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Ivory Grace May 2015
You see a smile but don't feel the pain
or know how much courage I've had go gain
To even act a bit sane, to stay tame.
You see and smile and happiness but you don't know the secret of the game.
Happiness is an illusion
Ivory Grace May 2015
It ******* hurts
Ivory Grace May 2015
You shattered my life. But I thank you because I have learned so much
Ivory Grace Apr 2015
I understand that I'm not the first book you would pick up, that is if you were looking at the cover.
For there are so many books with alluring colors, and I am one dim color with a tattered binding.
But understand one thing; just because what your eyes see first isn't what your mind will interpret later on.
Yeah, an eye-catching outside layer is nice to look at, but what about the inside?
I promise you that even though I may not catch your eye, I have an unique story that has descriptive details that will over take you and your senses.
I will leave you breathless.
When you are finished with me and set me down, you will not be done with me.
You will refer to me about many things and one day my storyline may cross your mind.
  Apr 2015 Ivory Grace
the universe whispered in your ear tonight
telling you that I loved you, before I got the chance
through shooting stars and constellations
it uttered words my lips were too timid to speak
tears cascade along my cheeks for every emotion
there are buckets filled with our past
poured upon our heads to remind and refresh
cleaning our wounds from broken record paper cuts
from broken record people, promising unrealistic lies
but simplicity of a soul brought me to you
and the sky spelled out our name in empathy
for we ride the stars to an oasis of something new
blossoming and forming flowers of words you're too scared to say
but the cracks in our petals of speech
do no good up against the universe
because it is the universe that confirms
the dark is darker without you
my heart beats louder around you
and all of me, is in love with you
the stars made me say it
Ivory Grace Apr 2015
Simplicity is a bliss when you see how you can make someone you love smile the biggest smile with the tiniest gesture
Ivory Grace Mar 2015
You see me sitting there, oblivious to what is surrounding me.
And I appear normal and good to you so you decide I'm the one you want.
You're excited that you found me and how perfect I seem.
Once we get home you start to explore me, only to be shocked.
One the inside I am not the quality you saw on the outside.
Silly human, only the strong and good ones make it through what we experience.
Imagine being ripped away from your home, going to unknown places alone, heard words of different tones.
Being put into a crate with no way to escape.
I'm sorry I'm not who you expected me to be, I'm not one of the strong or good ones you see.
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