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Damaré M Sep 2013
Why can't I disrespect her situation and utilize manipulation!!!? 
How can I make her lacerate
Leaving him to ******* 
While her and I gravitate
Am I wrong for trying to captivate? 
To cause a tragedy 
So that I can place her in my cavity 
Count on their delinquency 
So that I can hit the jackpot like treasury 
I must put a result to their destiny 
When I see their pictures 
My jaws quiver 
She needs to be hither 
I'm thinking I should be sly 
And slither 
Or should I be blatant and invite her to dinner?
Right in the face of her mister 

Excuse me ma'am 
Have you ever seen otters afloat the waters? 
When I see it in my studies 
I always get cuddly
I have a California king with only blankets to cover me 
I have no buddy 
I have friends 
But no ones lovely 
Can we hover the lake 
Holding hands so that we won't 
Drift away 
You will be cute as the otters 
I don't know why would I even bother 
No groom; I'm all scruffy 
I look ok alone
But you gone make me look ugly 


Come here 
Hug me 
Is this your hubby? 
That's why his shoulders is shrugging?
And his face is mugging?
He know if you escape his disgrace and come to my cubby 
He'll be in the hole 
Ain't that right man? (Directed to him)
What's your name? 
Hey how are you doing Stanley 
I'm digging your girl like my last name is Yelnats 
And I'm trying not to disrespect 
But it's testing 
You have the great big book of everything 
And a queen who can be on the cover of King because she's **** 
But look at you 
How'd you do it? 
Here you go take my number down and dial whenever he's around so he can know where you're about to go 
See you later 
Which approach is better? 

I like both 
Should I be smooth or rude? 
I have to make up my mind soon so that I can make my move
Damaré M Sep 2013
History in the making 
We make history because our love isn't basic 
Basically we're going to grow branches on our family tree 
Just to clear up any historicity 
And/or animosity 
You know what's catastrophic? 
Love isn't logic!!!
So you can remind yourself 
But if you don't align yourself 
You can find yourself by yourself 
So look what's behind yourself 
If it has always been your fault 
Then shift in your ways 
And hope that you can escape the aftershock 
Enough of the lessons 
Back to our blessings 
We can travel a thousand islands 
Or we can live on a ranch 
And for our dressings 
Vests and dresses 
Suits and knee-high boots 
Overalls; we can be free as the nevertheless too 
That's artistic **** 
I'm a simplistic dude 
Simple beauty is what I'm into 
Your mind and your organisms 
Your smile when your stomach tickles 
The way in which you sneeze when your nose sniffles 
When you're coughing you always act like you're headed to your funeral 
Then I have to tell you to stop being so dramatical
Love and history is grammatical and non-fictional 
It's true 
So truly historiography should only be studied by those who love biology 
The study of life and living things 
Human beings with cells and rib-cages
Meant to lock themselves up with attached strings 
To shoot bowing arrows
Loving each other all the way down to one another's bone-marrow 
She said I'm gonna miss you so I used my thumbs in act for tissue 
Our love will be on the cover of the book of love, volume 1 the first issue
Damaré M Sep 2013
Where do thugs go?
Who do they run to? 
Where do they call home? 
Not a house that they go to, but a place where they feel belonged 
How do they cope with the scarcity of love? 

Thugs, not the kind that most women think they are attracted to; therefore, not the imposers
Not the kind who landed at the bottom of the hill, sliding from the top only to scrape off their rot 
Not the ones who were born with all the right people in their corners, but boxed them off while trying to fight to be someone that they are not 

Thugs, the ones who momma loves? Because he appreciates her worthiness, her works 
She's the only real love he ever had since birth 
Thugs; who can't really go places because trouble doubles 
It multiplies whenever he is with his guys 
Because they all know how it feel not to live under a roof 
Neither one of them have anything to lose 
His dudes are equal to himself cubed 
They rely on one another like proofs 
And they are radical from the roots 
Living in a negative atmosphere trying to multiply it by itself 
So that they can make it to where the grass is greener and the sun does shine 
The other side of the number line 
Where the gunfire and homicides are divided
And the dope is reduced 
All their lives they have been thinking that they are enduring the truth 
That they "cannot amount to nothing and cannot be put to use"

They are neck deep in the streets 
And the authorities is at their throats like a crew 
But nothing around them is cotton 
So when their fingers symbolizes a "V" they are only representing the place where they have to be 
And they are not weak, but sometimes they wishes that they can take off a week 

Black cats can't chase yarn
Mexicans don't have a specific day for casual dressing 
Asians don't get any waivers 
Cubans can't take less hours for a semester of schooling 
Haitians don't get vacations 

The **** life is given 
Difficult to make it
As it is to escape it 
It's hard to deal 
When all they know is reeling in deals 
To people who are saltier than Dill's 
While at the same time trying to act real... Kosher
Without a companion to share meals... How do they find closure?
Too busy being tyrannical 
Never learned how to be grammatical 
So **** just got "worser"
Interviewee for a job 
Or being suave to a child's mom
Besides their eyes,
Their oration is just exposure 
Not knowing their duration to exist on this surface 
Thugs need love 
It's hard to tell through his mean-mug 
But he's hurting
Damaré M Sep 2013
It's not suicide that's on my mind 
It's ****** that sits behind my eyes 
That awaits to appear before my pupils 
That anticipates the visual through my lenses 
That contemplates the bare face without a mask 
Violence is on my mind 
But is it out of my grasp? 
As I sigh, it's testing for me to blink 
My eyes envision the scene 
Standing over the sink 
I'm standing there with myself 
About something else!!!
****! Where did that come from? 
I don't need help
I refuse, because I'm not confused 
I need to do this 
Momma always told me that wants are just taunts 
So I take her words and try to define and categorize my choice 
Credible: check 
Eligible: check 
Inevitable; yes, I have the perfect excuse despite the notion of being rightful 
Momma didn't counsel that etcetera 
So I don't even think of the sentencing 
The authorities aren't as preventing 
So they don't know what I'm thinking nor do they know what I'm doing 
Until it's done 
They might catch me because I will neglect to hide or run 

1st degree 
My 2nd attempt 
My 3rd resort 

In this case is my mind my best resource? 
If I recourse and explore my feelings 
I will still have a passion, maybe to do it in a more gruesome fashion 

A murderer's mind is like fish's eyes 
(how so when the attention is steady on the potential victim? 
Although, but Is this really being considerate?)

I have plenty of lifeless bodies in my psychological attic 
One time I got this guy looking spiffy and brought him into the living room where I tried to sit him upright on the sofa 
It was a pain in the *** for my brain in the past 
I thought about his family more than of him, overall it effected my comfortability at home 
So often times I found myself in the basement 
Heart racing 
Quick movements and fast pacing 
Thought I was drawing attention 
For revenge to trace it 
So I tightly secured my spaces 
Kept two firearms adjacent 
I think about the things that I do 
Thats dreadful enough for comrades to contact taboo 
I hope retaliation was only nightmares and don't become déjà vu 
Because if that's the case then if I can remember the handle was still lodged into my waist 
As gas operates and bolts rotate from the Izhmash make 
Majority of the exploded cartridges run stray 
I run in between Subway and Chase 
Where I can take cover 
And aim my muzzle 
Before my corpse completely turn into rubble 
I was penetrated too well now to move with bustle
Then I suddenly remembered my mother 
I wanted to stay alive 
I couldn't cry because I seen this before 
Just from the other side 
But who cares? 
I just wish those men would look me in my eyes
As I would 
But they rather witness my demise from a distance 
Here I am 
Criminal minded 
From any 
Uummmm I don't know 
Natural state or thought 
But guess what? 
Guess who I'm studying while i'm placed in front of the mirror? 
Noooo I said guess 
You'll find out soon enough
(Shoulder shrug)
I guess
Damaré M Sep 2013
You are killing your own people 
You are killing off our sequels 
You're dying 
If I told you that you'll be ok 
I will be lying 
On the ground with you 
We're united by a state of hysteria 
So pledge of allegiance to your own grievance if you want to 
Our allies realize our lack of participation within the United Nation 
They know that's it's a race of the racist 
It's hunger and starvation for ******* 
So they don't support our sport 
They don't get a kick out of our matrix 
Master the skill of being manipulative 
And maltreat our own citizens 
Who will have our back when we're getting attacked?
For sure not the group of people who our history once beset 
Wait reset 
Why strain something that isn't our stress? 
Hold up quest!
Consistent warfare give us a rest!

Do we ever handle things professionally? 
There's pros and there's congress 
And according to our constitution 
It's precedent that every president 
Is only present 
Im a skeptic of their effectiveness 
They're just a face for this place 
A image so when things cringes 
We can look at him in disgrace 
Sometimes I think I've been misplaced 
Taken away and placed 
In this place full of waste 
Place full of wasted minds 
Place full of wasted minds who waste their time 
Place full of wasted minds who waste their time trying to waste everyone else's mind and keep others below their waist line 

United States of Hysteria 
Where you have to equip yourself with a personal barrier 
The superior preys 
The inferior pays 
And the wealth relays 
The baton get passed to relatives 
This is where you can cross the finish line first and still be without work 

So we pledge of allegiance 
With our right on our heart 
Stripes and stars is for
Lashes and strikes to stun our awareness 
Our apprehension just blow effortlessly in the wind 

They cover their flaws 
The gover-meant to **** us all 
Is there a such thing as a war on war? 
We nuclear our own fears 
And air strike on our own tears 
Use Sub Atomic Bombs against our own peers 
Chemically engineer everyone who's mere 
All hail U.S.A 
All hell U.S.H
Damaré M Aug 2013
" Lovestance abuse"
Loving someone who's in love elsewhere is a drug that can leave us strung with out healthcare or no welfare 
I'm addicted 
I'm a hype for her body as cheese is to a mouse, but I didn't read the words that's scripted 
Them very small words which list the effects that occur on the side 
If I would have skimmed through it I would have been warned to only use her when I'm in need, major side effect is greed 
Momentarily I can gain the impression that I'm where she want to be 
Soon as my high come down she's no longer around 
As my heart cracks from the disappearance of her sweet partnership; scientific term co-Caine 
In reality she's with him and no substance can fix that pain 
But the reality and severity never stop me from using 
And it never stopped her from choosing the option to provide me with her toxins 
When my veins bulge she's in control 
When my eyes are red I'm being mislead 
When she dissolves on my tongue everything goes numb 
I try to wing myself off, but I'm withdrawn by the loosening of her drawstrings 
It's hard to rehabilitate 
I need her in bulk 
Grams and ounces is arousing 
But now I need to be astounded by her pounds 
Her motion and her potion keeps me overdosing 
But would I use her all up if I could? 
If her loved one became sick of her *** 
Would I be alarmed and continue to inject her in my arm? 
With witnessing how awful she treat us all in the long-run 
Becoming a *** in the marathon
Her truth holds a secret within 400 meters 
The truth is if she look, taste, and feel like a drug 
She's a drug 
Use her, but don't fall in love
Damaré M Aug 2013
Moving mountains 
We come a long mileage 
But in moving pictures 
They film us to illustrate bad depictions 
Our motivation is missing 
Because in the movies we act as floozies 
Thrive to become individualized, but remain a groupie 
All we want to be is cinemac's 
And HBhoes 
Never teaching ABC's to our family 
Or thinking about our Lifetime 
Just chasing the USA dream 
Steadily trying to visit TV land 
Oblivious and careless humans 
Forget that this is a Animal Planet too
Do you wish that this world was yours? Yeah I BET you do 
Just take a ride down the Discovery Channel and OWN up to your origin 
The truth might sound like SyFy to you 
Until you understand that there's manipulation in every truTV
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