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Eric the Red Mar 2019
Fall for me once more...
Paint upon my canvas...
Give my heart
Beautiful words
To remember you by...

Then break it once again...
I felt alive when you left
Full of sadness

Your beautiful words
Eric the Red Oct 2018
And there will be times
When you needed
The Lighthouse
No matter how dim the light...

No one to meet you
Washed ashore
Among the splinters
Shipwrecked souls
Of others

Picked up your pieces
Past the cobwebs
The spiral staircase
Leading up
Replacing the broken light
At the top
Cleaning of floors

Time took over
Love came and went
Didn’t hurt
Years passed
Ships did too
By your blinding guiding light

Then you realized
You were the Lighthouse
Needed in your life
Eric the Red Sep 2018
‘Oh my dear tired eyes...
‘Tell me we can make it...
‘Through one more day...
Eric the Red Aug 2018
I recognized your storm
Even before your clouds
Began to form...

Now left with
Empty Sandbags
Cleaning up your flood
And tidal wave
This aftermath
Of you...
Eric the Red Jun 2018
‘You’ve murdered us with your
Adventurous soul...’
It would be the last words of
The Mapmaker &
The Navigator
As the bewildered
Held onto the wheel
Of their galleon
As it went over the edges of the earth
And they became part of the
His last thought being
‘I thought the earth was round...’
‘I thought the earth was round...’
Eric the Red Jun 2018
I don’t miss you

I miss us
And what could have
Eric the Red Jun 2018
There is no hole
To crawl under...
No cave from which
To escape and dwell
In peace...
No desert to traverse
By which a tranquil
Oasis resides...
No rainstorm heavy
Enough to wash away...
Not enough words
To form sad poems
In requiem...
To dispel
To dispatch
To run the lengths
To sleep in relative quiet
Without waking in tears...
You’ve lost
A Beautiful Love
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