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I feel my past, It’s coming back  
All my hardships are dead at last  
I shall share my tragedy  
Of how it had used to be  
I needed help, no one helped me  

Another time I touched the moon  
I did not feel my certain doom  
“For when I fall,  
A certain call  
Will help me to not fear at all.”  

How wrong was I,  
Time had flown by,  
I thought someone would pick me back up.  
But I kept falling, my life shattered  
I cried out “Why?”  

There wasn’t an answer,  
I needed a huge hand.  
But however I was still there,  
Was what I could not understand.  
I felt very alone.  

My burden was adding up.  
I never filled my own cup,  
Of all my wants.  
I felt ashamed.  
I still fell in the darkness.  

I needed help  
Help did not come  
No one would help me  
In my time of need  
And I saw Him.  

I felt relieved.  
He called my name.  
I was free,  
Free at last.  
My burden gone.  

I am saved.  
Given grace  
I’m loved  
I thank God I never gave up.  😉
Sunshine and rainbows
Never hurt anyone

Sunshine and rainbows
Never seem sad

Bur sunshine and rainbows
Never show anything real

So sunshine and rainbows
Is what I'll never write.
You don't have to find happiness if you're feeling sad.
26 · 2h
They want me to be perfect,
Who I'm "supposed to be",
But I don't want to be perfect
I just want to be me.
23 · 2h
Am I in a dream?
Is this real life?
How can I tell with all this hate and strife?

Am I in a dream?
How do I know,
When up is down and fast is slow?

Am I in a dream?
I cannot hide.
School is a pit and I fell deep inside.

If I’m in a dream,
Why can’t I be bold,
When I know I know I can? At least that’s what I’m told.

Am I in a dream?
Is this real life?
I don't know.

— The End —