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Jonas Jul 23
Skin on glass
Day dreaming, I'm not sleeping
Sweaty ***, another train ride
I get up in the morning
To late, to bad
Bad times
Continue to frown

I feel like I've grown
Up,  a little after all
In time, still always to late for the call
Missed so many meetings, opportunities
Are you still up, still there
For me?

What is it all for
What's the point
Where did I go wrong?
Exit the lane at the turnaround

The pain and the struggle
The everyday hustle
Wearing clean, white silk on a ***** body
***** mind
Filled with garbage to the rim
Hit me baby, one more time

That ***** needs some pounding
Feel me, fill me out
I'm empty and worn, all bottomed out
Choke till I blush red for you
Like I used to, back then
When things still ment something
To me, to us
Give me a good reason why breathing feels so hard now

One more day
And then I'll wake up
My life is the dream that I am living
I've never been in control of my dreams
Jonas Jul 23
Punish yourself
To make you feel
Better / something
You're worthless, it all adds up

Are you still there?

Bite my nails
Rip out my hair
Burn my skin
My head splits open
The best die youg

Cut, cut, cut
Bleed out, a few thick drops
To the puddle
Drip, drop, drop
One arm in the bathtub

Why are you crying little dove?
It is late, look away
Go back to bed

Don't you remeber?
You asked me to open up
Jonas Jul 23
Ich bin ich
Der, der hinterm Mikro steht
Wer bin ich? Einer wie du eigentlich
Nur ganz anders

Anderes Geschlecht, andere Herkunft, Sexualität
Ein anderes Gesicht
Andere Persönlichkeit und Denkweise
Aber doch sind wir irgendwie gleich
Siehst dus nicht?

Grundlegend gleich
Gleiche Bedürfnisse und Emotionen
Gleiche Wünsche und Ängste
Irgendwie ironisch

Also warum verstehen wir uns nicht
Treffen, sprechen, einigen wir uns nicht?
Komm lass dich doch einfach mal ein auf mich

Vielleicht finden wir ja einen Weg
Am Ende einfach gemeinsam gleich, anders glücklich zu sein

Das sollte doch nicht so schwer sein
Komm, trau dich
Jonas Jul 23
I have stuffed in front off my pants
A big fat buldge
Skin on stretched out fabric
It is my ****
Rocking it rock hard

At the rear end sits
"The collective history of feminism since 1789"
Its a small book
You could read it in a day
If you chose to

**** me
How poetic is that

Kneel down before my genius baby
Jonas Jul 1
Did you know?
Octopuses change colour when they sleep
Are you dreaming little guy?
And they punch other fish from time to time
Dolphins and elephants give each other names and orcas have regional accents
Crows never forget a face
Cats see us as  other ver big, very clumsy cats
Otters have a favourite rock and hold hands
And baby giraffes rely on the impact of the ground to draw their first breath?
And fcking platypuses dude?
That time and space has to be totaly different for an animal with a strong sense of smell such as dogs because when you're out of sight you're still very near to them?

Did yo know?
Vegetables don't exist in botany
That the maps they taught us in school are a lie
Distorted in scale from the truth, making the US and Europe look bigger?
That almost all 21 century communication technology has origins in the scientific attempt to communiticate with the lost dead in a grief struck world after the first world war?
That history is just a story full of cover ups and holes?
That Australians veterans lost their war with an emu overpopulation in 1932?

We now have 7139 languages alive in the world
The one with the most words is Korean,
The one with the fewest is Toki Pora which communicates in concepts
That we different from 23 emotions in humans and asthetic appretiation is one of them?
Just because they're there doesn't mean we feel them
No wonder communication is so hard

A world where grown man long for tears like children jump in Puddles of rain fallen long ago (in their minds)
We're so ignorant to it all
And forget to quickly
Sometime whilst growing up we stop to wait and wonder
Make way, coming through, full speed ahead!
Think abot your future!
It's so horrible and beautiful at the same time
You're just another waling curiosity
What is consciousness and what has it done for you?
I another second you'll be gone
So worry less and move along
Jonas Jul 1
Money doesn't mean much
I think
Against a lifetime lived
Between grief and happiness
Love and despair

I wished

Money doesn't mean much
Where heads rest at shoulders
In a world of morning dew and sundowns over the ocean
Where clouds lay down over the mountain ridge
Like white water turned golden

I hoped
Surely it couldn't

And when it all comes tumbling down
All gears stop turning for a day or two
I'll hold on to a thought
I once had
That money doesn't mean much
In the end
Jonas Jul 1
Geh weiter
Such dir einen Anderen
Wen besseren
Einen der dich lieben kann
Mit Zukunft und so

Ich bin nichts für dich
Kann nicht da sein
Nicht wirklich
Viel zu taub
Schon zu lange leer

Hoffnungslos ists mit mir, hier
Der Stecker ist gezogen, der Stöpsel raus
Laufe nur noch weiter bis  mir das Licht ausgeht
Nur noch wandelnde Hülle
Warmes Fleisch, ja
Aber kein Nährboden
Zumindest solange ich noch atme

Romantisch geht hier gar nichts mehr
Alles tote Hose
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