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Jonas May 2024
Locked away
Forced to be domesticated
It turns cannibalistic
Eats you up from the inside
If you don't feed it a little
If you keep it starving
Away from daylight and fresh air

It will grow larger, growl louder
Taking up more and more room
Tunrning you hollow
Till you have to pay mind
Or it gets strong enough to take over
The reigns
And run wild
Time for payback

You can't deny your own nature
If it feels trapped it will try to get out
Finding violent ways
Fighting for control
With the animal inside
Howling to be heard

So don#t forget to let it walk around
From time to time
Stretch out it's legs
And get some pets

Who knows
You might gain a friend
Jonas May 2024
Had enough?
Looking to stop
A quick way out, taking the exit?
There's two at the front, two at the back and four in the middle
Pull the cover and push to the side
All you have to do is jump
Feeling anxious again?
Yeah that *****

But look
Imagine how far you could go
Where you could be one, two, three, ten years from now
You'll be taking off, flying
To hot to handle

Gran says be careful around the stove
Wear mittens
Jonas May 2024
I'm so sick of it

Sick of all the insecurity
Sick of being silent and invisible
Of being used and exploited
Just another number in some system
That I grew into
Sick of being forced to do things
That are "mandatory"
But without reason or logic behind them
Sick of being taken for granted
All the disrespect
I'm sick of nodding along, being understanding
I want to be done with it

But can't get out of my skin
Not for long
Not running on a dead line or anything
But I'm feeling like I'm running out of time
I'm missing out on so much
Again no better yet still
I can feel it slipping through

So I go away
Looking for a better place
For me, to stay
Look for people who care, who appreciate me
And know how to show it
One day I can call a place my home
One day
It's gonna be okay
Jonas May 2024
Walk a mile in my shoes
No, better even
Try running

Borrow my eyes for one evening
To see the world
From my point of view
To see as I do
To see how I see you

Maybe then you'll believe me
How great you really are
I do
I really love you

Maybe then you could see it too
Jonas May 2024
Wenn Kinder auf Panzern spielen
Noch nicht lange still gelegt
Ist es ein gutes oder ein schlechtes Zeichen?

Touristenattraktion Nummer drei
Liegt auf dem Weg
Wir kommen vorbei
Mach mal ein Foto

Eine friedvolle Szene?
Oder nur die Feuerpause
Zwischen Blitz und Gewitter?
Wo schlägt er diesmal ein?
Wie weit ist entfernt?
Sind wir hier sicher?

Helden der letzten Generation
Zu Bette dort unten in der Erde
Hört nicht hin
Lasst eure Augen geschlossen
Ruhet in Frieden
Ihr habt genug gelitten

Ich will noch nicht nach Hause
Papa nimmst du mich auf den Arm?
Mama kann ich ein Eis haben?
Die Sonne *******noch
Noch ist es warm
Jonas May 2024
I'm doing fine aren't I?
I think you said so once
Wouldn't hurt you to tell me more often
I still can't see it
I'm getting better at it tho

I've done more and seen more
Than others do in their life time
And I'm far from done
I keep creating
Keep evolving
Getting better at it
Sooner or later you'll learn
One way or the other

I'm a good person, a good friend
To some
Good looking, funny too
At times
Financially secure
For now

So why don't I feel it
Why can't I see it
Belive it
When I look in the mirror
Why can't I live it?

I keep changing, growing
But will I ever grow out of this?
The ghost of my childhood still hangs around
It's settled in
Jonas May 2024
But how do you know
Anything in this world?
How do you tell
Right from wrong
And good from bad?
In this complex mess
That's changing constantly
All the time

And no one rellay explains it to you
For only a few really have a clue
And they get drowned out too
Buried under the mass of missinformation
So called opinions
Which to often are stated as facts

What can you rely on
In a dance of deception and manipulation
When you don't know the steps
Blindfolded, only slightly see through
All you can do is stumble
And look for something or someone
To hold onto

You have to believe something
Commit to something
To a casue, an idea, a person
In due time
With whatever limited understanding you have
And hope for the best

That's all you can really do
In the end
Hope for the best
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