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Jonas Jun 2024
“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.”
― Kahlil Gibran
Jonas May 2024
Give some hope to the hopless
Shine a little light
It's so dark and cold
Here,in some random back alley
I'm all alone
Sunk into the wall, I'm on the ground

On my last couple breaths
I don't feel strong, I'm afraid, but
Bleeding out from all the wounds and scars
That I've collected over the years
I can't help but smile faintly
It's an inside joke, you wouldn't get it

I'm dying
Going out, together with the rest of the world

Will you hold my hand?
Gift me some warmth
Pad my head one last time
Like my mom used to do

Last words
Tell me, was I any good?
Jonas May 2024
There are 7164 known languages spoken in the world
The largest dictionary contains 1.100.373 words
You guessed it, it's korean
Does it make it easier to say how you feel?
About me, about your life?
What phrase do you think is the most used of them all?
Is it "thank you"," hi", or" I'm sorry"?

The most people are born in September
Namely the 9th
New Years, a night to remember
There are ten numbers that make up many times infinity
Describing a lifetime

The average life expectancy of men are 68.9 years
For women it's 73.9
How many of them die in peace?

How many people go by an intersection in a miunte
To meet breefly without noticing?
How many looks do you exchange with strangers
Each day on average?
How many of them touch your soul?
What's the ratio?

Did Schrödingers cat meow in the box?
Asking for pets in the dark
The most fundamental question in the world
Is it time for lunch yet?
Jonas May 2024
Dear David USA, NY

200 pairs of socks owned, the crazier the better he says
I'll have them all
Been a president already for 15 years and stil going strong
They're still counting
On you

It takes about 6 cups a day for him to warm a heart
Learn from the Italians David!
Glasses of wine aren't ment to be counted
4 cats, 2 hedgehogs, 1 goldfish
Make for a big family
Sounds like a good one

Just LOVES the ocean and the snow he says
To cool his mind with something beautiful
Find peace in the vast
And watch the reflection shine a little light back into your life
Let it brighten your day
Maybe we need more men who love in capital letters

So many numbers make up a life
The stroy basically writes itself
It's right there
All you have to do is take a moment to look
Imagine a screen, watch it unfold
Try to hold on too
Numbers add up fast
If you're not careful
And blink twice
Present becomes the past

Stay safe and smile bright
Jonas May 2024
I'm a lonely cup of coffe
A quick takeout
Left in the metro
Just standing there
No one'a paying particular mind
No one is noticing me

Long gone cold
Still remembering the soft lips I once have hold
Take a sip to test the heat
Than chug me down
Till I'm all empty
I've served my purpose
And got left behind

Waiting to be picked up
And thrown to the trash
Where I belong

Gotta keep the streets clean
Jonas May 2024
I want a dog and a cat
A wall with shelf after shelf
Filled with all the books that I’ve read
I want a house in the forest, near a lake
And a place to grow old and slowly forget
A peacful way to live

I’d like you to join me there
If you can
To stay by my side
Watching the time go by
Everyday that I wake up
With a smile

Eternally grateful for the day that we met
And the nights that came after
Jonas May 2024
Currently there are 7164 known languages
Spoken in the world
Most use words
Some sounds, some signs
Some are almost dead, some sparkle full of life
Sometimes they’re used to freely too
Words hold power, mind you
So think before you speak!
Or at least apologize after you’ve done the deed

Sorry I misspoke
Sorry, I don’t understand
I don’t speak your world
Bodishi, ar mesmis
No entiendo
Try to get by with hands and feet
Flash a smile
Can you teach me maybe?

So many different ways to say hi and goodbye
I miss you, I love you and it’s over
It’s not your fault, let me help!
Or what about lunch?
What’s the most spoken phrase?
Is it hello?
I’m sorry or maybe thank you after all?

I can’t wait to hear sounds I’ve never heard before
Speak of familiar things

What would I be like in your language
Who else could I be?
Show me my name
Send me a sign
A glimpse of your life
A moment of your time

I’d like to try it on
And try to make it mine

Talk to me
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