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Eric the Red Apr 2018
Don’t ever be the doormat
To somebody else’s life
Whenever it’s convenient
For them

Doormats are used to
Wipe your feet
From **** and mud
And stay just on
The outside of the house

Never to be inside
Remember that
  Apr 2018 Eric the Red
Pagan Paul
The ether shimmers.
Time slips.
Your words float,
and dance for my eyes.
But we belong apart,
destined never to meet.


There is a connection
as images assault me,
directly from your pen,
wrenching my soul,
drawing the pain,
painting the pleasure.


Your words found out
emotion is not dead,
its just a sleeping child,
waiting to be loved.
But we belong apart,
destined forever to be...

… perfect strangers.

© Pagan Paul (2017)
Eric the Red Apr 2018
And if I wake tomorrow
Only to realize you were just
A dream

I’d want a potion
To make me sleep

...with you...
Eric the Red Apr 2018
We’re all going to die on this Earth
Might live to 109
Or die this morning
Headed to work
No pain
In your sleep
Gunshot to stomach
Pain for days
Far corner of the world
Or down the street from your childhood
Doesn’t matter
Still on this Earth
Death will come for you
Unless you’re an astronaut
And you’re on a spacewalk
Out there amongst the stars
And your tether becomes tangled
Then ....
Your line cuts.   ......   ... ........ .   .....
And you’re adrift
Dead within 30 minutes
No oxygen
Out in space
But at least you didn’t die on earth
And they’ll break ground on a
Primary school in your name
The president will speak
All while your skeleton
In your spacesuit
Floats past Mars...
Eric the Red Apr 2018
You could:
Serenade her
Lavish her with expensive wine
Write her exquisite sonnets
Carve your initials in that oak tree
Feed her from white linen tables
Drink from goblets
Whisper your poems into her ear
Bring her coffee with her creamer
Pay her bills
Write her a song
Paint her a masterpiece in her honor
Let her fall asleep in your arms
Declare your undivided attention
Vow your life for hers
Give up all connections
To the outside world
Devout to her an undying
Never ending
Forever more
She’ll still respond to that text
In the middle of the night
From the guy she said was just
A friend
Her backup fella

‘What’s up?’
‘Nothing...whatsup with you?’
‘You lookin fine...’
Eric the Red Apr 2018
At 1st Glance of Her
I heard my father’s voice
From when I was a boy

Don't start a fire you don’t know how to put out

At 2nd Glance of Her
She pierced my heart & soul
With a forlorn smile
I knew my ship would
Go down in flames sometime
In the middle of the night

But I didn’t care
Eric the Red Apr 2018
My river was black
Before she swam in it
Drowning in me
Without asking to be saved

Now my waters have reached
The seas
As she courses
Through my veins
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