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Jun 2021 · 246
Cheryl Jun 2021
“You’re perfect
You’re perfect
You’re perfect
You’re not”
All these beautiful things negated by complications
I need to be worth the skinned knees and bloodied lips it takes to get to me, I didn’t ask to be up this steep incline, I’m sorry for the trip, I’m sorry it’s hard
Oct 2020 · 159
Cheryl Oct 2020
Close enough
Is close enough
Feb 2020 · 184
Cheryl Feb 2020
I never know how to take you
So I just take you anyhow
Apr 2019 · 276
casting circles
Cheryl Apr 2019
I've been accused of witchcraft
by others, you're not the first
as if there has to be something magical
about what I do to you..
because how could it be
that I make you happy?
I feel like it's a backhanded compliment?
Apr 2019 · 841
careful, careful
Cheryl Apr 2019
If it's that fragile
then let it break
I want strong
Apr 2019 · 270
Cheryl Apr 2019
I want to love you
and be yours and know what that feels like
today I got lost in the thought of kissing you
and that hasn't happened in so long...

but then the panic attacks
start in the shower
and I'm scared
and you might go away
you might

I have to trust that maybe
you won't
but it has to be okay
that you might
risky business, this romance thing.  Why does one random thing said in a hardware store, or one sideways glance, make me trip and fall so freaking easily...I hate that but I so love it too! :)
and this was wine induced so really just random thoughts, not really much more lol
Mar 2019 · 332
still in pieces
Cheryl Mar 2019
You know how
a shattered windshield
will keep it's shape
even when it's in a million pieces?
Are we all kind of like that?
thought I was doing okay...
Feb 2019 · 720
Cheryl Feb 2019
they're nice boys
don't mean me any harm
I'm probably the not nice one
offering something I never intend to give
something I don't even think I have
maybe they know I don't have it
see the emptiness in my eyes
hear it in my voice
maybe we're both hoping we can find it
somewhere in there
help me dig
Feb 2019 · 195
Fill 'er up
Cheryl Feb 2019
I kiss lips
and lips
and lips
I touch bodies
and bodies
and bodies
and I'm still empty
even you couldn't fill me

I must be self service
Feb 2019 · 170
Cheryl Feb 2019
both of them
have the same tattoo

it's not that I like my boys
but rather men who know
that they can break
and put themselves back together again
I always love getting to know new people, their stories
Jan 2019 · 205
Cheryl Jan 2019
There are days
it feels like
my life
is just a string of apologies
Jan 2019 · 270
Cheryl Jan 2019
He likes to do things that scare him.

Like me for instance.
Just, you know, EEEEEE! :) feeling happy with something new
Jan 2019 · 407
Cheryl Jan 2019
Floating in and swimming out
begging the tide to do its thing
afraid it just might
again with the water lol
Dec 2018 · 992
nothing in or out
Cheryl Dec 2018
I think I finally understand
But I don't think we build them ourselves... we're just walled in, like our own  personal version of the Cask of Amontillado
Dec 2018 · 286
debt collection
Cheryl Dec 2018
Every word has a price tag,
every discussion a receipt

I'm not sure I'm ready to pay what I might have to pay to say what I say but it needs said.

I take a deep breath then I look at your face
are you my opponent or my friend
sometimes I can't tell.

One of us has to come out on top
one is paying and one is collecting and
I'm not ready to pay.
Dec 2018 · 160
anticipation, finally
Cheryl Dec 2018
Fresh page, fresh year
I've scrolled down to a white screen
Fingers on keys
Ready to strike
Can't wait to see what happens next
Nov 2018 · 191
don't ask why
Cheryl Nov 2018
can't sleep
my head full of him again
so I pull up the link
hear you quietly singing Molly into my ear
strumming your guitar
and it makes me smile
I think you might be the answer
at least you might
and that's enough for now
once more into the fray? Feeling brave, and also scared. Too soon, I know.
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
art pain
Cheryl Nov 2018
There are worse things
than a broken heart
but to a romantic
to a poet soul
it's fuel, it's fodder
we keep scratching the scab off
and fingerpainting in the pool of our own blood
still working on closing the wound..
Nov 2018 · 319
Cheryl Nov 2018
the roots reaching down for water
blindly seeking it out in the dark
the sprouts reaching up for light
stretching toward it as it moves
I am reaching, stretching
in the dark and the light
and it feels so good
Nov 2018 · 531
Cheryl Nov 2018
you were an education
that I'm still paying for
Nov 2018 · 166
drink you
Cheryl Nov 2018
so hot you're almost steaming
dark and brooding
I love how you fill my mouth
as you tickle the back of my throat
you taste a little sweet
and a little spicy if I'm honest
that flavor that I've never found anywhere else
I hold you in my hands
I feel your heat, your possibility
I wrap my body around you
and take you in
get your minds out of the gutter.. it's coffee...
Nov 2018 · 187
ready or not
Cheryl Nov 2018
full disclosure
I hold some secrets
full disclosure
I don't think I'm ready for this.

But your ghost ship
tempts me beyond all reason
and I have permission to board
eh, it makes sense to me.. ready for the weekend! ;)
Nov 2018 · 256
future unsure
Cheryl Nov 2018
I was sure of you, sure of this and now it's a past thing
a thing that isn't my now or my tomorrow.

My tomorrow is wavering ahead of me in the distance
like a hot highway melting into the sun.

Nothing takes shape, it's all liquid and shifting images
but future so bright...
Nov 2018 · 149
Cheryl Nov 2018
strange creature, this hope
it creeps up behind you
and tickles your spine
you swat it away
but like a determined cat
it winds around your ankles
demanding your attention
Nov 2018 · 190
under the big top
Cheryl Nov 2018
Swinging on the trapeze
the crowd below calling out
telling me not to grab his hands so quickly
learn to fly on my own
but I need hands to hold onto
even if they are new
and I don't recognize the feel of them
Oct 2018 · 315
The D
Cheryl Oct 2018
I don't want the D
but I need the D
I think
it's big and scary and hard
It's just there, my fingers brushing over it
I can't seem to make myself..
it's just the D
but it makes love turn into loveD
I'm afraid it's past tense now
just being dorky, which is of course my natural state
Oct 2018 · 160
24 hours
Cheryl Oct 2018
I made it that far
did not reach out
stretching further all the time
I'm getting better
bit by bit
giving up your drug
hit by hit
Oct 2018 · 627
Cheryl Oct 2018
Have you taken my robe from the hanger
my lotion from the bedside table
my toothbrush from the cabinet
the owl mug, things that were mine
things that remind you
have you erased me
or do you remember
bodies intertwined
you sitting across from me in the hospital lobby
my hair in your hands
**** this hurts, I won't lie
Oct 2018 · 309
Cheryl Oct 2018
validation in a right swipe
finding maybes
finger on glass, left left left
I can't find what I'm looking for
because I know right where it is
Oct 2018 · 256
Cheryl Oct 2018
up there in the dark
every movement is honest
my heart's wide open
Oct 2018 · 180
plans to forget
Cheryl Oct 2018
I don't know where you are right now
but I can see your face, the way you push your hair back
I love your face
and I don't know
maybe I shouldn't, maybe I should be trying to forget
and I will later today
try I mean
and try to forget that tonight I should be wrapped in your arms, in your bed
but right now I'm thinking of your face and how lovely you are
Oct 2018 · 429
insomnia haiku
Cheryl Oct 2018
I just realized
I can't remember the sound
of your ******
time does really smooth over everything like a fat little stone..
Oct 2018 · 293
treading time
Cheryl Oct 2018
are you changeable, oscillating
do you have moments of bliss
others of dark insecurity
interspersed with stretches of blank indifference?
Or is that just me?

We are in uncharted territory
and my cartography skills are lacking
do we blindly forge ahead or go back
do I trust the bliss or the indifference
I feel the deep sea pressure of time
why do we think we can afford to wait?
Oct 2018 · 199
just sex
Cheryl Oct 2018
you say I'm forward
as opposed to backward I suppose
upside down, right side up
but I just need to get lost

not think about to do lists
and appointments
and IEPs
and solving the mental health riddles
of these people I've created

I want to feel like I'm normal

so let me get lost, forward and backward
in your bed or my bed, your skin and my skin
I need to not think about tomorrow
Oct 2018 · 157
that song from Rent
Cheryl Oct 2018
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
in my head before I can collect my thoughts
a timer, tick tock, tick tock
my life the hands on a clock
moving faster now

why do I care
I'm getting what I came for
I don't get to decide when, I never did
song stuck in my head, it's hopeful, I'm hopeful, just realizing time is short :)
Oct 2018 · 196
Speak your truth
Cheryl Oct 2018
Speak your truth, like it's easy, like it wants to crawl up your throat and jump from your mouth, to splatter and splash everyone and everything
Speak your truth, like you do, like you will, let it soak through your skin like so much sweat
It's not easy to open, to pull back the sheet metal, your hands will blister and bleed, but pull through the fear, because you're there underneath, dressed only in your truth
Cheryl Aug 2018
That's my job, it's what I do
assign a number to your pain
to get a bill paid
like that's all it is, a number

But I'm happy to use that code
instead of another
that you made it somehow
to tell the doctors
you regretted it the moment you did it
and they all say that

this isn't the right job for me, I take a bit too long
because when I read things like your story
I have to stop, take a sip of my coffee
close my eyes
and think of where you are, which room, which bed
and send you thoughts and energy and anything I can muster
I don't believe in things like that
but it's the only thing I can do

I'll always remember the sister
asking if he'll play guitar again
not understanding what brain dead is
I read too many poems about suicide, I'm pulling for you all.. I get how ****** up this life can be, how unfair and stupid and pointless. But as your words show, it can also be brilliant and beautiful.
(and ignore my taking a bit of poetic license with the ICD10 because of course that code is used either way really, it's just if the patient doesn't make it usually the cause of death is the primary diagnosis..)
Aug 2018 · 245
love logic
Cheryl Aug 2018
I'm a self flagellator with a long
I collect my whips carefully
with painful precision
I love you like a poet
you love me like a mathematician
Aug 2018 · 295
do you remember that night?
Cheryl Aug 2018
I remember that night
mouth dry, my stomach a lava lamp
the words bubbling up to my mouth
I asked you to marry me
and you said yes
but on further reflection
it turned into no

I reach for your hand first
Said I love you first
But I always do
Life is complicated
and we're not 22

so I keep coming by
complicate me to uncomplicate you
hoping you'll finally see what I do
feels like it's ending, which may be for the best? time will tell I guess...
Aug 2018 · 473
Cheryl Aug 2018
French fries with mayonnaise
Taking off shoes just to put them on again
Listening to the Cure
Wondering where that girl went

I keep going the wrong way
am I too far gone to change direction jimmying locks, trying doors
more closed than open now
Aug 2018 · 163
wishy washy
Cheryl Aug 2018
I'm not sure which is true
Those days I don't care or
These days that I do

Are all those kisses
Trying to convince me
Or trying to convince you
Aug 2018 · 213
love language haiku
Cheryl Aug 2018
You say "I love you"
I say baby, I'm lonely
Lost in translation
Aug 2018 · 192
Cheryl Aug 2018
Where's your head at
(song stuck in my head)
Where my head is at
this rabbit hole of upside down thinking
What does it feel like to go crazy?
Do we get warnings or just ****** through
like the air we're made of
this tenuous hold on reality, on normal
how close we are to being un, ab
Aug 2018 · 325
Swimming lessons
Cheryl Aug 2018
synchronized drowning it looks like swimming
it looks like I'm treading, it looks like I'm living
I seem light but I'm heavy
an anchor in hiding
and the only thing you'll get
by swimming in my vicinity
is pulled under with me
Cheryl Aug 2018
With an underlying impotence
Fists clenched but nowhere to throw the punch
Turning it inward
Darkness growing like an oil spill
I feel like there's more but this has been sitting there unfinished for a while.. so I'm calling it finished :)
Jul 2018 · 218
writer's block
Cheryl Jul 2018
staring at the blank page until it envelopes everything
the words stopped up at the faucet
Watching the hands chase each other but they never get tired.
Fall winds rattling windows but they can't shake the words from my head out to my fingertips..
instead the thoughts bounce around each other until nothing makes sense
Jul 2018 · 203
Merry go round in dreams
Cheryl Jul 2018
there are those days
when you feel like you're holding on
to the cold metal rail on a merry go round
like the ones from an old playground
someone pushing it faster and faster
and you feel like you could let go and just fly away
but you hold on
because flying away is scary
who knows where you'll land
so you hold on, laughing and screaming
like it's actually fun and not terrifying
extra points if you remember the song..
Jul 2018 · 238
Cheryl Jul 2018
I bought two porch chairs
When I only needed one
Hope springs eternal
Jul 2018 · 245
Cheryl Jul 2018
I love when it's sweaty and hot and heated
and I can taste it on your lips
when skin slips and moves against skin like it's not even skin but a slippery eel of a person
like it's not the outside of both sliding against each other but the insides, the good stuff, the real stuff
slipping and slapping against the other as it tries to metamorphose and become the one thing it's always wanted to be
not the separate thing that keeps being separate and slipping away
I'd had a bit of wine.. and it's hot
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