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98 · Oct 2022
back of my neck
Jonas Oct 2022
With every brearth
and every heartbeat

"not good enough"

die trying
or die hiding?
97 · Apr 2022
Jonas Apr 2022
Love to me, is like going to a concert

mouthing the words to a song that I don't know the lyrics to
with a voice that I don't have.
Tears in my eyes
surronded by strangers
who all feel the same,

but they're not the same.
97 · Oct 2023
summer meadows
Jonas Oct 2023
Why does it feel like,
I have to fight off the world
and my body at the same time,
all the time?

Aren't we supposed to be allies
in this?
And why do I feel so alone
doing so?

I would give everythig right now
to be
nothing, no one
let go of my identity

Listening to circadas humm
lying in the shade of an apple tree
feel how the ground refelcts the heat
of the sun

Nothing left in my mind,
a steady merry heartbeat
as I drift away into slumber

No reponsibility
just peace of mind
and my chest so warm,
filled with wonder

I am free
97 · Apr 2022
Jonas Apr 2022
Every day screams

give in,
give up,
give in,

into my face.
96 · Sep 2023
Jonas Sep 2023
Die Tage reihen sich,
in zu schneller Abfolge,
in zu vielen Reihenfolgen
Aneinander, auseinander
zu Löchern in meinem Kopf.

Eindrücke verschwimmen und verwischen,
Farben und Gesichter vermischen sich
Der Regenbogen am Himmel gestern ist heute schon weiß.
Ein Spektrum umgekehrt.
Namen sind Laute geworfen gegen den Wind,
gerade noch gesprochen und schon sind sie verflogen.
Wer warst du und wann
warst du gewesen?
Ich weiß nicht mehr wer ich war,
zu welcher Zeit an welchem Ort.

Weißt du,
ich spreche vom Ende der Zeit,
du von ihrer Unerreichbarkeit,
Wer waren wir gewesen?

Gerade noch erlebt,
gerade noch gelebt
und schon sind wir vergangen,
so bleiben wir,

96 · Jan 2022
Cigarettes after sex
Jonas Jan 2022
Your lips my lips,
Is that my thought or just another song lyric?
If all the thoughts have been made before
all the actions been taken
walked down every road
Am I even my own person
or just a replicant,
an open transmitter broadcasating?
Jonas Oct 2023
I don't know how to live life

Can't **** myself either

In theroy
I had a perfect enviroment growing up
for happiness

Safe, supported, nourished,
cared for
Yet I've almost always felt
unhappy, miserable
hurt and alone

as long as I can remember

I think there has been a mistake
a defect in manufacturing, perhaps
so please pull me back
this faulty good
will only damage your reputation
94 · May 2024
Jonas May 2024
Bitter erinnere mich, daran
Wieder mehr wie ich selbst zu sein
So wie ich früher war
Als kleiner Junge zwischen Wiesen und Wäldern
Noch zu viel Angst vorm Fahrrad fahren

Erinnere mich
An jeder Pusteblume zu pusten
Knallerbsen zu werfen
Kastanienmänner zu bauen
Und Blütenschnäbel auf der Nase zu tragen

Erinner mich
An Flieder zu riechen und Sauerampfer zu essen
Gummistiefel zu tragen und in Pfützen zu hüpfen
Den Regen auf der Haut zu spüren
Schneemänner zu grüßen, Schlitten zu fahren
Und im Gras zu liegen, jetzt im Sommer
Den Blick zum Himmel gerichtet
Dort wo die Vögel fliegen
Zu jeder Wolke gehört ein Name
Zu jedem Stern

Erinnere mich bitte daran
Denn ich vergesse so schnell
Was wirklich zählt im Leben
Zwischen all ihren Regeln
Erinnere mich, damit ich wieder frei atmen
Und das Leben genießen kann
94 · Jul 2021
Of candle light and stars
Jonas Jul 2021
You are human, not a moth.
Choose your flame.
And burn.
94 · May 2022
fight me
Jonas May 2022
Whatever you'll say
whatever you'll do

I'll never be good enough
in my own head

Whatever happens,
that's not gonna change
93 · Jun 2023
Jonas Jun 2023
cause peace was never an option
93 · Aug 2022
second hand
Jonas Aug 2022
How many differnet scents
can a book take on
over the course of it's lifetime?

A new addition
to your treasure cave
Stories wanting to be found
92 · Dec 2021
Jonas Dec 2021
Who are you
when doors shut close
your friends in another room?
When no one's watching?
Only you and your consciousness remain.

Your hidden sides creep out,
bones aching pulling down,
demons crawling forth,
insects nibbling at your skull
The past comes knocking,
flooding in
with whisperd words

Memories are haunting
you can evade them in company
but you're all alone now.
Can't drown them out now.
Can't look away now.
Do you see?

Is that really me?
Or am I the other person
92 · Apr 2021
fairy tails
Jonas Apr 2021


design of mine?


forever ever after
dead or alive
90 · Dec 2022
Jonas Dec 2022
Hand me an axe

Point me to the nearest forest
to cut down

Hand me a shovel
tell me which way the river should flow

Maybe than I could be fulfilled
in anohter pointless enterprise

Tell me what to do
I don't want to be responsible for myself anymore
89 · Apr 2022
A life on film
Jonas Apr 2022
To travel the world
and shoot the palces I've seen
the books I've read
and the stories I've visited.
To share them with you
for when I'm gone
you get to see where I've been,
who I've become.
89 · Jun 2023
Cutie <3
Jonas Jun 2023
Stop whinig
sit down,
eat what I cooked for you
stop being so ******* yourself
start taking care of yourself better
and let me love you.


You magnificent, beautiful fool.
88 · May 2024
Jonas May 2024
Einmal kurz durchatmen
Die einzige Leerstelle im Gehirn
Die ich mag
Schön, dass du da bist
Schön dich zu sehen
Hier bei mir

Viele Kleinigkeiten machen ein Leben aus
Wir sammeln sie
Geben weiter und nehmen mit
Tragen uns gegenseitig durch die Welt
Bis zum letzten "Aus"

Und doch zerbrechen wir uns den Kopf bei den großen Dingen
Zumindest wenn sie groß klingen
Lasst uns trauern
Zwischen gemeinsam und alleine
Lasst uns feiern, lasst uns essen
Am Ende muss man lernen
Immer weiter zu machen
Weiter zu leben

Schon wieder etwas verloren
Auf dem Weg gelassen
Schon fasst vergessen
Schon wieder etwas mehr allein
Aber nur scheinbar

Vieles geht im Alltag unter
Großer wie Kleines
Manche Dinge kommen wieder
Manche schleichend und leise
Manche plötzlich, schreiend, laut

Lasst uns einen Moment verweilen
Hier und jetzt
Zusammen schweigen
Tritt ein *******zurück
Und lausch
Betrachte das Ganze
Schau was du sehen kannst von hier

Genieß den Ausblick
Solange du magst
Und dann komm langsam zurück
Zurück zu mir
88 · Apr 2022
spring date
Jonas Apr 2022
she jumped from the coffins lying in the window screen,
death casually says hello,
while we're strolling through the city
but when it comes knocking for real,
racing right up to her,
she stays still.
86 · May 2022
Jonas May 2022
Smoke in my lungs
to fill up the emptiness in my chest

Nicotine to my head
for when the world overwhelms me again

Once every day.
86 · Aug 2024
The children's faire
Jonas Aug 2024
One day, at the children's faire
You find yourself stuck at the mirrors cabinett

Out of sight of your parents
You follow your friends
Walk beside them like you always did
But all of the sudden there is no room for you left besidse them
"Just have to walk behind them then"
You think

Spaced out for a moment
They just went straight ahead
In confindence and innocence, unbothered
But stepping where they stepped
You hit glass
"What's this now? I don't want this"
The road is blocked for you
While others just continue to walk on by

Your face, a slightly damp reflection
Shows suprise, anger and irritation
It looks scared
"Why can't I just go on, like they are?"

Okay then, you think
"I'll just have to find my own way now"
After taking a break
Crying and whining for weeks
"He missed school, whatever happend to him?
Let's write a get well soon card"
Getting further and further away from them
Being left behind really hurts
"Don't you love, me what did I do wrong?"

Sure you can call out, you can scream and shout
And struggle all you want
Adults have a word for that, he's "acting out"
Maybe some even will wait for you, for a while
Try to help and understand
The fewest do, and only for so long
They can offer you a hand
Before they have to turn away, go back to their own lifes
You're holding them back
Can't you see?

There is much excitement a little up the way
Once you're out of the labyrinth
Promises of popcorn and sugary delights
Of first nervous dates and bumpy faire rides
Blinking lights and short harmless frights
Nobody wants to stumble at the starting line
When it's about finishing the race in time

Life is decided in moments
A bag of decisions and "things that just happend to me"
To carry along, as long it's not to heavy
As long as it's not pulling you down
Deep underwater in darkness you will drown
Just struggeling to breathe normally
While watching others run marathons
From your enclosed space

Always watching your refelcetion in the mrror
Looking back at you, judging you
Which side is real?
Who hates whom more?
Try to ignore the panic building up inside
Transforming in time to fear, to anger, sadness,  self pity
To loneliness, hate and then just emptiness
Full cicle

Did you fail the game or did the game fail you?
For how long can you hold out, stuck in the same place
With nothing but promises and a hole in your tummy
Eating yourself up from the inside out?
86 · Jun 2022
I worry
Jonas Jun 2022
The future is a panic attack,
It's to much
I can't stop
neither stay in the same spot.
86 · Oct 2023
Question, once again
Jonas Oct 2023
If the human race is a species
based on community for it's survival,
why are there mechanisms,
that make living together harder?

When mating and reproduction
is my basic,
animalistic task in life,
then why is there a feeling like embarrassment
or shame
that stops me,
freezes me in my tracks?
Preventing me from fufillment

If evolution is adaption to the enviroment
why is the system so inconvenient,
so complex and fragile, unintuitive
why am I so flawed?

Our survival measures can be as dangerous to us
as the threats they protect us from
Survival makes up most of our life
You either build up, maintain, protect or recover.
Happiness is not necessary part of that desgin,
desirable yet not crucial to the construct,
a mean to an end.

Why is there a build in conflict of interest
between my body and mind
me and myself?
What I need versus what I want?

What's the point
to all this complications,
to all this struggle?
My life is designed to end, sure
But then why make it so hard,
so easy to become miserable
and so hard to remain fulfilled?

Society is the logical answer to survivability
against nature.
But it's also feels like poison
Poison to my mind,
polution to my bones.
86 · Apr 2023
By the water
Jonas Apr 2023
Someties I wish I could relive some of the firsts
They're always so fleeting in the moment you're in
They pass to quickly in the panic of the unkown,
leaving no chance to aprreciate what is being presented to you.

The first time seeing the ocean
smelling the salty air, toes buried in the sand
Trying to gift you all the pretty shells and stones the beach holds
Listening to the waves coming and leaving,
you're putting an open shell to my ear
I'm on your shoulders now, counting all the sails on the horizon
I'm their Captain now, they ought to listen to my command
Seagulls shouting from above, salt in the water and on my lips
My finger digging deep,
challenging the ocean with little walls and ditches of dirt.

The first sleepover at your house, my friend
staying up late gaming, jumping in lakes
Pretentious wine glasses in our hands filled with sweet,cheap energy
All these books, stories yet unexplored, so eager to be opend,
Before the fireplace,
Embers cracking, giving warmth to our conversations
till the sun comes up
The morning dew smells fresh and pink and we're falling asleep.

The first time this one cute girl laughed a bit to loud at something stupid I said,
Approaching you carefully, testing out the water
Drunkenly leaning on to you, getting closer.
My piercing caught in your fishnet,
You caught me
Waking up in the morning next to you
"What happend, I can't remember?"
The first kiss and the second first, both equally akward
Do you want to be my girl?
Y / N / Maybe?
Maybe this time I gift you the lighter I bought for you the day after we met
Maybe this time I can explain to you how confused you left me.

Oh this little lost boy never knew what he was doing,
He still has no clue.

All these special little moments lining up to a lifetime gone by,
So many of them, getting fewer and fewer by the day
Not good or bad, mean, beautiful or disappointing yet
just beyond of it all,
A plain new adventure, a shot in the dark
in this life you're trying to live right going forward
but you'll only ever understand in retrospective.

When it's to late.
85 · Oct 2023
the old shed
Jonas Oct 2023
One of humanities biggest flaw
might be
that we die to young
and forget to quickly

You spend all your life
figuring out who you are
where you belong
grasping for a purpose

Trying to figure out
your faults and problems
Are those yours
or just inheritance?

Trying to remember
what went wrong in the past
Clinging to a made up story,
half reinvented anyway
Trying to learn, to predict, to better yourself
to fix yourself

Reclaim what was lost
pick out
the good from the bad
what's to keep and
what must go

And then
after years of reflection,
of trial and error
when you finally feel like
you might have a clue

You're over
your body's beaten and sore
your time has passed
Your mind, your body, your soul
broken down, taken apart
rebuild over and over

Each time wearing thinner and thinner
all of your energy is gone,
invested and spend
in your pursuits
How noble

You might find yourself
trying to teach whoever's dear
what you've concluded
what you have learned.

They won't listen
just as you did
in the past

The rumbling of the old
is white noise to young minds
The loud silence of age
The wisdom in the pause
of important teachings
lost in thought

A flickering lamp
in the dark
on it's last breath
covered in dust

On it's last moments
surronded by nothing but moths,
misguided creatures
clinging to warmth, to the flame

Desperate to find a way,
to find rest
or maybe simply
not to be

Short lived lifes to an old one now lost,
and laid
to rest
85 · Jan 2022
Jonas Jan 2022
I really wish I could cry sometimes, you know
For my on sake, not that of others
Be it real or fictional

I have a hohle in my tummy, my chest
and it's aching

If I had someone, if I had you
to hold me close at night or day
If you would be mine, and I would be yours
Could you save me?
Or would I just drag you down with me?
Into the mud
84 · Apr 2022
Jonas Apr 2022
Makes me want to swallow a gun,

pull the trigger til the chamber is empty.
84 · Jul 2021
Jonas Jul 2021
All I have is you,
my work,
and the privilege of being young,
of having time to waste away.
All I have is you.
84 · Jul 2021
Sing me your lullaby
Jonas Jul 2021
Awaken children.
We have a long day ahead of us.
more sadness,
Time to go.
Nostalgia soon will follow.
Of childhood dreams well spend.
You'll get to sleep again.
Awaken children.
83 · Apr 2022
damsel in distress
Jonas Apr 2022
I'm a man

Hate me, hit me, **** me,
Insult me, ghost me, spit me in the face.
Destoy me, my life.

No one notices,
No one cares
Jonas Aug 2024
Wrong day, wrong start
Wrong clothes, wrong hair, wrong voice
I'm scared
Wrong moves, wrong words, wrong thoughts
To loud, to bright, to much
Can't stay
I need to get away
Don't talk to me

Kind thoughts, self talk
Avoid all mirrors, avoid all triggers
So any input at all
Hide in your room
Closed curtains, cold showers
Something bland to eat
A comfort show on in the background, on repeat

Wait till the day is over
Go to sleep
It's okay

But what if tomorrow looks the same?
83 · Sep 2022
Social media
Jonas Sep 2022
A man waks his dog down the street

watch me dump ****
let's worship each other
83 · Oct 2023
best of three
Jonas Oct 2023
Go down,
lay down
stay down,
grovel at the ground

Give up
dont try
to get up, again
it's not worth it

Hardship doesn't go away when you turn from it
and not when you face it either,
just for a little time
you can avoid the confrontation
or earn you a break
you'll need it then

Maybe it just never goes away
no end in it's design

Clingy *****
83 · Dec 2023
Jonas Dec 2023
I used to be
Radiating calmness
An anchor
A place to rest
A moment of peace

Now I'm more of a
Dark pit
Desperation and Sadness
Weak, indifferent, powerless
Oozing nothingnes
A void to swallow you all hole

Maybe I'm both
82 · Jun 2023
Shine bright
Jonas Jun 2023
You bring with you so much light, so much life,
it hurts sometimes
I try not to flinch away from the heat.
I have to avert my gaze.
You can't look into the sun for to long without going blind.
You leave me blindsided

Now I think I understand how Icarus must have felt.
Before he fell.
82 · Sep 2022
Jonas Sep 2022
she's cute

82 · Jan 2024
A glimpse
Jonas Jan 2024
Meeting you
I understand now

Why hands need to be held
And lips urge to be kissed
82 · Apr 2022
daily life
Jonas Apr 2022
At one crossroad
at one minute
at any time
a hundred lifes can meet,

Yet no one notices, no one cares
except me and you.
We stand still for a minute,
before you're gone too.
82 · Mar 2021
Here lies ...
Jonas Mar 2021
It was just
to much *******
to many broken pieces
not enough love
to mend


let me ease my mind
you're gonna carry that weight
you will
beyond hell or heaven
82 · May 2024
Jonas May 2024
Werde ich Tag für Tag
Etwas asozialer

Entferne mich mehr und mehr
Von euch und eurem Wahnsinn
Das was ihr Leben schimpft
Oder noch schlimmer, "Norm"

Leider damit auch von dir
Dieses Ich, das ich immer sein wollte
Noch werden sollte
Aufstrebend, auf zu neuen Grenzen
Selbstsicher, kompetent
Der Horizont ist weit
Die Welt steht dir offen
The future is bright

Werd ich wohl alleine sein
Zurück bleiben
Wies aussieht
Bald bin ich frei
Von euch, von allem

Diese dreiste Ignoranz, Rücksichtlosigkeit
Ihr raubt mir sämtliche Energie
Du bist miserabel und saugst mir das Leben aus
Wenn ich könnte
Glaub mir, ich ginge nie wieder raus
Verlass bloß nicht dein Haus

Leider hab ich Bedürfnisse
Blöd gelaufen
82 · Apr 2022
call me
Jonas Apr 2022
I keep wasing my hair,
hoping you will run your fingers through.
I shave hoping you will touch my cheeks,
I keep changing my sheets longing for you,
81 · Dec 2023
Jonas Dec 2023
How dare me
I cann see
The judgment in your eyes

And you ask me why I look away
You ask me why I hide
It's quite easy baby

When faced with a world like that
I have no power left  
No will, no reason left to fight

Excuse me,
Fot trying to achieve happiness
Before my death

If that makes me
a coward
so be it
81 · Jul 2021
Hold me / Leave me
Jonas Jul 2021
You are an answer
to a question long longing,
burning through
a hole in my  chest
my being.

A temporary answer perhaps
a substitute,
an overripe fruit picked from a tree
before falling, breaking, molding
bursting open

But that hohle was my furnace
that fire my flame
without it
what even am I?
with you?
without you?
leave me, hold me

Call me by your name.
81 · Mar 2023
Things that help
Jonas Mar 2023
Runners high
out of breath, muscles aching
when I managed to get up, get out get by.

And left my room

The sun shining on my face
pulling you closer to my chest
a summer affair's embrace.

It's warm

When my music resonates
sounds make up my brain
and my heart beats to the rhythm
Here's to another day, my fellow inmates.

All is fine in the world when drowned out.

Looking out the window of a moving train
the landscape's rushing by
Get some distance, might not feel the pain
at least not for a while

Reset my settings.

When you tell me I'm enough,
I'm doing fine
I imagine

I've never heard these words spoken before
81 · Jan 2022
A quiet sommer night
Jonas Jan 2022
"You know,
I knew I liked you from the momet I first saw you
Did you?"

" No
Back then you were a girl  and I was a fool

You are a women now.
Smart, funny, breathtaking beautiful
I adore you so much it hurts

And I'm still a fool
A fool for you"
81 · Apr 2022
Jonas Apr 2022
I like to create
I like books and music
and I get lonely sometimes.

That's all I can say for certain.
81 · May 2023
always a phone call away
Jonas May 2023
so your mom called
She asked how you were doing

I said I wouldn't know for sure
I think you're doing oka(s)y
If you don't, you will in time
Sometimes it's hard to see what is going on in your mind,
you learned to hide it so well.
Underneath a face , a quick look, a smile
they becomer more real every time.

She seemed worried, tried to hide it, keep it in.
Something you learned from her maybe?
But you could just tell from her voice.
It shook for a second.
Breaking the everyday demeanour.

Then she asked me if her daughter still knows that she's beautiful. If I'd remind her for her.
You haven't visited in a while

I said mam, respectfully
the sun tries every day to shine a little brighter
to witness your daughter's life and warm her in her journey.
The moon puffs up it's chest, and pulls in the ocean over and over again
So your daughter can rest easier at night
And the stars soley come out to listen to her stoies and lift her worries in the dark

She impresses me more and more each day you see.
Your daughter is beautiful whether she wants to or not.
Through her looks, through her acts, her struggles
Her witts, her charm, her little faults her ... her, yes her everthing.
Her silly laugh, I'd recognize everywhere
She is one of the few true things I was ever lucky enough to experience.

Honestly she drives me crazy sometimes.
I admit sometimes, I have to slow down, fall behind and
Take a moment to breathe, to process.
Thinking I can't handle it, thinking I'm to weak, thinking I'm
not good enough.
I'm so scared of the possibility losing her someday.
Losing her trust, her heart, her interest.
I'm so scared of losing my ****. Apologies.
But it's true.

Looking at her, having her in my arms, waking up to her
I now understand
Life can get really scary once you decided to care and commit
As a boy I always pretended not to be scared, to be brave.
Now I feel like a boy again. But I must be a man.
For her.

I can't promise you her happiness,
I can't know if it will last
But I can promise as long as I'm here,
and the world is here,
she will never go alone.
81 · Aug 2023
Jonas Aug 2023
Flashing lights and neon sings
You're wearing horns líke a halo above your head
and spread out in ink,
are wings across your back.

Your hips are moving, lips are blooming in crimson red.
Leaving your scent behind like a tail
a silver thread, a lost shoe
an open invitation for someone who might want to follow,
might want to fall for you.

Smoke in the air blending in with the collected noise,
muffled laughter,
shouting of countless people in a single voice.

The night air is filling your lungs,
rain drops down your hair, down your cheeks
hiding your tears til the morning comes.

Your shirt is getting wet ,you can feel it on your skin
Life's soaking through,
tonight you'll be dancing amongst your kin.

Music is playing aloud, the bass is resonating in your bones
You're vibing,
it's waking up your body, your soul, drowning out your thoughts,
Don't think, just move and feel
let your instincts take over,
finally you can bring your worries to heel.

Roaming through a maze of dim rooms,
clutching your drink you stumble, you wander.
Till you find someone to hold on to for the night
skin on skin,
There will be plenty of time left later,
to reflect and ponder.

Here looks and lips get locked
in an active, meaningless exchange
Their fingernails caressing the back of your neck
you close your eyes, surrender, let go of control,
Can you feel it?
The spectrum layed out in front of you?
Your full emotional range

nice to meet you, nice to have met
good night, good morning,
It's time to lay down now, let's head to bed.

Now that the night is gone by,
it was over before I knew,
time is up,
tomorrow I might still smell of you.
80 · Apr 2022
flap text
Jonas Apr 2022
Just so we're clear this is personal.
I wrote this for me, I wrote this for friends, my mom, as therapy.
I wrote this for people to see,
to see me. Finally.

After I've died that is,
after I've done it, possibly killed myself.
Good riddance.
Now put the book back in the shelf.

This is my inner point of view, it is but a fracture,
a specific frame,
not the whole picture.
My solemn manufacture.

It's also me just fooling around.
I's also me just being lonely, being *****.
Find me.
80 · Sep 2023
Summer (in) heat
Jonas Sep 2023
What is it about freckles
about cute cuts and tops,
about sunflowers and pastel colours?

Green, blue, brown, yellow and grey
and everything in between
staring into your eyes, mesmerized

What about shapes and curves?
Up, down, in and out
you caught my attention
in a net of your facets

What is it about your scent, your expressions
your smile, your laugh
that makes me chase you?
Act fool

I keep replaying our moments together
when we aren't
chasing you in my mind
Until next time

What is this magic
that makes me ignore all my principles
risk my safety, my freedom
for nothng but a possibility
mere chance?

Let's find out, let it play out

I'm doomed but that's okay
if only I can be near you again
Lay down in your arms,
at least for a little while.
Next page