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I am myself Apr 2014
He loved her
She left him
He tried to fight
But ended up giving in

She loved him
He ran away
Now neither knows
If she'll be ok

He loved her
She cut out his heart
He can't trust
Doesn't know where to start

They all say its love
But thats where I disagree
Love is not giving in
Not running not hurting the other

Love is something you work for
It is hard
And you have to fight for it
You can't give up

If it is really love
You don't forsake it
It isn't fickle
A whim will not change it

You will be loyal
Stay faithful
Put your lovers needs
Ahead of everything

Sometimes you think it is over
Sometimes you wish it would end
But you know
That it is meant to be
Not written in the stars
Not fated
But a choice you made
A choice that you make
So choose wisely
Because saying I love you
Is a promise
Integrity says always keep your promises
So be a person of integrity
Fight for your love
You made that promise
That pledge
Now uphold it
I am myself Apr 2014
The old tree stood
Dead on the inside
Going more hollow
With every storm
And every creature
To dig the hole deeper
That leaves when it grows weary
Of something as dull
As a dead empty tree
I am myself Mar 2014
I am empty
And only you fill me

I am hollow
And I ache for you

Every silence
Laden with unspoken meaning
Brings me pain

It's a dull grief
That tears a hole
Ripping out my heart

Or the little pieces
That you left
Broken in me
So long ago

I can't love
But you
You have all my love
I am myself Feb 2014
I am a terrible student
I can't focus
I rarely study
If I know an answer I don't know how

I am a terrible employee
I get angry at customers
I'm not always in a good mood
And I've made a target of myself

I am not a good daughter
I've lied
And I start fights and argue all the time

I am a good friend
There is nothing I wouldn't do for a friend
I would drop anything
And run to help a friend

I am a good girlfriend
I'll kiss you when you are sick make you better
Do whatever you want
Anything to be with you

I am a good sister
I will beat up a **** who messes with you
I will tell you when you're being stupid
And I'll do everything I can to make you smile

I am a good Aunt
I tell the kiddos how the Doctor keeps away the monsters
I hold them when they cry
And kiss away the booboos

I may not be good
Not all the way through
But parts of me are
And that is who I am
I am myself Feb 2014
It's always me
My fault
I know it's not
Not really
Yet I apologize

You are the one
The one at fault
You apologize
But it's hollow
So I beg forgiveness

I did everything right
You took the good
And broke it
I lie alone
So so sorry

You are an addiction
And no matter what
I always come back
You hurt me
So I comfort you

You are the sun
I guess I am
So when you are gone
I am left in darkness

I get so angry
Furious in fact
Torn to pieces
Yet I apologize
I'm sorry

Saddest thing?
I really mean it
I beg for forgiveness
For a crime that isn't mine
Pardon me

Forgive me
I am truly
So very sorry
Pardon my anger
Please don't leave me

I am irrevocably yours
Without you...
The world loses color
So I'll mend the tear
With an apology
I am myself Jan 2014
I'm sleep deprived
And emotionally

Things either hurt
So so much
I can't feel them

I can't cry
My feelings have
Dried up
Like dust in the wind

My body
Doesn't even
Feel pain
Not anymore

All I am
All I can feel
Even in my soul
Is tired
I am myself Jan 2014
This isn't healthy
I shouldn't crave
Not a craving like munchies
Or the random urge for something
My every fiber
Is starving for you

With you there is no pain
The problems go away
It's bliss
I relax
I can breathe

When I don't have you
You are all that
Fills my mind
I go insane
I can feel
So much pain

But you're gone
You have no feelings
Why should mine matter
The ache comes back
Blooming into a roaring flame
I can't handle this pain
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