Currently there are 7164 known languages
Spoken in the world
Most use words
Some sounds, some signs
Some are almost dead, some sparkle full of life
Sometimes they’re used to freely too
Words hold power, mind you
So think before you speak!
Or at least apologize after you’ve done the deed
Sorry I misspoke
Sorry, I don’t understand
I don’t speak your world
Bodishi, ar mesmis
No entiendo
Try to get by with hands and feet
Flash a smile
Can you teach me maybe?
So many different ways to say hi and goodbye
I miss you, I love you and it’s over
It’s not your fault, let me help!
Or what about lunch?
What’s the most spoken phrase?
Is it hello?
I’m sorry or maybe thank you after all?
I can’t wait to hear sounds I’ve never heard before
Speak of familiar things
What would I be like in your language
Who else could I be?
Show me my name
Send me a sign
A glimpse of your life
A moment of your time
I’d like to try it on
And try to make it mine
Talk to me