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Eric the Red Apr 2018
Thing about it is...
I felt young, vibrant, wistful
When I was around you...

Now that you’re gone...
I feel my age...
The old in my skin...
Would take me a week to count my greys
Wrinkles are more apparent
And I hate looking into the mirror
At the person that lost you...

You were on my skin and was easy to
Wash off...
In My Bones
Aging me
Eric the Red Apr 2018
I knew it was real when I saw
Her stuff on my dresser
Her woman stuff
Next to my bed
When I heard the toilet flush
My first thoughts were
‘What the hell did I just get myself into?’
Eric the Red Apr 2018
The most beautiful compliment
I’ve ever received
Was when she showed me
My words
Upon a body that I no longer
Called home
Eric the Red Apr 2018
I wonder if her fake accounts will give me a true account of who she really is...
Eric the Red Apr 2018
Stop telling people you’ve never met
Over the internet

That you love them

They only use you
For your

And later on that day
After you give them a song
They tell someone else
‘Listen to this one...’

They must love them too
Or just continue the charade
Cause they make you feel
Don’t they?
Eric the Red Apr 2018
So many times...
In many different ways...
The tree gave up its fruit...
To be picked by us...
Ready to be eaten...
Even if forbidden...
It grew tired of waiting...
Those trees bear no fruit now...
And how you used to beg the moon...
Praying to it...
To deliver to you...
It did...
Gave you the answer right in front of you
Sent a comet...
With a beautiful tail...
And once again you let it out of sight...
Knowing it would come back...
Just not knowing when...

Walk barefoot in the orchard...
In the midday light...
Rotting. Waiting. So much fruit.
For you.
And you did nothing

All this life has taught you
So many lessons
And it’s done giving them to you...
Take what’s on the ground
Make a pie...
Eric the Red Apr 2018
The worst thing that could ever

Is to lose sight of you
To say
‘I’m taking a break...I’ll be around though’
Then disappearing
Going away
Then 10, 15, 20 years
Down the road
Seeing you and saying
‘Hey you...remember me?’
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