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Have you ever heard the sound
of someone's concealed, internal tears,
crying through the vibrations
of the still, dense silence?

A piercing,
screeching sound,
Whilst seeing invisible, warm blood
pouring from their eyes -
such horrific,
torturous violence.

Your soul feels
the shock
of the extreme pain--telepathically.
You feel helpless, to say the least...

A tainted soul,
truly horrified -
by their cruel,
dark, dark beast.

Have you? ... I have!

By Lady R.F ©2016
Color me with hues coming from your heart
Touch me gently as you hold your brush
Draw every memory you want to come alive
Put them gently and never do it in a rush


Leave traces of your hand all around my frame
Make me your reflection,  your soul's looking glass
Feed your spirit with creation you always want
Color me with shades of you,  make me your prettiest canvass

I really miss painting... (:
On a bleak and frosty night
Vexed and weary two travelers rode
Along the pathways-craggy and ragged
From Nazareth, trudging miles on end

Full pregnant, was she with child
Mary -the ******, suffused with Spirit Holy
Divinely ordained to bear the Godly Prince
Conceived before, she had known her spouse.

Abiding in Heaven’s Providence n’ care
They had rode past miles behind
Far too fatigued by the trip
Mary, now badly needed a place to rest.

Heading towards the blinking lights
Not far from the city’s guarded gate
Joseph sighted a tavern-small
Perched high on a tiny hill

A sense of relief beamed past
They have come at last to the journey’s end
Finally found a place to rest!
An interim home away from home

Tethering the donkey outside the gate
Joseph helped Mary alight the brute
In eager search, he hurried inside
With Mary, following with faltering steps.

But the couple, to their dismay found
Within the tavern, room, there was none
For many a man had gathered round
To halt there on that freezing night

Sundry folk from surrounding lands
Had reached Bethlehem for the yearly census
Tradesmen selling clothes and cheese
Nomads of varying clans and clime

Petulant camels, braying donkeys
The place was littered with man and beast.
The tavern small, so packed to full
Had no more space to harbor the crowd

Mary and Joseph, though dejected,
Were encamped within a manger- warm
With tender concern, Joseph joked,
To ease the strain on Mary’s face

“Gaze upon this palace of gold
Where a son shall soon be born to us”!
Mary smiled a gentle smile,
Humored by her husband’s jest

Under the gaze of tethered hosts
In veiled privacy of the midnight gloom
She gave birth to a radiant child,
The great Redeemer to all Mankind

The star studded sky suddenly glowed
With a rare brilliance never beheld
And a celestial voice trailed along
Delivering ‘tidings of joy’ to the globe around
Wish all my dear friends on HP a MERRY CHRISTMAS full of joy and peace!
And it's very well said
Life is all about second chances
Once moved on
Should be thrown back a few glances

A mistake do not always wither
The bond, but sometimes, strengthen
When a person felonious
Feels so much guilt then

Forgive, for thy relation
Forgive for the person guilty
Forgive for thy own self
Forgive for both of thee

Hence I once again repeat
"Life is about the second chances"
Dump aside your hubris
And throw back a few glances...*

© by Ruman Hafsa
There doesn't go a single day
When they did not quarrel
Trying to stop them, mother say
Animals are better, they have moral

The sister playing with a doll
Brothers are always wicked
Grab the doll & race through the hall
Ran into the room & over the bed

She chased him round the kitchen
But  the doll could not be retreated
Caught him finally in the garden
Seized the doll & fled

But in your awful times
It's them you turn upon
From parents, hide away your crimes
And guide you in right & wrong

Not a single day have passed
When they did not fight
But if you would have asked
Cared for every wrong & right...

© by Ruman Hafsa
They seized her in a cage of demarcation
Bound her by the chains of instruction
Fastened her in a room of dissipation
Abandoned on an island of regulation

Stretching out her feathers of obstinacy
Her wings spread out against tyrrany
Squeaking a war cry of mutiny
She tried hard to gain her liberty

But tired she fell back vanquished
Her wings torn & twinged
And as she laid there curbed
Then it was that she realised

Twittering of her heart she discern
As the flutter of her wings couldn't listen
The true liberty for which she yearn
Should be from within she did learn

Not at all shackled was she
No chain or cage a hurdle could be
Hovering over the waves of her soul's sea
May be she was seized but indeed was free...

*© by Ruman Hafsa
The soft chilly crystals
Falling from the sky
Has beauty of their own
Alluring than the beauty in summer lie

Flowers aren't dead everywhere
They are just in a deep slumber
Resting till the show begins
Then will blossom from their chamber

The routes all are covered in a veil
Like a child wrapped in a quilt drowse
And when the morn arrives
He will vibrantly from his bed arouse

Rubbing their eyes & smiling at the world
The chilly cold winter will surely subside
And when the spring arrives
The bloom in a valley will reside...

© by Ruman Hafsa
in the dark
compass spinning
wanton wind
howling, wailing
brittle arms
in concert waving
emerald waters
whipped and raging

sky crushed velvet
sequins sewn tight
to the shattered
span of night
a million times
each time as new
with stardust eyes
with gratitude
Beneath the
burning snowflakes
of my consciousness
I stand
ensconced in ice
a statue in
your garden
all the verdant,
living treasures
I have given
around you,
burst from
my womb
in volcanic fibers
molten lava
of puce
of ochre-toned
that pierces
through the strata
of our own
personal history
archeological insights
of who we have been
love in frequencies
that once
met their destination
echoes of fire
falling in viscous
bands of liquid
upon my outspread fingers,
once loved me in parts
  My snowflowers
will stay with us
but I will not
the tenth
of me that you see
is already disappearing
worn down
from your stance
of constant dark
not the dark of richly
pungent mineral layers
of blackest black
but lackluster
in taste and texture
no match
for my warrioress heart
For deep inside
this clear glass casing
are rivulets
flash floods
about to break
the gelid frost surface
bursting through
in cracks
like end-of-winter
river rushes
like seismic explosions
My wild totem
is emerging
antlers glowing from
my crown
They are clashing
rustling up trees
whipping winds of magic
that tumult
right past the
icicles of your posture
And the last gift
I will ever
give to you
are the shards
that have already
melted from my
own estric heat
and, even then,
you will be too numb
to understand

and now, comes
       in resonated whisper
*my soul is out the door
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