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Listen then to everything else but what you think is you,
Even to the silent interactions;
You are but the summation of your external influence,
your internal world is the reflection of the outer.
Or is it the obverse of that?
But if you want to know the real non-you:
There exists this black hole at the centre of your universe
Get ****** into it and know that you never really existed, externally.
Made up non-you.
Beliefs—to stay alive
Broken to live.
Not a poem, more of a dictum.
I had always wondered—what could be eternal?
Since I'm taught that everything is transient.
Though I've been destroyed by my love for you—
My Love for you is indestructible.
I guess that answers that.
Silence—the galactic language—
Enunciating exploding Stars,
A background to the dialect of Humans.
If you start with the eyes—
Rest becomes beautifully negligible
O silence, O darkness
Tuck me under your blanket
For light overwhelms this, inundates this with too much information
Which the longer it's exposed to the more it veers away from everything that was once simple,
Everything that was once inimitable
Has lost its essence in regurgitation—
In the cyclic chambers of the conscious.

Bring me back that child which operated with the unknowns of the unconscious
Needed no definitions, needed no shape to comprehend
For whom everything was continuous—viewing everything amorphously like the fluid which flows through her.

(All I ever do lately is hanker for the light
Thinking it'll be the saving grace
Thinking procuring more knowledge will get me closer to serenity
To build and build and feed the ever hungry conquered soul
All the time speculating, measuring, calculating...)

No, sap away the water from my roots
Shrivel away the veins of retention
O! embrace me that which lingers on endlessly in the background
Take this platform, take the mike, take this person
Cacoon her in nothingness
For she wishes not to see her imperfect reflection in the presets of man-made life anymore.
Sense of entitlement prevails in primitive minds
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