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 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Jade Lima
As my soul turns to ashes, I wonder if I’ll be able to move past this.
It seems the planets in my world are colliding.
And all I can do is keep hiding.
If I could change anything I’d still want to be by your side.
But there’s no more hope and I know that you’ll never be mine.
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
klara mercy
you're never going to forget them
you will always love the color of their eyes
you're always going to search for someone
with the same contagious smile

and you WILL have those nights
when you miss them with all your heart
when all the pain comes rushing back
when you promise you'll give them you're whole heart
when you'll just beg them to please take you back

but babe
when the sun rises
leave it all behind
for they're not the one for you
as hard as that is to grasp
- but i no longer do
Dear mom,

I have never felt love like this before
Everything else has been dull and boring
So when I say that I love this man
I full heartily mean it

It feels like I’m in one of those high school rom coms
When the straight white girl meets the straight white guy
Her whole world is flipped upside down
And they grow up old

I didn’t think I would ever be able to experience this kind of love
And I don’t know if you ever have
Because if you have ever felt this passion and love
Then you wouldn’t want any minute anyway from it

My exes never really cared
When I say I loved them
It was completely true
But this one is life changing

The way I get butterflies in my stomach when I see the twinkle in his eye
And the way he looks my body up and down, feels my stomach and hips and then tells me
“You’re beautiful”
I never want to experience anything different

This man has become my body guard
When I feel his arms wrapped around me, I know that I am safe
I know that no other man should come my way or else my boyfriend will ******* up
And he genuinely cares

When I seem even the slightest bit off
He doesn’t just wait until I feel better to try and fix the already fixed problem
He drops everything he is doing to be with me
And that’s the kind of man I want

I want a man that would leave dinner
To meet me on a park bench while I’m crying
I want a man who will get me drunk
Then hold me in the bathroom while I cry and confess everything on my chest

The way we started wasn’t ideal
Cheating on our girlfriends just to taste each other’s lips
Wasn’t a good idea
But you can’t tell me all of your relationships were 100% perfect

He understand me when no one else does
When i say some weird metaphors to my therapist
(Which he frankly can barely understands)
My boyfriend will sit and listen until he figures out the riddle I told him

I speak in code
And he starting to crack it
Even though it scares the living hell out of me
He is trying to break down my walls

Mom, I have built millions on millions of bricks to keep this wall up
You have taught me throughout my whole life
To protect the ones around me and not myself
But with him, I feel okay to break down the walls

He is shedding it layer by layer
Brick by brick
And I am letting him
Because I want to let him in

I have never wanted anyone else inside of this dungeon
But I think he’s the one who can break me free
My dungeon of depression has been home for 17 years
And I am ready to show him my house

I have never been sure about anything in my life
I have always been so indecisive
But when it comes to him
I know that I want to be his

I want to be his one and only girl
I want to come home and see him everyday
I want to tell him about my secret
I want him

So mom, when I say I am in love with this boy
I mean it
And when I say he makes me happy
It’s because I have never felt safer

I love him
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
klara mercy
now that you've left
i need to know
how many times
did you look me in the eyes
and wished they were her's
and not mine
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Jon York
You make me laugh
        when I want to cry
You make me live
        when I want to die
You make me smile
        when I want to frown
You turned my life
        upside down
Because you are deep
        inside my heart
And I knew it from
        very start.

Your love. . .
warms me like my
         favorite morning
Your love. . .
comforts me like the
         August heat at
         our Lake home
Your love. . .
melts me from my
         head to my toes
Your love. . .
means everything to
         me and I will
         never let it go.

True love only comes
once in a lifetime yet
         it lasts an eternity
         and will withstand
         the test of time,
         forever waiting
         until its love is
                                 Jon York  2018
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
well i can’t say much
except that i miss your touch
or the feeling of being in love
over thinking of what once was

a dream
of a bizarre reality
where only i can see
what i begged meant to be

and yet life , passed me by
as i let out a silent cry
reminiscing over yesterday
oh , how the time just flies
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