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Sep 4 · 38
Tapestry Of Despair
Chem Sep 4
In twilight's glow, your vintage sweetly poured,  
A nectar-rich embrace that hearts in rapture owed.
Yet when your spring ran dry, like whispers lost,  
They turned their backs, unmoored, at what it cost.  

I, the sojourner of your parched and wistful ache,

With gentle hands enfolded all that grief had made break.

I quelled the fervent blaze—an audience to its strife—

A paradox of mercy, cloaked in shadows

Yet your retort, a tapestry, each thread entwined with thorns,

Veiled in a bitterness that twisted souls and scorned.

You served me sorrow lavishly on fragile porcelain,

Actions keen as daggers, etching deep the pain.  

Yet still, your grasp constricts with every anguished sigh,

In this relentless spiral where withered hopes lie.

A cruel refrain echoes in shadow’s cold embrace,

With nary a promise of solace or a sanctuary place.  

And you, with every fleeting thought,inflict your sting,

A persistent torment that shadows
the spring.

In this labyrinth of woe, I find
no release,

Ensnared in the echo where once dwelled peace.

Your specter lingers, a ghost in
my veins,

Each heartbeat a reminder of sweet,
bitter chains.

For love, once a refuge, now spirals
in pain,

Leaving me stranded in a tempest
of rain.  

Ensnared within spectral whispers, through dim corridors I tread,

Lost amidst the echo of your hushed, haunting pleas unsaid.

For every evanescent beauty, once radiant, now rare,

Entangles my spirit in this unyielding snare of despair.
Sep 4 · 106
You Are Not The Same
Chem Sep 4
Now you don’t love me as I envisioned,
caged by walls of quiet restriction.
I sought you even when you were two feet away from me, but that person is missing
your soul is unreachable, I call, but you don’t listen.
Now my heart is full with incision, the pain has thickened.

I once saw you in a way beyond the vision,
hold you tight until your pain was ridden,
grasped the real meaning of your words with concision,
I was the ocean where you floated, safe from submersion.

Why did you choose me, show me rainbows when there was no rain?
Unveiled the darkness and the depth that I maintain,
Sheltered my fragile world, made it my domain,
Understood my thoughts without the need to explain.

Now you’re gone, and I’ve returned to my old ways,
Wandering the streets without a destination,  
Living in a world in my mind of my creation,
Searching for salvation in a fractured imagination.

So on the ground, I lie,
Lost and drifting far astray.
Life moves on, slipping away,
On fleeting lust, I rely,
Wishing for my soul to stay.
Sep 4 · 70
I Once Thought.
Chem Sep 4
I once thought distance was simple when I made my choice,
Yet longing surged beyond measure, overwhelming in its voice.
Memories returned relentlessly, no escape from their embrace,
I thought I was patient, but the will to fight had left no trace.
I assumed time would heal, easing the pain’s relentless tide,
Yet if longing were to vanish from all, from me it would still reside.
Sep 4 · 28
Word By Word
Chem Sep 4
What harm if you embraced me before we part,
And bid farewell to the slain within my heart?
And planted roses in me with your kisses,
Until I’m intoxicated by your words, piece by piece.

What harm if you visited me, even briefly, in a dream,
And gently carried me from the darkness, unseen?
And placed me high in the sky’s bright light,
To drink love’s intoxication from its gleaming might.

— The End —