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Apr 2021 · 51
Master of puppets
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Master, master, master
Where is the promises you made to me?!
How could you use me like a puppet on a string?
Why do you mock me when I cry?
When I'm hungry you only feed me lies.
Apr 2021 · 413
Keep your eyes on me
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Keep your eyes on me through the dark and narrow road
I know you are scared but you are not alone
Can barely see the hand in front of you but know it's my hand guiding you.

You're tired and I understand
But child know I have the perfect plan
So trust me and you will see
Everything you need is found in me.
Apr 2021 · 40
Holy spirit
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
He's a faithful friend through and through
Jesus said it's "best if I go so I can send the comforter to you"
He walks with me
Talks with me
And leads me beside still waters

He tells me all about the love of the father.
Apr 2021 · 131
Jesus Prayer
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
In the midnight hour I call
Jesus son of god, have mercy on me
When dawn begins to tear through the blackened sky I repeat
Jesus son of god, have mercy on me
With one one final breath I say
Jesus son of god, have mercy on me.
Apr 2021 · 64
Random 2
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Some days I just wanna go off
Start flipping tables
Wonder if it's the devil horns
That hold up this halo
Broken strangers
Let's be honest we're all fallen angels.

Be good
Try peace
Okay I tried it
Think I'll stick with the heat
Don't like it?
Get out of my kitchen
Apr 2021 · 40
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
The tides are turning
One step away from being swept away
By the undertow
Finding it harder to breath
Finding no relief

Far from shore in the midnight hour
When will morning come?
When will my sun shine?
Am I condemned to eternal darkness
Please save me before my heart is hardened.
Apr 2021 · 49
Black sheep
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Who created me?
     How did I end up in this family?
Was this an accident or for a purpose?
    Been with them almost thirty years and still uncertain
    Am I the only who thinks this way
Who knows maybe it's just me
    Surely there's a home for the black sheep
Apr 2021 · 46
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Blood boils
Patience wearing thin
Seems like this is bound to happen
Time and time again
Lash out at me
Til your rage simmers
Blow after blow I've stayed quiet

Maybe it's time I let you feel the violence
When you look in confusion
Realize this is no illusion
The tables have turned and now sit down
It's because this time it'll be you who gets burned
Apr 2021 · 37
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Try to catch my breath
But you steal the air from my lungs
Sharing a table together but you always put a knife to my throat.
Turned my back on you for a second
Only to feel the cold metal of your pistol deep in my back.

My words, your weapon, my pain
Your platform.
Apr 2021 · 48
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Hopelessness is like a heavy chain
Day and night are all the same
The smiles of strangers are like thorns in my flesh.
Apr 2021 · 62
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
You can't buy it
You can't get it back
Spend it wisely
Apr 2021 · 47
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Build a tower in the sky
Make it the best to all the wondering eyes.
No time to laugh, no time to cry
I have to build until I die
Apr 2021 · 293
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
On that wooden cross my life was changed forever
Hell was my refuge
And hopelessness lingered through my life like a foul stench
But the nailed scared hands and stripes on his back
Says " my child I would go through hell if that's what it takes to have you back"

And to hell he went and took back every key and said " Satan you can't have this one because he belongs to me"
Apr 2021 · 66
The blood still applies
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
The blood still applies that was shed on calvary.
It's not something that just happens at the time of salvation
It it applied in the storms of life and in the midst of temptation.
When my world is being swallowed by darkness and no one is around
The blood still applies and my feet are on solid ground.
Apr 2021 · 37
The tongue
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
It was born in the flames of hell
Wars, fights, divorce and everything in between
If you ever felt the temptation to speak you'll know what I mean.
It can be blessing to those who tame it but woe to those who are tamed by it for they are tied to the wild horse that is the tongue and dragged through the mud.
Apr 2021 · 108
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Flowers in the field
Birds of the air
Look to life without care
They don't sow nor reap
And yet I'm the one loosing sleep
Counting sheep
Stacking up the bills
I can barely afford my pills.
Apr 2021 · 46
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Welcome to therapy session
Let's look at your thoughts like a antique collection
Today will dust some things off and see if we can't get back that shine
So tell me Adam, what's going on your mind?

We'll see what we can revive
Tell me about your past
Tell me about your childhood
Tell me how you survived?
Apr 2021 · 917
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Let lust be a lady tonight!
Make her how I want to be
Sweet like candy
Who cares if she ends up in therapy for this?
She ain't my kid.
Don't women like this?
Apr 2021 · 63
Adam El-ghirani Apr 2021
Tell me lies that are easy to swallow
Give me love but only to leave me so hollow.
Warm to the touch but cold to the core your love is cheap and I can't afford this anymore.
Mar 2021 · 227
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
The blood we spill
The innocent killed
Have we had our fill?
Mar 2021 · 164
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Waving the white flag of surrender
Inside the war rages on
Compliancy is a love language to me
Yet a rebel with his fist in the air
I love it when all the pieces fit
The picture of unity
But you and me could be far from it
Still my mouth is sealed with the treaty of peace.
Mar 2021 · 36
Write these wrongs
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Write these wrongs
Write these sins
Write them down so I won't forget.
Mar 2021 · 252
Random stairs
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Climb with me
          Down we go
Will this ever stop?
            Gee I don't know
It's getting dark are you scared?
            Here comes the storm are you prepared?
         Who is author of this poetry?
Think he might be ADD
        Still with me? Good
Turn the lights on and see
      Everything you thought was real
Was really just make believe.
Mar 2021 · 47
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Eat these words
Eat this verse
Fill this fist
Know my hurt

See these rage?!
Hear my pain?!
Tip toe around you quietly
But now it's time for the choir to sing
Mar 2021 · 43
Let you down
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Was I not enough?
Or was i too much to handle? Did my words taste sour in your mouth?
Want to go another round?
This time I'm calling the shots

Try to take another swing at me but you swung to hard
Thought you was stable until
Til you pulled the rug from under my feet
Mar 2021 · 38
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
From the begging when darkness ruled the earth
You spoke life and light was born
From the dust you made life
You spoke my very existence with just a word and who could imagine the awe in wonder you saw in me when all I saw was dirt.

In the garden I ran and hid
But your love called me out
Grace covered my sin
Now in adoration I will bow
And sacrifice my life just as you sacrificed your crown.
Mar 2021 · 35
Orphan heart
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Is there a home for me?
Is it filled with love?
Do colors collaborate and burst through the house leaving nothing but awe and wonder?

Is there a family for me?
People who know me yet still love me
Does it exist in reality or in my imagination?
I long for a home like that
Is there a place like that?
Mar 2021 · 41
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Someone sets the tone for the stage
Someone shoots me with a fire dart and ignites the flame.
All I see is red

Clinched fist with gripped tight around my throat but it's my own hand. This other side of me might one day get the best one..I just hope I can subdue it before it gets the rest of me.
Mar 2021 · 144
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
It's late in the night and there is tension pulling on in the inside me
It comes back in the darkest of dreams
The words from its mouth ties my hands together and I'm bound.
Mar 2021 · 50
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
You see every part of me
You see the scars and the tears
You see the wounds and the fears
I'm exposed to you.

The glass house that is marked with hand prints and yet you look past all that and see the end of a masterpiece and my fears have melted away like the sun melts the snow.
Mar 2021 · 208
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Throw me in the flames and melt me down to a liquid
Let the roaring flames consume every part of me
Let it melt away my rebellion and all of my inequalities
Mar 2021 · 48
Father of my pain
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
You made me so why is it so hard to love me?
I am your seed, your shadow, your son
How can the memories of my hero now be the ghosts of my past

Why did you abuse me?
I was just a kid
Do you hate me?
Does my image reflect the child in you that never grew up?
Was I ever enough?

How could you use the hands that were made to wipe away my tears be the cause of them.
I can remember hearing my sister's tears as you screamed at her in the other room while I was in the room across watching  TV
I remember my mom being against the wall and you say "I'm sorry you have to see this*

Those images and many more are burned in my memory
This trauma I will not let be the death of me.
Mar 2021 · 44
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Born in a fire that began long ago
Born in a house of cards
Born in a broken home.
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
I hear your cries my child when the tears won't come
I know the things that haunt you, I know what they've done.
I hear the silent prayers of your heart
I know the things that weigh you down.
I see beyond the fake smile and I see a frown.

I hear the awful things they say about you and I see the scars they have left
I know you're afraid to let me in cause you think I can't handle your mess.

"Come to me"I beckon you from the shores
Come my beloved and thirst no more.
Mar 2021 · 32
Walk with me
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Walk with me and tell me it's all going to be okay
Tell me that you are guiding me through darkness and into light
Be the hand I can hold when I can't see the next step
Be the air I breathe when I can't take another breath.

Hold me in your arms like a child who knows he's safe in your arms.
Be my peace from all of life's alarms and promise me you'll do me no harm.

This world is so cold o God how long must this winter last?
I hear you speak in the silence " my precious child this to shall pass
Mar 2021 · 48
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Where has the time gone?
It's been almost a year
And not a day goes by that I don't say "I wish you were here"
Your absence has left a whole in
Our hearts and on the earth
We knew you were special from the moment of your birth.

I'll never forget the tears that cut through your parents heart and touched the floor
They always wanted you to be so much more.

Rest easy now black bird and sing heavens hymn
Can't wait to see you someday my old friend.
Mar 2021 · 47
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Words that cut like a thousand paper cuts
You speak and the fire begins
How has it gotten like this?
I thought we were friends
But in the moment we might as well be enemies.

Back and forth we go
Spewing venom with every blow
Like the moon and the earth it feels like we are miles away
Wonder how it got this way?
Wait...what did you just say...?
Mar 2021 · 40
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
These cold hands wrap around my throat squeezing the very last drop of hope that was within me.
Those cold dead eyes lock with mine and I feel the piercing sting of death and hopelessness burn through my soul like a cigarette burn on my skin.
I'm so tired I just lay there and feel my body become numb and isolated from my mind.

How I wish the bullet would just shatter my skull like ashes across the ocean. Where is my lover that is the angel of death?
Where are you to set me free from this lamp with no light they call life.
Come take to the grave and break my soul over the altar, set me on fire and let whatever was left me be the smoke that remain in the smoke that goes to sky and eventually fades.
Mar 2021 · 46
Adam El-ghirani Mar 2021
Hold my arms out for love but you cut my wrist and watch me bleed
Look for you in the darkness but you stay silent.
Speak the words that are the longing of the heart of the inner child but you just rip my tongue out and leave me speechless.
This home I built waiting for you to return but every time I open the door for you, you pour gasoline all over me and watch me burn.

You'd think I would learn by now
But the heart fools itself with hope and wishful thinking.

Someday this merry go round will stop or I'll be standing in the ashes of a home with a match in my hand.
Feb 2021 · 41
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
It's like a heavy chain tied to my heart
It's something that that likes to hide in the dark. You couldn't see it on the outside but on the inside it's like its apart of me, I can't tell sometimes where it begins and where is the start of me? This heavy cross I carry with me all day long while my inner voice says "crucify him!" Slowly sinking under the weight of this heavy burden.
Feb 2021 · 56
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
Idols made of glass, idols made of silver and gold that entice me with their words of lust that are sweet like honey but bitter in my soul.
These idols I can keep hidden until they call out "wanna play a game" I must resist I must untie these ropes tied to these false hopes.
Like Linus from Charlie Brown I carry these idols like a security blanket that keeps me secure from insecurities. All my lust and impurities.
Feb 2021 · 46
If I'm honest
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
If I'm being honest I'll confess the lonliness and heartache I feel on the inside like a tree rotting from the roots and decaying by the minute. I can feel my bones and soul break and if I'm being honest I sometimes hope this is the last breath I take cause I feel fire burning within fueled by the gasoline that is my sin that I'm too prideful to  confess cause if I am being honest I just want to rest...
Fyi poetry is how I get all the junk out of me so I know alot of it is super sad but it's how I vent.
Feb 2021 · 49
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
The darkness comes roaring at me like a hungry lion waiting to devour my crushed spirit! Drowning in the sea of despair and hopelessness, choking on my pride while my sorrow pulls me under farther and farther. Searching for a way out or a life line but none seem to be present. The fog hovers over the deep waters covering my vision! I can barely see my hand in front of me. Oh how I wish the sun would break through and cast out this storm I'm in but my cries for help only seem to echo through the fog and my mind. Finally my body is calm and I began to float long enough to see a light breaking through the fog. Fear and anxiety fill my heart but only for a passing moment as the light shines brightly on my face, piercing through the darkness filling me with peace and love. A stillness comes over me and suddenly I'm no longer afraid, my spirit is no longer crushed and heart no longer feels the cold chill. A smile begins to form as I see the light turn into a boat. I can't see the man's face but his voice is calm, gentle and deep as he calls out to me “take my hand and I'll pull you up! I grab his hand which is rough but comforting. Pulling me on to his boat, he gives me a towel and a warm beverage. I can't see his face but I can tell he is gentle and does not wish to harm me. The storm rages on with fierce anger but I'm no longer afraid for I have found a friend who has seen this and will guide me through this.
Feb 2021 · 53
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
The sky that was once was blue and everything that was black and white now has gray running through it and my world of innocence that was a safe place to hide has now left me feeling paralyzed by the lies and the ghost that linger in my mind and the child I used to be is nothing but a reflection in my eyes. The times they pass us by so if you're not satisfied with the hour just give it a second glance and see that the tides are shifting no matter if we want them to or not and now I leave you with this note as your fingers pass through mine and I see the tears that form in your eyes but don't be sad I'll be okay cause I'm just a ghost.
Feb 2021 · 52
Oh my soul
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
Oh my soul why are you so cast down? Why are you so disturbed within me? It's because you neglect me and refuse to look at me says my soul. My soul, my soul I cry out I have looked at you! I've looked deep within you! What else can I do for you? You won't really face what's going on inside me says my soul, you focus on making sure the outside looks good but only to neglect the rotting walls inside the house. You paint over the pain with a fresh coat but you can't cover up what you don't face. Your words are piercing right through me, it's true i respond I've tried to paint over the pain and for awhile the days seem longer and the nights seem so short but eventually it all goes back to normal. The nights grow long and weary and the days seem to fade in the background but I don't know what else to do for you! I've tried everything! Have you tried accepting me for who I am says my soul Have you tried to love me and not try to change me? Have you really looked at me and face what your audience doesn't see? You run from me like I'm a ghost, you fear me like a disease, you tremble when I bring things to the surface. You can't run from me, you can't hide, try as hard as you want but I'll always be waiting for you in the dark alleys of your mind.
Feb 2021 · 38
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
The tears of yesterday still seem to appear in the tomorrow morning and I am yet again shaken to the core by the fragments of memories that echo through my soul like ghosts looking for their body they once knew but now it seems light-years away from them. I ponder each piece of memory as it rips through the inside me leaving me bleeding but no one can see. To be honest I can't recall when the bleeding began. Was it in my youth, my adolescence or has this always been a part of me and maybe forever will be. Taking each step with each new breath as I bleed internally and adapt to this permanently with no disregard but only left with these open scars.
Feb 2021 · 41
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
There's a hole in the bottom of my heart deep and wide and this pain I can't hide. These pain is my tattoo that no one can see because this tattoo is beneath the surface so I won't let anyone see because it's hard to see from far away so you gotta get up close but I won't let you get close to me. This tattoo has become something far greater than what I could of imagined. It has tunneled through my whole body and now I'm forever marked with this tattoo that won't go away and believe me I've tried to get rid of it but the ink is thick and dark and covers me from head to toe so I guess I'll finally come undone and let you see the side of me that lies
Feb 2021 · 44
Adam El-ghirani Feb 2021
I see you standing in the light with your fire burning in your heart that melts the rusty chains of yesterday. The ghost's of your past dance with you all throughout the night, swaying you back and forth between past present, light and dark.
The whisper of the wind sends a calm to your mind like gentle hands of an old friend.
The way the moon hits your eyes makes them both piercing and beautiful. The soothing sound of your voice sends a chill that paralyzes my heart leaving me breathless gasping to hear more of the angelic choir that is you. The touch of your hand across my face awakens something long ago that once lived. The heart is a battlefield, two sides fighting against one another hoping to **** and conquer. One side brave, fierce and Noble ready to take on new heights, explore the mountains and see what lies beneath all of this that we feel is real. The other side is roaring with anger, fear and bitterness. They use to hunger for more, to explore and see the beauty that is what we feel is real but something happened on the adventure. They made a wrong turn and that what was once peaceful become a nightmare leaving them in despair and agony. The sting of that memory still lies deep beneath them reminding them of what used to be but is no more. The battle rages on between the two, old scars are opening, doors that were once shut are staring break open. She turns away then turns back. I see inside your heart a war that is raging inside you. I've come to help but you only run away when I dare to come near you. Your absence has been like a winter day, beautiful as the white soft snow but harsh like the wind. When will I truly see you again? Will it just be in my memories of us and what used to be? Or will it be in flesh? Will I feel your warm body against mine? Will our hands ever meet again? Am I fool for even thinking of this? It was a brief moment that you were with me and yet I have thought about you like you've been gone for an eternity. Should I save me from myself and run? Or stand firmly and wait, knocking on the door of Faith hoping it will be you that answers.

— The End —