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Mohammad Oct 2018
Welcome stranger here’s my home,

Don’t mind my mask it’s who you want,

Behind the mask lies nothing but demons,

Don’t try to remove it they will make you leave,

They loathe me making effort,

They whisper into my ears to run,

“The outsiders will look at you with disgust” they say,

They want me all for themselves,

We take comfort in each other.

Demons grow as the soul takes on more pain,

Crawling out from the cracks and flowing into my brain,

Reprimanding me for my decisions all so poor,

Never again shall I let someone see my face,

My demons scare away the joyful of people.

Oh stranger, I will make you happy and delightful,

We shall watch the idiot box and fill the room with laughter,

I will make you a pleasant bed while I sleep on the wood,

When the night becomes cold, my blanket will be yours for comfort,

I beg you not to remove my mask,

Your farewell will set loose more demons in me,

Truth may be what my demons speak to me,

But life is inane behind these four walls,

With tears of blood rolling down my face,

Staining my mask and changing its shape,

I beg you stranger not to run away,

I don’t want to be alone again.
This is my 2nd poetry and its about having anxiety and depression and as long as you keep up ur happy face, people will stick around but once they see ur dark side as well, they leave.

— The End —