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6.2k · Jul 2018
The catch of the season
Sîr Collins Jul 2018
2018                    05                   21
                    That day             my birthday
               May 21st  2018    22nd anniversary
      Me remember all as if it was yesterday's tale
     How someone , very important stranger then,
       sent me a b'day wish I still cherish to date.
        Thats how it was born a unity of reason,
           Between me and my love Diana Dee,
             The beauty paragon I much adore.
                   Bae ur voice in particular,
                      Makes my ears gyrate,
                        Both in sure unison,
                          I will love u ***,
                            without any
4.5k · Jul 2018
Sîr Collins Jul 2018
I have been forced,
Out of domicile,
And now **** bored,
With sojourners' world worthwhile.

I used to love phones,
It's versatility in functioning,
Obeying instructions  at all zones,
I loved making calls and chatting .

That was long ago ,
When it made me feel at home,
Simply chatting could let go ,
Steam and heartbreak loom.

Not now at this century ,
Where them need airtime to pick  a call,
Where successive missed  calls arouse no worry,
When they no bother reply at all.

I won't lower my self -esteem,
Not because of them dissaproval,
That I aint  classy and fit for hymn,
Its okey if u take me for a mall.

Needless fight a loosing battle anymore ,
You won't torture me again as u laugh,
Beaming is me at nirvana jaw,
I declare enough is enough.
1.5k · Jun 2018
Sîr Collins Jun 2018
I have all the reasons to believe,
All the evidence to give,
That Faith of all after Eve,
Came to my soul to live,
To hold my hand to the wedding eve.

A women from  another mother,
Assumes her class for this poor thing,
Whose several proposals have yielded nothing,
Perharps for poor presentation,
And presumably doubts of my being.

The pics you sent me the other time,
I find my eyes gazing at them more often,
Whenever you call or I do,
Learns soul and body gets alert,
******* not to forget.

How you start a conversation,
Always with a calm noncholant voice,
Makes my thalamus restructure its pitch,
Just to make my vocals present a fair draft,
All in a bid to impress my one in a million.

That birthday surprise,
Left me mouth agape,
The concern and commitment   in your voice,
Have made me harden my stand,
And declare a love sentence .

The later promise,
To me equals a nightmare ,
Like a Christian to rapture tale,
My being awaits affirmation,
Of your mouth watering promises.

I love it when you say,
"Omi chonjo"
Its a reassurance,
That liberates my heart ,
From fear of losing its queen.
986 · May 2018
Sîr Collins May 2018
Before I am out of sight,
Before my contract runs out,
Pay me fully what i sure deserve,
As a way of appreciating my performance ,
Aren't you ashamed of eloping ,
With my small pay?
Why all these fake and evasive explanations.

Bae at hand,
You know very well,
How much I love you,
How much I adore you,
If you intend to love back,
Do it all today,
For my heart needs peace and tranquillity.

My pal of the day,
The Darling of my heart,
Assist me where you can,
Demand my support,
Exhaust my extra efforts,
Where you cannot do alone.
Let all be today.

Teacher there in class,
Tasked to mould the kids future,
Workers of all kind,
All works of life,
Do whatever you are assigned,
To your level best,
Just do it all today.
534 · Jun 2018
Sîr Collins Jun 2018
Repentance and forgiveness ,
Are both second to my nature ,
Albeit forces of destiny,
Decides it all.

Never have I liked unneccessary competitions,
Poised to  ignite passionate hatred,
For ambiguous simultaneous equation,
I prefer solution by subtitution.

We all have different personalities ,
Sure as death its a no man flaw,
But without moderation  it becomes a bad spirit,
You remain so unfit for your ecological niche all the time.

I overheard that learning ,
Should never be by experience,
But rather others experiences ,
But for me best lessons comes from our own mistakes.

To thumble  and fall is human,
But for this case it was more than I could hold ,
Men in the past were understood for acting rigid ,
Sorry we are but a modern beings,
I suppose it was never meant to be anyway.
508 · May 2018
Sîr Collins May 2018
It is only in this world,
This very ideal place,
That people goes insane.
Travelling there,
Sure you get convinced,
Its a small heaven.

A man so poor ,
Is blinded that riches ,
That he is so rich,
To Bill gates standing,
He builds a granary,
Yet nothing blossoms in the farm.

A plan is made,
Carefully laid out,
Procedurally worked on,
But alas!
Its just a mere thought,
Its survival depending on fate.

A youth sees a cute lass,
Praises her,
Compares her to an angel,
And like a combatant plunges to war,
To win the dream lady.

A shock that hits my ally,
Equals a thunder strike,
When the guy's effort,
Regardless of sacrifice,
And suffering endured,
Is stubbornly  disregarded.

These world in question,
Should be addressed first,
Until reality is seen,
For they say,
Only reality part of a dream,
That matters a lot.
It's all about things we always own before it realy happens ,
452 · Nov 2018
Sîr Collins Nov 2018
This is to her in particular,
The lass that takes after keila,
I loved her like Diamond to Bailla,
I took her my heart's cellar,
Of course never she is a baller,
Only three lies taller.

Sure you are dang beautiful,
Elements exposed in full,
You need no cutex either to school,
A man  to be fool,
And certainly pick a marriage tool.

Haven't laid my grievances yet,
All were in the last paper I set,
The other day I almost bet,
With them that you were my sure bet,
Lent me your ears yet.

You neglected my brilliant efforts,
Rubbished all my plans even pivot,
The pillars of our love ***,
Said my eyes were too hot,
And my visits frequent in some sort,

You have never seen a dry spell,
How every corner of the zone smell,
When rain for long have not fell,
You even miss being rained on as well,
You too will hate the sun to hell.

You have never known my part ,
How others would take  even thy ****,
I know you don't need my heart,
Or you kidding in some kind of art,
Aimed at fooling me to wait like nuts.

It was supposed to be 50 -50 deal,
No lose on either side still,
I sure have offered too much with will,
Now look at me withdraw for real,
The repercussions I won't feel,

I cannot forget the useless brats,
You shielded as pals of earth,
So visionless and despondent rats,
That awaits fate alerts,
They will soon lead you to their mediocre parts.
5660 you know yourself..
#sikupendi by rayvanny supplements this.
402 · Mar 2018
Sîr Collins Mar 2018
I turned around,
Surveying my new church,
And my eyes landed on her,
I looked back again,
Our eyes met.

I kept glancing,
At her well designed figure,
The cute voice emanating,
From her vicinity,
How I wish it was hers!

After the service,
Although we never met,
Her image kept coming back,
Her sure walking style,
She is my love paragon indeed.

A well rounded face,
That befits a warm smile,
I admired everything at her ,
From the first day,
Perhaps a dream come true.

A bright face shining like gold,
So smooth and tender,
No pimble no scar,
The very complexion I desire.

Kiprotich vinny I am sure,
Though you may not confess,
You certainly concur with me,
The lass is a wonderful being,
You can ever hyke with.

Succumb to my call sweet lady,
You are the someone I swear,
My soul had eagerly waited for,
If you have rumours about me,
Come get facts right.

That day we travelled,
Together in a verosa,
Your tender body touching mine,
My mind went missing for a while,
It be like the best feeling I ever had,

Loving is gambling,
And this is a win for sure,
That kind nature of yours,
Your presumably perfect being,
My heart shall hail for ever.
Dear this is for you.
325 · Jul 2018
Sîr Collins Jul 2018
I love human beings,
The descendants of Adam,
The guy who conversed God one on one,
With them happiness meets a soul,
As hope and trust are kept real.

With that boss of mine,
Whom u I tirelessly worked for from dusk to dawn ,
When you failed to pay me fully,
I have never called it a betrayal,
Not at all sir.

To them relatives ,
The guys within my reach,
When I cried out for help,
And never saw you turn up,
You have made me love them more.

That learner over there ,
Expected to learn under my custody,
Do you remember calling me **** names?
Criticizing the calabash instead of consuming its contents?
I love you for that.

Come to this attractive icons ,
Feminine gender thats thrills me.
I admire how them look down upon guys,
Of their true age and type ,
Just for love graduates with fat pockets.

Thats not all ,
When you value this ****** creatures ,
Mistreatment is all you harvest,
They rather invest their trust in who they  like.
Never mind they are that magnificent.
312 · Mar 2018
Sîr Collins Mar 2018
Too hot to handle,
Steaming hot to kindle,
Expect to melt at its mantle,
Peaceful coexistence you bungle.

Sharp one to be precise,
Enmity you devise,
How dare among pals you arise,
Like devil conflict you entice,

Look at your own eye,
Dirtier than that of a slay,
Point your finger not at I,
For you are too unclean to spy.

Creator alone is ideal,
Adam himself had a fail,
Not to forget Peter's denial,
Your judgment is surely I'll.

My heart exult no more,
Trust shifted to Noah,
Dead is the flower,
Of love and intimate power.

Critic this is my plea,
Slam me yes,
Not exceeding some limit,
Without which,
Tempers and hatred,
Beckons you.!
Criticisms  can be good but limits must be considered...
303 · Sep 2019
Sîr Collins Sep 2019
As I sat on the shade,
One sunny hot midmorning,
Memories of August holiday,
Loom large in my brain.

I think about this lass,
Cynthia my hearts' nurse,
Images forms about us,
How I scored as she pass.

I love my daring doll,
For she spares my soul,
Even after the world tells her all,
Choreographed to make us fall.

I love to hear her giggle,
And smile with her innocent face,
Face full of live ,love and hope,
That surely reads clean tommorow.

Every time she talks I get touched,
By her utterance that sounds true,
She got a cute voice that merges ,
Her Immaculate nature .

The ardent ambition to succeed,
Is second to her nature,
'er shy look and reservedness,
Proves that she is my malkia.

Chebet come with a ring,
You be our witness on this thing,
Come along with your king ,
We celebrate all as we sing .
297 · Feb 2018
sometimes i miss you
Sîr Collins Feb 2018
Iwonder what difference you have,
From a serpent so poisoning,
Yes you never bite physically,
But inside a soul you tear,
If you think you don't belong my calibre,
I am sorry you overrated yourself.

Trying to portray some ideal character,
You dragged my innocent soul into your ***** heart,
How could you promise a heaven,
While you were certain of a hell destiny.

From initial phase of our pact,
I thought I had found my kind
So easy,so polite,so true
But alas! So cunning beyond the fox's rank.

If and though you won so cheap,
I don't regret our short lived relationship,
For if you were never meant for learns,
Not even Pop Francis will put us together.

Though this may sound bitter, Never forget That I at times miss you,
Your sweet lies and exaggerated, Attitude still reigns in my soul .
280 · Jun 2018
Sîr Collins Jun 2018
Members of high table ,
Purporting to be posses,
emmaculate hearts,
Claiming to be closer than not,
To the promised land.

To the masses out there ,
Panick you not,
Let no one intimidate you,
Not even their dang captains,
What do you think they  own?
Only hopes and streak of failures.

From the little I have seen,
Having joined them a dozen months now,
My sisters there are but decently put ******,
My brothers are the thirstiest ,
Never satisfied with fruits from Eden,

Couples and other untold lot,
Are refuge seekers totally desperate,
And at the table all look innocent,
Like children and the congregation is on a roll,
I tend to thinks its safer outside than inside.
247 · Oct 2019
Sîr Collins Oct 2019
Mr Oji looks disturbed yet at the wheel,
Now that the month is dying for real, He manoeuvres around with bills,
Bold as he demands the arrears of the deal

Emmanuel come see him,
Come along with the entire team,
You will be sceptic about the scheme,
Scheme to make our eyes deem,

See Oji cleans the compound,
So satirical how he hoovers around,
Don't you think he Is broke and no more pound,
That he badly misses the coins sound?

I just eavesdropped,
Heard him tell Kevo that he once knocked,
His tenant to death as others watched,
His tact to fast track payments is surely crooked.

No alcohol in his breath for sure,
The atmosphere is so pure,
His  usually fierce tone seems to have got a cure,
And this are signs that his coins are now fewer.

We better call at his door ,
All of us at once especially at four,
We precipitate our challenges to this bro,
No pay unless he improves we vow.

Let's remind this drunkard,
That His days are numbered,
That the narrative have been pondered,
And the hare  this time is not to be spared.
246 · Jan 2019
The mountain between us
Sîr Collins Jan 2019
I start frm everest leeward
you from its windward
Step by step wayward,
To top we fight hard.

There we shall meet ,
There we shall eat,
Rest after we beat ,
All odds to clinch it.

The wall looks rough,
At times we laugh,
Others we sulk enough,
To a point of abominable silence.

We like to compete in a way,
Checking each other's move and say,
Judging each others act in dismay,
Our heads in unsaid depression.

The abundant love is there,
We can manage to everest top,
Only if we drop this nuisance
And naivety by all means.

You are great on appearance,
My greatness is unmerged too ,
let's drop the bad attitude and give everything
To make it to the end.
230 · Nov 2018
Sîr Collins Nov 2018
Mix and match thing,
As he used to put it,
Sing it as well till,
Our eardrums could ache,

Hear him talk to all and sundry,
Like a preacher of outreach mission,
You hate the message but may love him,
For his utterance is but an ordinary co sumption,

Build bridges and ladders of life,
That us but his two themes,
With which he mean,
To promote human interdependence.

No need  to hate this prank,
That kidded you one day,
Or either broke your sacrosanct deal,
Just assume that all will be okay.

Tommorow is still as good as today,
The crap is vital for tommorow,
Much needed than even your closest ally,
Very unavoidable like oxygen.

His never ending plea,
Coming after the bridge he built,
Bearing juicy fruits and great harvest,
A clever opportunist this lad.
216 · Jun 2019
Sîr Collins Jun 2019
I loved to play,
Football in the day,
Till they see Gray,
That guy with big pay.

you could see learns ,
beat them not once
On and off the banks,
Hailed by the fans
All clapping their hands.

There came a season,
Season of doom was born,
A rough moment for the son
Overhaul beckoning like a bad loan
All in a bid to  demolish the "clown"

I stopped being a player,
When they took me for a lier,
After exposing this layer
Of secrets to them betrayers,
Who crucified me up higher.

one mess and the crowd is booing
Allies showcase competing,
Unclothing our dark chats laughing,
Me taken for a virus in room dressing,
No one cares ideals that Built whispering.

perfect player always rearing to go,
Escaping by all means the upheaval,
When he laughs with them in the table,
Fooling them to come to his level,
And destroy 'em like God does to devil
Kmg  I am watching
214 · Sep 2019
Sîr Collins Sep 2019
A week of your absence
Set in my soul a loud silence.
I get weak and sick,
I get lost and totally frantic.

How I wonder what it could be,
My days without you my loving pea,
My heart  bit gets quite strange,
When this thought comes from a range

See me on your way home from school,
How I look out of place yet cool,
As i wait for you to appear ,
Just to touch your palm as they watch us at the rear.

Whenever I miss out  as I usually does,
After all my trial and err means pass,
My heart gets wounded and lonely.
It in turn invite me to your  home finally.

Sometimes I hate my fishy hunts,
But for you it doesn't matter what comes  ,
After all I am risking for my joy.
My soft and  sweet source of joy.

My heart is jailed  by your love,
The other day I got a chance  though tough,
I rejected instantly that filthy deal,
For I feared that my angel could fall out for real  .

Hear I sit  desperately decided ,
Memo I hope u stay unmoved,
And forever see your love soldier in learns,
sure and I swear you are in the safe hands.
200 · Nov 2022
Sîr Collins Nov 2022
Just around noon,
An hour that sun burns,
And beams ecstatically,

I walked along a path,
That lead to my ex girlfriend's home,
Poor me!
I got nostalgic and missed her.

Every move and everything that we did,
Could be seen a fresh,
even the evergreen live fences,
appeared just like they were a decade ago,
Sharp pends and the road's serenity notwithstanding.

I could see her Smile and giggle uniquely,
I could see her run to meet me by the road,
I could see her medium height that was my type.
Talk about her curvaceous and well endowed shape,
And the cute dimples that mounted on her smooth face.

In the day dream I could see her clad,
In a pure white top and a flare skirt,
With dazzling white open shoes,
And a Small bronze-coloured watch,
How amazing the lass appeared!

I could see her fingers beckoning and gesticulating,
I even recalled her sharp but sweet perfume,
How she called my name with her soft voice!
Nobody could ever predict our fall
If only old days could be brought back ...
That was Veronica 💕

— The End —