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1.7k · Oct 2015
Hulk Smash
IV4 Oct 2015
I am alone now
Waiting for the hulk to break pound smash
My ******* is banging
Where is my hulk
I have a pulse
Inside my *******
I will have to satisfy the need myself
My fingers are my best asset
Only they know how to move across my lips
Those lips contain my vaginal juices
The hair on my ***** preventing the *** inside from dripping onto my sheets
I beg
I tighten
I moan
I quiver
I finish
Sorry you didn't.
959 · Oct 2015
Stay away
IV4 Oct 2015
Girl, stay away from my man!
im sick of your so called innocent charm
if you touch him again,
I will break your ****** arm.

You know I can do it
and baby I promise you
breaking your bones is something
I would truly love to do

He is my man
you need to get that message
through your thick little head
I wont **** you but you might wish you were dead

Yes he's tall, yes hes handsome
has a body to **** for
he's sweet he's ****,
and he belongs to me
Stay away or I'll break your bones
and baby I'll do it with the greatest glee!

I think I've made it clear
this man belongs to me
yes of course you can look
but not if I can see!
695 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
The forbidden one touches my soul.
Passion unbridled
Secret love
Faster faster, let it go
The forbidden one touches my soul
Sinful touch
Blissful lust
Seductive allure
Thoughts impure
Pounding flesh
Body unrest
Ecstasy reached
Lines breached
The forbidden one touches my soul
683 · Oct 2015
my life
IV4 Oct 2015
I feel so strong in my faith
The possibilities are endless
I lower my head in shame of my past, only knowing
Its the the same place my head is when I'm praying
I fall,to my knees knowing that its the same place I'm at when I'm begging
I cry
I feel so tempted
And try
Guess he doesn't like me
Who cares
I thought my problems were in my feelings
Or lack thereof
So I supplemented smiling
With drinking
Only to find out ultimately
That the flesh is far more powerful than my heart
Especially when he has tattoos,and a smile I talk about more than I see
So I'm living stronger in knowing I can overcome this
Because I'm living daily
Without what is making me
Knowing soon I'll find what
God has left for me
And find the one with expectations I can also meet
I lay here daydreaming
Suffocating yet again
Trying to catch my breath
Like I wish I could my sin
So I wouldn't have to ask for forgiveness tomorrow
he doesn't call, I don't care
Or do I
Seems I write,talk,and wine
About it
More than the **** I'm trying to give up
Me without a blunt
I know it seems impossible
So does not taking a self injected shot of hyper activity, and I've made it ten months thus far
I'm forever rushing my pain
To get to the feeling of unworthy,so that I know its a delusion brought forth by the possibility of failure
And when Christ strengthens my weakness
To fail is just a thought wanting him more like a wish,And I realize in this world full of problems
I'm not the worst fish
I learn daily,silently listen
As often as allowed
And when its too quite
I look up from falling and reach for the hands that have absorbed my pain
While lifting me away
from this valley
in the bottom
of my self grown Eden
my forbidden fruit
Would taste delicious
In a pie, I'm sure of it
632 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
Man! Answer the phone
I know U woke
Ur *** isn't sleep
Man U bout to feel this poke
Man wake ur *** up
Cuz ***** I want to talk!
U did this to me, WAKE UP!
This some bull, isn't my fault!
U've spoiled me *****
Given me a good piece of u
I can't back off but I can't go forward!
All I do is ******* think of u.....
Last night I had a fine man
only thing on my mind was ***
But I swear all I kept seeing was U,
I had to make dude leave, NEXT!
for Korey, my best friend
550 · Oct 2015
I am a woman
IV4 Oct 2015
I am a woman.  

I am a woman  
a breathing work of art
I have the power to enchant you  
with a simple husky laugh
I have the power to pull you in  
by a gesture or a phrase  

I am a woman  
I am vulnerable sometimes
yet still I find the strength to mingle laughter with my tears
to stand tall in the face of what I fear

I am a woman and the world has said  
that I must be tall and lanky  
and Have a million mile legs  

I am a woman  
I laugh to loud  
eat chicken wings  
and play in in mud puddles sometimes  

I am a woman  
I am me.
521 · Oct 2015
Grow Up Mila
IV4 Oct 2015
A change within yourself.
Another way of saying it?
Growing up.
Our clothes change,
Our bodies change,
Our preferences change,
Things get harder,
And it *****.
Remember playing in the playground?
Now you're probably on Facebook.
Or you might be one of those people who still play Mindcraft.
Change isn't always for the best.
So if you don't like it,
Don't whine.
There's no other thing to do,
But to live with it.
So shut up.
Grow up.
511 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
491 · Nov 2015
He asked what I want...
IV4 Nov 2015
I want your body
Lay it on top of me
I want your body
To be free with me

Kiss me
Kiss me all over
Every inch
Every inch of me lover

Taste me
Don't be nice
Taste me
All the way to paradise

Eat me
To your heart's content
Eat me
Your daily nourishment

Penetrate me
Slow and deep
Penetrate me
Until I fall asleep

In your arms....
465 · Oct 2015
No Title....
IV4 Oct 2015
I can't stay away
I can't stop thinking
If the way we were
**** my heart jeeps sinking
Into my stomach
And down in my soul
I ******* like u
And this feeling isn't getting old......
I'm tired of running
I'm tired of holding it
I'm sick of these love songs
Making my desire for u stronger.
My mind keeps racing
My heart beating fast
My **** is pulsing
Will this be the last
The last of my wondering
Me wishing and craving for u
Me moaning and grinding
Wishing I could bust it on u.
458 · Oct 2015
System Baby
IV4 Oct 2015
***** baby, though the womb
of a strung out street *****.
Bought into this world two months early,
Tiny, sickly and weak.

Machine baby, though the tube
You breathe, gasping for each small breath.
Locked in your smooth clear tomb,
veins of the machine to sustain life.

Burden baby, just a bill to the hospital,
left by alley cat *****.
she slinks back into night
her home the streets,
There the drug is waiting to embrace her.

Forgot baby, left in a plastic case,
No human touch to easy your pain.
Not a word of comfort spoken.

Gone baby, stolen by death,
left this world of pain,
only two week old, not tear shed

Did you go to better place?
441 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015




So don't ignore it!
400 · Oct 2015
For Mr. Rob Dowdy
IV4 Oct 2015
I cant be UR girl
CUZ I got **** on my mind
its all a game
and I want it all the time

U said U could handle
my large appetite
But I'm starting to see
UR putting up a lil fight....

I just wanna **** it
and maybe spit on it
lick on it, bite it
make love to it

U can't handle this *****
I'm sure it's too much
Stop ****** playing
and let me come ****.....
388 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
Silent tongues scream out,
Proudly begging to be heard,
Distorted grins hide ignorance,
Sanity wavers from a beautiful word.

Heavy thoughts burn minds,
Shadows hide the sunny day,
Sweet pain releases frustrations,
Endless suffering fades away.
385 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
A bad old ***** will swallow ***** quick:
At one great gulp; and then have it again,
Sometimes splashed on her – a diverting *****
Will not confound her ever, even when
At night fall, in the shadows, hair held tight
And jaws unclenched, by his force pressing in,
She buries all her pleasure and delight;
Subsumed to his excitement, she’ll begin
To drink his dank *** in to fill her throat,
For a brief while, to keep him quite content:
She, crouched and waiting, eager for the coat
Of viscous slime, on which she is hell bent,
Not caring for the texture, but the itch
That motivates a bad, old thirsty *****.
375 · Oct 2015
angry/not a poem
IV4 Oct 2015
So word is u going around saying u used me and u cool with it!!!!! makes me question, what is loyalty?????? Boy I fed u, I bathe U, I housed U, I took care of dare U come to me with bad intention....then u up and leave me when I need U the add insult to injury U wanted me to **** our baby! U turned ur back in us....U failed me when I held u up................I hate U for that. U'd rather want someone like her. Someone loud like the **** we smoked, someone expensive like what drank every Friday and Saturday night. U and me in my house. U wanted someone easy, like it was so easy to whisper in my ear. U made me believe that U loved me. U lead me to believe that U was 100. I supported ur dreams and I cared about ur thoughts. I kept ur secrets, I never turned on u, and I never will. U lied to me and played ur girl. U took my heart and ripped it open for the world to see, now I am a angry poet.
369 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
Self made beast I smiled you smiled back looked away you stabbed me I loved you you cheated I forgave you you revenged I wept bitterly sought comfort you used me fragile empty heart betrayed murdered inside I wish I can move on your words dance in my head memories too cold days too bitter a beast I shall become your head my lunch.
331 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
The Flame we shared atop of the candle
Wiped out by the cold winter days of our arguing
No longer provides the light I used to see in you
The light that drew me to your delicate ways
Now hardened and forgotten
A piece of coal mistaken for a diamond
Picked before it could ripe
Instead of the sweet nectar of love, we watched as it rotted
day by day, I love you less and less
The passion is gone, a lost cause among a sea of doubt,
Excuse my hardened nature for why we must part
A relationship turned to Beauty-less art
I can not bear the thought of the time wasted
Take what I have given, a chance to love
And to be truly loved in return

Do you understand?...
That MY heart belongs to another man
I’ve longed to discover another way to tell you
But as time passed, I could no longer take it
I could no longer lie to a innocent man
Caught between a woman and her soul’s desire to truly love, herself
Take my deepest sorrow as I’ve wasted your time too
Precious seconds, never to be redeemed again
I only hope that you may salvage a relationship at all
Oh how I see the hatred flowing through your body
Burning with the desire to end my happiness, my life,
Because I have destroyed yours
So hate me for now, I deserve it
But, just know, that was never my intention

You are not my lover any longer, but you have played your part in my life
As I have done in yours
The curtain closes on some plays earlier than expected
Ours slammed shut, so fast. So violently
we just didn’t heed notice, Until it was too dark to see
that we were hurting each other more holding on,
than letting go and parting ways.

Two roads diverging, with separate futures awaiting
Mistakes to be made, and choices to be chosen
I’ve chosen life with him
But your eyes desire death for me
I fear your choice is to take my breath
Linger it in your hands and watch as I hopelessly die
Much how you believe I’ve done with your heart
But your love was simply incompatible with mine
May your heart one day mend with the thread of another
With this kiss, I dismiss all heart’s wonder
306 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
Where do we go from here?
I can't believe that you are not near..
You're the cause of my every tear,
loosing you was my every fear....

The remarkable feeling of your touch,
the blessed feeling of your love,
The thought of believing you,
the things we have been through,
all my cherished memories have vanished...

I was wrong to trust you,
I was wrong to believe when you said
that I was your dreams for your future...

Was she worth loosing me?
How blind could you be?
Your desire was to deceive me,
to degrade my love that I gave you...

Look deep inside your soul,
I was the one who remained by your side,
In return all you did was lied...

I was never prepared for you too cheat me out...
Now as I lay here alone
I realize that you're gone forever
Forgetting you will be never..
303 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
I'm not a writer
I never pretended to be but I wish I was
I want to put on paper the feelings in my soul
I want to express them in a beautiful way
However dark and angry they may be
I have read many poems on this site
I will probably never be so great
But what I do know is that I have a lot to say
I want to share my thoughts with the world
Regardless of how poorly written
289 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
crucify me upside down      
on Lucifer's spiked ****      
taking Him down my throat      
impaling my intestines      
with His forked member      
drinking demonic *****      
I spit the bloodied truth      
from the pit below      
my eyes cherry red      
fed the secrets of the ******      
they **** my soul      
entering roughly        
blackness pours forth      
I want to bathe you        
in the acidic waters      
of my lust for evil incarnate      
it washes over me      
like dark death      
enters all of my orifices      
*******, torturing      
making me writhe and moan  
there is a man walking among us      
scythe in hand      
carving his dark art        
on the tender folds of my ***** lips      
making me cream out desire for him      
chained to him from the nether world      
I submit willingly      
this is his dominion        
dark overlord      
he sees this demoness      
in his periphery        
invoking legion      
to make me ***      
on hands and knees      
awaiting my punishment        
for being so weak      
manacled to the rack      
he enters my bloodied ****      
pounding out his hunger
with carnal, primal need      
his message is clear      
***** you will obey me      
I see and know you      
crucified on Lucifer's cross      
you are mine
dedicated to my lover
264 · Oct 2015
IV4 Oct 2015
I hate that laugh. I hate that smile.
I hate that voice. Begging me to stay awhile.
I hate how you make me feel.
And the way you say my name.
I hate that look you give to me.
I hate that I'm to blame.
I hate the way you make me hurt.
And the way you make me cry.
I hate the way I let you close.
And how you tare me inside.
I hate the way we fight.
I hate how we grew apart.
I hate your attitude.
I hate how I let you break my heart.
I hate a lot of things about you.
Especially because I could never hate you

— The End —