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Damaré M Feb 2013
If I was in control

If the remote was in my grasp
I will aim it
The Channel
I would change it
Change it to back in the days
When we were on the same page

You'll be programmed
To no man
Except me

As I am reminded
I would rewind
I would use my heart as my guide
Re-run when we had the best times

Record it
Fall back in love by the adornment
Recollect the enjoyment

But most important, I would record over the reasons for exploring

I would delete everything that was annoying
I would mute all of the distracting noises
And I would have never pressed input
Therefore I couldn't have played games with you

I would have turned it to channel 5683
And pressed enter
Just like Lifetime
It's love

Then I would have stopped it there
And stared in your face
Clasp my hands together
Say my grace

Press play

Do the right things
Turn on the captions
And watch what I say

Fast forward to today

Now the scenes are; our stomachs aching from laughter

We act like nothing ever happened
So we can live happily ever after
Damaré M Feb 2013
I hope that while I'm getting myself together,
She doesn't lose hope
Damaré M Jan 2013
The dude that never wants problems, or
Do not have a thing for danger
Always gets confronted by trouble

That's why I make danger my business
I'm the suspect
The accused
The guilty
Not the witness

I never got into picking on someone who feared me or just wasn't dangerous at all

It's the head first collisions
And blood baths
That make my **** hard
Everyone isn't like that though

If you don't have *****
No matter what position you are in
***** **** *******
Even soft butts

So you know what?

Grow some nuts
Damaré M Jan 2013
She's looking for this perfect guy that only exist in heaven.
But she don't pray on him
She prey on weak men
Little that she know; the smaller the meal,
The more servings she needs
So her deeds seem like she doesn't wanna get saved
Her last dude make her resentful
Her new spirit is sinful
Yet, she looks for a guy to be forgetful
Someone who turns to the other cheek
Who don't mind when she creeps
Just praise him every now and then
All the things she thinks makes the perfect man
She won't even settle for a priest
And she far from a Nun herself

How many perfect men do you know?
Or else...
Damaré M Jan 2013
You are so funny
So cute
Am I worthy?
What about my humor?
My looks?
My brilliance?
My reliability?
My responsibility?

All the things that I see in you
That you can't notice in me

I wonder is you even looking
Because everyone else seem to realize

Maybe I'm too close to you
...and you're farsighted

I foreseen this
But the impression you gave me
I couldn't have backed down

Maybe there's someone standing behind me
And you are distracted

You could have told me along time ago that you were looking for the perfect person to suit you
And you didn't too much care to fit that persons life in return

Why do it **** you to say or do anything nice?
Oh I know
All of your energy is getting put to use someplace else
So when I come around you're already tired

Well I once was told
To only use someone who is useless

For Someone who is applicable
Either you leave them on the shelf
You invest with all that you have left
Damaré M Dec 2012
I can't live my life this way
A family of Decency
Why would I go stray?

I can't live my life this way
My mother is a mother
Why is my girlfriend something other?

I can't live my life this way
I'm brilliant
What ever happened to being resilient?

I can't live my life this way
Doing anything for the dollar
What's wrong with being a scholar?

I can't keep living my life like this
Because I wasn't born this way.
I learned this...
But I learned a lot of ****
Negativity wasn't all
So what's my excuse?
Whatever I think of would be a lie
So what's the truth?

Truth is...
I'm not really ruthless
Fact is...
I'm acting
To let it be known...

How can I betray her this way?
By treating women that way
How can I take the love she gave me
Consider the way she raised me
Not provide
Not secure

That's almost all she ask of me
That is my role right?
As a MAN
Born by a WOMAN
Born from a WOMAN
Made in a WOMAN
Share the blood of a WOMAN

But I'm not MAN enough to take full responsibility of a WOMAN'S

What am I then?

Can't be
Just a suckah
For not standing up for what I know
Damaré M Dec 2012
Naive to my neck
A Knee deep *******
Full of ****

She was my grit
I let her slip through my grip
Her love was off the charts
How can I erase her from my grid?

Pin point affection
Shot directly through my heart

She was suppose to be the apple of my eye
But I slept on her
Literally she was my foundation
Because I stepped on her
She always tried to give me a hand
But I kept from her

Soon as she tried to leave
... There's welts on her...

I got my nerves, for my heart to be on my sleeves

To try to dictate her life
After she gave all she had

Selfishness surging through my pores

I didn't comfort her
But had a problem when she walked towards the door

Say no more
Yeah I'm lyrical
But I wonder if I'm ever gonna be ...

... be boyfriend material
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