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 May 2014 Frederik B
You are my sunshine
You brought light to my world
My only sunshine
and made my sails unfurl
You make me happy
and now that I can ride the wind
when skies are gray
I feel my heart grow warm again

You'll never know dear
My precious, precious, sacred one
how much I love you
You radiate just like the sun
Please don't take
And when our too-short lives are done
my sunshine away
You'll know that you were always... loved.
For someone special. You know who you are. Love you.
 May 2014 Frederik B
Eddie Starr
Which is more important to you, the here and now.
Or the future which is eternal, in other words forever.
For the here and now is very short live just a moment.
Compare to the very next life, which is eternal forever.
Also now we may be broken and have physical disabilities.
But in the Life to comer everything shall be made perfect.
So which one would you rather focus on the here and now.
Or the life, that will be spent with the Creator of the universe.
But if you choose the here and now in the very end you shall lose.
Because you fail to make a firm relationship with Christ.
I should hate you
for making me fall in love.
I should despise you
for breaking my heart.
I should curse your
memories for always being there.

I should feel all of that..
...but I don't...

I love you
for teaching me to love again.
I love you
for making me feel again.
I love you
for the wonderful memories you bring.

Yes, I should hate you,
despise you,
curse you,
but instead,
I love you.

I don't care how God-**** smart
these guys are:     I'm bored.
Garden of beauty
Is where you lay
Trapped on the outside
Is where I stay

Your heart full of roses
And your soul of tulips too
Your eyes the diamond river
A glorious beauty is true

My heart beats for two
But locked out i am from you
Untouchable serenity
Mind stirring insanity

I lay here expiring
Watching you through a glass window
To your garden of eden
I dream to go
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