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264 · Mar 2019
Night cap
Olivia Ventura Mar 2019
Whiskey and sours
In the lonely hours
Is a bubbly dream
As I’m letting off steam
257 · Dec 2017
Olivia Ventura Dec 2017
Whenever an indevor
I’d think of the meaning of clarity
Its simple beauty
Its blissful foundation
The feeling of everything
And yet the feeling of one thing
Clarity is a beautiful word
Yet now I find no peace of mind
It isn’t so simple
It isn’t so romantic
It’s all so messy
So clarity is not a beautiful word
It’s just an idea
248 · May 2018
For all
Olivia Ventura May 2018
Dear skin,
For all intents and purposes
For all those willing to listen
For all people who are lost
For all the threatening thoughts
For all the times it happened
For all the times it never did-
This is why I did it.

244 · Aug 2018
Olivia Ventura Aug 2018
I clumsily I tripped on my shoelace
I fell and broke my little glass vase
It was always too transparent for my taste
But its beauty was inexplicable
So I felt empty without its presence.
I bought this gorgeous crystal one
And placed it in the same spot
I put flowers in, and I tended to them
But they still wilted...
As it turns out, it was the crystal
Because even though it was better quality
The flowers only bloomed in the glass
They liked the vase’s vulnerability to the sunlight
242 · Mar 2019
Olivia Ventura Mar 2019
You are a walnut
In every sense of the object-
Crack your chest open
And find out who you are
242 · Jan 2018
Muscle Memory
Olivia Ventura Jan 2018
I’ve trained myself to suppress my hunger
My stomach has learned to be empty
Kept telling myself that I look younger
I needed to not let people forget me

So I said no to school lunches at 12
I didn’t want dinner to be too big
Which consisted of chips from my pantry shelves
yet my eyes would lie and call me a pig

4 years of one meal a day
Maybe some coffee in the morning
Which wasn’t easy, by the way,
Until finally my eyes were no longer scoring

4 years of hunger and insufficiency
And I’m still not strong enough to get over you
Sure, I can stand despite iron deficiency
But giving you up is something I can’t go through
I’ve trained myself to suppress my hunger
I’ll train myself to keep my heart from racing
And now that we’re not a year younger
Saying goodbye’s the only time we’ll be embracing
238 · Mar 2018
Olivia Ventura Mar 2018
Black umbrellas crowd and cover
crying family and broken lovers
they gather to mourn their dearly departed
they gather to finish what merely was started

"He was brave and he knew how to care"
"He listened to me, he was always there"
a gap between life and love and death
has stolen a bit of everyone's breath

Don't cry for him, he's doing well
everyone knows he is not in hell
But still the heartsick mourners cry
"Why God Why was it him and not I?"
236 · Dec 2017
Ode to Anorexia
Olivia Ventura Dec 2017
“I’m not hungry,” becomes an anthem
For a nation of starving citizens.
They’re not at war, they’re not lacking in supplies,
They only seek to attain the slim silhouette of a pen

Here’s to the days we spent craving that cake
Here’s to the months we were counting our bites
Raise a glass to that tiny mistake
Of eating one peanut on that one flight.

A mistake like that twists your stomach into knots
You feel your body wake itself up
Your tastebuds start tingling as if they forgot
Any other flavor than your water cup
235 · Mar 2019
Olivia Ventura Mar 2019
Am I what you expected
As you pet my hair and pull my fingers
Towards you
Telling me my smile lights up a room
231 · May 2018
Olivia Ventura May 2018
Lovely lovely rosy
You ran from my pale cheeks
In my mouth you’ve cozied-
Hiding there for weeks

In my spit you linger
Causing me to cough
When I’m spitting up my dinner
To shed a few pounds off
229 · Feb 2019
Small Things
Olivia Ventura Feb 2019
The creases that caress your lips
The concavity that hides under your cheekbones
The pronunciation of your collar bone
The humble nature of your smile

The whispers you huff when you're nervous
The quiver of your brow when you're upset
The pauses you take to differentiate the important words
The twitch of your ears when you yawn

The way you look
When you look at me
And I can see the world in your iris
And  I can see the way you see me
227 · Nov 2018
Olivia Ventura Nov 2018
Dry leaves crunch under my feet as I walk
It’s been too long since I’ve tried to talk
My sorrow sits on the tip of my tongue
I keep my worries trapped inside my lungs

The air tastes sour and smells like bitters
My head is hollow but one thought litters
My veins ache and my skin crawls
Close my eyes, I’ll fall, if sit down, I’ll bawl

My ears ring on the same noisy Sunday
For a ghost instead of shadow on Monday
I’m blocking the sun and burning my arm
It trembles, it shakes, it works like a charm

Knowing I’m lying through my rotting teeth
Wearing a smile with a smirk underneath
Father and mother a perplexed expression
Sister surprised with a gradual depression

I’m sorry I’m sorry for hurting myself
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m not in good health
I’m working I’m working on starting anew
I’m working I’m working on pulling through
226 · Mar 2019
Releasing potential
Olivia Ventura Mar 2019
Hands stretched toward the light
Begging to pull them out of the dark
Screams of talent belting out
Like an undiscovered meadow lark

This little blue jay with her white wings
Has her tail feathers dipped in black
Yes, she’s taking off in brilliance
But her story says something her eyes lack

The rhino, the gecko, and finally the wolf
Keep her feathers on their tongues
But she’s escaped with a heavy breath
And she releases her song gone unsung
226 · Nov 2017
I'll Try My Best
Olivia Ventura Nov 2017
I can't move mountains,
I may not be Caesar,
I won't lead thousands,
But I can try to please her.

Maybe I'm no intellect,
I don't know how to split atoms.
Beside you I feel like a small insect,
And I can't contain my enthusiasm.

I may not score the winning goal,
And I may not win first place.
But with you, I can't help but feel whole;
You make my meek heart race.

I don't deserve your excellence,
Not your beauty, nor your grace.
Just let me enjoy your presence,
and the warmth of your embrace.
226 · Nov 2017
La Lune
Olivia Ventura Nov 2017
Tu es ma lune, Cherie, tu es ma lune
Oh, on this refreshing fall afternoon.
your sister, starlight, tangos in your eye,
your brother, midnight, forced me to deny,
That I, you vintage and familiar tune,
Would be a fool to fall in love with Lune.

I had to forget you during the spring.
This lonely heart all tangled up in string,
knitted of yarn; of humble mellow mind,
a thread of strife, now a challenge to find,
would unravel if you gave me a ring.
My ticker would flicker, and dance, and sing.

Why was that a love of belligerence?
I thought, once, you'd be my deliverance...
Because this old forgotten melody,
Has never ceased to own my ears for me.
And this bitter sweet melancholy tune,
Sings all through my mind because of la Lune.
"Tu es ma Lune, Cherie, tu es ma Lune," translates to "you are my moon, dear, you are my moon." (French to English)
(Also in iambic pentameter)
224 · Nov 2017
Lin the Sin
Olivia Ventura Nov 2017
Curled up under the covers
My coffee cup in hand
Reading about young lovers
Trying to understand

I could stay here for hours
Thinking of only his name
Smelling his bouquet of flowers
Looking at his picture frame

But the morning has to end
I must wake from this dream
I remember I'm only his friend
I must get over this scheme

This scenario where he'd choose me
A happily ever after
Though my heart buzzes like a honey bee
Whenever I hear his laughter

I'll be there for him in the meanwhile
His quote-unquote wing woman
Seeing him all dressed up makes me smile
But it's not for me, it's for Lin
219 · Sep 2018
It is
Olivia Ventura Sep 2018
It is the char on a marshmallow after being held over a fire; it tastes better than it looks.

It is the asphalt after the rain; it smells better than it feels on bare skin.

It is an optical illusion; it’s hard to identify at first, but once you do you can’t unsee it.

It is the difference between bourbon and cheap *****; a choice between quality and quantity to get the same job done.

It is an anemone protecting a clownfish; it’ll sting whatever tries to enter without the clownfish’s permission.

It is what I am after everything I’ve been through...

Each item is not sold separately; if you want one you buy the whole set.
214 · Jun 2018
Happy Summer
Olivia Ventura Jun 2018
Soft skin
Flirty grin
Brown eyes
No disguise

Curvy figure
Gazes linger
Lips are bitten
While we’re smitten

No honey as sweet
None other can compete
No addiction so enticing
My mouth’s full of icing
211 · Nov 2017
The Map
Olivia Ventura Nov 2017
"X marks the spot to your treasure,
The treasure that holds your lost pride.
X marks the spot to your pleasure,
go have a look inside."

So I followed the careful instructions,
took one step left then two right,
I was detoured by flower's seductions,
then went back to the map's X growing bright.

At first I felt confusion,
Once I reached this so called prize.
This must be some sort of delusion,
Made by a child to fantasize.

But I looked at the map a bit closer.
The X was no location.
It was the map to my closure,
The way back to my past damnation.

"This is not my pride," I said,
Feeling as though the map lied.
Old pains flooded all through my head.
Because facing my past felt like suicide.

I saw your face, and I whimpered.
How I longed to hear you voice again.
My arms grew numb and limper,
Nostalgia multiplied by ten.

But then I stepped back and took in a breath.
I thought of the troubles that had passed.
Once I'd thought I'd love you until death,
Yet I knew that wouldn't last.

Because while you were once my love,
you were also my strife.
"I fly alone now, turtle dove,
I'll live a fruitful life."

I examined the map and I pondered.
these words were no mistake.
In fact they've made my memories fonder,
Shaped a jagged edge into a clean break.

I do not miss you any longer,
My heart no longer cold.
So if you're ever missing me, just look yonder,
To the map that helped me be bold.
209 · Jan 2019
Haven't Seen Her
Olivia Ventura Jan 2019
A voice cuts the quiet with a butter knife
And spreads it across hollow space
A voice that carries passion and remorse
And yet it travels without a face

She sings through her teeth and I can hear her smiling
She sings with lust and charismatic aim
She opens her lungs for a crawlspace
Where I will sit in shame

I can feel her breathy words
pulsating in my neck
I can feel her venom in my vein
But I accept its effect

In her song, I search for her
Though I know her all too well
We've known each other for years and yet
Only I am under her spell

So hear my voice through your soft soprano
And drink your cherry wine
I'll compliment you with my tenor
And harmonize your story with mine
209 · Apr 2021
Olivia Ventura Apr 2021
The bread is thick enough to soak the oil
And words fall to the bottom of the glass
Like a residue that rests with crumbs
Below the surface
Suffocating under a layer tense silence
209 · Aug 2018
As hard as it may be
Olivia Ventura Aug 2018
Rudimentary feelings
Bursting from my mouth
Arbitrary dealings
surely going south
I was only naïve to think
you would not remain
I had only perceived a link
between hopelessness and distain
so I’ll *** my love up in a ball
and throw it down a well
every memory bad and all
so nobody can tell
although it still exists
it won’t get in the way
because new insists
to give my old away
207 · Dec 2018
What a Waste
Olivia Ventura Dec 2018
I am ripe fruit sitting out on a hot day
I am toast without butter jam tea or coffee
I am a caterpillar stuck in my chrysalis
I am a model with no confidence
I am straight-lined unbrushed teeth
I am a physician without a single patient
I am an actress who can’t remember lines
I am eating right in the wrong portions

I have potential yet I have no purpose
Yet I wish to let it seek me out
Instead of seeking it out for myself
205 · Nov 2017
Olivia Ventura Nov 2017
I feel you walking in the crowd
I see your face among the clouds
I smell your cologne on my old sweater
I know it was easy for you to forget her

The one who helped you through disaster
Now wears a smile made of plaster
The woman who called the rescue team
Is now the girl who only sees you in a dream

Just promise me you're happy now
And please forgive my furrowed brow
I'm still jealous of how you moved on
And left me in that place to fawn
204 · Jan 2019
Olivia Ventura Jan 2019
She is sitting in a room with white curtains,
watching them fill an empty room with empty space.

She writes to a God that doesn't answer,
Because she doesn't use the right address.

She seals her tears in a paper envelope,
and hands them to a man who will never deliver them.

She twirls her hair around her little finger,
watching the sun fade again and again.

She is ***** by men with whiskey tongues,
and she clings to them for comfort.

She is staining her sheets with the blood from her head,
and she never washes it away.
200 · Dec 2017
The Human Condition
Olivia Ventura Dec 2017
Watching my life from an outside window
Wondering where I went wrong
Make my way to the chair in the corner
Across an empty room
How many times have I emphasized
The happiness over the strife
It’s the human condition
To be in this position
You’ll lie to yourself
Before you admit you were wrong
199 · Feb 2019
Say Goodnight to Me
Olivia Ventura Feb 2019
Say goodnight to me
Say it softly
Before you drift away
Before you walk across the ocean
Or sail across the dunes
Or go wherever you go
When you travel through thoughts
When your eyes are closed
If you could dream aloud
If you would allow me
And I could know you all the more
And have the chance to be adored
But you’ve left without saying goodnight
But you’ve gone without telling me, softly
That you would walk across the ocean
That you would sail across the dunes
For me
For us
Yet you haven’t done so
Yet I’m still left wondering
What you think about
What you dream
199 · Dec 2018
Old Literature
Olivia Ventura Dec 2018
Hail to Mark Twain, and John Steinbeck, and William Shakespear.
Hail to the kings of literature and jesters of yesterday.
Their crowns are their words and their jewels are their jokes.
Their Reign is unending yet ended and gone.

Now we fall before beauty tutorials and conspiracy theories.
For dogs chasing cats, and girls chasing boys.
Now their crowns are rusty, and their jewels unpolished.
No one tends to their memorials as they tend to surf the web.
195 · Nov 2021
Happily Ever After
Olivia Ventura Nov 2021
Happily Ever After
Alls well it ends well
Ending and beginning a different story, slightly less intriguing

than the last
Still there
Still charming
Just dull

Dull when hands swim in hair every night
When minds meld and eyes dilate
When your skin burns for theirs

And then it doesn’t
And then you sit side by side
Having the time of your life as your life passes you by

Staying sat and saving money
Making lists of things to do
And their name sits between laundry and dishes

When their kink becomes coupons
And your fetish is a foot rub after a long day
And you wash it all down chamomile and sleep

And you fall back into their grasp
Never having left
And still feeling far away

Youngblood with old souls
Barely a history to have had
Sorting through the things that happened when nothing’s

happened in ages
Still knowing this is yours
Where you belong

Carrying the torch to a fire unlit
But when embers never die
They must be nurtured

Through meaningful breath and dry brush
Until they sting your leg with a spark
And you burn them with your silence

As you climb back onto their lap
And smoke rises to your mind
And smothers your doubts

As you light a bonfire scented candle for the night
And for every night
Rekindling the spark and rolling over to read on your kindle
195 · Feb 2019
Simply #1
Olivia Ventura Feb 2019
We are the universe
Expanding every day
pushing each other
further apart.
Wishing each other
a better start.
193 · Nov 2017
The Power's Out
Olivia Ventura Nov 2017
The lights went out
I let out a shout
I'm a bit scared
and unprepared
But I'm completely fine
It's just the power line  
So I talk to you
but it seems you're through
you're not enjoying our little conversations
which leaves me to ponder while looking at constellations
As if I'm not worth a call
As if I'm not there at all
So I sit in the dark with no electricity
Waiting on life to grant me some simplicity
Why can't my mind be serene, like yours?
Being the first to talk is always a chore
193 · Aug 2018
Olivia Ventura Aug 2018
My legs dangled off the edge of the bed
And my hands were being held
My question dangled off the edge of the conversation
And my answer never came

My fingers tightened over the cotton covers
And my heart skipped every beat
My stomach tightened when I felt eyes on me
And my head began to spin

My singing echoed through the house
And my neighbors listened in
My memories echoed through my mind
And my chest began to heave

My tears were wiped away
And my arms were wrapped around shoulders
"My love, stop worrying about little things,
And forget about the past."
192 · May 2018
Count to 10
Olivia Ventura May 2018
I remember when I was a kid
When you counted and I hid
And you found me curled up, hiding
Behind the dark, I was confiding

Don’t leave me here
Paralyzed with fear
Find me again
Just count to 10
188 · Aug 2018
Bag of bones
Olivia Ventura Aug 2018
Blue veins hug my hands and neck
My thin hair, a bunned-up wreck
I trace a picture of malnutrition
But, to me, there is no condition
Everyone either says one or the other
It’s their consensus but I’m left smothered
So I’m stripped down to my fatty core
But all they say is “put on more”
How I’d love to take a bite
But then they would get to win the fight
And what am I left with, even if I won?
A bag of bones with ribs like none
But I’m healthy, so I know what they mean
Even though that’s not what I’ve seen
185 · Jan 2018
Not The Same
Olivia Ventura Jan 2018
I do my make up in the morning
I make a cup of coffee
I pack my bag and leave for school
Except it’s not the same

I jot down notes I won’t remember
I sometimes sleep in class
I walk down the hall and look for you
Except it’s not the same

I think about the other day
My heart skips a beat
I think about where we could go
Except it’s not the same

We talk about our favorite authors
We write new stories together
We watch TV and talk about our future
Except it’s not the same

Things were moving fast, you got scared
You can guess what happens next
I make up some excuse, get home early
But this time it’s all too familiar
184 · Mar 2018
One Year
Olivia Ventura Mar 2018
Autumn's tears have watered down the pride
Winter's bite has scarred the dogwood trees
Spring's laughter has revived the wilted flowers
Summer's kiss has numbed the boastful lips
184 · Mar 2019
Olivia Ventura Mar 2019
As my teeth rot
As my skin wrinkles
As my bones ache
Will you still love me
As I am?
182 · Mar 2019
Last Night
Olivia Ventura Mar 2019
My foot taps concrete
To the beat of my blood

My mouth is an acoustic guitar
Strumming your name against my lips

My cheeks go red
At the images I conjure

My mind is a snare drum
Pounding against my better judgement
179 · Mar 2019
All I need
Olivia Ventura Mar 2019
Yes I am the fool who came back twice
And I know your ancient tears are nothing more than ice
And I’ve justified my scars by telling everyone I’m better off
But every time I try my voice will quaver

Your bitter taste is resting on my tongue
My throat is burnt from singing songs that we have sung
I would tell you that I missed you but that
Sentiment has passed
But now I’m back to ask an honest favor  

All I need
Is to hear three words I’ve dreamed of hearing all this time
All I need
Is to hold you in my arms without your guilt, you shame, or anger
All I need
Is to bring myself to tears if I could stand
To look you in the eye
All I need
Is to tell you what I am
Before you tell me

Yes I am the love of your young life
And I know this to be true because I’m still your wife
Because I know when you’re upset when I’m the one who sees the way you look at you
179 · Jan 2019
The Welt
Olivia Ventura Jan 2019
His innocence stung me; like a bee on the first day of spring.
I couldn't get the stinger out of the welt that had grown around it.

Here he was; untouched and unscathed.
Here I am; unspoken and unattached.

I used to think we were alike.
That I, too, was a simple girl in a simple way.

I now know that we are different.
That he, too, is unable to know the horror, only the grief.

And this welt will grow bigger and bigger, day by day;
But I don't have the heart to pull the stinger out of my skin.

It has made itself apart of me, apart of my pain.
And for some reason, I like the pain.

I like the sting of innocence, blatantly mocking my used persona.
And he likes the way hide my delicacy beneath it.
178 · Aug 2022
Well With My Soul
Olivia Ventura Aug 2022
Sins that resonate will ripple and wave
And crash against a sandstone erosion
Dribbled whiskey won’t name you depraved
When tithes rust from hypocritical corrosion
172 · Aug 2019
Olivia Ventura Aug 2019
Travel down a wooden pathway
Where glow fish taunt the fishermen
And flirt with their lustful hooks
Until they come up with empty handed respect

True waltzes with false
Where the horizon blurs into oblivion
And the massive unknown consumes the view
Until you fade into its corruption

Tread lightly when others stomp
Where conversation flounders on idle lips
And understanding becomes a currency
Until it snaps into a sudden, “goodbye.”
170 · Jul 2018
Shot in the dark
Olivia Ventura Jul 2018
When I was a young girl my father used to tell me not to take love lightly. He said it doesn’t happen often, so when it come around cherish it. Because it never stays. I though if it doesn’t stay for long then how good can it really be? Years later, I was walking in the dark and an arrow struck my from behind. I was wailing and bawling asking the emptiness what to do. My dad helped me to my feet and told me I had to get over it, and take the arrow out. But I didn’t want to... I wanted it to last. I wanted to feel the pain of it all for longer. But as I started to bleed out, I realized my father was right. I tried my best to pull the arrow from my side, but I fell. The arrow went straight through me. And I was left with a gaping hole. My dad sewed me up, and explained that not all arrows will be good for you. Especially if they’re only a shot in the dark.
170 · Oct 2018
It's okay
Olivia Ventura Oct 2018
I don't want to know what you're doing
I don't want to see you again
I don't want to know where you're going
I just want to know if I'll see you in the morning
And that's enough for me
170 · Dec 2018
I, the fool.
Olivia Ventura Dec 2018
I, the owner, will promise to take care of him.
I will love him, powerfully,
I will not hurt him, sourly,
I will feed him, brush him, and play with him.

I, the wife, will promise to take care of him.
I will talk to him, honestly,
I will not damage his ego, purposefully,
I will cherish him, think of him, and be forever with him.

I, the mother, will promise to take care of him.
I will teach him, rightfully,
I will not lose my temper towards him, level-headedly,
I will raise him, trust him, and give him all I have of myself.

I, the young girl, will promise to keep these wishes to myself.
I will act immature, expectedly,
I will talk about boys, not men,
I will suffocate my lovely, accelerated, traditional thoughts.

Because I am not an owner, a wife, or a mother.
And I may never be.
168 · Feb 2019
simply #2
Olivia Ventura Feb 2019
We are a sickness
spreading everywhere-
Giving each other
painless coughs.
Telling each other
that's why it's off.
164 · Aug 2019
2 am
Olivia Ventura Aug 2019
In the tender hours
When the dark devours
I will sleep by you
And let your hopes stew
Until we say what we mean
After sharing our dream
164 · Mar 2018
it was just mud
Olivia Ventura Mar 2018
We spit in the mud and made clay,
And we molded ourselves as we saw us.
I saw our creation as the near future,
You only saw the past.
I saw our creation as my biggest desire,
You saw something you didn’t believe in.

One month later and I walk a dirt path,
And it reminds me of our clay.
I don’t sculpt much nowadays,
Maybe I was never meant to.
But along the path I spotted someone walking

I smiled, kept walking, and took a breath.

Breathing felt better once I knew it wasn’t clay; it was just mud.
160 · Oct 2018
Olivia Ventura Oct 2018
She left her keys on the coffee table. But he wouldn't give them back. In fact, he kept moving them around the house, places where he knew she would eventually see. But as soon as she caught sight, he would move them again. And she couldn't ask him where he had put them because after this long of a time had gone, it was too humiliating to admit she was still looking. And even though she knew he knew she was, she kept dangling the replacements in his face to show him that she'd taken care of it. But she still wants the original keys back; desperately.
159 · May 2018
Olivia Ventura May 2018
The moon woke me up with a sideways grin
In my bassinette, in my hollowed home
I used my foot to scratch my chin
I ruffled and preened, as I lacked a comb

Brother has gone to find me dreaming
Sister sees me restlessly sleeping
Father is a sun whose face is now beaming
Mother can be found behind me, weeping

Wings are for my stamina
Beak is for my bite
Bone becomes shear lamina
Now I can all but take flight.
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