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B-rich May 2022
Have you ever watched your best friend go ******* insane?
One moment your in her backyard playing and making forts
Then ten years later she’s trying to **** you
And I tried
Really tried to fix her
Tell her what’s wrong and what’s right
But as much as I’d like to think I was her medicine
I was actually her poison
I’ve been told a thousand times I’m to good for my own good
And now I know that’s true
Cause I could never hurt a fly
Or a leach like her
And that’s how she got worse
Because I let her get away with doing too many things to me
And people like to tell me it’s not my fault
But part of it was
Because I thought I was the hero
and that’s what made her the villain
Having a hard time processing an abusive relationship and figuring out what a trauma bond is. But this here are my real thoughts and feelings. Weather they are wrong or right this is how I feel.
Apr 2022 · 147
B-rich Apr 2022
I want every bad thing in the world to happen
right now
Just so I can feel normal…am I the villain?
Oh wow
B-rich Sep 2021
Boy, you can take me down town
And we can get a bite to eat.
By morning we’ll be wrapped up in a sheet,
A sheet of selfish deceit
Cause you are my red rose in a mist of blue

So take me down town
Just take me a away
I don’t care if it’s a fancy play
Or a date movie cliche
Cause you are my red rose in a mist of blue

If you take me down town
I can act out Shakespeare romances,
Soft glances,
And playful dances
Cause you are my red rose in a mist of blue

My red rose, it’s hard for me love.
I know it’s cruel,
And untrue,
But I refuse
To see through
The truth,
With you.
But if I have to, I’ll say it.
I just want to be loved,
Just want to be loved.
I want to be loved.
Oh, to be loved,
Just simply loved.
B-rich Jun 2021
I’m a teenage,
Minimum wage,
American worker.

Tryna not
Go to the hospital
Cause my family will go under.

Why do we work so hard to live,
When living is already so much work.

I’m a teenage,
Minimum wage,
American worker

My mom said to me,
“I’m sorry baby,
but you can’t be a kid anymore.”
And she walked me through
Our house’s red painted door

I wish I had more time
Before I began this side of my life

I’m a teenage,
Minimum wage,
American worker.
May 2021 · 123
B-rich May 2021
Have you ever just wanted to be...
Simple happy
No sad feelings
Or getting angry

As simple as a tree
As simple as a bee
As simple as life
As simple as anything can simply be

Well nothings really simple at all
Not even a plain old wall
But over thinking this whole thing will be my downfall

Have you ever just wanted to be...
Simply happy
No sad feelings
Or getting angry
B-rich Apr 2021
Humans are like a web
A spider of misfortune our inventor
It’s hairy legs tickle us
Like strings we vibrate from our core
No sweet cord
Because that is the orchestra of life
A low, slow hum
And the giggle of a chime here and there
Just to make the grand finally
Worth something more
Mar 2021 · 367
B-rich Mar 2021
If there weren’t liars
There would be mass war
But if there were only truth
The world would be at peace
Mar 2021 · 104
B-rich Mar 2021
Circumstance has been more cruel than any human I have ever met
B-rich Mar 2021
It’s 2 in the morning
Looking out into the darkness of my window

You’re the worst and best thing that has happened to me
Toxic to me!

And maybe just we’re two people trying to make it in this world
Using each other like parasitic worms
For you, my dear, I have so many hateful words
But if you were to die?
Would I?
no! I know-
so would I!

Cause you’re the best and worst thing that has happened to me
Toxic to me!
Feb 2021 · 162
B-rich Feb 2021
You’re stuck in a room
With one door
You want to experience life more
You want to be something more
You want to hit the floor running
But can only crawl on your hands and knees to the door
Then you have to disconnect yourself
From what you thought was your lifeline
-Your cord
And for once you are free as you were when you were first born
But then there’s the worlds pain
The worlds hurt
And you have to crawl on the floor
Back to the room, back to the door,
And connect yourself to the lifeline,
-The cord

...And go back to what you once were
It’s hard to escape addictions and it can feel like you are trapped
B-rich Feb 2021
I wonder where relationships end
and where they begin
Who is nice and who is mean-
Who is friend and who is fiend
Because not everything is how it seems
But who are we?
But simple human mortals
Not gods, nor creatures
But simple mortals with their morals
Dec 2020 · 719
To be
B-rich Dec 2020
If I can’t be myself

I’d rather be nobody at all

I don’t want to be

Society’s puppet doll
Dec 2020 · 115
B-rich Dec 2020
I smelled the Bouquet before me
Red and white like brimstone and banshees
But it was too late
their smell had flown away in hate
To heaven’s pearly gate

But remained in the rose’s petal like glove
the last sign of good ole love
But faint it was

And I told my thoughts to shoo
Because there was far too many things to compare it too
Nov 2020 · 82
B-rich Nov 2020
In the fall
red angels flutter and fall from the maples
Golden drops drip drop from the birch tree
Catching the last of the light of the evening
All that is considered good and pure fallen
To be spared in a melancholic way
A skeletal hand painted in the sky by our own godly hands
to bring about the foreseen winter

And I weep for all the raking reapers
for each his own raking reaper
Sep 2020 · 64
Mid-homework fantasies
B-rich Sep 2020
Drunk on the stars reflection
I find solace in the orange drooping leaves
I  sink into the mint morning grass
The moon sliver is the color old book pages
The smell of rain is near and far
And over the hill
A little too the left
Is the castle and town
where I spend my Days

And heard in the mountains afar
A bell ringing, deep as a north giants voice
Suddenly Becoming shrill
like a cricket in my ear
Awaking to my alarm
Once again surrounded by books
School books
And a hundred papers
Blank papers under my skinny arms
And we move on
Until we are only dead dusty bones
Forgotten and grey

I Don’t want school to start 😔✌🏻
Aug 2020 · 56
B-rich Aug 2020
Pieces of the sky, fallen
Only to lie in the holes of an old street
Only to meet a hurry-home man’s feet
Only to be kicked by a passing cheat

Dreaming to be something more

Something more than to what it was born

To be, at least, to be apart of a business women’s coffee in the morn
Respect puddles ✊🏻
Jul 2020 · 89
Grown up
B-rich Jul 2020
I miss seeing the sunset dipped trees
The chocolate dipped ice cream cones after school, too

I miss sticking my head out the car window, tripping over my own breath
The tripping over tree roots while playing hide and go seek in the dark, too

I miss getting my first ridiculous crush
The car rides with my dad getting Starbucks just as morning leaked over the Sunday horizon, too
Lizard catching
Creak finding
Secret base hiding

...I miss it all...
But Adults can’t do those things

....I don’t want to grow up....
Jun 2020 · 86
A reason to hate
B-rich Jun 2020
In this world
In the shallow and deep
A reason to hate creeps
Like algae
floating green
In the sunsets sheen

And we float here
In blind silent fear
Waiting for sunny ignorance to set
And the horror of the murky water
To drag someone to the ghostly under
Doesn’t matter what you say or do somebody gonna find a reason to hate you or what you do. I feel bad for people who are famous sometimes. 🙁
May 2020 · 130
I wish I was a child again
B-rich May 2020
I felt a little more than the drops on my back
And I slipped into the wishing well
embracing myself in my own skin on the bath tub floor
A ****** sack of twinkling wishes, I only was

I wish I was a child again
A child again I said
Taking a bubble bath in mid day-
I clogged the drain
Laid down
And waited
Waiting for the water to rise
To my mouth
my nose
My ears and eyes

water bubbles spiraled around
It was clear
....warm and bright
Like a Hollywood heaven
The water now reached my mouth
It had the taste of diluted tears
And I panted in the halcyon

Then....held my breath

but yet....
NOW I was farthest from being a child again
Congratulations to anyone who read this all the way through and understood this mess. Lol
May 2020 · 103
The real of a reality
B-rich May 2020
We are a dish of selfishness
With a hint of love
On a plate of ceramic memories
And as one would normally say when faced with the real of a reality

....“nothing more, nothing less“
May 2020 · 83
Let us go farther
B-rich May 2020
We are stuck on this sphere
sleepy feet ever more to linger
And crying dreams we ever more hear
Leafy sirens, leafy sirens call us farther
cloudy sails, cloudy sails float us farther
Diamond drops, diamond drops tempt us farther
May 2020 · 89
Mock love
B-rich May 2020
Here we shiver
In oblivion’s corner
Waiting for mock love to waiver
So we can leave each other
B-rich May 2020
They woke up, panting
To the sound of bleached bones beating
And in the fever of the sun’s light fold
bodies turned moon crescent cold
I was just thinking of how life was for other people. About places that aren’t as peaceful as where I live.
May 2020 · 79
B-rich May 2020
Day after day, night after night
It’s getting harder to believe
That there is still humanity
I am still young
Worries have not yet hung
I hear good has yet still sung
But it is skeletal echoes
Of love like ancient
from the age of Pharaohs
May 2020 · 102
B-rich May 2020
Satisfaction is not happiness
But we can be happy with being satisfied
May 2020 · 94
When the world fell
B-rich May 2020
The world fell
And twisted it’s leg of love
And has waltzed among the stars
With a limp
For a little too long
B-rich Jan 2020
For us the cross he took
Though earth cried and shook
Now truly I look
So guilt may no longer chain me
The grace of God is free
Do not fill your heart with what is bought
But forever cling for what he fought
The grace of God we need believe
So that we may live and die free
Jan 2020 · 101
Watch what you say
B-rich Jan 2020
people say too much stuff
And sometimes they don’t say enough
Jan 2020 · 90
My goodbye to you
B-rich Jan 2020
For a very long time
I thought everyone was my enemy
That everyone only wanted to hurt me
Until I met you
Your embrace was not blue
But only in my dreams you were there
And no where to be seen in this physical air
You were like a another mother to me
But at last you were only a dream
Maybe across memory sea
But not to be
Dec 2019 · 121
Empty porcelain dolls
B-rich Dec 2019
Empty porcelain dolls
Wearing pants and a sweater
In the wrong type of weather
Behind closed doors
Their tears hit the floors
Just like a feather
Never to be heard by another
And through cold midnight window glows
Is where red liquid flows
Empty porcelain dolls
In the back of the cave mind there is whys
The echoes have no replies
So in fear they clatter and shake
And they wear pants and a sweater
in the wrong type of weather
Just so you don’t know that they can break
With words and hands misused
Pasts haunt, and futures are abused
And more empty porcelain dolls are produced
About self harm, abuse, fear, and hiding your pain from others.
Dec 2019 · 141
Never grow old
B-rich Dec 2019
Knees a woblin’
Skin a wrinklin’
Voice a crackin’
With guitar and pick in hand
Oh what a grand one man band
With a sweet and sour twang
Through drying lips he proudly sang
“Never grow old
Never grow old
In a land that we’ll never grow old”
And the congregation listened
And in my heart I wordlessly wished
That there were some things
that would never grow old
Like happiness, kindness, and hope
Sometimes it feels like those things
have died and turned a pale cold
But I walk on knowing that there is still love
therefore I have no reason to mindlessly mope
An old man sang at church about going to heaven where he would never have to grow old.
B-rich Dec 2019
There is a battle on the farther hill
The enemy carries an orange flickering flag
The ravages of war has brought a dry cloud
And it rains ever drier dry fall leaves
Oh orange flickering flag do not find me
Do not come to my precious home
Do not come to me while I sleep in the night
And surround me with your dark light
There is a battle on the farther hill
Coming for you and me
Brave yellow suits fight for us please
You will surely prevail
And i'll say to the orange flickering flag
Our golden state, you will not melt and sag!
It’s about the California fires or anybody who has lived through a wild fire at one time.
Dec 2019 · 111
Silver moon haired child
B-rich Dec 2019
I know of a silver moon haired child
Her love neatly filed
But the book of life defiled
In a chair she sat alone
But not for a thing to atone
The chair and her were almost one
With nothing to do for fun
Her breath softly loud
and over her eyes a ghostly cloud
I don't know whether I should pray
Pray for her to see another lonely day
I shouldn't pray for a morning
A morning where golden strands
stretch across the rolling lands
And form warming hands
To take her in, like a fallen baby bird
So no longer would she have to have suffered
Silver moon haired child
I know till the very end you would have still smiled
B-rich Dec 2019
At one time I would lay on my bed
And look out a window
where dreams I was fed
There’s something wrong about me
but that’s what they said
Until I got fed a big slice of world
A phone I was served
My neck it curled
My eyes it burned
Every hour my mind it surfed
And it was a while before I learned
That my dreams were lost to the glass
back to where they came from, the glass
And right by me I let them pass
Now there’s nothing wrong about me
I’m just like every other *******

— The End —