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 Aug 2022 Denxai Mcmillon
I miss you in the moonlight
And hate you in the daylight
 Sep 2020 Denxai Mcmillon
How easily we are taken
With being left
 Sep 2020 Denxai Mcmillon
will they bring me happiness or pain

a sorry question to ask

they'll bring both
and make it worth your time

a tearful answer
 Sep 2020 Denxai Mcmillon
swirl of dance
across a night sky

fixed in their place
each star

each step, each twirl
of the waltz

a wedding dance
for every night.
 Aug 2020 Denxai Mcmillon
Hard to imagine you were imagined
and then made from dust.
 Oct 2016 Denxai Mcmillon
hands bestowing love
loves bidding
poets fingers on the pulse
Your voice,           still hums
Through the silent scent of candles,
Curling up like a blanket around my skin.
Warm sheets of orange linen,
Lingering with perfume,
And memories,
Of you.
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