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Damaré M Oct 2013
Do you mind if my hands clutch your curvaceous margins?

Do you care if I get a slight taste of your gravy?

Would you allow me to put a little work into your comb? The deeper; the more you moan

I have a thing for your eyes
I'm attracted to your smile
I have a crush on your thighs
I like your hair
I'm attached to your laugh
I love when you are bare

Inside of your parenthesis says (ooh) (ahhh) (uh huh) and (grunts)
The subtitles of us making love
The rehearsal (foreplay) and role play
Kissing from bottom to top
Positioning from prop to prop
As I come down stage
I forgot my lines
So I improvise
Lick it from behind

This is graphic but I wouldn't label it ****
Because this is to adore
Our character's chemistry is
Action packed
Musical, for whoever in the other room
Touching, for whoever witness our groove
Inspiring, to the audience as we continue to perform while being tired

As we call for the last scene
Soon as you pass out
The buckling of my knees
The stage grow silent
The house applaud
We bow
The curtains fall

Everyone leaves
Then we work on the deleted scenes
Damaré M Oct 2013
The things that I do
The things for you
The things that I say
The things that I May
March, from the start until New Years Eve
June all the way to Spring
I've been falling for you like leaves
Every time the earth sneezes
Hot; aren't you
August is flawless
April when the Maples are healthy and green
And the shade is colorful
The water stream sound wonderful
Lush platform is comfortable
As I stretch amongst you
We are damaging dandelions
Don't worry about timing
**** the Mayans
I'm steadily reminded by nature
That love is natural
It's been tested by my scientific method
Explains why we are naked
And I haven't even injected it
However we're still infected
Our immunity can't neglect it
So we're well rested
Without a bed, nor boards over our heads
Just grass and a quilt over the plants to spread
Sunlight appears bright onto your legs
While my arms assure you that I'm a man
Veins bulge when I hold you
I flex my chest to correct any other mammal who attempt to connect
Intense defense to secure my nest
I would sin to protect my den
My cavern
My burrow
My lair
A pack or pride of us created by our love and lust
I hope that you trust
That I will hunt
With no collision of our feelings
I do these things because I'm willing
Damaré M Oct 2013
Some people have ***** 
Better known as ignorance when reacting onto a matter

Others have heart 
Those who engage their feelings with the cause; although, the conclusion might result in heartache 
The risk is worth taking 
No blame nor shame 
Life is what you make it 
And decisions should first be feelings 
No one should answer life lessons 
With ******* clinches and chest flexes
Damaré M Oct 2013
Considering my flaws and all
Could I still be the love of your life?

I'm friendly with majority of the population 
I hope it doesn't shy you away 
And give you the impression that I am a attention seeker
I utilize my mind almost too often 
I hope that it doesn't seem as if I'm heartless 
I can talk a little bit too 
But I don't think it substitutes for my actions though
I'm violent first then violet second 
I'm only careful after I've been clumsy 
I had grey hair since the 7th grade 
Does that take away from my grade? 
My skin texture is somewhat dark, but a bit lesser 
My sensitivity is not a mystery 
I like to go astray for days 
Does that makes you impatient?
My ******* is still in place
Does it take away from the depth of my *******? 
Sometimes I don't practice what I preach 
But I don't mind being called on my hypocrisy 
I hope you don't become obsolete 
My flaws and all 
Considering all of my flaws I hope you do not withdraw
Damaré M Oct 2013
If Tuesdays are bad news days 
Fridays are always sideways 
Trembling stuttering 
Impolite utterances 
Misguided mothering 
Distant cousins 
Conditioned lovers 
Struck by thunder 
No structure to govern...

Monday is gonna come...

No matter what goes on in your life Monday is going to come 
Give me one time that Monday have not approached? 
Hold your head 
You'll be alright 
If not 
Monday is still on it's way 
If you stay stuck in muck 
The world isn't 
It will move onto a new week
Damaré M Oct 2013
I'm invisible 
Placed myself in front of her path
Mentally recited a joke to make her laugh
... But
Our eyes never clashed 
She walked right past 

I'm invisible 
In not invincible 

So it hurts me every time she's blind to my benignity 
But as soon as I'm malignant 
I suddenly appear in her vision
Damaré M Sep 2013
I knew the prettiest lady 
She had more flavor than gravy 
Her hair came all the way down there 
And when she grab me she leaves streaks that's ashy 
Manicure on her nails 
Her eyes are rarely surprised and water never pour from her wells
Well, well
Oh Where oh where oh where could she be 
As I'm searching I started to say oh well
But oh I can see 
I can tell the reason why I couldn't see 
Her is no longer she 
She allowed the salt of the sea to waiver 
So now when I wave to her 
She performs as a stranger 
I'm thinking how to tame her 
Put a lapse to the substance that claims her 
When we were in school she used to be my major 
I studied everything which made her lovely 
Now everything is fuzzy 
With minor putty 
Indicating that 
I never accepted her insulation 
In fact 
We never drawn a line 
So when we separated 
Her course; I traced it 
Of course not blatant
Though curious and tenacious 
I was waiting and waiting 
For this??? 
I remember her ample lips 
And her apple-shaped hips 
Take a lick of her stomach and tasted a hint of apple crisp 
Her thighs reminded me of pie 
And when her juices trickled down it sparkled like cider 
Waited for this? 
Now I wish I can erase her face out of my cerebrum 
Never mind all that I had to say about her
Forget about it 
This is the part when I walk past her like I don't see her 
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