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Jonas May 2024
You raised me
In love and bliss
Held me for years
Made me feel safe
Taught me
Values of family and community

Just so
One day you could just barge in
No greetings, no warnings
I've been snatched
And decide now is the time I get to know pain
Pin me down to the ground
You'll scar me forever

Called in a "specialist"
Old woman torturer
It's a full time job
Who with ***** nails and wrinkled hands
With whatever sharp tool they could find
Laying around, what's on demand
Starts to cut, to etch
To scratch and scrape out parts of me
Touch sacred ground
Taking away what's mine forever
What I didn't yet know much about
But one thing I do know
They made sure it hurt

I don't understand, Ma
What have I done to deserve this?
White and red flashes
Dots of light
Someone is screaming
Till my voice cracks and finally gives out
After how long I couldn't tell
I passed out
But not for long

Conscious again just in time
Blurry eyes
To feel the faceless monster
Use thorns to mend
Trying to held together
What she has destroyed almost completly
Taken from me

And you're the orchesstrator of the crime
Almost unspeakable
Even if I'd regain my voice
You let this happen to me
Even helped!
Why? Why? Why?
What have I done to you?
Where did we go wrong?

"She's lost her innocence
She's all grown now"

No not lost but taken
In the most violent, cruel way
The highest sin, the biggest betrayal
For it came from within,
From the most trusted, my own, my family
Literally raised me as a lamb
To the slaughter

Threw me in the dirt
Kept me on the ground
And watched me get cut with open eyes
Who listened to my voice break and give out
Begging, sobbing, shaking
Mommy make it stop

And you still call me dear daughter
What nerve
How did you feel
When you saw me rest
Barely alive
While infections running wild
In my body?
Lying there helplessly
Still somewhat there, alive but not really
Caged in some ditch
Hidden away for weeks or eternity
Who can say

If I'm "lucky" I won't die here
In a poddle of my own ***, pus and blood
Unable to move, eat or sleep
A stick stuck between my legs
What once was a *****
To clog the drain
I have no tears left in me to weep

It was done as it has been for generations
It is our culture, normal in our tribe
You outsider can't possibly understand
It is proper
To torture your own daughter
Do like she did to me before
My own mother

So some man can check later
That you're ready for marrige
To make sure
Your body never know pleasure
Where's the **** lover boy?
So you forever know your place
Before you really know anything
Marked for life

We'll tell your friends, your children later
About the honour
Don't worry
We'll cut you open and sew you up again
When you get into labour
We'll do it again and again
We got you sister, you and your sisters sister

Only then do you belong
When yu're cut down to form
To fit the norm

Maybe in another life
Another lifetime
You can begin to understand
And heal
In another world maybe
You could get your revenge
On your perpetrators and their friends
Jonas May 2024
Soldier boy
Be a good boy
Chained up
To your little hut
Closed off space
Only a yard or two to pace
Back and forth, back and forth

They raised you well
Only one purpose
All bark and bite
At everything that's new
That smells, seems strange

It's all you've been taught
All they see you fit for
How could you be anything else
Anything more?
Do you have any friends?
Does anyone come closer
See past the shell
Unafraid of the pain you promise
Gently offering you a hand
Trying to make peace?

What a lonely life you must lead
Dear leader of the pack
I hope soon things will change
And turn out for the better
May you find kindess, a little freedom even
Locked away from the world
In your cage
Jonas May 2024
In the heart of the storm
Only there it is
That your rage goes quiet
Settles down
Drowned out, under the sound
Of weeping winds roaring loud
An fade and fade
Gone at once
Just swept away

Lost importance
Together with the rest of the world
Doesn't matter
All things change
Raising the question
Like a whisper amongst the noise
What now?

What now? What now? What now?
Jonas May 2024
You meet people
Like her

Welcoming you in
Without being asked to
Gentlly and slowly
In your own time
There's no rush

She just stands there
In the living room
The evening light hitting the mirror on the wall
At just the right angle
Her hair's ******* to a bun
But a strand falls in her face

Another case of accidental Barouque
Jonas May 2024
Sometimes you do get lucky
You meet people who don't use you
Don't wear you
Like the rest of them

Who don't just try you on for size
Force you down
Rip something
Wear and tear
And then throw it back on the shelf
For someone else to sort out

What's that about?
Jonas May 2024
Bitter erinnere mich, daran
Wieder mehr wie ich selbst zu sein
So wie ich früher war
Als kleiner Junge zwischen Wiesen und Wäldern
Noch zu viel Angst vorm Fahrrad fahren

Erinnere mich
An jeder Pusteblume zu pusten
Knallerbsen zu werfen
Kastanienmänner zu bauen
Und Blütenschnäbel auf der Nase zu tragen

Erinner mich
An Flieder zu riechen und Sauerampfer zu essen
Gummistiefel zu tragen und in Pfützen zu hüpfen
Den Regen auf der Haut zu spüren
Schneemänner zu grüßen, Schlitten zu fahren
Und im Gras zu liegen, jetzt im Sommer
Den Blick zum Himmel gerichtet
Dort wo die Vögel fliegen
Zu jeder Wolke gehört ein Name
Zu jedem Stern

Erinnere mich bitte daran
Denn ich vergesse so schnell
Was wirklich zählt im Leben
Zwischen all ihren Regeln
Erinnere mich, damit ich wieder frei atmen
Und das Leben genießen kann
Jonas May 2024
When will we be finally able
To bottle

The silence of mountain tops
After a long walk up and the wind just drops
That smell
After the first summer rain
Just stopped
Of fresh cut grass and fig leaves in the sun
The bite of a cold winter night
And the taste of your lips on mine?
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