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Damaré M May 2013
Where's your make up honey?
What happened to your hair?
New style
That's a different pair
New attitude ; that's cool
Realization that the new trend is rude
Huh? What you say?
You said at this rate the next fashion statement have to be ****
No more clubbing?
You tired of sharing spaces in places where you have to refer to Men as "dude"
Strangers steadily attempting to intrude
Now you making plans with family and friends
I heard you saying that you rather enjoy yourself with the people who been with you since the long ways
Recollecting the old days
I'm glad that the feeling is now mutual
And that you are finished with trying to be cute
Because you are already simply beautiful
Damaré M May 2013
I miss a girl that I never had
I miss a girl that I never got a chance to know
I mean
I knew of her
I met her
Hell I almost sexed her!
(To fill in the blanks on the reasons why I wish I could have kept her)
Well listen and get a hold of our road
Every odd consecutive day we walked each others path
Me never recycling the way in which I said hello and so she laughed with the sequence
It was like we had already fixed ourselves a bond before we formally met
Me sensing that I know her without knowing how to spell her name
Then a dry spell came
Weeks and months without the ability to wink or say wassup
I seen a lot of smiles but I wanted to see her teeth and her cheeks go up
But... But... But...
I've been searching for her much, weaving through grime and muck; hoping to run into her like a buck
(I bet a buck that her sense(cents) can change me)
Break me down, loosen me up and make me feel belonged
So like AB I'll turn my back for bronze if I'm currently living wrong
Silver or gold; the bottom line is that we all have two sides
I just embrace my other half
I coincide with love; so coincidentally here she comes
Next thing  you know I was programming her num
Then texting with thumbs
Lastly expressing with a sensible heart and a mind that's numb
But in mutual her lips was dumb and her tongue was tranquil
Odd how at this point in time she was the joint between my foot and leg
The neck that supports my head

But she didn't know it...

So I tried taking different angles
Stopped being so emotionally degreed
Then I was making my point through latitude
Seeing how high can we go
How much can I show
Other than the things I only can say
So I held her hand
Gazed in her face
When asked I invaded her space
I gripped her waist
And drenched her laced
Whatever trickled down did not go to waste
My tongue soothed every nerve
And swerved every curve
I also made sure that she was straight
Went on a few dates
Wandered around a few lakes
I played it safe
Didn't want to keep her out too late
...(sighing and jaw tightening)
And suddenly I happened to be too late
And she never even told me
She just implied it

Loving me isn't that hard and I don't think she even tried it
I also don't think she disguised it
(Light bulb)
As I'm reminded
She didn't even hide it
She basically told me that I was a temporary alignment to her future assignment
I didn't recognize the vibes
I didn't know that she wasn't mine
Because I was too occupied by making wishes inside of her eyes
(Think, think, think)
(Sink, sink, sink)
(Blink, blink, blink)
Damaré M Apr 2013
Well organized and tidy
Murals, collages, trophies, crafts
Feelings, emotions, blood, sweat, and tears all captured , saved and put on display

Studiedly  I walk station to station in amazement

Recalling and recollecting, but hesitant to reminisce on the bliss and carefulness that's swept and swift

Taken out of humanity to share, and placed into a strategy for only eyes to stare

So the only way that we can become engaged is on field trips or when we vacate?

Hands off the glass , and please no pictures sir!!!
Is the blockade

Well may I at least purchase a souvenir?

But I Thought love didn't cost a thing?

I also thought love was suppose to be balled into my heart , not placed onto the wall for art.

This museum has artifacts that date back;  way back , prior to the common era in fact

Love was used all over the world, evidently it didn't discriminate , but it separate ones from others, sometimes it hesitates because of it's density , because  if no reciprocity then the love become logically lessened

Love taught a lot of lessons , and raised a lot of personal questions

Hearteologists seems to have it all figured out

They say centuries ago love evolved with a color , a shape, a phrase , and a holiday.

An image
More so an image and no longer a feeling
The image that allowed Hearteologists to dig up, find and study any evidence , empires, households... the culture of love

The past half of a century the television developed and became everything except supplementary

So as viewers look at the screen they witness love as only being inside the characters jeans

When really love is hereditary, a trait that we all carry in our genes from the first beings

Now to be placed on the wall, behind plexiglass

Only to be put into perspective from 10am. until 6pm.
Mondays through Saturdays

As for the human race
You, I and true love can never link

Love is in a museum because love is extinct
Damaré M Apr 2013
I can see through your eyes

Dark pigment
Surrounded by a colorless horizon

Lids and lashes act as curtains

But as you become surprised they rise
Your eyes are wide

The reflection I get makes me think that I'm in the picture
But reality tell me that everyone else sees themselves within you

I can see through your eyes , but I can't tell who you're looking forward to


Do we all make your eyes sparkle or is that just the only thing that divorces me from the other prospects?

The other prospects keep looking just as I do, so I know that it is something that they want

...Your eyes

Your eyes become my shining gold when your cheeks elevate and suppress , leaving wrinkles right next

Your upside down rainbow, I mean ... your smile

So kaleidoscopic and polychromatic

Dynamic and emphatic

What creature wouldn't be attracted?
Whatever natural specimen with a good sight that can see through your eyes.

Someone with similar vision, but nonidentical decisions to I

I know your smile is moody
Your heart is choosy
And your eyes are gluey

And yet I dissociate myself from your gallery

Believing some day that you'll just shut your eyes and become blind to all the other guys

How do I disregard the signs that I'm instructed while seeing through your eyes

The signs that show me how you flourish off of all the concentration that you get

I'm posing inside of a picture that I know is framed by faces that do not have placement

Your art steadily draws attention
so as soon as you get glimpses
You start your bidding

Your craft is so worthy but so inexpensive

As if you put your body up for sale and mark down the price, only to stay top seller to the cheap consumers

How do you allow to have a allowance upon yourself; moreover, place yourself on clearance

The real question is why do I window shop knowing that the quality of the product is so unreliable

I don't think I really wanna see, what I really see when looking through your eyes

Wishing you weren't so prideful about your high demand of men

If yu weren't so disdainful maybe you'll blink more often and try to
Shun from keeping eye contact with me

Instead you proudly advertise yourself as the best deal yet

I hate that I can see through your eyes

Because I hate to witness a beautiful woman with such a bargaining mind
Damaré M Apr 2013
Relay the message
There's something I'm detecting
I promise to respect it
But if he's being neglectful
Let me become careful


Excuse my grammar
Im speechless

Broad day
That he's slippin

Falling right off the edge into the ocean

Leaving your heart open

Right? Open ?

When he become irresponsible and lock his keys behind the closed door; tell me that he's the only one who can't access room in your heart!!!

Ocean no!

I hope that you don't dive in behind him and allow yourself to sway from captain to captain

I hate to be captious
Mermaids aren't meant to be captured by a man who's heart is fractured

My net is full of caress

So while the both of you is near the cliff; I'm somewhere onshore

Ready to reel you in with so much lure

Tell him
Tell him now
That when he clown
Which results into your frowns

Let him know that I'm in town
Right around the corner
Right up the street
No where far
On the same boulevard

But if you're smart
This is where you'll start
Where you'll Start To finish

Just end it !!

I know I don't have your heart, but I'm still in it

You know how I know?
Because of his senses

His senses, make him ask you; who is it?

Who's the guy?

"How is it that I make you feel low
And somehow  your still  high"

His blemish
My good intentions
His senses
See how tense he is
Makes my wish list
So I'm whispering
"Do it, do it, do it"
And you are listening
But your lips isn't twitching
You kno he'll lose it
Your eyes are glistening
His eyes is blistering
I wish I was present for witnessing

Strange because I'm smiling for your cries

Waiting for you to tell him goodbye
So I can actualize on his lies.

Capitalize on his disguise

Tell him
Tell him that it's me, who he thought that he was when he was not being truthful

His creativity and imagination

Is ambiguous and hellacious

Let him know that he have your heart, but it belong to someone else

Also make it clear that he antagonized on someone else's prize

And while your eyes are teary; you laugh and tell him that someone else has come to title him as your last

At this point He knew this wasn't gonna last,  but he must ask

And ask
Again and again

Who is he?

Then you tell him ...
Tell him that he met me before and I looked him dead in the eyes like a man but didn't shake his hand.
Tell him that I basically told him
Damaré M Feb 2013
When you touch me... I feel so lucky
When we touch it is almost too much
Too much love
Too much lust
It feels as if my veins are without blood

When we hug I imagine doves
In mid air
In mid *****

When we kiss all of the lights flicker
The pipes spit
The water drips

When we hold hands, I don't have plans
My entire To-Do list I seem to forget

When we take walks on the beach...
The earth don't even breathe
The water don't even wave
The sand don't even sink

When we make love
The headboard is like a tombstone
The mattress is like a cactus
And the only spring that's sprung is me

When we smile...
Every other personality that's near is expressionless
Is hopeless

When you are around your friends...
Their skin is pale
Their voices can't yell
Their perfumes are stale

Let me take a jab at it
You ring my bell
All I can do is laugh at it
It is as if me and you are the only living things

You are my girl
And I think when we are together,
We stop the world

We stop the world
And as you walk in this door
The ink of my pen don't even want to pour
Damaré M Feb 2013
Aching in a place where I only thought love was generated.
Frustrated in a area where I thought, my thoughts sought and fought for understandings

Chilly, shivery, nippy, bitter,
Like the runt of a litter

Tired; not drowsy
Tired; not sleepy
Tired; not sluggish or slumberous

Tired as in worn, burned-out, weary...

It is not only that you do not feel the effects,

You don't even see them on my face

You look at me everyday,
I just look back
If you don't have a clue
If you don't ask, or don't care
That's a clue
That's my Q
Dont ask Y
When you become my X
At night I've been losing Zs
I have to start paying more attention to I
I gave up all of my energy, and now I'm running on E
So now I don't give a F

LOL (Lost Our Love)
You lost it too; I'm J/K (Just Knowing)
I'm glad IDK (I Didn't Kneel)
Now I have to B.S (Block Sensitivity)
And ***** (LET MY ******* ANGER OUT)
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