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1.2k · Jan 2017
Guess it?
Irielle Noxis Jan 2017
As I've seen it
I want to reach
There's something of it
I wonder what's inside

Wonderful wonder world around
It takes time too
Gigantic paper of knowledge
I've fought it myself

Glimpse of the pages
Silent voice of mind
The turning of text
Heart that connects within

Such a long way
When is the time?
I've never stopped to
How can I know?

Words lost their way
An emotionless beautiful thing
I see your different
Can I handle you?

They want you so badly
As I really am
Someone seems to understand
Maybe I'm no special

You will be faded
Like your memories yesterday
You will be forgotten
Like you left mysteriously
687 · Apr 2017
Without Anything
Irielle Noxis Apr 2017
A place of life
Where you can hear
A cheerful loud voice
And view bright around

I'm not fond of
Watching the time flies
As we create lies
Just like throwing dice

As the night times
Where the cheering dies
Feel like empty skies
Where I only cries

Walking on my way
Don't want to stay
The stars are flying
I knew they're falling

Rhythm of the wind
That makes me stop
An empty space road
Where nothing but me
488 · Nov 2016
Finding You
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
You suddenly gone to my world
I can't get you back
I can't reach your hands
You fall suddenly without even noticing

This sadness will never be gone
Pain that devours my mentality
Hoping that someday I can see you
And hoping that you still remember me

I've searched for you in every world
Expecting that  we will be the same before
But in every world, you always die
And never get a chance to touch your face
Just for awhile

I think you forgot about me
As we walk down along the street
passing each other like strangers
Getting afar all the time

Every time  I see you
I look like a bad guy
And you scared about me
Then I realized all of a sudden
That I've lose you again

Why we are like this?
Can we be just you and me in the end?
Why fate keeping us apart?
Why you still afraid of me?

The right time that I've seen you
Its just you and me
Looking each other
Trying to move forward
But you walk away without a reason

Why this world keep us apart
Even our fate are not compatible
Hoping that you remember my face
Hoping that you will remember I was your love
And hoping that you will still
Choose me in the end.
488 · Jan 2017
Inside of me
Irielle Noxis Jan 2017
I've hid myself inside
I left myself indivisible
No one will try
Peaking inside to outside

The ray of light
Glance at my place
Being devoured of darkness
I can't hold on

Being covered by pain
Lying  on my lies
Treated by my nightmares
Woke up on reality

The clouds got dark
The wild sky rage
Showing madness of burden
Suddenly slowly to fall

It washed away inside
A messy and hopeless
Everthing's  gone for reason
And come without reasons
463 · Nov 2016
Dark Illusion
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
Everyone will leave
And everything will be gone
No one can understand
No one will stay
Try to enter
In the end there's no escape
I've been hiding in darkness
Before I've seen the light
Monsters devour me
I forgot who I am
My heart becomes empty
The world seems like a dream
Nothing is true
Its just a illusion
I live in my inner world
World that I can stay for a long time
Waiting for the walls to fall apart
And face what's behind those walls
I can't see anything its just the same
The same before
I think I'm lost
Which way I can find the key
The key that will open the mysterious and cursed door
Cursed door where my twin is inside it
This is not me
This is the ****** monster
I've try my best to compose it , I hope you like it
417 · Nov 2016
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
For some time
I was searching
Don't know where?
Don't know who?

Should I wait?
Should I walk?
Forget about it?
Still want it ?

Where it begins?
Where it ends?
Did it start?
Did it end?

Moments like sun
Bright in mind
But not always
Stay in heart

Did i sleep?
Or just reality?
It fade away
gone for nothing

I'm foreshadowing it
But flashback strike
Where are you?
Where am I?

So much fantasy
Playful imaginations come
Reality breaks you
But i won't
415 · Jan 2017
Beside you
Irielle Noxis Jan 2017
My heart pounds fast
When I am right beside you
I hope this feeling will last
Because I know what I feel is true

It's now faster  than before
Now that you're close to me
And that was when i swore
That I will always make you happy

I know that we probably won't be together
I know it's hard to be torn apart
But you will be here forever
Forever in my  heart
thank you for this poem
383 · Nov 2016
Night Scream
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
Someone's voice I've heard
Trying to open my eyes
A blurry view
Shadow of light

                                Where's that sound came from
                                 I can't hear clearly
                                 Its like a sob
                                 Or its just like a mourn

                                                                      What should i do?
                                                                      I'm just a mere living
                                                                      I can't do things
                                                                      Even to heal wounds

A misery that kills
Slowly deep to your soul
Scream out loud
No one can stop you

                                           Sufferings come nearer
                                            Slowly tortured
                                            Your consciousness will
                                            Be worn out
                                                                                Cut through down
                                                                                The exquisite flesh
                                                                                 Bleed to the fullest
                                                                                 Tear until gone

I'm dizzy
Till the end
I've lost
What I have
374 · Nov 2016
Insights of my dream
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
People just passed you by, and suddenly your just the only one who is left behind. They come and go, tell and broke. Tears that are worthless, even the clouds are crying because it can’t hold the weight. I’m just like a child dreaming that my life would be a fantasy, but there’s no such a thing like that.

I could only see nightmares; dreams are just illusion or even hallucinations that your mind created. Even I woke up its just still the same I’m all alone, so I think I don’t have a place in this world.
Maybe I will just stay in my inner world, world that cannot be seen. A world that I’ve created and I belong to, a dark world I have. The pain that chained up my hands emptiness that blindfold my eyes and despair that tie my feet.

I’ve been tortured in a long time. My lips saying in hopeless, “This is the world works”. If you are weak you’ll die in this cruel world, no one is trustworthy. **** or be killed, eat or be eaten, in order to survive you should have no mercy.

People are just abusing what you have; they are just thief who will steal everything on you. They are wearing the mask of dishonesty, trying to blind you to the truth.

People will confused you to the real thing, I don’t let that kind of people will live in this game world. My silver knife that full of pain and darkness, will stab them deeply to their hearts. I want them to feel that pain that I’ve feel and die in despair.
358 · Nov 2016
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
A blank paper
like my life
An empty space
An useless thing

But I've decided
To write something
Like I've start
To think things

Paper that starts
To fill words
Life that creates
Its own history

I've erased it
That's not word
Forgot the wrong
Place the right

Continue to write
And create thoughts
Start again walking
See the wonderful

Stop for awhile
look for missing
Wait! Just Still
And look around

Take a look
Its done already
Sight seeing view
What a great day!
320 · Nov 2016
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
Through all the time people will
change they will get older and matured, even their feelings will
change for the people they love.

But you should accept it , because people
will love you at first but someday
their feelings will change and they
will find someone who is better than you....

At the end you just the only one left,
left in an empty world, emptiness
that will never be filled again and it
will stay empty and useless...

Once it spilled it will never return
to where it came from, the day that
I am filled and suddenly my
emotions spilled out and I can't feel
any of this like before
It's just like my heart becomes frozen and suddenly
broke into pieces.

I can't blame people , we have
different decisions that we made in
ourselves and we don't have right to
control others decision even its
your love one's . We don't handle
them and we don't have right to decide for them.

If the time comes that people will leave you,
I'm  here to grab you into my world
and show you the real world that
I've been living since  I was born
310 · Jan 2017
Irielle Noxis Jan 2017
Explore and step inside
Choose right or left
Choose what you desire
Please be careful inside

It is a huge
A place of confusion
Where you struggle silently
One act creates way

Puppet controlled by someone
Flow of painful thoughts
Chained up in underworld
Deadly whisper freeze you

Stay in spotless sight
Where you can't stand
Being a bait yourself
A game will begin

Searching for an end
Path of limitless world
Finding a luxury treasure
That never been existed

A bullet that lost
Wall that hardly block
The road to survival
Being yourself won't work

Reincarnate the dead soul
Sharpen your knife slowly
Rise where you stumble
A door will open
271 · Jan 2017
Irielle Noxis Jan 2017
If i was there
It could be change
Like the white clouds
That appear in sky

If i was there
It could not happened
Like the crimson blood
That flow in skin

If I was there
I could not seen
Like the thunder light
That suddenly flash fast

If i was there
I could not feel
Like the chill water
That makes me numb

If i was there
I could not hear
Like a quiet place
That full of miseries

If i was there
I could not walk
Like a little mice
That fell in trap
270 · Jan 2017
Irielle Noxis Jan 2017
As i walk by
Someone caught my attention
I'm glad
I'm in my comfort zone
Someone reached my hand
This is rare!
Human interact to me
I wonder why
I thought no one noticed me

Starting to  know
Starting to walk
Why is this happening?
You interest me
I think your the piece
Your presence obsess me
Why I became like this?
Since when?
Why now?
Can you give me a time?
My mind is full
Can you delete my memories?

I want to have space
Space only reserved for you
And space for new things
Can you hold me?
Can you fix me?
Can you stay with me?
I'm starting to fall
Hold and die
For such a false illusion
Until now
Your magic is just a trick
Nothings surprising
Reap  the last page
So it will be no ending
It stay just you and me
260 · Nov 2016
Distance of ours
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
I feel far away
But i feel you
I fell the love
Through time and wind

Every single moments
Create happiness
Every single message
Create a good day

I wish your here
Here in my arms
Hug you when tired
Hold you when down

Love each other
But distance
Keep us away
From each other

Maybe we should
Love each other
In this way
Long distance love

Sometimes its hard
But its your love
Find way just
To hear each
Other thoughts

Just a little bit
You and me
Will see each other
For the first time
252 · Nov 2016
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
I've heard the whisper of the wind
The sound of nature
The deep blue sea
The wide calm sky

Leaves are slowly falling  off the ground
  A quite harmony that I've never forget
A lullaby that I want to listen always

As is sit beside the seashore
I'm watching the sunset
And waiting the sky to dark

So I can see the beautiful sky that full of stars
Waiting to the shooting star and make a wish
245 · Jan 2017
First Night
Irielle Noxis Jan 2017
An unforgettable scenery
A silent moment
Painting view like
As we watch

You were sleeping
Holding my hands
Leaning your head
Onto my shoulder

I think coincidence?
I haven't try
I'm seeing things
With someone beside

Have you seen?
A few lights
Have you feel?
The cold breeze

The sun sleep
The night appear
A purple sky
Memories from darkness

Before we go
Let me do
My first promise
It happened suddenly

Time was fast
But memories stay
It's the first
Unexpected night happen
236 · Jan 2017
Inside the Box
Irielle Noxis Jan 2017
I've hid myself inside
I left myself indivisible
No one will try
Peaking inside to outside

The ray of light
Glance at my place
Being devoured of darkness
I can't hold on

Being covered of pain
Lying on my lies
Treated by my nightmares
Woke up on reality

The clouds got dark
The dark sky rage
Showing madness of burden
Suddenly slowly to fall

It washed away inside
A messy and hopeless
Everything's gone for reason
And come without reason
236 · Oct 2024
Chilly Night
Irielle Noxis Oct 2024
Sitting on the patio
Beneath the crescent glow,
It casts its silver light
On the quiet below

A chilly night descends,
Escaping the day's rush
Wrapped in a gentle breeze,
In this peaceful hush.

Like the moon above,
Should I fill the empty space,
Or am I just a phase,
In this cool, serene place?
227 · Nov 2016
Ordinary Day
Irielle Noxis Nov 2016
Its too early to know
Light that shine
In a clear sky
Knowing what to do

It suddenly close
It becomes a night
Don't know about it
I can't sense

Chaos that start
A horror view
Water that flow
A cold feeling

Embracing the flaws
Closing the reality
A tense place
Nobody's in there

One step apart
Look back again
Its  a long way
Glimpse of pain

Standing in front line
Look down a bit
Revive something
I'm being killed

I'm awake now
Hands up
Here I go again
Making thoughts

Explore more inside
Learn to listen
Be  a bait
Caught the truth
204 · Jul 2019
Irielle Noxis Jul 2019
Darkness upon you
Might be a poison
That causes isolation
Where you die in collision

Night will pass
But not my class
Poppin clouds
In space blast

Run and stumble
Then you crumble
But yet you gamble
should you be able?

Misty existence with
Soul's absence and
Starless presence of
Your unknown essence
184 · Nov 2018
Unseen World
Irielle Noxis Nov 2018
Begnning of breath
That awakes souls
Startin to grow
In a blurry world

Learning to know
Behind those doors
A stone heart
That breaks itself

Twisted red strings
Just a grasp
The eyes gone
In a nightmare

Lying on lies
Caress by pain
Honey that sweets
Like the end

Shadow of death
Only be with
Until time comes
That I'm unseen

No one knows
When leaves fall
Poison that lure
In hollow darkness
168 · May 2020
Irielle Noxis May 2020
Where we're lost
and left confused

Where we're drowned
by unending doubts

Where we questioned
our life decisions

Where we live
and sleep normally
166 · Nov 2022
Irielle Noxis Nov 2022
Tears falling down
In the face of misery
Tearing apart the wound
Of the past
As I crawl into the mist of despair
I found myself in a maze
Of tragedy
Faded sense of reality
Drains the soul
Of the unknown
166 · May 2020
Irielle Noxis May 2020
I've been tricked
by your scent
Dizzy and fool
in this nightmare

A sweet illusion
that lingers inside
a paradise feeling
taking over me

What to do?
Let's be honest
If it's you
I'll get pricked

Agony and pleasure
pouring down slowly
filling each other
Till we drunk
162 · Nov 2018
Irielle Noxis Nov 2018
Despair that lives
Inside the light
Born by angels
Raised by demons

Seeking in nowhere
But still vague
Lost mere indentity
Nowhere to see

A death wish
In blue space
Where at peace
This crying soul

In this hell
Fallen angels live
Trying to fly
But demons hinder

Drop of blood
Wrapped by pain
Creep of darkness
Gripped by sufferings
158 · Nov 2018
Under the rain
Irielle Noxis Nov 2018
A clear sky
Wide blue space
Unreachable open place
Pleasant picture view

Every quiet step
Made some sense
Every little noise
Makes a word

As it started
To turn grey
Can hear rumbling
A mad strike

A strong silence
Makes you chill
I've eagerly wait
Freedom will come

Shower of clouds
Cold rain drops
Its quiet heavy
But it fell

Beautiful falling sorrow
Soon goes wild
The heartless eyes
That kills innocence
156 · Jul 2019
Irielle Noxis Jul 2019
I'd die empty
In this twenty
There's an entry
To the assembly

You made me a victim
Of your delicate system
I feel the symptoms
Of your existence

Death isn't that bad
When you're inside
Addiction that invades
That insanity of us

Savor the taste
Of this frail soul
Where you can behold
This sweet sole body
148 · Nov 2018
Bloody War
Irielle Noxis Nov 2018
Concealing the inner layer
With this ****** skin
Where I've secretly hid
The lost dead self

Tip of the knife
That kills ones desire
Flowing of crimson dreams
There's no turning back

A deep dark hole
That makes my body whole
You'll hear a howl
Inside this ****** hall

Strangely calm in cage
Life end its page
You'll see hidden rage
War will not age
138 · May 2020
Irielle Noxis May 2020
The Inability to adapt reality is inability to survive life
132 · Jan 2020
Irielle Noxis Jan 2020
Struggling in silence
Holding my breath
Until I grasp
The broken chain

I've been corrupted
By the poison
Of cruelty

Enlightened by demons
As I crawl
Deeper in hell

Embracing the pain
Of every scratch
that they made

They took humanity
And the life
Of an unknown
120 · May 2020
Irielle Noxis May 2020
Hungry for something that you don't have and seeking for it nowhere
117 · Jan 2020
Irielle Noxis Jan 2020
A heartwarming goodness flowing inside me that i cant deny
99 · Nov 2023
Irielle Noxis Nov 2023
In skies above, where dreams are spun,
Soft clouds dance, blocking the sun.
Whispers of mist, a fleeting shroud,
A canvas of sky, in whispers loud.

Pillows of white, on azure blue,
A celestial waltz, forever anew.
They drift and gather, a tranquil crowd,
Painting tales in the sky, untold.

Cottony wisps, in an endless race,
Chasing horizons, with gentle grace.
Rainbow hues in their folds endowed,
A symphony of nature, playing loud.

So gaze upon this celestial art,
As clouds weave stories from the start.
In the vast expanse, a beauty avowed,
The poetry of the sky, in a cloud.
68 · Sep 2024
The Echo of Being
Irielle Noxis Sep 2024
Sitting on a plastic chair beneath the burning noon,

Music fills the air like a distant, hollow tune.

I drift between the realms of dreams and stark realities,

Intoxicated by the mysteries, yet bound by sober ties.

Am I but a thought that lingers in the night,
Or do I truly exist in this fleeting light?
59 · Jan 2020
3:40 PM
Irielle Noxis Jan 2020
As  i hear the ticking of the clock
I'm watching you fading in my grasp
Like water in my hands
The clouds in the sky
And the tears in my eyes
25 · 6h
Plate of I
The once I was, so fragile and glass,
Carrying a plate, unfilled and vast.
Piercing gazes of wanderers adored,
Curdled like milk where love was stored.

Oh heavens, I am banished, for I cannot give the flesh,
Trapped in this emptiness, soul left to thresh.
The hunger unquenched on this forsaken plate,
As they vociferate Lucifer in this desolate state.

Stripped of all I could have claimed,
The broken pieces bleed the void,
And it swallows whole, consuming still
The soul that once was pure.

But does the void drink the blood that it spills,
Or does it hunger for something still?
Does it whisper of what was, or laugh as it feeds,
Or is it simply my voice, echoing needs?

Is it the plate that shapes what I am to be,
Or am I still I, even when set free?
Was I the plate, the feast, the giver,
Or merely hunger made to wither?

If I am not the vessel, then what remains,
A ghost of a banquet, or echoes of names?
And if I was never enough to consume,
Was I meant to be devoured or meant to exhume?

If I shatter, do I cease to exist,
Or am I reborn in the slivers that twist?
If nothing is left, then what was the cost,
Was I ever whole, or just something lost?

If absence is endless, can it be filled,
Or does it stretch until time is stilled?
If the void stares back, does it recognize me,
Or does it reshape me, nameless and free?

If I gather the pieces, do they still fit,
Or was I never meant to commit?
If the feast was a lie, was the hunger real,
Or was I just meant to kneel?

And if I kneel, does that mean I remain,
Or was I never here to begin with?

— The End —