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Jonas Jul 1
I've lost my footing
My feet ran away from me
Trying to get away as fast as possible
Abandonm ship
These waters are unfamiliar

I'm losing my head
Slowly coming undone
The everyday now is a fever dream
The good old times are gone
Yet each days remains the same
The same, same same all over again
I'm going insane
Can only pretend everything is fine for so long

Everything is changed and nothing changes
It's in the details
You could see it, feel it if you'd look
A change of mood
But people don't change
Fast enough
Who cares about history, the past
In present times?

It's happening again
Again and again and again
Right here too, but espacially over there
This isn't real, I'm not ...
What is? This
May just be the best way to live

Ignore, look away, zone out
Sedate yourself
Drown in all the noise
White screens in the dark, double tap
Swipe right, don't fight
back Shut yourself
away, become real quiet
And small
and Give up your voice

So you can stand the injustice
Double standarts all over
It's not fair
HA, what else is new?
You knew, you've known it since you were a child
All grown up now, a cynic, didn't you?
What damage a little bit of hope can do
To you

Living in a world of predesign
The system is working against you
Just a bunch of made up rules
Making us miserable
We stand divided together
Children will always fight at the school yard

Modern day cancer
Limitless growth in a finite system
Value money over peoples needs
What could possibly go wrong?
When you only matter as much as your numbers add up
Working for them, the few
Whoever they are
The big bad behind the picture
Behind curtains or office windows
Step out on stage, into the spotlight
Let me draw you
A pretty picture

The world is ******
And so are you
****** before you got here, not even a thought yet
****** while you're here
And ****** long after you're gone
Maybe, hopefully, finally
At peace
Jonas Jun 24
The fire in leaf and grass
Blazing green, it seems
Each summer might just be the last

The wind blows cold
makes leafes shiver
Each day goes by, a little quicker
Came to pass

A red salamander lies still
Frozen in the sun
Do you too dream?
Of a better life, a warmer place to rest and recharge?

Right now, at my mercy
I open my palm, let him go
Leave him free to find his fate

I can smell the fall in the breeze
May the next minute be my last
Jonas Jun 20
Freedom is a loaded gun under your bed
Plan B,C,D... Z
A way out

Maybe the scariest thing you can do is to become a parent
Jonas Jun 3
“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.”
― Kahlil Gibran
Jonas May 31
Give some hope to the hopless
Shine a little light
It's so dark and cold
Here,in some random back alley
I'm all alone
Sunk into the wall, I'm on the ground

On my last couple breaths
I don't feel strong, I'm afraid, but
Bleeding out from all the wounds and scars
That I've collected over the years
I can't help but smile faintly
It's an inside joke, you wouldn't get it

I'm dying
Going out, together with the rest of the world

Will you hold my hand?
Gift me some warmth
Pad my head one last time
Like my mom used to do

Last words
Tell me, was I any good?
Jonas May 30
There are 7164 known languages spoken in the world
The largest dictionary contains 1.100.373 words
You guessed it, it's korean
Does it make it easier to say how you feel?
About me, about your life?
What phrase do you think is the most used of them all?
Is it "thank you"," hi", or" I'm sorry"?

The most people are born in September
Namely the 9th
New Years, a night to remember
There are ten numbers that make up many times infinity
Describing a lifetime

The average life expectancy of men are 68.9 years
For women it's 73.9
How many of them die in peace?

How many people go by an intersection in a miunte
To meet breefly without noticing?
How many looks do you exchange with strangers
Each day on average?
How many of them touch your soul?
What's the ratio?

Did Schrödingers cat meow in the box?
Asking for pets in the dark
The most fundamental question in the world
Is it time for lunch yet?
Jonas May 30
Dear David USA, NY

200 pairs of socks owned, the crazier the better he says
I'll have them all
Been a president already for 15 years and stil going strong
They're still counting
On you

It takes about 6 cups a day for him to warm a heart
Learn from the Italians David!
Glasses of wine aren't ment to be counted
4 cats, 2 hedgehogs, 1 goldfish
Make for a big family
Sounds like a good one

Just LOVES the ocean and the snow he says
To cool his mind with something beautiful
Find peace in the vast
And watch the reflection shine a little light back into your life
Let it brighten your day
Maybe we need more men who love in capital letters

So many numbers make up a life
The stroy basically writes itself
It's right there
All you have to do is take a moment to look
Imagine a screen, watch it unfold
Try to hold on too
Numbers add up fast
If you're not careful
And blink twice
Present becomes the past

Stay safe and smile bright
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