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15/F/India    Just a girl wanting to be heard by poetry cause no one else listens
Baker, sailor, no candle-stick maker / copper, scientist, care-worker who’s / been a priest, teacher, chaplain, all former / husband, dad, lifeboatman too! // What …
Liú'Jiāwén   -  刘嘉文
58/跟随你的心    Just an old soul. Emotionally exhausted, lost; perhaps broken. Just trying to find balance and peace in an unforgiving world. 跟随你的心
F    poem spree, except I ramble on. notes app warrior.
22/M/south africa    Heya im Thyreez! (Thy for short if ya want.) I Hope a blessed day for you. An aspiring writer and a person just looking for …
Paul Phifer-Deratany
15/M/Los Angelas, CA    Hey! I'm just a teenager just wanting to share out my poems that I wrote over the past years from my journal. Most of my …
Syafie R
23/M/Malaysia    Syafie R. writes with raw emotion, exploring the fragile balance between healing and inner turmoil. His poems delve into the quiet spaces of the soul, …
Jeremy Betts
42/M/Washington State   
38/F    Instagram:@adeline.c.poetry
F/Wandering    I'm an author, an artist, a collector, and a Victorian at heart. I write on a typewriter with a peg leg. I can be a …
28/M    Physicist who happens to love poetry.
F/daydreams    artist / writer / poet? / aspiring medical professional / climate activist
18/F    An 18 year old wanna be poet wishes to have her words heard and felt .Poetry gives her a sense of individuality and purpose that …
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
I just recently found poetry for myself and want to share some of my work (:
Myriad of fantasy worlds    Daydreamer always; Praise Jesus; Not all those who wander are lost; Somehow everything at once and nothing at all
13/F/NJ/silently screaming    I'm just a 13 yo girl who wants to share some of her thoughts with a world of like-minded people. I have a skin-picking disorder, …

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