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I want to know
When it flutters
I want to know
If its pure, light like feathers
But i seem to loose the meaning
I cant catch the concept
Why cant i know
Seems i only know how i wept

My heart feels as if its stone
Petrifying my bones
Corrupting my thoughts and zone
Why do i only know how it feels to be alone
It feels forever noon
Wishing this rain will end soon

Oh i know, i know
You seem to see how i feel
Your mouth says forget and we can go
I act with but in my mind can you be real
Could you be real and say you dont understand
So i dont fly with false hopes
Just to end as i crash land
Why didnt i prepare some safety ropes

I feel guliable
I seem unreliable
By my fire unseizeable
Because its Dying Flames
That always holds my shames
I wish my mind wasnt playing games

I know it holds horrid pain
But i want to hear the truth
I know its not fair in your brain
But only if i could hear your heart

My Heart cant take lies
I cant take words that only dies
Then will it fall from the skies
Wait for a collapse as i slowly close my eyes

Listening to it break
As My Heart
Slowly shakes and quakes
Quitly tearing apart.
Its Strange
I feel it but i still cant explain the change
Maybe Im slowly loosing in my age
Its true My Love Is In You
I still cant analyze the sky when its blue
Ill always hold my heart as you do

I dont see anger
I can see im leaving the danger
Ill always forever adore
But its too quite
Just way too quite

Its Strange
I dont understand my image
Fighting to understand my emotions
Stuck at war without a sword
Its so Strange
Because of all my mental baggage
If only i would soothe my inner oceans
I can truly only fight with my word
My Love Is In You
So why is there none inside myself
I wish to see myself
So i can say dont overestimate yourself

Its truly a mystery
Living in my shoes of my story
I cant even explain my history
Its a Strange discovery
So Strange
To ignore on my age
So Strange
To always turn a new page.
Im ganna be great
Watch out im your biggest threat
Listen up, Listen up
This is my true fate
Full Throttle
As i drop my whiskey bottle

I feel my soul
No i wont pay your toll
Im only here to grow
Keep it to yourself because i wont feel low
Yeah you know
Im really about to let go!

I dont want to habe your pitty
Because if you cared this would never happen
Boast about yourself, your ugly not pretty
Inside your heart your the only one laughin
If only you knew, If only you knew
Its better to be in the light
Because in darkness you yourself will sue
Dont look with your eyes the heart has true sight
If only it was true
You wouldnt have to fight
Lifes to short
To simply forget and abort

Im ganna be great
Watch out im your biggest threat
Listen up, Listen up
This is my true fate
Full Throttle
As i drop my whiskey bottle

I feel my soul
No i wont pay your toll
Im only here to grow
Keep it to yourself because i wont feel low
Yeah you know
Im really about to let go!

Life is dark
But you can choose paradise quick as a spark
Life is more than a simple ark
Dogs have less bite than any bark

Yeah if you know
Bring it all out
Full Throttle
No more sadness
You can only be living inside happiness
Full Throttle
Out no more to grovel
Get on my level
You need to drop the sarrows under the shovel!

Just Full Throttle
Only you can!
Just Full Throttle
Make a worth of your own end!
You are your only hope
Your only fate
Dont become bait!
It isnt simple
With thoughts in their own will leave ripples
It was never so simple
Please slow me in the temple
So i can be with my people
To be with my people

Why are words misguided
Tells the same amount of truths as a lie
When i write i act on impulse
As if the pen is what made me die
My words are lost
Some quicker than others toss
But honestly im not distressed
Cause who could i care its their loss

If only they had a heart
Theyd be human
If only they watched when they spoke
Theyd care to be human
If only they kew what
Being a human was really like
This pain leaves tears
From peasants to all kings and queens of hearts
Its them that make me fear
To let them personally know how i felt sheding my last tear

Its not just their fault
I need you to hault
Listen its all of us even me
We are our own shackles keeping us from being free
Truly i pitty
Every notion that is beautiful and ugly
We are our own enemy
Because the enemy of my enemy is still
My own enemy.
**** one, **** two
As i smoke a little more
The sky turns a little more blue
My stash was a really good score
I myself need to sue
If only i could have more
Because god would only have knew

I cant feel the expressions
In my heart they fall
Fall past my eyes
In what is water that only lies

If only i could open my eyes
The smoke and fog would clear
I could learn to truly be happy
Please clean away my fears

I trynna make sure i heal
So i can go on and be alright
I dont understand them, whats their deal
All i know is ima keep it right
Because i feel im in paradise
Getting high with my only rights
Clear my head and all in my sights
Yeah i wanna feel right

**** one, **** two
As i smoke a little more
The sky turns a little more blue
My stash was a really good score
I myself need to sue
If only i could have more
Because god would only have knew
Yes he only knew

That i dont feel right
All anger in me i still despite
The actions that follow isnt alright
So i clear it all to be good tonight
Because this is my life
I can control myself
But i cant do so to anyone else
God i ask, let me be alright
Let me be alright
As i Smoke A Little More
They say their lost forever
The emotions was severed
It burns without them in fire
In their whispers
They tell of a liar
No one knows
Of who he is or if its even a she
No one knows
What the fee is of the truth

Troubled Souls
Lost in this haughty hole
No one knows or will know
Where is it that they even go
The Destiny Of Troubled Souls
Has no mercy
Only silence seems to grow
May god have mecy

One man or women to betray
All those innocent lives
All was taken away
From their lovers, children, and wives
This fire took them
It has no mercy or serenity

He was not all hate in their hearts
When love fell under the thunder
People began to discriminate and spread apart
She slowly became his lover
For he was from a place not known
He was a strange taboo but he grown
To his heart he would die
To her people she would lie

Wishing for the blissness of the dandilions
But love was like fire, burning till everything was gone
These lovers betrayed everyone
Even went against the moon and sun
For their doings and sins was never forgotten

For love always prevails
But not all are on good trails
There was and never will be a happy ending
From here their love story was simply only the beginning.
Where i am
Here and now
What I'm Feelin'
Is no stranger
I'm slowly drifting away
I don't know if i know myself now
What I'm Feelin'
Seems to always put me in danger

I still don't know how
How things got this ugly

I just couldn't allow
To let myself for some reason be happy

My life is fallen
Down a deep, deep void
But i would be lie'n
If i said i wasn't annoyed

Stairing in the mirror daily
I scream an yell at him
Say'in straight at his face vaguely
I dont know who he is or how i met him

What I'm Feelin'
Is War
Oh, What I'm Feelin'
Is angry at who i am...

But i swear on the life that was given
To allow me to be born,
I swear i wont let you down
Forgive me when i blow the sacred horn!

I feel no shame
In killing the old me
I feel no blame
From ending what could have ****** me

Ill dig him a grave
Come back 3 times a year
Ill leave a black rose
For he was made with fear
In truth of honesty
I saw a part of myself die, let go 'mongst his tears

What I'm Feelin'
Here and now
What I'm Feelin'
Couldn't be stranger
I truly let him drift away
I just wish in his ending he'd know him self now
What I'm Feelin'
Strangly fills me with anger

He never could understand
Who he was and why he did
But now i hope he watches me from the wind and sand
To help wish me the things he never could do, for now in vain he layed.
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