
and you keep being a fool
because it doesn't matter
and for once
you don't really care all that much
what anyone thinks
moment of liberation I
And over time,
My pen stopped bleeding
But my heart didn't
Dear HP,

This is not a poem
But a question
The answer to which
I do hope you have

Why does my lover claim to love me
But still looks for every opportunity
To let me go?

Is it that she loves me so much
But doesn't think she's worthy of me

Or she doesn't love me enough
To think I'm worthy of her?

— The End —