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(She Speaks.)

I MEANT to be so strong and true!
The world may smile and question, When?
But what I might have been to you
I cannot be to other men.
Just one in twenty to the rest,
And all in all to you alone, -
This was my dream; perchance 'tis best
That this, like other dreams, is flown.

For you I should have been so kind,
So prompt my spirit to control,
To win fresh vigor for my mind,
And purer beauties for my soul;
Beneath your eye I might have grown
To that divine, ideal height,
Which, mating wholly with your own,
Our equal spirits should unite.
 Aug 2014 JAK AL TARBS
Paula Lee
She chases the darkness,
Nothing, but darkness and her,
She sits there,
Darkness a blanket she can wear,
And she listens to the nothingness
that only the darkness allows;

And if she was still aware,
I'm sure she would get down on her knees
and Thank the darkness for the
The Blessed Silence
that cocoons her now;

and when daylight comes,
she runs and hides,
hiding from the light that burns,
hiding from the pain and hiding
from the voices, the voices to loud,
and she waits for the sunset,
Eager to be spared.
then she's running again,
into the darkness,
back to the Nothingness
that the darkness allows.*

And if she was still aware,
I'm sure she would get down on her knees,
and Thank the darkness
for the Silence,
The Blessed silence
that cocoons her now.
 Aug 2014 JAK AL TARBS
 Aug 2014 JAK AL TARBS
We live in a country without the taut and slitting threads of a niqab
So we whisper, Thank God
Instead, we bind ourselves in barely-there strings
Lashing tan-bedded skin.
The pink-and-glitter headlines call GET BEACH READY
And we listen.
We've got to glow in just the right way
To catch the eye of the ever-expectant gaze,
Concealing zits, freckles, and military-green welts,

We brush over the truth about a lot of things.

The taste of rejection is rusty and red
I chewed the inside of my cheek when he said
*I'm just not interested.
Would the world make as much sense
if the sunset was green?
What if forests were silver and the
dirt was purple?
          Would love feel warm?
          Would comfort be found in fear?
Deep seas of sunflower yellow
          and mountain ranges of teal
Long roads of deep maroon
          lead us to ponds of lavender
          and caves of sapphire
Maybe in such a world
I wouldn't have forgotten trust
          Would we have met
          would we only know each other
                       in strange deja vu
Even the one
who lights the world
can succumb to the darkness inside.

We become blind
and see only the light.

The darkness can easily hide.

So you've scattered yourself
to the billions of stars that
blanket the billowing night

to help hold at bay
the darkness that preys
on the strong
and the weak
and the rich
and the poor
and the brilliant
and dull ones

You gave of yourself
with such ferocity of truth.

You fought with all of your might.

So thank you, old friend
for sharing your gift
and rest now
in peaceful twilight.
I have a third ******.
That doesn't mean I'm *******.
It's on the left side.
Some people think its weird like Jekyll and Hyde.
But there really actually wrong.
Because my ****** just makes me a lot more strong.
People either love it or they hate it.
Either way they wish they had one and usually throw a fit.
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