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Jonas Sep 2022
I'm free falling
what a scary thought

hitting the ground without you
hurting you
Jonas Sep 2022
I don't care about anything
don't bother me
leave me alone

there will always be a little of that
left in me
my last resort
Jonas Sep 2022
A man waks his dog down the street

watch me dump ****
let's worship each other
Jonas Sep 2022
I was gonna keep this side hidden
but now I'd like you to see
Jonas Sep 2022
I used to be a dreamer

At night or day

I'd make shapes out of the clouds in the sky
out of fire places and amber cracks,
out of the wood planks of my bed at my mother's place
and the bathroom tiles on my father's floor.

I'd listen to the stories pigeons coo
and what the wind whispers in the willow trees
If you'd cared to stop and listen.

In my worlds I'd be the hero
of course.
I'd be strong,
Come out on top.
Untouched by all.

I can still see those shapes
but I have to make myself look.
I've lost that innocence.
People made me.

I'd like to be a dreamer again.
But it gets lonely
getting lost in your dreams.

How much longer
can I
Jonas Sep 2022
Like magnets spinning in the air
we lose each other just to find us again
you pull me in

Like grans puzzle pieces on white table cloth
we find out how we stick together
we add to each other, to make a hohle
Jonas Sep 2022
When a train runs by you
at top speed

You feel the urge
feel the pull
towards disaster

My are thoughts are with my head tonight
lieing on the tracks
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