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Caitlin jesse Apr 2020
Words are with the flesh
So share the words with me
I've got the key
To your bilingual tree
Of words
Let's swim across the seas
Let's go with the flow
We row
This boat
May 2019 · 576
Feelin my language?
Caitlin jesse May 2019
Don't pay attention to the exact meaning
Of words
Theres lots of words
In the language
Words connect through
And meanings.
Much like you and I
As we tune into each heartbeat
Of the word
And sway
Back and forth through fluency

Each step of communication
Leads to
Connected meanings of love
With the definition
Of truth
Then honesty
Caitlin jesse May 2019
To be sad

Is to mourn over
As decorated
With your crest

It means that
That's all thats left
And you
Are gone

You sure do
Look good
In the moonlight
For the moon
Doesent die

And it glows
To remember you
And tells all the stars
About your life

As your bearing
May hang
From its crest
Of a crescent

— The End —