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R J Coman Dec 2019
I awoke to a world white to my touch:
All color and shadow had faded
to a blinding, uniform brightness.

I don't remember who I was before:
That is perhaps a blessing for me
for now I am everywhere.

I hear its voice inside my head:
Dreamlike and calm, but spoken
as if from the mouths of billions.

I am just an avatar for myself:
A husk of a form, a vehicle to move
one of endless forms among the stars

I turn my countless eyes upward:
I laugh for the twinkling universe
that has yet to know my oblivion

And all my bodies try to scream
R J Coman Dec 2019
The auburn sun
breaks the watery,
shifting horizon.

It's so beautiful,

I almost forget
how the electrodes
throb in my brain.
R J Coman Dec 2019
She was dead already when you found her,
but yet she smiled at you shyly, avoiding your gaze.
That first night, when you laughed together
as you walked side by side beneath the moon
that shown between the cobwebs, you fell for her.
And she fell for you.
But she was dead.

When winter came, and you huddled together
as the snow fell and deadened the noisy avenues,
she told you that she was in terrible, terrible pain.
You can't see it, she said, but it's like my very soul
has been ripped from me. You said you loved her.
And she said she loved you.
But she was dead.

Do you remember the first time your gazes locked
but the light behind your eyes had begun to fade?
Her breath trembled lightly as she noticed,
and quickly grabbed your hand. I'm fine,
you said. She kissed you gently and made you promise.
You promised.
You promised.

Today she woke with a start to the sound
of her own heart beating. Beating! But swiftly
her overwhelming joy turned to cold dread,
as icy as a frozen spire. I'm.... alive... but where is she?
Her anguished screams broke the grey dawn,
holding tight your gentle form, slowly cooling.
I love her with all my life!
But she is dead
A story I wrote when I was sad. I do not ever want this to happen.
R J Coman Nov 2019
Look back at all you have left behind
Everyone you know
Everyone you love
Everyone you’ve ever heard of
Every **** sapiens
Every life
Every death
Every memory
Is so far away
On a blue speck of dust
Within that speck of light
Slowly fading into the hungry void

Our speck

Now is not the time for tears
Look ahead
To all the new stars
Excerpt from *Sanctity in Shifting*
R J Coman Oct 2019
Every morning I lock myself in the closet.
I look myself in the eyes and sigh,
before I bind my hands and shove myself in.
I lock the door.
There are many locks. Bolts too.
Big ones, small ones
Old ones, new ones
I fasten them all before I leave.

I cry to myself as I sit in the dark,
my arms numb from my restraints.
Even as each day grinds past
and responsibilities come and go.
Sometimes when I get home at night
I will kick the door
to remind myself I'm still in there.
The locks rattle and strain.
I yell at myself to shut up.

I hate what's beyond that door.

I wish she'd stay quiet.
I wish he'd set me free.
R J Coman Sep 2019
my brain is buzzing buzzing in so many ways like electric crackling through boiling sand in my calcified hollow behind eyes between ears that hear the buzzing oh my god the buzzing each time I turn my neck spasms like it's full of melted wax and acid like it's in panic but I have to focus focus focus focus focus switch off the lights and smash the bulbs and frantically tape the edges of the curtains to hold in the comforting darkness but still the buzzing all around shut off my senses flood me with anything cut off from everything except for me but if I cut that too then what am I left without myself inside my head just the buzzing buzzing searing boiling buzzing buzzing buzzing
R J Coman Aug 2019
feet in the soil
stretch towards the sky
my life is so short
so I pray for the rain

last night I was born
tomorrow I rot
let me watch
the sun rise

before I wither
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