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 Feb 2014 LF
Speaking Up
 Feb 2014 LF
I am labeled a lot
A cheater
A lying ****
Manipulative *****
Sickening witch
Ugly hearted
Cold blooded
Those, the obvious
I am called many names
Some are stupid
Some are cruel
But I guess I deserve this
Maybe this is my fate
Maybe I am a pathetic fool
Words are like bricks
Thrown at me
Causing bruises
And endless amounts
Of unhealthy rage
If you talk badly of me
Then I will fight back
My mistakes are not
Meant for mockery
I know my flaws
I know my past
I know, I know
But you're still
Not the best
I'm tired of being the one who gets all the blame.
 Feb 2014 LF
Megan Grace
I think the problem is
that I spend too much
time watching your
for your words instead
of your
and they have always told me a different story
 Feb 2014 LF
Infamous one
Peace within begins once you stop caring
The one who got away wasnt meant to be
Realizing the people judging dont have anything going for them
They make you a target dont empower them or give them the time of day
Making things fun because it usually *****
Ignoring rumors because its better to be talked about instead of talking
Saying tears for those joyful moments
Rise and overcome believe in yourself
Stand by what you believe even if others dont agree
The feeling of accomplishment and achievement is a great reward even if others cant share it with you
 Feb 2014 LF
Mike Hauser
Could the power of poetry be used
To bring about a change in life
As it digs its way deep
Into the heart, the soul, the mind

Could it dig its way in deeper
And perhaps influence the scope of time
Could the answer to life's problems
Be found inside the rhyme

We all know what's said about music
Could the same be said about poetry
If the right words were spoken
Would it calm the savage beast

If you took it to the highest heights
And recited it from the mountain tops
Or planted it in the field of man
Would it grow the strongest crops

If they brought poetry onto the battlefield
Would it put an end to war
Or introduced in the halls of medicine
Could it bring about a cure

I just know the power that poetry
Holds over my life
And that if it were up to me
I'd use it for the good of all mankind
 Feb 2014 LF
Nick Durbin
You are the wilted flower in the sea of the dead…
The last beautiful sign of a world forgot –
Your beauty stretches beyond the words,
Tipping over the cliffs of tongues,
Crashing into the abyss and swallowed –
Eaten whole,
You are the last droplet of sun,
Kissing the horizon as you asunder from the day –
Leaving your taste in the sky,
Painted with the colors of your soul…
 Feb 2014 LF
Joseph the Dreamer
here i am
and i dont even know you
i dont even know what you look like
except that one picture of your face
but that is not what i am thinking about
**** it
 Feb 2014 LF
Joseph the Dreamer
If love were not a struggle, then why would I want it?
If love were easy, I'd be far more haunted.
If love were a game, I would not want to play.
But love is life, and I will live and breathe today.
 Feb 2014 LF
Remember when
we were so comfortable
underneath the mid day sun
at one of our favourite festivals

the bands had long stopped
but the music still danced in our hearts
lifting our spirits to the heavens
and giving praise to this beautiful day.

we had all gathered together
but not to say goodbye;

to lay in the sweet grass
hold on, by the tips of our fingers
for just a few more hours...

get a little high

with the sun's rays ablaze and
no current riding our open backs
your skin was like wildfire
captivating, shimmering in the light

those UV rays got nothin' on you

i laid at your side with a bag
filled of sweet & sticky treats archive of sorts
and asked what was your tongue's favourite taste

the finest of delights fit for a queen
sometimes require a perfect surface
and the way your black hair glimmered that day
i couldn't help but see you
as my little Cleopatra

your curves creating shadows
upon the dimples of your back
i asked if you'd mind, with a zig-zag in my hand

and you looked at me.

and you smiled.
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