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Denxai Mcmillon Dec 2015
I don't know where to start, I don't want to, honestly.
The inevitably that I'll somehow **** up my life is all too real.
I'm kind of like a comma or some other form of punctuation.
I serve a purpose.
At least I hope I do.
I'm a slow reader.
So punctuation is important to me.
I take in every period, comma, semicolon, colon and so on and so forth.
It is, without any doubt, easy to ignore punctuation and miss the beauty of the sentence you just skimmed.
So breeze past everything
And miss me.
It's okay,
It's okay.
Denxai Mcmillon Jan 2016
But baby I don't know how to ask for help
Denxai Mcmillon Jun 2015
Speaking Honestly, I just wanna sit in silence with you.
Denxai Mcmillon Sep 2015
You probably ******* hate me after all this ****.
Denxai Mcmillon May 2015
Self-loathing is something I'm good at.
Don't make any better.
Denxai Mcmillon May 2015
Sitting here alone and hoping you'll show up kills me.
Denxai Mcmillon Apr 2015
I hate to play pretend, like I don't love you.
Denxai Mcmillon Jul 2015
It's hard to sleep tonight.
As the recent days have ended with you in my arms.
I couldn't escape this everlasting all-nighter.
Because nothing fits in my arms the way you do.
Nothing rises and falls like your chest.  
Nothing carries the gentle fragrance you have.
Nothing compares to your warmth.
Nothing is you.
Without you.
This room has nothing for me.
Denxai Mcmillon Jun 2015
What's left to say?
Denxai Mcmillon Jul 2015
Wesley, remember your place.
The little reminders to ourselves
Denxai Mcmillon Sep 2015
Does my regret show?
Denxai Mcmillon Sep 2015
I am, undoubtedly, alone.
Denxai Mcmillon Apr 2015
Today will be long.
Denxai Mcmillon May 2015
He lies to himself
Denxai Mcmillon Jul 2015
So begins the three day wait where I'm stuck.
I have three days to survive without a crutch.
Three days to pretend I'm not missing you.
Three days to figure out to wait to finish grand theft auto or wait until we're friends again.  
Three days.
Denxai Mcmillon Jun 2016
It's honestly not that I'm unhappy

It's honestly not that you're not enough

It's honestly not that I don't have fun




The chemicals inside my head


They long for the darkness of a casket.


as I battle my head

As I battle my impulses

The down time I get,

The breaks in the mental war,

Please know,

I'm tired,







I'm still here.
Denxai Mcmillon Jun 2015
I wasn't born here
I refuse to die here
But Frederick
You are my home
From the allIes of downtown,
The winding roads of the mountains,
The constant buzz of route 40.
I hate this town
Where I finished high school
Where I learned what love is
Where I learned to drive
Learned to skate
Learned to forgive
From smoking **** till I couldn't stand
Drinking until I was giddy
I've learned
I've grown
And in this town
I've found my home.
Denxai Mcmillon Dec 2015
I'm terrified of the fall
So it's hard for me to flap my wings
I'm a creature of the land
Of the sea
My emotions are something like a sheer mountain.
No peak
Only a plateau
I climb with my eyes on the sky
Reach the level earth
And make the mistake of looking down.
And my body follows my gaze.
Denxai Mcmillon Jun 2015
I'm growing distant from myself
As if the simplistic notion of happiness
Is the ocean spread between emotions
And I am but a ship,
I'm surrounded on all sides
By water that I can not drink.
Why is it that smiling is so
So unbearably difficult?
I know how to force a smile
Why do I have no desire,
No ambition.
Why am I struggling so **** hard?
Is there really a light at the end?
Or did I think that into exsistance?
I'm a ship
And I'm not sinking,
I'm just adrift.
Adrift isn't what I want
My sails are lowered
So where in the blazes
Is the southern wind
to push my ship
And the corners of my mouth
Denxai Mcmillon May 2015
Seeing you after work
Is kind of like not wanting to swim
but enjoying the cold on your feet
As you dip them into the pool
No matter our situation,
No matter our title,
That feeling won't go away.
Denxai Mcmillon Jun 2015
Funny how I somehow can't prove I love you.
It's funny how even though I've been committed you can't even say I'm you're boyfriend.
It's funny how I'm not your boyfriend
It's funny how while I talk endlessly about you you can't tell me one time recently you do the same.
It's funny how while I'm ******* sobbing over how to prove I love you all you can say is I can't.
It's funny how even being alive isn't enough for you
It's funny how much I've started to hate myself because I can't do anything well enough.
It's funny right?
Denxai Mcmillon Jan 2016
Closed doors
Tension holds every movement.
A drink stronger than our egos
The hardest part of mixing my drinks is that when I have the spins I can't hold onto you.
Im drowning in my head
I'm sinking in my skin.
I don't want this anymore.
I want to die and come back as who you need.
I want to die and come back.
I want to die.
I'd die to abolish your sins
Yours alone.
I have a problem.
It's not you.
It's in a bottle and hides in cans.
Typing is hard.
I'm sorry.
Denxai Mcmillon Sep 2015
I drink because liquor is the only thing consistent in my life. It's there when I'm happy and when I'm sad. I drink because when no one wants to listen I can spill my thoughts to my drunk and lonely self and I can listen to myself talk without judgement. Alcohol is the only thing that makes me feel like I'm not alone. Because my friends are always too busy to listen to how broken I am.
Denxai Mcmillon Jun 2015
I know you're not really in love with me,
Or rather,
I know if you were ever in love with me you aren't now.
I'd bet my last breath you don't talk about me
the way that I go on about you
when I'm not with you
I keep asking myself
What you see in me
Because all I do is try to find a way to hold onto my happiness.
I already know what's coming
A "I need to be alone" spell.
And after tonight
After tonight I don't know what I want
Rachel, I want you to be happy
But I want to be happy too.
I say that I don't need a title to love you.
I mean that.
But I really hate how your love feels like half love.
I hate knowing that literally at any second without warning you could demote me from "lover" to "best friend"
I hate it.
I hate feeling like I have to constantly do something to keep your attention.
When I'm sitting there, in your bed, kissing you,
I'm having panic attacks
trying to figure out
how to kiss you better than last time.
That goes for everything we do.
You'll read this
and your simple solution
to hurting me will be to run away.
I just want you to say "I'm sorry."
I just want you to act like you do when we're alone.
I don't need a title,
What I need is for you to back the words "I love you" because I'm insecure and you pretend like you don't care.
So how can I believe that you love me when you ask me to tell your friends
you're single.
I hate myself for not being as strong as you seem to think I am.
I hope that when you read this
You just start treating me like you love me.
Because you're hurting me.
Not even as your lover
You're hurting me as your friend.
Denxai Mcmillon Dec 2015
To be fair and frank
I never truly addressed
The fact that you are no longer my friend.
You are not even a shell
of the person you once were.

I remember long ago
When I would see you in class you were the person I would partner up with.
We would talk incessantly
And had to be sepperated
I remember the birthday parties you attended
I remember the time I farted next to you and stood up to which you replied

"The smell floats"

I still chuckle at this.
I remember the one night I spent at your house.

I remember it all.

This person is dead.

I no longer think of you as a man

No, I can not even recognize you as a fellow human being.

You are, in fact; a worthless, shallow, selfish, disgusting thing

The level of disdain and animosity I carry towards you is rivaled only by the love I carry for the woman you so stupidly chose not to nurture and love properly.

You aren't worth words strung together in the beautiful way I would for the end of a honest friendship.


You are exactly like the songwriter in the band your knife tattoo is from.


You're the **** you skim off of soups with fatty meats because its very existence is actually detrimental to its surroundings.

I truly ******* hate you,

If I could do it legally

I would




The fact that you contact the person I love
Turns my mother ******* stomach,
Sickens me to blind rage.

You love, so fondly, playing mr. Steal-your-girl.
Try it again and I swear to whatever the ever loving God you may believe in.
That you will feel how much stronger I am than I was the night we wrestled twelve years ago.
It's not a threat.

I hope you die In The most gruesome way allowed by the universe.

I have a lot on my chest. I'm very angry. I'm sorry if this is a bit heavy for the holidays.
Denxai Mcmillon Apr 2017
I get tripped up
when I think of going back
who I once was;
a poet,
a man with his head held high
chest pushed out
like some sort of
sixties super hero.
Can I really replicate that?
Can I write poems as I once did?
I find that in these times
from my head,
through my nervous system,
into my chest
where a gust of wind
is pulled between my lips,
down my throat,
into my lungs
where it becomes vibrations
climbing out of me
like the victim of a car crash.  
then comes my teeth,
The porcelain wall.
my mouth,
the black hole.
Nothing seems to escape me anymore. I find that
in times of utter contentedness,
I can not speak. "
It's hard to write content." Unbelievably difficult,
unbearably so.
Yet, here I sit,
tapping away at my phone screen, dividing myself from my surroundings by vibrations of sound.
Yet, here I sit.
Trying to pull the lid off
this porcelain vase.
Yet here I sit
begging my body to let go,
some of these words
are to heavy to hold.
to light to be held back.
Mind *****
Denxai Mcmillon Aug 2022
It's been a while,
Hello, Wesley,
I'm Denxai.
I'm you,
A very much changed you
There's been, well, developments.
You've grown.
You've grown a lot.
So, much so,
That you may not recognize yourself
You're Pansexual,
You're non-binary
You're not, alone anymore
At times you're gonna feel that way
You're very likely autistic
You'll be very happy to hear that
I'm really glad you where there
Without you, well there would be no us
I really appreciate you
I don't respect a lot of what you did to survive
But I'm glad you did it
You're happy
Chasing joy
You wake up eary to listen to the birds
you enjoy your job
You're comfortable wit your body.
Well, most of the time
I love you.
I, *******, love you
So please.
Enjoy your rest.
This is an ongoing project exploring the depths of my mind written in the frame of 6 minutes to the song "All children make mistakes" by Pianos become the teeth
Denxai Mcmillon Apr 2015
Somewhere further upstream
There's a boy much like me,
Maybe younger.
As I sit
I watch as the water dances under me,
I think of who he may be.
Maybe he's crying.
I think I want to,
I'm not really sure anymore.
I'm tired
Of being an emotional cannon
With one flake,
too many of gunpowder
And a wick a smidgen, too, short.
I think entirely, too, much.
I ask, too, many questions
I answer, too, few.
I'm lost in my head.
I think it's good for me.
I spent a weekend, too, drunk
and, too, high to remember it clearly.
But it was fun.
I wish fun did pay bills.
No one would be so miserable.
I wouldn't be sitting here thinking about them.
I'm, incredibly, selfish.
I only really want for myself.
At the same time,
Maybe ever so slightly after,
I want for others but only after myself.
That applies to a lot of things.
I'm, too, **** young
To be thinking about dying alone.
I'm, too, young
To be feeling this empty.
I feel things in waves,
Not the waves that children play in,
Not even the waves white water adrenaline junkies chase
Waves like the tsunamis
The ones that swallow cities.
Waves that strip the shore for miles
Waves that flood the area with a forty inches of water.
When I'm empty,
I'm empty.
If I removed everything in space
down to the atoms
That would be a pretty good metaphor,
I think.
I dream of having nightmares
My nightmares are of having dreams.
I'm lost.
I'm at a loss.
I have lost.
I know my self-esteem is ****.
I don't need to be reminded.
I try so hard to be someone
That I would notice.
Someone I could fall in love with.
Someone like you.
I know it's a lot of pressure.
I know you're avoiding that.
I know you want to be alone.
I know that we need space.
I wonder if the boy is still there,
the sun is setting
It's getting cold.
Denxai Mcmillon Nov 2021
It's been a very long time
since I was typing at a computer thinking and even longer since I last heard this song.

I find myself thinking,
Overly about my future,
About our future
A future that may not exist.
I love you.
I love you
Repetition never really seemed important.
Repetition always seemed so powerful.

If I sing you songs of what is
will you remember what was?

I'm wounded
I'm wounded
By you
I'm hurt
by what you could never see
because for you
Self reflection is a step, too, far.
For now at least.
There will come a day
I think when you will look back
A day that I'm no longer here.
Not dead.
Just not with you.
I can't spend my whole life waiting for you.
I won't,
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

With repetition
Comes the loss of meaning
this is an ongoing project, of nine years; called, well, All children make mistakes where i listen to the song of the same name
Denxai Mcmillon Dec 2016
There's only one place I can think of that I've ever really felt at peace.
Maybe because I was so ******* young.
Before my own corruption
before my ego
became the demon perched
on my shoulder
fingers digging deep into me.
Maybe it's why I find it hard
to fall asleep on my right side.
I'm learning to smile more,
worry less.
It's hard.
Very hard.
I have a great job
where I work my hardest
to make my customers happy
no one should eat in a sour mood.
No one ever said that to me
but I think I'll tell it to my kids.
What a scary thought.
My heads all over the place.
It's been months
Months since I last attempted
to allow my thoughts to shift
from the ever approaching future
To the bitter and cold spectrum
of human emotion I leave in my wake. Much like the edges of our vast
and ever expanding universe.
I feel I can only move forward
I keep finding myself peering to my left shoulder
in hopes that the space where the angel is supposed to guide me from
will no longer be vacant.
My life isn't bad.
My life isn't a waste.
So why,
why do I find myself wishing
Wishing I was dead.
Where do I go from here?
Where do I direct this anger?
Why am I angry?
Why am I so ******* empty?
What could I be missing?
Denxai Mcmillon May 2015
I'll always miss you.
I'll always look back on every second of us.
You can't see past the fighting.
I can't see past the moments of love that made me much more than happy.
I ******* hate myself for losing you.
Denxai Mcmillon Mar 2016
Cover the blemishes
Fill in your brows
"Fleek" the contour
Perfect teeth
More muscle
Less fat
Hate what you see in the mirror
Worship filters and fame
I wish you could see yourself
With the eyes that watch you wake
Because American standards of beauty
Don't show how in my eyes you glow.
Denxai Mcmillon Apr 2015
You move me like a landslide,
You move me like the winds fingers through the trees you adore.
You move me like the rush of cold water when you jump into the pool
You move me like my childhood revisited,
You move me like a small animal in a California forest fire.
You move me like the rush of singing
You move me like my left leg when I skate.
You move me like a surprise spray of water from a hose.
You move me like my father
You move me like the sea breeze
You move me like the smile of unfamiliar children's smiles.
You move me like the smell of cookies in the oven.
You move me like a funeral service
You move me like the loss of a great man, woman, child, leader, pet.
You move me like a hug from you when I'm down
You move me like a body falling from a plane with no parachute
You move me.
It's you that keeps these feet moving
You move me
You move me
This is for a long standing crush who wrote something for me and I'm not sure she sees how deeply in love with her I, honestly, am. I love you, much.
Denxai Mcmillon May 2015
I wish I had the heart to forget you
But no one catches my eye like you do
Denxai Mcmillon Jul 2015
You are a world of tiny people.
Trillions of large personalities.
Clashing like tectonic plates.
You are the mountains
You are the valleys
You add depth to each life
You show me that with you
Even I, an inhabitant of your life,
Can touch the stars.
You are loved.
You are enough.
You'll always be enough.
Denxai Mcmillon Jan 2016
I've decided that from here on in I will write a poem a day.
My joys,
My indifference
All my dismays.
I'll voice my feelings
Forgive me my past but I have to move on.
Get ready my future
Because here I come.
Denxai Mcmillon Dec 2015
I've been neglecting my poetry,
I've been neglecting my desire to write.
I'm not in so melancholy mindset,
Not being swallowed by my sullen thoughts.
I'm just at a point where I'm having, too much, fun.
I have had a zillion and three fleeting thoughts but that's neither here nor there.
What I'm saying is, hellopoetry, I'm doing okay.
So don't worry.
Denxai Mcmillon Jan 2016
I see the ache in your eyes
I see, saw and will see it
As long as I'm by your side.
I will never know what happened behind the doors
I'm not sure if I want to.
To leave you that sense of privacy
Maybe it's because me not knowing
Is the only thing keeping him alive;
Nevertheless, I have a few things to give you.
Not words of advice.
Not words to tell you in which way you should live.
Words of who you truly are.
You are as beautiful as my hair is unruly.
You are as gentle as the moons light.
You are as kind as a lioness
You hold the power of the same lioness
You love deeply
You are so important.
Not only to me.
To your mother
To your sisters
To the brothers you find in my family.
To the sisters you find in my family
To the father you find in my family
Scratch that "my"
And replace it with "our"
I love you.
I love the person you are
You don't have to carry the weight alone.
I'll carry half.
And when you're too tired to continue
I'll carry your half and you.
I love you.
You are more valuable than any gem
You are more valuable than any stone
You are valuable.
Never forget
You are loved.
On your darkest days
On your brightest nights
Somewhere inbetween.
You are loved.
Denxai Mcmillon Mar 2015
When a poet loves an artist
Oh, something
In a way where
her art
his word.
his words spent
Oh, trying
To capture the beauty that is her work
Like the tide to the shore
He'll throw himself into attempts
Only to find
he can only bring with him
The surface.
Denxai Mcmillon Sep 2015
sunlight streams effortlessly through my window,
the dust and dead skin
floats through the air
creating that ray of light
that we all found to be beautiful,
as kids.
I sit staring,
what I can say to take it back
a small part of me hopes you never read this
simply because I want to stay true to my word,
however, a larger
more powerful part of me
is ripping through my head and body, like stars that's got too close to each other
their gravitates and planets collide making a mess of galactic size.
I've eaten once
since I stepped away to try,
To try make my feelings die.
Not by choice
anytime I try and eat I throw up,
then cry
then throw up.
Only once could I keep it down.
I know how I used to be.
I used to hate the thought of being lonely,
now I know,
I know that I have changed
that I'm in love with you.
I don't just miss holding someone,
I miss holding you.
I miss the way your hair smelled
like waffle cones, ice cream and sweat
on the days you worked.
I also miss the days
when I would silently
try and guess what shampoo you used.
I miss how when we cuddled
I didn't have to wear socks
because your feet don't gross me out.
I miss slipping your little fingers in between my slightly bigger ones.
I miss your little frame.
I don't just miss being in the presence of somebody,
I miss the way you made a whole room
feel like that was the only room that mattered,
how any room became increadibly important
when your attention shifted there.
I have never even thought
someone peeing with the door open
While talking to me would be important
To be honest, I still don't.
I want you to *** with the door open and talk to me,
I miss the way it takes you thirty minutes to ***
and five to **** .
I miss the way
you spent twenty minutes after either
playing on your tablet.
I don't want to walk anywhere with anyone at two a.m.
But I'd walk to Chicago and back
if you said you were gonna do it.
I miss walking ever so slightly behind you
I could see the power behind your walk,
the confidence,
I envied and admired it.
And yes occasionally I would look at your ****.
I also love the way you like to be in front
because you have an ever present desire to be in power,
to feel in charge.
I don't care to compliment people
unless I have a motive.
Like I want positive comments at work
so I can get moved to serve
or I want something.
But with you, with you
my compliments were genuine,
innocent even.
I don't want to **** what I feel for you.
Because my love for you,
it's the only beautiful thing I've got.
I really wished I would've ****** it up
accepted that they were more fun than me.
I wish I hadn't let getting bailed on
by the only person I ever truly want to see
hurt so much.
I've told you time and time again,
"I'm not strong".
I know this probably seems less like a poem
and more like
a sad narrative of an impulsive child.
Maybe I'll make that the title.
But I'm in love with you.
I haven't felt this much sorrow before.
I've never been one to erupt into tears,
but I am.
A lot.
Right now
I have a little bit of your perfume
on my turtle necklace
when I habitually put it in my mouth
I have to choke back my tears.
I hope you read this.
I hope you don't.
I wish I could take you out on Saturday.
I wish i wasn't rambling.
I should probably sleep but
when I try and sleep sober
I have nightmares.
I'm looking for reasons to see you again.
Denxai Mcmillon Jul 2015
Sometimes when I think about you I get really sad. I'm sure to you that means we'll never work out and that's a sad ******* thought to me. I've seen it happen those miserable days where I felt more vacant than I should and well, I can tell they're starting over. It's hard, yah know.

Watching you painfully avert your eyes
Feeling you watch me avert mine.
I can't further describe hell any better. I can see it. I know you can, too.
Baby, yes, baby. I love you.

We were a home.
We still are.

I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since we binged last night.
I know you'll get worried.
But just for today.
I'm punishing myself.
I'm sorry that I'm not comfortable in public.
I've been really trying to fix it.

Fears as I contemplate swallowing my pride and giving it and taking the pills that would make me who you want.
I really can't say I'm excited but I'll follow a schedule. For you. For you I'd do anything. I'd become whatever you asked to keep you at my side. You're far from a possession. I've never looked at you as one. Rachel please. Baby please, come back to me.
My arm miss your cool skin.
My chest misses your beautiful hair.

I wish you know what you meant to me. I wish you felt how hurt I am so you knew exactly how much you mean. I haven't cried yet. I'm waiting for tonight when I get off work. I'm gonna go on a walk find somewhere and breakdown and with a stiff drink, I'll cry even harder.
I wonder how you could see me this miserable and think I don't love you.
I would bleed myself dry if you needed to have a body's worth of blood to save you.
I'm so in love with you.
I'm so happy with you.
I'm doing my best to give you the consistency you want.
I'm doing my best to cope with my anxiety.
I know trying not enough to prove I love you.
But how will you know I can change if you aren't there to see how much I can and will change.
Rachel, my love, baby, my dearest love, my best friend. Please.

I'm here I'm waiting and I'm fighting for us. Please don't give up on us, on me. I'll do whatever you want. I'll wash the dishes and make the bed I'll hold you tighter I'll kiss you longer. I love you so much. Please hear my pleas.
Denxai Mcmillon Sep 2015
You are the invisible forces I have no choice but to bend to.
I don't want the strength to move mountains,
just to move the shadow cast over your heart.
Denxai Mcmillon Feb 2016
I want you
Like echo
Wants narsissis

I need you
Like Icarus
Needed to fly higher

Yet here I am
Holding the world of regret that I created on my back.
Denxai Mcmillon Mar 2020
Its been
A while

Time has passed
I have grown.

A man,
Not so.

I have

I've battled my sins
I've dwelled, too, long.

I haven't spoken
So, here I am to say,
Life you may swing like a mad man
I've built muscle from the weight.

I've learned how strong my legs are
For I carry my burdens.

I've learned how strong my arms are
From opening doors sealed by the past

Ive learned how stubborn my heart is
For beating
even when
I begged it to stop

I am here
I am here

Not yet a man
No longer a boy

I am here
And here
I'll stay.
Denxai Mcmillon Feb 2016
When I see you.
When I'm within three feet of you.
I clam up.
I shut down.
All I want to do is cry and apologize.
All I want is to tell you I'm sorry
Followed by many "I love you"'s

When I'm within two feet of you
I'm overcome by the strong desire
To reach out
To crayfish
To beg for your embrace
To plead

When I'm within a foot of you
My flight or fight response activates.
I'm not sure whether to try and touch you
Or to flee
My body locks up and I stammer.

When I touch you.
I crumble into dust.
The floor opens up
And I fall into dismay.

When I touch you
I crumble into dust
The floor opens up
And I fall into dismay.

When I touch you.
I crumble into dust
My mouth opens up.
And I whisper to myself.
It's all my fault that things are this way.
Denxai Mcmillon May 2015
I can't sleep tonight,
Well, most nights,
without you.
they drag on,
reassuring me
That time,
Is, in fact,
An illusion.
I no longer smell you
on my bed
In my head
I can remember,
clearly your smell.
You're much like my ant hill
And I am but a humble worker
I never lose sight of home because home is but a single whiff away.
My infatuation with your sent
may seem odd.
But when you've found the person who can make your heart sing
Simple things like the way they naturally smell
Or the sound of their laugh
Or the sight of their flaws
Almost make it seem
like God does exist
Denxai Mcmillon Jan 2016
I won't tell you things will be okay.
I don't know if they will.
I don't know when you'll be able to smile your hardest,
Laugh until you ****,
When you'll be able to appreciate nature how you once did.

I can
(and will to the whole-hearted and best of my ability)
tell you that
You will do the things you once did.
You will.
when I watch you
lock yourself In the attic of your body
When I watch you
picking up the photo album
of whom you,
once again,
Would like to be.
When I watch you collapse
When I watch the subtleties
The little changes
on what would be a face of stone.
When I see them
I can tell that
the floor in that old room gave way
I know.
I know.
I know that I can't stop your decent.
I don't think
you'll be where
would like to be
For a while.
That's okay.
I'll hold your hand
I'll love you anyway.
Because when I look at you.
When I let my gaze drop
From my eye level
To yours.
Beyond those tired eyes.
Beyond your stressed posture.
Beyond your heart-breakingly weak smiles.
Beyond your stress.
Beyond your sorrow.
Beyond your fears.
I see you.
Only you.
I see the love of my life.
I see your beauty.
I see your potential.
I see a river pebble.
I see a fierce bear
I see love
I see a fire,
though small,
burning furiously.
And just behind that fire.
I see you picking up your pain
And I see you setting it ablaze.
So yes,
Dare to disturb the universe.
So yes,
Look death in the eyes.
Befriend it.
Respect it.
And refuse it's advances.
(You don't like pushy flirts anyway)
You're strong, Rachel.
You're not trapped by some one who wants you locked away anymore.
So don't trap yourself.
It's okay to relax
It's okay to relax.
It's okay to relax.
It is okay
You're not alone in this.
I'm here.
Watching you fight.
Waiting for you to tag me in.
I'll bruise my knuckles
I'll ****** the floor.
If it means,
That you
That you
That you
Will suffer no more.
For the love of my life.
I am here for you, always
Trust and believe me.
Denxai Mcmillon Jan 2016
You feel like you're ripping at the seams.
You feel like all the scary stuff
That you hid
behind those shattered glass eyes
will spill endlessly onto the floor,
make you a laughing stock,
Be the reason you must become a recluse.
This my dear,
Is in fact,
Behind the seams
You are no monster to be cast,
in a closet,
Under the bed,
Under the stairs,
In the attic
In some makeshift storage space.
Behind those seams
Is a beautiful mosaic
Of the beer bottles you've shattered
Of the mirrors you've cursed to shards
Of the glasses you've cast to the floor
Behind the seams is nothing to be hidden away.
You are art.
You are;
the most beautiful,
The most intricate
The most complex
The most awe inspiring
Piece ever put together.
Blood was shed to get you here.
Sometimes when I try and help
To place your glass
I get cut on your sharp edges.
I do not regret taking my blood
Mixing it with your love
Guiding you to decide
To decide to pull the fabric,
hiding your beauty,
I'll be here holding seam cutters
to hand you.
I'll save a spot
Atop the mountains
In every studio
On every city street
In every single home
To display your heart.
You may feel broken
You may feel shattered
You may feel that you're worthless
But in every piece of you
that you think is meaningless
I will show you
You don't need to be who you were
To be something beautiful.
For my beloved moonflower.
You are not alone and you're not in anyway unfit for the dazzling of the world you exist in. Head to toe, heart to soul I love you. It's late and I'm taking you in as you sleep. Goodnight.
Denxai Mcmillon Sep 2015
The sea is much too large for me to see it all.
I need to remember that feelings are like the sea.
They run deep.
They crash and become violent as the shore approaches
I'm too young to think I've felt all there is to feel.
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