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  Aug 2015 Anon
Tell me something beautiful.
Tell me something that will have me
Sitting on the edge
Whisper to me
Those tumultuous intricacies
You carry in your chest
Let magical phrases
Flit across your tongue into the air
Like butterflies
Akin to the ones in my esophagus.

Tell me of tomorrow
What adventures lie in wait for us
Where you'll take me
What we'll see

Weave a blanket from the tales of the past
That I may wrap myself up into
While you're away.

Tell me what's good
What's bad,
What's sad
What's bothering you,
Making you mad.

Spill it all
Like the milk our mothers didn't cry over,
Like the blood, a brother's pact,
Like the ink on the page,
Like the beans, as they say.

Open arms, ears, eyes,
I'm listening.
Tell me something, Beautiful.
Anon Aug 2015
Temporary highs of your being
Take out reality
I'm forever tripping on the acid of your façade

I sober up
That is until you crawl back
Back into my head
And leach out all rational thoughts

I'm addicted to your high
And I'm ready to overdose
On your lies


— The End —