Do you mind if my hands clutch your curvaceous margins?
Do you care if I get a slight taste of your gravy?
Would you allow me to put a little work into your comb? The deeper; the more you moan
I have a thing for your eyes
I'm attracted to your smile
I have a crush on your thighs
I like your hair
I'm attached to your laugh
I love when you are bare
Inside of your parenthesis says (ooh) (ahhh) (uh huh) and (grunts)
The subtitles of us making love
The rehearsal (foreplay) and role play
Kissing from bottom to top
Positioning from prop to prop
As I come down stage
I forgot my lines
So I improvise
Lick it from behind
This is graphic but I wouldn't label it ****
Because this is to adore
Our character's chemistry is
Action packed
Musical, for whoever in the other room
Touching, for whoever witness our groove
Inspiring, to the audience as we continue to perform while being tired
As we call for the last scene
Soon as you pass out
The buckling of my knees
The stage grow silent
The house applaud
We bow
The curtains fall
Everyone leaves
Then we work on the deleted scenes