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Oct 2013 · 624
Needs Improvement (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I need to improve on a couple of things straightaway
I had a performance review at work today.
I need to improve on a couple of things.
Oct 2013 · 736
Model (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I'm not a model, maybe I am a model citizen
Sep 2013 · 643
You Are Special To Me
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
You are special to me.
I'm touched by your sensitivity.
You encourage me in many ways.
You cheer me up when I have bad days.
You accept me for who I am.
Your caring is expressed in many ways.
You are a very loyal friend
on whom I can depend.
I'm blessed to have you as a
very good friend.
I Dedicate this poem to my Hello Poetry Friends, You are Awesome thank you for reading my poems and I
Love your Poems too! :>
Sep 2013 · 2.3k
A Day Without Coffee
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I tried to start my day without coffee
It was harder than it first seemed
My get up and go left me in the dust
I had a caffeine withdrawal headache so bad I felt I might scream
I seemed to move slow like a scene of the zombies from The Walking Dead
I thought I should not  have gotten out of bed
I realize that this is nothing a few cups of coffee could not fix
I can hardly wait to drink that brew
I toast to all of you!
Sep 2013 · 2.8k
The Canvas
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
One day there was a bright glowing canvas, a pure sparkling white
It was beautiful, but not complete
Then someone came along and drew lines on it to form flowers and mountains and streams, it was more beautiful and it made the natural white look more distinct
Then one day someone else added color and the canvas radiated and became more and more complete, it seemed whole and functional
Suddenly, one day someone came along and slew the canvas, destroying its color till it showed black, and an ugly black
The canvas seems so drab so empty without its color, so lifeless
People refused to help the canvas, refused to anything about the canvas slayer refused to listen to the canvas’ plea
Instead the canvas slayer’s free to roam free to hurt and damage other canvas
Who will restore the canvas?
Who will bring justice?
Why is the canvas slayer free to roam while the canvas feels imprisoned, crushed, victimized?
Why is the canvas treated like a criminal?
When will the canvas feel free, joyful and peaceful?
Sep 2013 · 891
Lesson's Caught
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Dad it has been eight long years since you have been gone
The Parkinson's and heart condition took there toll
I believe there is a part of you that remains in my heart and soul
You taught me so much  many lessons I caught from you
You taught me to try my best and be strong no matter what health struggles some my way
You taught me that it is OK when food touches each other on my plate it mixes together in the end any way so just eat it don't complain
You taught me that you can't always buy what you want in life it is more important to get what you need
You taught me that it is good to do a good deed
You taught me to respect my elders
  You taught me to try to live by The Golden Rule
   You gave me some work ethic by having me help on the farm
    You tried to protect me from harm I know now that you couldn't protect me from all harm
    You advised me not to upset a swarm of bee's in a hive
     You showed me so much you were always willing to lend a helping hand
     You often would babysit when my kids were little and would give me money to help out with something the kids really needed
   I don't know if I got a chance to thank you each and every time, to you and mom I'm indebted
   You were a great Dad indeed I Love You and miss you so much  You made a difference in those lives you touched, some of lifes best lesson's are not just taught but caught
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
My retreat
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
It was great to gather with the gals at the camp
Some gals I knew others were new to me
We gathered together under one theme for the weekend
One gal in particular was fired up about her dream starting to come true
She reminded me of a rosebud starting to bloom as she shared her dream with me
We don't realize sometimes how we touch one another lives either for the good or bad
I know she impacted my life for the good, I may never see her again but that's OK
Her sharing helped make my day even better and when we had free time we learned some about hand massage from a former massage therapist and we were partners to massage each others hands  
One night we had a banquet at the retreat and got treated to steak and scrimp
We bid on a silent auction and purse auction for a good cause, I bid on a Prada purse and won  I hope it is a real one not  a mock one, either way I like it anyway; I feel rich from the experience of the retreat
I left feeling renewed and peaceful and restored, it was hard to come back to real life
I went to a women's camp over the weekend and it was great,there were about 250 or more women there.
Sep 2013 · 292
I tried (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I tried climbing to the top of my Family Tree
I am hoping to find out more about my Family Tree
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Love Through Out The Year
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
January: Love is an intricate design on a snowflake
February: Love is like a heart shaped box of chocolates
March: Love is like a clover full of promise of good things to come
April: Love is like a gentle rain
May: Love is like a fresh flower
June: Love is like a nuptial kiss
July: Love is colorful like fireworks
August: Love is like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day
September: Love is a time to prepare for positive change
October: Love is gentle like falling leaves
November: Love is being thankful
December: Love is giving
Sep 2013 · 517
Sweet embrace
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I long for your sweet embrace
I long to see you face to face
I long to have nature walks with you
I long for long talks too
I long to watch movies at your side
I will not hide anything from you
I hope we can share much laughter
I hope we will find our happy ever after
Sep 2013 · 606
Change In My Pocket
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I had change in my pocket that I was itching to spend
I went to the machine to see what I could vend
I counted out my money and to my dismay had only enough for 1 can of soda not two
If you grab a glass I will share with you
I thought of this while at the vending machine at lunchtime at work.
Sep 2013 · 917
Fortune Cookie (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
What do you call a broken fortune cookie? A misfortune
I like Chinese food, pass the chopsticks lol
Sep 2013 · 391
Bills (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Bills are  part of life and a source of  strife
I get a headache when I pay my bills, money talks it says goodbye.
Sep 2013 · 415
I Sometimes Feel Alone
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I sometimes feel alone
Then I think of you, my family,my friends, my fellow poets
I smile when I think of you, then I feel less alone, if only for a moment
Sep 2013 · 821
Sad Clown(10 Word)
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Sad clown i see you frown
I feel sad too
I'm still am trying to get used to 10 word poems!
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I see the pendulum slowly sway back in forth keeping up with the hands on the Grandfather clock.
My life seemed to be going along just fine just seeming to keep up with the time
It feels lately that it is not swaying quite right, since I have been having problems with someone who I thought was a friend, now she won't talk to me, she also said not to call
I wish I could be like a pendulum and have everything sway right again
I wish I could, go back in time and make everything right with perfect insight  
I guess for now I have to be patient and wait and watch the pendulum sway and remember better days
Sep 2013 · 377
The Ghosts Of Yesterday
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I saw the fog rise up above a pond
It reminded me of a specter floating in a scary movie
It got me thinking of stuff that haunts us
I am haunted sometimes by, I should have done this
or I could have said that
or I would have done this better
The ghosts of yesterday can cloud our vision today
To live in regret is not a good way to live
We can let go and our vision can be clearer
Things can get better and our emotional fog can lift away
Freeing us to have better days
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Random words fly off my pen
Random thoughts run through my head
I pick a random song and sing along
I dance a random dance( I'm lucky no one sees me)
My favorite random thing, random acts of kindness
I'm sorry, if this is not very good, I wrote it at 4:00 am
Sep 2013 · 448
Friends (10 Word)
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Friends maybe miles apart, yet remain close within our hearts
I dedicate this poem, to those of you that faithfully read my poems, I consider you my friends!
Sep 2013 · 378
Misspoken (10 words)
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
My words to you were misspoken
My heart is broken
I had a miscommunication with a friend.
Sep 2013 · 388
If You Were
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
If you were a mountain I would climb to the top and gaze at the majestic view
If you were a lake I would swim, and relax by your shore
If you were air, I would breathe you in and be restored
If you were a song, I would gladly sing along
If you were the sky, I would be the stars to light you up
If you were mine, I would cherish you with all my heart, knowing that you feel the same
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
It's  Friday the 13th (9-13-13) I think to myself this might not be good 13 written twice.
I start to imagine what all could go wrong.
I might fall and break a mirror,perhaps bring 13 years of bad luck or more.
The black cat that passes my path might be a panther, my heart starts to beat faster.
If I step on the crack in the sidewalk, it might get bigger and swallow me in it's depths.
I imagine some more ridiculous things, Freddy and Jason might have another Brawl in my closet and crash through my wall.
I have a sense of dread, as I remember scenes from the Final Destination Movies.
I than rise out of bed and recall that I am not superstitious after all!
This is not quite a poem tried to have some fun with it.
I hope you like it.
I am just curious what is your favorite scary movie?  Feel free to share it in the comments.
I wish you a good Friday the 13th.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Today's barren tree is tomorrows fruitful harvest
live life expectantly!
Sep 2013 · 335
A Moment (10 word)
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
A moment in rhyme and my heart beats in time
This is my first attempt at a 10 work poem, I hope it is OK.
Sep 2013 · 893
The Negative Trap
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
It only takes a sharp remark to bait the trap and without warning it snaps
When things go badly setting the negative in motion negative thoughts spin like a whirlwind
When I hear people complaining it is easy to get ****** in like quicksand
The Negativity can spread like a wildfire and negatively effect productivity
I would ask you to throw me a rope and how to best cope but I realize it is up to me, to escape from the negative trap
I walk away, take a deep breath and think of something positive and my attitude has changed
I am ready to have a better day!
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Just take a moment to tell your Loved ones you care
Just take a moment to smell a flower
Just take a moment to call a friend to share
Just take a moment to live with purpose
Just take a moment to smile at someone to brighten their day
Just take a moment to dream
Just take a chance
Just do a silly dance
Just take a moment to relax
Just take a moment to live because life is precious and at times too short
Sep 2013 · 887
A Rose
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
A rose is beautiful to behold
A rose is fragrant to be smelled
A  rose is fragile to be held
A rose is sturdy and strong enough to be planted and transplanted
into the hearts of those who will receive them with humility and a gentle spirit
I wrote this poem some years ago.
I just thought I would share it with you!
Sep 2013 · 757
Vote For The Poet
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
It will be that time of the year soon for campaign Ads
I hate the negative ads that seem to  list a litany of their opponents sins
They seem to have a desperate theme as they seem to scream, vote for me
I wish the politician would have more sou,l instead of cutting someone else down to get ahead in the polls
I wish they would display more compassion
I wish they had a poets passion
I wish their words were more like Lincoln
I wish their speeches had more distinction
I wish they would more accurately the people they represent
Do you see a blue collar worker or poor politician in office?
I wish I could vote for you my fellow Poets
Sep 2013 · 455
My addiction
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
My addiction has no know cure in sight
I don't need to take a pill
It sometimes keeps me up at  night
I sometimes feel week in my knees
Other times I weep
Other times I am happy
  No doctor can help me
  The truth is I  am not ill
   I would rather sit with a pen and quill and write
   I would rather read your rhymes
   I would rather have everything go still
   and spill out my emotions for you all to read
   I will keep this one addiction It don't take my money just my time
Sep 2013 · 352
The Melody
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I have a melody stuck in my head
It runs through my mind as i sit by my bed
It seems to ebb and flow
It touches my soul
It makes me feel whole
It's title to me is unclear
It's harmony is not secure
It will just remain a melody and i will listen and hum along
Sep 2013 · 853
Bird in the hand
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I remember when you were a baby snuggled safely against me
Baby bird in my hand
I remember when you seemed to grow so quickly and learned to fly
I cried when you left my nest
Bird in the sky
I now see you so infrequently
I know you would rather be with your friends
Bird flying with friends
I miss you
I love to hear you sing
I'm tempted to hold unto you and tell you not to go
I need to let you grow
I hide my tears
I have memories of you to cherish of all these years
I let go and let you fly
I hope you know I will always be here if you need me
I hope you know how much I love you
My bird soar to new heights
My bird fly
I will look to the sky and watch you from afar
Fly my bird fly glide across the sky
Sep 2013 · 346
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I need a retreat
I need some time to be just mine
I need some time to get away from the daily pressures of life
I need a break from this worlds strife
I need a deeper sense of peace
I need to sigh with relief when my peace is restored
I need a slower pace, this life seems like a race
I need to see natures beauty away from the city
I need some time to feel restored
I need to get inspired
I need to curl up with a paper and pen and write some more
Who knows what will be in store for me at the retreat
Sep 2013 · 610
The Dreambuilder
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
He instills the dream in me
The goal is all i see
He plants and grows the seed
I water the seed
He keeps the seed alive and growing in me
The Dream is growing in me
At night i close my eyes and all I see is dreams
I reach for the dream and he touches me
He makes the dream come alive
So i know it's meant to be
He takes off the blinders and sets the dream in front of me
and says "My child, it's up to you what to do with the dream that's in front of you"
My child walk through, I am with you
I am the Dreambuilder
It's up to you to chose the dream that's before you
Open the door and walk through to your dream
I made it for you because I love you
reach for the dream my child and you will reach for me
This is an older poem of mine it was published in a poetry anthology book by The international library of poetry , I believe it was called: The best poems and poets of 2002. I hope you enjoy the poem!
Sep 2013 · 458
Lost At The Fair
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
We had a  State fair map that did not have all the streets listed.
My pulse  seemed to quicken when pressed by the crowds on every side.
We needed to catch the bus on time.
We tried to press through the crowd but they were slower than a snail
  I got more anxious with each passing minute and felt like biting my nails
  My friend failed to meet us at the designated meeting spot.
   My cell phone kept  cutting out.
    I was so frustrated, I felt like I  might  shout
    I wondered what to do.
    I asked for directions a time or two.
    Those directions got us more lost and brought us by the wrong gate.
     We turned around and headed a different way
      I got so upset I mumbled under my breath if we miss the bus we are *******
      Just as i was about to give up hope I saw the channel 11 news booth.
      I felt like someone there might show us the way
      I walked up to some guy who was standing by the wall
      I don't even remember if he was short or tall
      I asked him for directions
     We rushed out of the booth  I  don't remember if I thanked him
      We followed his directions and soon made it out through the right gate
       We met my friend near the bus
       We caught the bus with  not a minute to spare
        This concludes the Real Life drama of being lost at the fair.
Aug 2013 · 781
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
If I don't greet you when I meet you; it is not because I don't want to
I suffer with  from anxiety
I worry what you might think of me
I wont offer you my hand my palms are sweaty
I find it hard to concentrate on what you say
I feel like my heart is pounding like a drum
I feel kinda numb in my arms legs and feet
I feel like I might run
I feel jumpy
I feel a sense of dread
I wish I could crawl back in my bed
I wonder if you will understand this is not always like me
I am trying to get better control of the symptoms
The next time I see you I will take a deep breath
I will tell myself there is nothing to fear
I will do my best to greet you
Aug 2013 · 2.5k
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
A marshmallow slowly roasted over a campfire
Some chocolate oozing down my face
some gram crackers  crunching under my teeth
I can't always make smores but I can have some more
I want some more kindness to put a smile on my face
I want to express that kindness to others around me
I want some more quality time with family
I want some more good friends to surround me
I want to be a great friend in return
I want some more compassion to ground me
I want more passion when I right even if it keeps me at night
I want the sight to find the beauty around me and you
Do you want smores too?
Do you want some more in life?
Please reply if you like smores
Please reply with what you want some more of in life.
Aug 2013 · 391
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
I drink you to feel more alert
I drink you before I work
I drink you some more
You practically seep from my pores
If I drink you to much I feel jittery
Then I feel like misery
When a new day starts
I drink you again
The vicious cycle never seems to end
I wrote this when I had my morning cup of coffee
Aug 2013 · 438
What Love Is
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
Love is caring
Love is sharing
Love is taking time to understand another s need
Love is responsible
Love is wise
Love rejoices It also reaches out to comfort the heart that cry's
Love flows  in the heart peacefully like a mountain stream
It is more beautiful than any dream
It lives it grows with each new day
It folds it's hands to pray
Love is reflected in a mother's caring ways
A glow on a father's face
A sparkle in a child's eye
Love is the greatest treasure
It's worth you can not properly measure
Aug 2013 · 360
Writer's Block
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
Sometimes I suffer from writer's block
I can hear the clock ticking
I am thinking
my words do not come out right
I try  with all my might
I stare at my  empty page
I feel enraged that I can not think of what to write
The words seem out of sight
The world seems out of focus
I wish I could say Hocus Pocus and break out of this spell
I just do not feel well
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Chocolate Dreams
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
Sometimes it seems I have chocolate dreams
In the dream I can swim in a chocolate river
I watch chocolate fountains
I climb many chocolate mountains
I pick chocolate flowers
I eat endless chocolate bars, pies and cakes
I watch  chocolate stars
I hope you have sweet dreams too
Please like if you love chocolate too
Aug 2013 · 395
This Is For You!
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
This is for you you who love poems
You who love Rhymes
  You who takes the time to read many lines
   You who are dedicated to the written word
    You who look forward to metaphores
     Who give feedback and comments
      Who faithfully follow
       I appreciate your likes
       Some may call you poetry fans
       I prefer to call you friends
       We are united in our love for poetry
Aug 2013 · 418
Free Fall
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
I sometimes fall
I seemed pulled by Gravity
Faster I fall
My life seems to flash before my eyes
Panic  seizes me
I plummet from a great height

I lose sight of reality as I free fall
I can not stop it no matter how hard I try
I  get afraid of dying
I won't stop trying
I try to reach out to you
I want to let you know how much you mean to me
I suddenly stop before I crash  to the ground
I feel something soft at my feet
I  sigh with relief
It was only a dream
Aug 2013 · 892
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
Butterflies are a symbol of life
I believe they also symbolize growth and change
Just as a caterpillar changes and grows into a beautiful butterfly and puts out it's wings
and fly's with radiant  color, you are growing and venturing out in your own wonderful
and beautifully unique ways
You will have others to help you along this journey we call life
I just have to let you know how wonderful and beautiful you are
I am so pleased to see you grow and sprout your own version of wings
I dedicate  this poem to my daughter whom the poem is for her and her brother
I wish to thank her for inspiring me and for helping me find this site!
Jul 2013 · 484
It's The Little Things
Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
It's the little things that mean so much
A kind word
A gentle touch
A hug
A smile
A laugh
Sharing of thoughts together
expressing of ones self  with another
accepting oneself and accepting others
caring expressed in many ways.
Jul 2013 · 599
Too Young To Die
Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
You were Too young to die
I remember you were the popular one
your friends would either poke fun of me
or ignore me
I remember the time you said Hi to me
by the gas station without your friends around
I  think I said Hi back unless I was too shocked that you spoke to me
You suffered with Anorexia, I heard you started having that after some dumb boy
said you were too fat
You became so thin I could clearly see your ribs and other bones stuck out too
even with your clothes covering you
If only I knew what was making you so blue
You suffered with your silent pain
I could have understood
I was suffering too
One day you took your own life
You burned your self in your car with gasoline
  No one heard your screams
  It was hard for us left behind to believe what you had done
  I was shocked when I heard
  I remember the smile you wore hiding your secret pain
  I wish  I could have been your friend
  You came to an untimely end
   I wonder what could have been
Jul 2013 · 421
The perfect poem
Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
The perfect poem went through my mind
every word seemed sublime
It had perfect rhyme
It had the perfect amount of lines
Unfortunantly I did not have pen or paper
Now it forever eludes me
Jul 2013 · 617
Would You Still Love Me?
Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
Would you still Love me if my mind should wander, or consider my words with few points to ponder?
Would you still Love me if my teeth should rot, or would you think of things I haven’t got.
Would you still Love me if you saw me in pain, or would you not feel the same?
Would you still Love me if my hair was grey, or would you think of my better days?
Would you still Love me if you saw me in sorrow, or would you be too busy with your plans for tomorrow.
Would you still Love me if my looks should fade, or would you pretend you are at a Masquerade
Would you still Love me for the beauty inside, when my looks fail don’t tell a lie, just stand beside me
And Love me for who I am if you do, your my forever friend.
Friendship is a treasure valued beyond silver and gold.
True Love cannot be accurately measured, and Love is the greatest treasure.
Jul 2013 · 468
Hope Comes
Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
Hope comes in a bird's sweet song
as he soars along.
Hope comes in the rain
tapping against the window pain.
Hope comes in the breeze
gently rustling through the trees.
Hope comes in the sunrise array.
Signaling a fresh new day.
Hope is reflected in a butterfly,
full of life and floats to the sky.
Hope is heard
through an encouraging word.
Hope is shown through a friend,
with a laugh and smile that will never end.
Jul 2013 · 772
Angel's Tears
Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
I once was told by a friend
That when I cry the angels take my tears
And place them in a lake in heaven
Is that the Crystal Lake so Sparkling and pure
Perfect year after year
With as many tears as I've cried over the years
I wonder if it's now a river
or is it a magnificent waterfall beyond compare
Cascading down a mountain
Does it nourish the animals or make plants flourish
Make flowers grow
I guess I just won't know tell I get there
My friends next time you cry they just might be Angel tears.
Jul 2013 · 2.4k
Don't Judge Me
Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
Don't judge me with blind eyes that can't see the truth.
your blind eyes that just see in stereotypes with prejudice
I am a unique individual who cares how people feel
If you refuse to see
I refuse to be a victim to Society
This poem is for everyone who ever felt judged by others.
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