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Jonas Aug 2023
Push me against the wall and pull me close
Turn me around and turn me on
Touch me, grab me, chain me up
Spank me, choke me, pin me down

C'mon let's play

Degrade me, praise me, refuse me my release
Keep adding to the heat
make me shiver, rise and fall,
so we can burn together

Add it to the hunger

Take control of me, make a mess of me
Make me beg and lose my mind
lose all my pride and senses, sense of time
Listen to me moan and whimper
Make me give in to your voice, to your touch

Eat up,

but respect me, care for me still
and hold me tight,
after you made me fall
Let's be intimate together
Please just love me the same

Never to go lonely again.
Jonas Aug 2023
Things that are meant to be shared

Laughter, good company, time, love, your bed,
quiet night talks, star gazing, creation, art,
one drink too many,
your lips
Music, food, accomplishments
Your tears, pain and struggles
Happy or sad?
The big moments and the small ones
Clothes, stories, experience, travels and your space.

Did I mention the food?
Jonas Aug 2023
Growing up
I didn't believe them when they said kindness
be'd strength
I always took it for weakness,
for vulnurability
Leaving yourself open like that ...
it's just asking to get used and hurt.

But how can it be weak
when you're facing viloence head on
with a gentle smile on your face
standing steady against the storm
Your feet buried in the ground
stubbornly saying
"I will not budge,
I will not be corrupted by your petty anger"

When you choose to stay kind
against the odds and bad experiences
You'll have to sacrifice, take hits
Again and again

Against spite and ignorance,
arrogance and self pity
Often standing alone
without much support or empathy
Cause people are scared and hide away
Compromising to avoid conflict

In a society of mistreated souls,
of misunderstandings
where we just keep lashing out and passing the blame,
the responsibility
A couple animals locked in the zoo
who can scream the loudest?

Here it is that I choose
to stay kind
Jonas Aug 2023
All those little scars and marks,
left scattered over your body ,
shaping you,
making you, you.
All those habits and traits
specifics of the people close to you
forming familiarity.

A scent , a gesture, a sound
can take you back to the past
to the company of loved ones.
A quick pain to the chest as a reminder

Nostalgia triggered like dandeion pedals surrend to the wind
before you know it they're gone, the moment's over
already fading away
Added to the great library of what came before,
categorized and stored,
prioritized by what's more important and what is less.
To gather dust,
be forgotten or altered by time.

It's so beautiful it breaks my heart.

So keep collecting your scars and marks,
while you're at it,
maybe you could leave some on me as well.
Jonas Aug 2023
Isn't it hilarious
how you can spend a lifetime

without ever beeing noticed?
Jonas Aug 2023
I'm gonna need you to listen to me
I know it's hard
Believe me I know it's hard
and very selfish of me to ask
But I need you to try

Try with all your little might and heart
with all the breath your lungs can muster

I need you to be brave
to feel the fear but not go numb from it
in and out
Keep trying and keep failing

You might feel sick,
that's okay
You might feel weak
and yes you are,
that's okay too

But you're never worthless
don't ever believe it, don't give in to the voices
Shove them back, let them roar
Believe me you can roar much louder
if you have to, need to
take breaks but never stop

Go on
don't ever give up on life,
whatever be the pace, always go on
Never hide yourself from the world
You hear me?

It matters, it really does
you matter
if not to you than at the very least to me,
to lots of people actually wether or not you believe it
whether or not you can see

So stick around for the nexts
the next round, the next day
Please don't leave me
I'm begging you
Do it for yourself, or do it for me

Just do it,
please just stay
just hold out out
a little longer.
Jonas Aug 2023
Vor Gedichten und Gedanken
Weichen alle Schranken.

Freiheit sitzt dahinter, dort,
Jenseits der Verzweiflung
Wahre Freiheit ist:
Nichts mehr zu verlieren zu haben
Außerhalb von Halt
Singend, nicht schreiend
Im freien Fall.

Das macht sie so gefährlich.

Fallende Hunde bellen,
Sie beißen zu,
Und oft ins Leere.

Ich falle auch,
Nur singe ich nicht,
Ich schreie auch nicht,
Bin lange schon verstummt

Fallende Hunde bellen laut
Und ich glaube ich verstehe.
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