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Gaffer Apr 2016
5 am you woke me up, to meditate.

I thought someone had died, someone had, me.

It was the ultimate time, you said.

Looking down, I had to disagree.

Can you feel the energy, she said.

I can’t feel myself, go away.

This is a window of opportunity she said.

There was a window.

Let us breathe she said.

This had never happened before, nutcase  came to mind.

What is your mantra she said.

What is my name I said.

No, you have to reach out, draw in the energy.

I am going to reach out, it won’t be pretty.

Let me take you on a journey, join me.

I’ll phone you a taxi, blast, it’s your house, I’ll phone me a taxi.

If we connect the *** will be out of this world.

Okay, through the delirium I heard the S word

Mmmm feel it, Mmmm, feel it, Mmmm, can you feel it.

I can definitely feel something.

It’s getting stronger, we are one.

We definitely are.

We must connect.

We definitely must.

Before my husband comes off the nightshift.

Thought I heard the H word there.

Let us be one.

Let us wind back to the husband.

He is but a component in time.

What time does this component come home at.

Six, but it’s okay, he’s gay.

Thought I heard the G word there.

He likes to join in, which can be a pain.

When you say join in, what do you mean.

In the mantra, he likes to join in in the mantra.
Gaffer Aug 2018
How many ******* times had that mirror lied.
Just stood there and blatantly lied.
Probably laughed it's ******* head off
How many times did that mirror scream
You look ******* hot, girl
If those **** could talk
They would be shouting
I’m all yours
But he ain't
He’s off with a ******* librarian
Who the **** jumps a librarian
Every guy demands a *****
You marry librarians
That’s all you do
She would show him
******* sophistication
She would show him sophistication
Short skirts became dress suits
Blonde to black
She just oozed power
Stood across from him
Gazing into his soul
He kept glancing at her
Sensing the challenge
Sensing victory
She played with him
Feigning indifference
Getting into his head
Pushing all the right buttons
The mirror laughed
Like it knew
How the game would ensue
You marry librarians
That’s all you do...
Gaffer Nov 2015
Sunday.        The mirror spoke.    You’re weak.

Monday.        The mirror spoke.    Self loathing.

Tuesday.       The mirror spoke.    Self pitying.

Wednesday. The mirror spoke.    Asking Him.

Thursday.      The mirror spoke.    Telling him.

Friday.           The mirror spoke.    Power in his hand.

Saturday.       The mirror spoke.    (                          )
Gaffer Mar 2016
Sensual day on the life trip she searches
The walk through broken glass accentuates the rare pleasure of disappointment
She checks the mirror for past reflective glories
Empty cradle tells no lies
Search for man like the rarest fruit
Search for the perfect man, gold lined
The planets look good, aligned
Princess in search of Prince
Admirers fall by her side
But not the right admirer, yet
The enchanted waits
Planets shifting
Time is of the essence
He comes
Pleasure is all his, for a time
Life blood flows
The signs are good
Exsanguinated, ecstasy passed
The mirror screams as new life bears fruit
The planets crash
She sleeps
The empty cradle rocks
The planets lay dormant
A slight flicker
The mirror reflects
Rejuvenated, she seeks
The trip brings gifts bearing
Conquest, boasts young blood in thought
Dreamlike fading in sensual pleasure
The cradle rocks
The planets grow angry
The mirror soothes in the night
New journey begins as planets align.
Gaffer Mar 2015
Will you let it go
C'mon trust me
Trust you?
Yes I won't let you down
I'd rather jump out of an airplane without a parachute  and hope for the best, than trust you
Think we’re getting a bit melodramatic again
Do you see a sign on my head that says, kick here
I just see the woman I love
Did you see me when you were in bed with my sister
Think I explained  that scenario
Yes, and I’ve heard it called many things before, but never a scenario
You know your sister's trying to get pregnant
I’m quite aware of that, that’s why she has a husband
I know that silly, but he’s a foreigner
What's that got to do with it
It doesn’t operate in this country
What, what do you mean
Isn't it obvious, he comes from the other side of the world
So ****** what
Jesus woman, do I need to spell it out for you
Yes, spell it out, cause you’ve sure got me confused
It’s upside down
What, I didn’t know that happened
Neither did your sister, that’s what she was showing me
I was wondering why  she was so embarrassed
I know darling, now they have to go back round the world to get pregnant
My god, that’s terrible
I know, and the worse thing is, you’ll need to apologise for calling her a *****.

By Lily and Paul.
Gaffer Apr 2016
Will you let it go
C'mon trust me
Trust you?
Yes I won't let you down
I'd rather jump out of an airplane without a parachute  and hope for the best, than trust you
Think we’re getting a bit melodramatic again
Do you see a sign on my head that says, kick here
I just see the woman I love
Did you see me when you were in bed with my sister
Think I explained  that scenario
Yes, and I’ve heard it called many things before, but never a scenario
You know your sister's trying to get pregnant
I’m quite aware of that, that’s why she has a husband
I know that silly, but he’s a foreigner
What's that got to do with it
It doesn’t operate in this country
What, what do you mean
Isn't it obvious, he comes from the other side of the world
So ****** what
Jesus woman, do I need to spell it out for you
Yes, spell it out, cause you’ve sure got me confused
It’s upside down
What, I didn’t know that happened
Neither did your sister, that’s what she was showing me
I was wondering why  she was so embarrassed
I know darling, now they have to go back round the world to get pregnant
My god, that’s terrible
I know, and the worse thing is, you’ll need to apologise for calling her a *****.

By Lily and Paul.
Gaffer Jun 2016
The stars look down
And the night becomes day
Morning people stir the day alive
And life begins its ponderous journey
Sally gives me a wink goodbye
She knows I’ll be back tonight to lose the winnings
But this time you’ll be wrong Sally girl
Though you’ve probably heard that a million times
But I’ll not be back
That’s the discipline
To simply walk away
Never look back
The morning breeze awakens the tired senses
The walk home begins a new journey
She’s walking towards me
One of the morning people
Probably walked this road a thousand times
I stop in front her
She looks bemusingly alarmed
I look like the jilted groom
I hand her a hundred pound note, and walk off
She’ll walk a bit faster now, convinced I’m nuts, and it’s a forgery
Later on, she’ll show it to her friends
They’ll tell her that’s what gamblers do
They think it’ll bring them more luck
Not with me
Winning or losing, it didn’t matter
For years the night was my friend
My savior
Then it became my nightmare
Something else to conquer
Time gets you through all
Tomorrow a new challenge begins
I become one of the morning people
It’s been a long time
Hope they’re ready for me.
Gaffer Jun 2015
The mountain sat impassively, daring
Asking no questions
Just waiting for the moment
The slip of unconquered glory
Death, or worse, permanent injury
You took my legs old friend
I hold no malice
Probably love you more
I’ll be getting my new ones soon
Walking in no time they say
But walking is no good to people like us
It’s the intimacy
We are one
I promise to be gentle
If I make it, I won’t gloat
If not, we stay friends forever.
Gaffer May 2016
Words on the wall.
Go with Paul.
So profound.
Like a crystal ball.
Okay, all coming back.
Should have read.
Julie, will you go with Paul.
But it didn’t.
Surely a message.
A deeper meaning.
Check the celestial phone.
A message awaits.
You ***** lying scummbag, drop dead.
Should I tell her there's only one M in scumbag.
Could this be another message.
I enlighten her.
The other M is for *******.
But is it.
Is there an even deeper meaning.
The celestial phone bleeps.
I peruse the heavenly text.
Actually there should be an extra B with the extra M, *******.
I see pain in her text.
I feel it myself.
There is a wanting.
Flowers and chocolates.
I feel comfort walking through the graveyard.
Knowing random people are helping me in the pursuit of love.
I throw a pebble up to her window.
Holding my mixed bunch of flowers.
Old Mrs Jones looks down, smiling.
If I was seventy, I’d do, I digress.
I bade her in, throwing the pebble up to my true love.
Who opened the window maybe a tad too early.
She screams my name.
Which was comforting in a strange way.
Old Mrs Jones looked out, recoiling in horror, knocking herself out in the process.
I realised I had forgotten the chocolates.
Darling, could you borrow me ten pounds.
Something in her one good eye told me no.
The paramedics told me to go.
The Police read me my rights.
Putting me up for the day, and the night.
Still, as the Councilman said as I was scrubbing the wall.
It’s not like you’re Banksy, is it Paul.
I felt a deeper meaning.
A thought had occurred
It would take a lot of paint.
But would be worth the pain.
I worked through the night.
Such a delight.
I threw a pebble up to her window.
Old Mrs Jones looked down at the naked mural of me, and dropped down dead.
Julie sort of squinted in dread.
But the gun in her hand.
Well, enough said.
The Police charged me with indecent exposure.
Though the court said that wasn’t quite true.
Still, the Councilman said.
I’m really impressed.
I mean, it's different.
Maybe you should have added a verse.
He stopped me scrubbing.
We bowed our heads.
As old Mrs Jones passed by in the hearse.
Gaffer Oct 2015
They walk through the darkness
The night creatures
Searching out their prey
With stealth like accuracy
Gathering pace
As the scent gets stronger
Teeth baring
Sharpened claws extended
As the prey await their fate
The hairs go up
A sudden quiet descends
As the screams reach fever pitch
It’s too late
Nowhere to run
They have you
Trick or treat mister
Caught again.
Gaffer Apr 2015
He watched her, slowly undress
Dignified, creation of beauty
Lost in her soul
Interrupted by death

She watched him
Every Night the same

He saw through the beauty
To the woman
Gentle like snow
Interrupted by death

Every night the same
Searching, for what
Lost in time

Touched by her radiance
Innocence, dance like
Love on clouds
Interrupted by death

She felt something
Trying to define
Yet dangerous

She could be her
For that second
Just a second
Interrupted by death

He was a drug now
She the night dancer
Brought together

Passage of the woman
Running towards him
Interrupted by death

He could have her soul
Unveiled, for the final time
The night dancer
Bows out, beauty untouched
Interrupted by death.
Gaffer Sep 2015
Can’t find no time, must underline
He’s a nowhere man
He’ll  look you up and down
Don’t accept no sound
Call him the nowhere man
You don’t know his place
His face, there’s little trace
Must try and pace, no
That’s the nowhere man
He drinks, but doesn’t call
You might try him, that’s all
He’s the nowhere man
But somebody ain’t playing cool
A hand becomes a tool
Such a fool
You watch him riding out
The nowhere man.
Gaffer Oct 2015
Can’t find no time, must underline
He’s a nowhere man
He’ll  look you up and down
Don’t accept no sound
Call him the nowhere man
You don’t know his place
His face, there’s little trace
Must try and pace, no
That’s the nowhere man
He drinks, but doesn’t call
You might try him, that’s all
He’s the nowhere man
But somebody ain’t playing cool
A hand becomes a tool
Such a fool
You watch him riding out
The nowhere man.
Gaffer Dec 2015
A good day there would be little blood
A bad day, she could paint the room
Though, that was a definite mistake
But then again, she was just a beginner
Not a ****** as such
She was never a ******
The stomach was the best place to cut
It was hidden
Like the guilt
Eating away everyday
Birthdays were the worse
His special occasion
You didn’t bleed so much from the stomach
The pain was also stronger
But it was a nice sort of pain
It belonged to her
The years have passed
Seemed strange
One more special occasion
The grandkids had never met him
They watched as the curtain closed on him forever
She turned away
Unconsciously touching her stomach.
Gaffer Jul 2015
The picture stared down at the old man
Good times, friends for life
The decomposing body was in its second year now
The dust and webs had cloaked him like a blanket
Giving him comfort that life denied him
Time ago, they would have classed him as a hero, time ago
The black van took him away
Eventually releasing the body for burning
The prayers were brief
His final epitaph came when the council cleared the house
The picture was the last to go in the skip
Glancing at it, the worker remarked to his colleague
Old soldier.
Gaffer May 2015
The guy with the flowers and the milk tray
So sorry, she’s having an affair
With me
I’m your friend too
Strange the things we do
Just sort of happened
You would understand if it wasn’t you
We should end it, walk away
Start another day
We wont
Not till all the cards are played
We know the end
The hurt, the betrayal
The words they say
You, they hate the most
Now the ghost
Doors are closed
Family walk away
Strange, the marriage stronger than ever now
I did that
Self congratulations as I walk away
Yet I don't see the gratitude coming my way.
Gaffer May 2016
You still live in the past
Like some old crutch dragging you further to your knees
Wake Up, I know what you see
The blood soaked underwear was just life, primal
The vultures stopped circling years ago
They died as well
Just like the love, remember
New horizons, that’s what they say
Make the distance pay
Yet, here we are again
Broken people
Glue us back together
The cracks still show
I once thought, build a three storey house
Me at the top, you at the bottom, love in the middle
That way we both get a bit of something
Wouldn’t that be great
Few years from now
You walk up the stairs
Love is waiting
Wouldn’t that be great
Just don’t climb any higher
You left the past behind, remember.
Gaffer Mar 2015
You still live in the past
Like some old crutch dragging you further to your knees
Wake Up, I know what you see
The blood soaked underwear was just life, primal
The vultures stopped circling years ago
They died as well
Just like the love, remember
New horizons, that’s what they say
Make the distance pay
Yet, here we are again
Broken people
Glue us back together
The cracks still show
I once thought, build a three storey house
Me at the top, you at the bottom, love in the middle
That way we both get a bit of something
Wouldn’t that be great
Few years from now
You walk up the stairs
Love is waiting
Wouldn’t that be great
Just don’t climb any higher
You left the past behind, remember.
Gaffer Jun 2015
You couldn’t deny her beauty
The papers remind you everyday
The pictures in vogue
Testament of today
She portrays the perfect woman
The envy of many
The hatred of many more
But no woman is perfect
They all have flaws
She closes the door
Leaving the world behind
Time to unwind
Finds her little cache
The powder of life
Loves little hope
For awhile she’s lost in dreams
The demons scream
Tomorrow the cameras flash
To the most beautiful woman in the world.
Gaffer Apr 2016
The wedding photograph took centre stage
Eight great years
Two years gone now
She had sort of moved on
She gazed at the photograph
So strange, it looked different
It was as if he had taken two steps back from her
She began to study the photograph again
Maybe it was just that photograph
She looked out some others
It didn’t make sense
He was behind or in the distance
Moving out of her life
She began to shake
It didn’t make sense
You can’t change photographs
You just can't
The family photo
He was at the back
Was she going crazy
She grasped at the wedding photograph
Watching as he slowly began to fade from view
Was he punishing her
Trying to tell her to move on
She woke with a jolt
Studying the room
God, that was awful
So awful
She needed coffee, and quick
The caffeine kicked in
She spoke out loud
Okay Tom, I finally take the hint
Glancing at the photograph
So strange she thought
She wasn't in it.
Gaffer Aug 2016
He drives a hearse
Says it keeps him off the streets
Plus, he has an empathy with death
His dog died
One time they brought this woman in
He started jumping up and down
The ex wife, sheer elation
Sadly it turned out to be somebody else
But he phoned just to check
He answered
She was fasting
Still trying to get down to that ideal weight then
I’ll phone back in three years
One phone slammed down
It’s always the little things that cheer you up
Someday he thought
They would both come in together
Actually made the job worth doing
But for now
He would tenderly prepare the ex wife's body double
Tonight he would get back to his book
How to get away with it.
Gaffer May 2016
Hi how you doing
I’m doing fine, how about you
I’m okay, well I’m not really
Go on tell me about it, that’s what us ex’s are for.
It’s Joe.
Joe, that’ll be my replacement.
He doesn’t seem to want to do it.
When you say do it, do we mean ***.
Yes, strange isn’t it.
I don’t know, I don’t know Joe.
He’s a man, what is there to know.
Why is he not chasing you around the house.
I don’t know, what happened to us.
You dumped me.
I know, but why.
Let me see now, oh yeah, you said you wanted a ring, marriage, children, house, and a pony. I said I didn’t like pony’s. You said that’s the last straw. I said, exactly, do you know how much straw costs. You said, shut up about the straw. I said, where would we put a pony. You said, shut the **** up about the pony, shut the **** up about the straw. Do you want to marry me or not. I sort of got lost for words, and by the time I got round to saying I would love to marry you, you were away with Joe.
You’re so full of crap, you ran a mile, actually you and that pony have a lot in common, you’re both mule headed.
You’re still with Joe, did he give you a pony.
No, he gave me something else.
It’s not all about *** you know, he’s saving himself.
That’ll be the biggest coming this year then.
I don’t know why I phoned you, you do my head in.
You need to borrow me till Joe’s ready.
No I don’t, celibacy is the in thing now.
Well in that case, I just want to congratulate on your resolve.
Are you seeing anyone.
No, I’m going through a monking phase at the moment, new habit.
So we could meet as friends then.
I don’t see why not, a friend in need is a friend in need.
I think that’s a friend indeed.
Indeed it is friend.
Should I bring a bottle round.
That would be a friendly thing to do.
You won’t mention Pony’s will you.
I won’t mention Pony’s.
Okay, I’ll bring Joe with me.
I need to send him back, the post office is on the way.
Ha ha, nice one.
Gaffer Oct 2015
She changed her name
Moved to a place by the sea
Where solitude had many friends
But only city girls know how to fly

He woke up one morning
To find her gone
He was grateful
Time was on his side

She felt safe for a time
Months began to pass
Time became the enemy
The city was calling her home

He was watching her
So pure
Just waiting for his touch
His gentle touch

She was watching him
Keeping it in
A shiver ran down her spine
Her mind ahead

He charmed like time was yesterday
Mesmerizing as the potion worked its way
Inviting her to a sensual sleep
Chained to keep

She looked deep into his eyes
He was searching for the answer as he passed into oblivion
She whispered
Only city girls know how to fly.
Gaffer Oct 2017
First, you need to mix the potion.
You must read the instructions very carefully
You don’t want to be summoning up any old witch.
So make sure it’s the October manual.
Especially as we know what happened last year.
How you got October mixed up with November is nobody's business.
But my god, when I saw the fire brigade heading to the Houses of Parliament, I just thought to myself, what has the idiot done this time.
Now I know what you’re going to say.
What about that little corporal guy you summoned up.
Okay, I take that on board, he looked harmless enough, little pencil moustache set him apart from the usual riff raff.
How the hell was I to know he wanted to rule the world.
Just goes to show you.
Nearly lost my brewing license over that.
Then you went for, in your own words, that guy who makes people laugh.
Atila for fun.
Are you dyslexic or what.
The grief that caused
Another warning handed out.
So let's have a look at the ***** ups over the years, see if we can rectify them this year.
This is what you’ve summoned up so far.

The Cheeky girls

The Teletubbies.
That guy who said, I didn’t have *** with that woman, that week.
European Union
Hp  Poets

You can see how the coven is not over the moon with this lot.
So, before you summon up anyone this year, I’m going to be looking over your shoulder, make sure you get it right.
Right, the mixture is brewing up fine, looking good.
Okay, begin the summoning up.
Oh great spirit in the brew, sum us up something new.
Okay looking good, coming through now.
A big dumb guy wearing a wig.
Right, I like it, do you have a name for him.
Trumpy  you think.
Looks more like a Donald to me.
But the main thing is.
He looks harmless enough...
Gaffer Apr 2016
The priest came on at Paddington
Sat across from me
I nodded in a nonchalant way
He gazed inside of me
So strange
Like he knew
Where I was going to
Mrs Black, just ***
Well that’s not really true
There was her friend
But that was because Mrs Black had the flu
You can understand the sacrifice I made
I know you can relate
Don't look at me like that
I was getting round to Pat and Jill
But you should know
They said they were on the pill
I know I don't see the kids
You can understand
Being a man of the cloth
The busy lives we lead
Time just gets away
I suppose in a way we’re both the same
Tending to our flocks
Putting the world to rights
Me and you
We are the few
He got up to leave
I feel his hand on my sleeve
Enough said
He punches me on the head
I’m in total confusion
He makes the sign
Go with god my son
I've administered your absolution.
Gaffer Dec 2015
The clock is ticking
Oh woman, the red dress
The one I started at nine, finished at four
Worshipped you at the changing rooms
Went the extra mile for the matching bag
Why do you keep me waiting
Oh woman, I stare in awe
You walk downstairs
Not in red, but black
With matching  bag
Like that was the way it was supposed to be
It then hit me
Slowly at first
Then the light shone through
That cataclysmic moment shook my entire being
Not realising the enormity of my find
I could see my face in Time magazine
Bold letters capturing the readers around the breakfast table
On billboards, buses passing by
The world would know
The red dress
The reason men go off to war.
Gaffer Aug 2017
She fell and broke her life
People rushed to help
It was touch and go for a time
The surgeon had to amputate
But he was finally removed
The recovery was long
Sometimes she felt he was still there
Touching her inside
Messing with her head
They said this would happen
Such intensity is bound to leave scars
But they would heal
Someday another would come along
She would be stronger.
Gaffer Jan 2016
Another year, another resolution
Dry out January
That was a tough day
Change of job, new challenge
The scalpel cut deeply through the chest cavity
Maybe the year to find love, maybe
So many choices, so many
The scalpel cut deep, too late
The patient was lost
A long break
Different country, new start
The drink would help the choice
So steady as the bottle emptied
The scalpel cut deep, advanced signs of liver cirrhosis
The surgeon assisting was in awe at the dexterity of the liver being removed
The signs were staring back at him
The warning stark
He pondered it over a bottle of chivas
The operation would last ten hours
The hospital was lucky to have such a prestigious surgeon
The scalpel cut deep
Four hours in, the sweating and trembling began
The vessels were clamped off
The bathroom break soothed as the whisky hit home
The operation continued
The  drink breaks also
Finally finished he excused himself and left
The trip home left him physically shaking
The whisky hit home
Calm now, he went through the operation in his head
The patient was responding, the team were pleased
Something was gnawing away at him
He just couldn’t pinpoint what it was
The whisky had done its job
He was calm
It had been a long day
The pager sounding brought him round
The nagging doubt as he phoned the hospital
The patient wasn’t responding
The patient, the patient, always the patient
The clamps, he couldn’t remember
Did he remove them
He started to shake
The whisky calmed him
The pager sounded
The bottle stared back at him
Time for a change
A new challenge
A long break
The decision was made
He would drink to that.
Gaffer Jan 2016
You bought your ex an expensive ring.

She’s having a tough time

You bought me a card.

But I love you.

Well, woopsie woopsie woo.

I’m not feeling the sympathy here.

I’m not wearing an expensive ring, unlike somebody else I won't care to mention.

I would do the same for you.

Okay, there's a jewellers down the street.

Just take a step back, look into your conscious, this is not the girl I fell in love with.

That’s because I’m not feeling the love, unlike your ex.

Will you stop going on about the ex.

I will, when you buy me a ring.

Is it all about the material things for you.

Fine. You just wait

- week later-

You bought your ex a car?!

He was going through a tough time

You bought me cookies

But I love you. And also I ran into your ex at the flea market. She sold me the ring you gave her for £12. You have good taste in jewellery.

Also I called your mother and explained the situation. She wants a chat with you today.

Why would you call my mum?

Oh you know, we're such good friends and she never hears from you so I thought I'd catch her up

What did you tell her

Well you know about the ring and the car thing was actually her idea and the ring ending up in my hands was just good fortune.

What did my ex say?

She said she thought it was pathetic and that during your relationship she was just using you for *** anyway.

What did your ex say.

Well nothing unusual. He wants me back more than ever.

Paul Gaffney& Lily Nurmi.
Gaffer Oct 2016
It started with the solitary ring
Ringing, ringing
Till it rang no more
Others began to ring after that
The digital world informing, as they always do
Many more phones would ring
Some would answer
Some would never answer again
The tragedy of life in the digital age
Instant death at the fingertips of the holder
Captured by the hands of the digital movie maker
Captured for all eternity
One second, one minute, one hour, one day
Just one tragedy amongst a thousand others
It started with the solitary ring
Till a chorus of rings wept into the night and forever more.
Gaffer Oct 2016
The room was in darkness
Save for the solitary shard of light
Shining directly onto that point on the wall
The blood had dried in long back
If the room could speak
There would be screams
The chains still hung on the wall
Frozen in time
A timely reminder
To the events of that day
She touched them
Just to understand
She expected the feel of cold metal
Instead, a strange heat surged through her body
Compelling her into the chains
Tightly binding her against the wall
Trapped, she waited
He was watching her
Listening as her heart pounded in fear
Just the beginning
She thought she was screaming
As the blood entered her mouth, slowly
Forcing her eyes to scream
Her mind now drowning in panic
As life began to fade
He watched her, fascinated as she entered the next phase
The journey into the afterlife
Just like the others
The room was in darkness
Save for the solitary shard of light
Shining directly onto that point on the wall.
Gaffer Feb 2016
Aw girl, did you dance with the devil
Get ripped apart
Where’s your heart
Ah, I see it beating in the gutter
Well girl, what can I say
Life's a *****, and then you die
But you don’t want to hear that
No,no, not in your beautiful world
Not in pin up poster world
Aw girl
You want to go down to the love hospital
They’ll put you back together
But guess what
That beating heart
In the gutter
Maybe wants to last past puberty
So hey, I’ve been round the block
I’ll give you ten seconds of my time
Best ten seconds of advice you’ll ever hear
That rose growing in the garden there
Is that not the most beautiful thing in the world
Now, not only is that rose beautiful
It’s also very smart
It knows some ******* is going to try and take liberties
So it surrounds itself with thorns.
Do the same
Be that rose.
Gaffer Jan 2016
He was never quite sure
What it was
That turned him on the most
Watching her getting undressed
Watching her getting dressed
Going back to him
Walking away
Till another day
They could turn and play
Plan the future
Write the play
The failure of adultery
Pick the day
Turn the card
Who changed the rules
Walking away
Running back
To that day
The road of no ending
Fighting the phone
Watching you getting undressed
Watching you getting dressed
Going back to him.
Gaffer Sep 2015
He bleeds, for he is weak
Tortured thoughts
He bleeds some more
Preaches to the mild
So reverent in their eyes
Looking down, he sermons
The cross is bearing
Impure thoughts
He bleeds some more
The thoughts get stronger
Penance for the soul
He touches his scars
Sacrificed for his lord
The prayers cleanse
He is pure
Gods chosen one
Standing before his flock
He sermons
They call to him
He sees her
The scars open.
Gaffer Mar 2016
It’s three in the morning
The whisky bottle stares, daring
The calm night screams
Death haunt memories unbury
Unravelling faces long dead
But seeking answers
The sacrificed
That’s what we called them
Left behind
For the greater good
Our greater good
Like we shot you with betrayal
That would be mercy
Your screams then
Like your screams now
Awake us like a knife to the chest
We hide the guilt
Create hero status on your behalf
Bestow greatness on your forgotten souls
Hide in the dead of night
Praying deep graves stay closed
It’s three in the morning
The whisky bottle stares, daring
Restless sleep fights the night drowning
The new day brings change
Fear gone
For at least another year.
Gaffer Apr 2015
Between the sand and the sea
He’s free
The crashing of the waves
Mean he’s safe
Slightly broken
But only in mind
Some Days he’s fine
Don’t shout
Don’t crowd
But be around
He may ignore you
Say hello
Next time, who knows
He has a story to tell
His inner hell
He’ll make you laugh
He’ll make you cry
But don’t pry
The story runs for years
All about fear
Brave as brave can be
Strange to see
Anger, tears
Voices in ears
He’s won the battle
They've told him so
But he’s slightly broken
He doesn't know
Between the sand and the sea
He’s free
The crashing of the waves
Mean he's safe.
Gaffer Dec 2015
The waves pushed the body gently to the shore
So lifelike you expected words
But only the sea speaks for the dead
The story lasts for days, weeks, months
Some last forever
All lost souls walk on water for a time
A time to remember and say goodbye
The sea doesn’t portion blame
Asking no questions
Just becoming the guardian for a time
Before releasing the body to pastures new.
Gaffer May 2015
The reflection in your eyes
Hide the sad lines of beauty
Mirrored in your own little ocean
Touched a thousand secrets
Who sees behind the smile
Enigmatic soul gone before me
So calm, but never passive
Touched a thousand secrets
The reflection in your eyes
Drown the life before me
So clear, tranquil, almost pitying
Touched a thousand secrets
Goodbye my distant lady
The night has seen you gone
No glance to say, no feelings
Touched a thousand secrets
The reflection in your eyes
Crept inside my soul
Mysterious lady, thoughts so deep
Tried to touch your mind
The reflection in your eyes
Like the ocean taking me further away
Beautiful enigmatic lady
Touched a thousand secrets.
Gaffer Dec 2015
Okay Jeff what have you brought in today.
Today Mary I’m going to show you the super juicer.
That’s a big one Jeff.
It sure is Mary, total satisfaction guaranteed.
What does it do Jeff.
Take this banana Mary, place it in the juicer.
What about the melons Jeff.
They’re a handful Mary, watch this.
My god Jeff, what a device.
See how it came there Mary.
Right Jeff, what can it do with pears.
Well Mary, I place the cream on the pears, what do you get.
Ecstasy Jeff, that hits the spot.
Now Mary, you may think this is just a juicer, but try it in this position.
My god Jeff.
Did it hit the spot Mary.
Did it ever.
What would you pay for a juicer like this Mary.
I would pay the earth Jeff.
Also Mary, there are three different speeds.
My god Jeff, horizontal, semi squat, and comatose.
Can you afford not to buy this Mary.
I can’t Jeff, it’s mine.
Mary, Mary come back, you can’t take it home with you
Gaffer Apr 2017
It was raining when I met her.
A sure sign.
I ignored it.
Many a love story started in the rain.
We headed into the restaurant.
She throttled her brolly, drenching me in the process.
I ignored it, my white suit didn’t.
She perused the menu.
I suggested drinks.
Yes, plain water is so invigorating.
If you’re in the Sahara desert, it sure is.
Another sign.
The vegan menu was excellent, she said.
The 16 ounce steak with animal still attached wasn’t, seemingly.
We talked about the benefits of a vegan diet. She talked about the benefits of a vegan diet.
I saw her roasting over a well lit spit with an apple in her mouth.
Another sign.
I played carrots on the plate game.
She grew her own potatoes, she said.
My eyes lit up at the thought of her having a little plot. Or maybe the thought of her in the plot. That was cruel. Just because she has a passion for something, there’s no need to be negative about it. Just eat the **** meal, the benefits will come later.
I am going to stay celibate till the right man comes along.
Okay so the benefits may take awhile, a lifetime by the looks of it.
Think of something interesting to say. Do you think Jesus, had he been on the farm. Do you think he would have fed the five thousand bread and steak.
I am a bit of a theologian myself, let me explain.
Christ, now I've opened a can of worms. A can of worms in sauce, how good does that sound. Maybe if I prayed hard, the uncelibacy god would whack her over the head.
How do you feel about *** before marriage, she said.
I think it’s a great idea. Okay her eyes are bulging out her head. Actually I think if a couple loved each other, they would wait. Okay, eyes back in head.
I totally agree, I think once the baby is conceived, there’s no need for ***. Don’t you agree.
Okay, carrots and peas, no ***, she definitely won’t have a telly, so that’s foreplay out the window. Yes I agree. How many kids are you thinking of having.
I was thinking about six.
Christ, we’ll be called the fruit and veg family. Right, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Wish I hadn’t got that vasectomy now.
I’ve had the snip.
You have committed the greatest sin ever. I thought when I met you there was a sign hanging over you. I’ll have to go, I really need to get to confessional, unburden myself.
Would you like me to join you.
No, you are past redemption.
That’s a shame. I really felt the signs were looking good.
Gaffer Jun 2016
The day innocence disappeared
As life was created down by the sleepy hollow
The days of great sayings
Children bringing up children
We did okay for a time
Sadly maturity does what it always does
Brings new horizons
Sets new goals
We were okay about it
Others weren’t
Maybe they couldn’t see beyond the hill
Time moved on, and the bond was broken
Years later, you found your soulmate
A second child was born
I found out later, a girl
I was leading my life
So in a way, it wasn’t my business
Just made it more final  in a way
I agreed you should take full custody
It was the right thing to do
Upset some
But it was always me and you
I passed by the sleepy hollow
Maybe just to understand
It was wild and overgrowing
Pushing further to the road
Someday it would reach beyond the hill
Never looking back
I would be waiting.
Gaffer Jan 2016
You parade they kids like a trophy
You tell me what I've missed
Crying, ***** nappies, and ****
Sure it must have been bliss
But you’re right
You have something to show
Blossom and grow
Something I’ll never know
But do you know what
I’ve seen a thousand sunrises
Killed all around the globe
Cried for the sake of crying
And yes, I’ve got nothing to show
But would I change it
Hell, no
So, ask the question
Do I want to die
The answers no
Yet  the fear takes me back
Not so cool
Excitement, that’s for fools
Graves are full of those
I have this recurring dream about life
The clock is ticking down
I need to get to the otherside
But its never there
The search will end someday
It will be time to go
The clock is ticking for the life I know
Gaffer Jun 2015
The long rope hung in the air
The song was playing in his head
The barrel spins, click
He heard the voice
You are in charge of your weapon, always
The day the weapon takes charge of you, is the day we find you
The song plays in his head
The barrel spins, click
He wouldn’t die
The rope shook, but he wouldn’t die
He unloaded the magazine into his head
He done the decent thing
The song played in his head
The barrel spins, click
Images started to appear
He wouldn’t sleep
The house was the fortress now
The song played in his head
The barrel spins, click
The long rope hung in the air
He watched him walk away, smiling, inviting him
The song played in his head
The barrel spins
The song plays into the distance.
Gaffer Jun 2016
The long rope hung in the air
The song was playing in his head
The barrel spins, click
He heard the voice
You are in charge of your weapon, always
The day the weapon takes charge of you, is the day we find you
The song plays in his head
The barrel spins, click
He wouldn’t die
The rope shook, but he wouldn’t die
He unloaded the magazine into his head
He done the decent thing
The song played in his head
The barrel spins, click
Images started to appear
He wouldn’t sleep
The house was the fortress now
The song played in his head
The barrel spins, click
The long rope hung in the air
He watched him walk away, smiling, inviting him
The song played in his head
The barrel spins
The song plays into the distance.
Gaffer Feb 2016
So, can you afford this place by yourself.
Yeah, I did the maths.                                                          
­Okay I’ll take the washing machine, you take the couches.  
You kidding, the washing machine was a present, you take the couches.
I know how to work the washing machine.
Well, I know how to work the coffee machine, but I don’t make a song and dance about it.
Was that why you phoned the plumber when it ran out of water.
I didn’t phone him for that, I was getting a quote for something plummery I was thinking of doing.
Plummery, is that computer speak. Which reminds me, laptop, I’ll be taking that.
You’ll have to wait till I put it back together.
What do you mean put it back together, it’s new.
  I know it’s new, now it’s super new, with 12 g installed.
12 g hasn’t been invented yet.
It has now, with my new revolutionary thought processor and rewind imagery camera.
Have you finally gone nuts, you see what I’ve had to put up with the last five years.
Well I can’t tell you what you’ve put up with the last five years, but I can for the last six months.
Okay, you’re beginning to worry me now, what have you done.
I installed a chip in you. Pick a date out in the last six months and I’ll show you what you were doing.
You’re mad, okay December the 11th.
Right, just put that date in, okay let’s view.  You’re having a coffee morning with your sisters
and wait, you’re slagging me off as usual, tut tut.
My god, this is madness, you’ve finally lost it.
Oh you haven’t seen anything yet, lets check out Dec 13th. Oh look, it’s you and the plumber in which seems to be a posh hotel.
So it is, do I look hot or what.
That wasn’t my first thought I must admit, maybe you could explain yourself.
Isn’t it obvious, I mean, you installed the ****** chip, what part don’t you understand.
I don’t understand why you’re with my plumber on the date he promised to install my new revolutionary coffee maker.

Lily Nurmi & Paul Gaffney.
Gaffer Apr 2016
She had a breakdown in Washington
The plane had a malfunction in New york
I was pulling my hair out in New Mexico
The states we get ourselves into.
Gaffer Oct 2015
They stopped to talk when they noticed him
He always sits there
Has done for years
Maybe he likes the spot
No, it’s tragic
Pray tell
Well, i don’t actually know
I Think his wife died there  
You think
Yes, my mother told me when i was a child
Told you what
Told me something tragic had happened
But you don’t know what
Well, you don’t ask
Why don’t you ask
You don’t impose in peoples grief
Everybody knows that
Is he grieving
Of course he’s grieving, it’s obvious
It’s curious, not obvious
One way to find out though
You’re not going to ask him
I am

The story

I sit here everyday
For everyday the scene changes
Today i see a couple across from me
Other days, it maybe a jogger, dog walker, children playing.
Sunshine, rain, gales, snow
I will go home and paint that scene
It will always be different
And with a twinkle in his eye, he laughed
I may even have painted you as a child out with your mum
The ice was broken
My mum always brought me here
She would love it to think someone had painted us
They spoke in length
A stroll in the park had changed her life
The visit to her mum was extra special
She had a special gift.
Gaffer Mar 2016
You’re probably wondering why I’m phoning you.
It’s a hello call.
Not exactly.
You’re having a lesbian baby.
No, but I am single again.
Don’t tell me you dumped that man woman.
Mary was the love of my life.
She was a brute, she would give tarzan a run for his money.
Never mind that, do you remember when I was finding myself.
Remember it well, I was entering, you said, I think I’m a lesbian.
I know, it was bad timing, but you taught me a lot.
So I did, my Cv now reads, think you’re straight, I’ll change that.
How would you like to do it again.
Okay, you’re beginning to worry me now.
No, I realise you can turn people, you have a gift.
What do you want to turn into.
I want to be a straight lesbian, sort of.
I would love to help, but I’m in a relationship.
That’s okay, I can wait a week or two.
That’s quite funny, see, only lesbians could make jokes like that.
I know, I think you can relesbianise me.
Are you on drugs or something.
No, I liked being in bed with you, you never done anything for me, but I appreciated the effort.
Gee thanks, I’ll update my Cv. Think you're straight, I’ll change that, you’ll be a lesbian tomorrow, with straight tendencies.
See, that’s what I like about you, you’re never bitter. You did say it was a battle to get me into bed, now I’m offering myself on a plate.
I appreciate that, but how does this make you a reborn lesbian.
That’s simple, I won't enjoy it with you, then I’ll realise what I’m missing.
Do you mean you’ll fake it.
Yes, but you won’t know.
I won’t.
No, I’ll dress provocatively and make all the usual noises.
I knew this would happen someday, the twilight zone would come along and take me away to a place where fairies would serenade me with
tea and biscuits. Okay, just realised, thats an old folks home.
Okay girl, let’s get faking.
Gaffer May 2015
He was sat on the bridge when the stranger appeared
No words
He lit a cigarette
Then spoke
I nodded
Mortal man
Destiny unplanned
Soul who waits
His tempered fate
Let me paint you a scene
Dead body, screams
Lots of tears
No sound, as they lower you into the ground
Two weeks down the line
Slight anger
You made her cry
Made her guilty, why
You were the dumb one, stupid guy
Now you’ve gone
She’s moving on
Thats life
Though, there is another way
You could stay
Tough it out
Times change
Maybe she wasn’t the one
Who knows
Tonight you die
Or tomorrow you grow
Let me know
Then he was gone.
Gaffer Dec 2016
The toasters on the blink.
I don't care, i'm leaving you.
I know you like your toast in the morning, but that's a bit extreme.
I've met someone new.
You never mentioned that last night when you were screaming more, more.
That was goodbye ***.
I think i'll get a brown toaster.
You would put a brown toaster against a red background.
Hardly your concern now.
I designed this kitchen, you are not getting a brown toaster.
Think i'll change the whole decor when you leave.
That is just typical of you. You just can't wait to forget me.
I think it's for the best cuddles. Maybe make it my man cave.
That's it, i'm dumping the other guy. I am not having you undo all my good work.
Won't he be devastated.
Who cares. Right we're going shopping today.
Oops turned out to be the fuse.
Right, i'm going.
Going where cuddles.
Back to bed, do not disturb me.
Aw, i was thinking some sympathy ***, maybe get back together ***.
Do not disturb me.
Okay cuddles, i'll pop down to the tailors, get fitted out for your sisters wedding. I'm thinking bright orange,
Oh my god, stay there, i'm going with you.
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