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 Dec 2024 Khoisan
Our hearts carry words, and words carry meaning,
Behind every meaning, there’s a feeling,
Sometimes they heal, sometimes they wound,
Sometimes they’re spoken, sometimes buried.
Yet no matter where they linger or hide,
They shape, they matter, they cannot be denied.

Feelings create words,
Words are said, but sometimes they’re kept,
Sometimes they bring relief, sometimes they bring regret instead,
But what can we do once they’re out?

Words and feelings are always entwined,
Both can soothe, both can sting in kind.
It’s not the words alone that decide their weight,
But the tone, the moment, the meaning we create.

So how do you know what they made you feel?
Look to your heart’s quiet response – there lies what’s real.
 Dec 2024 Khoisan
Raven Feels
think before you blink
brain fog to the left
eye twitch
crucifixes to the right

think before you blink
feet reaching low ground
hands in pockets
glued to a high seat

shall I ask or shall I fly?
shall I ask or shall I hide?
shall I ask or shall I die?

in the blink
you are there
can they tell?
is it fair?

in the blink
you are HER
can they tell?
I can't spare

shall I tell?
"just swear"

                                                         ­                                 ------ravenfeels
 Dec 2024 Khoisan
Decembers End
 Dec 2024 Khoisan
Divided I am on this December night
Into many a part of unequal spirit.
All sneak sinuous, serpentine, and surreal,  
To hide under my warm winter blanket,
There to unfurl slowly, coil by coil,
for whatever the new year may yield.
 Dec 2024 Khoisan
I can’t escape it.
It follows me around
every corner,
down every alley.
I just want to turn
to him,
but he isn’t there.
Turns out loneliness
is the only thing
that will never leave me.
Are we truly only beauteous when we gaze upon the same?

Does a force then oust its element when estranged from former names?

What, at root, is virtue most true, if not the definitive game?
I'd wager my stake on indefinence, regardless of the claim
 Dec 2024 Khoisan
Don’t like,
Don’t look.
Don’t want,
Don’t read.
If you do,
Then I’m not
In control
If you bleed
Im watching from the moon
The earth is so quiet
Even in this silence
Your thoughts are loud up here

The vastness of your self
The fervor of your wants
Radiate to the stars
Your life is life itself

I wish you so much joy
The depths of your love
The depths of your pain
Reaches the heavens
So finite is a human life, but I have loved you since time began. Long after this body expires, I will go on loving you.
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