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 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
You can't see it
You can't taste it
You can't feel it
Or smell it
But it doesn't mean you
Can't sense it
Know it.

A breeze of moments
A one way street
A steady river
Always the same
Always in a state of change
Only moves in one direction.

Youth and its expansion
Age and its contraction

Time swirls around us
Through us
Dragging us along
One moment taking forever
The next moment
A fading light in the distant past
No wonder of endings I think a lot.

Yesterday 10
Tomorrow 80
Seems like forever
But never really is
In stacatto bits
Of memory
Some true
Some false
Some recovered
Some not at all.

Continuity of self and I
We are
That black hole
Like a galaxy
Down the drain...
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Allen Wilbert
Bi-Polar Man

In the darkest evening hours,
arose a man with special powers.
Stop a fast moving car,
uproot the biggest tree,
float like a butterfly,
sting like a bee.
Climb the highest mountain,
swim the deepest sea,
Drinks from the youth fountain,
the luxury of being free.
Take advantage, it only lasts a few days,
in walks depression, and its wicked ways.
No fun to crash and burn,
not knowing which way to turn.
Sleep all day, awake crying all night,
battle the struggle, with all your might.
Afraid to leave your own house,
too lazy to catch a pestering mouse.
Then the powers suddenly come back,
now it's time for the returning attack.
Playing Frogger on a busy street,
for the high score, you compete.
Jump the tallest building,
faster than a private jet,
dreams and goals, you're fulfilling,
spending money, bills you forget.
Once again, you start to crash,
head you begin to bash.
You are bi-polar man,
never was part of the plan.
One day happy, next day sad,
Now you're laughing, then you're mad.
Mood changes on the drop of a dime,
no perception of day or time.
On a schedule of pill taking,
these habits, no chance of breaking.
I happen to be a bi-polar man,
just doing whatever I can.
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Words are like knives
they cut you deep inside
the words I am told everyday
leave behind lines that scar me
im not proud of them
im disgusted by them

Words are like knives
they left me in tears
im never enough am i
you always make cry
by spreading lies that
can **** but im not the only one

Words are like knives
they have killed so many
teens before me im happy
i survived god told me
that im stronger then
self harm stronger than suicide
stronger then lies

*Words are like knives
but now i know im
able to survive because
gods by my side ^-^
made because im constantly bullied i made this in my Spanish class because its a free day and i was told im not good enough to do anything in my math class but its all good karma will get them for me ^-^
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
I once had a dream where i could
anything and everything i wanted
to do in life but as i grew up i learned
what it means to lose your train of thought
, now that im older i realized that I was dragged
down by the "ZOMBIES" of society

My flesh had been cut, ripped, and pulled of my bones
by the cruel words spat out at me like rotten corpses growling
with the blood of their previous victims dripping from their lips
like saliva drips from a  dogs mouth while it stares at a pile of meat

*On my thirteenth birthday i realized i was pulled
down deeper in to the zombies hole of hatred where
they weakened their victims with by the rumors and names
they called them

By the helping hand of my friends and family
i was pulled from  the piles of rotting flesh and broken bones
pulled back in to their caring loving arms where i knew there and only there i was safe

*Safe  to be free, safe to feel, safe to  be me, and safe to fly away from those who evil beings but... inside we are all "ZOMBIES OF SOCIETY"  or " VAMPIRES OF RUMORS SPREAD" but we learn to forgive and NEVER forget EVER,
this poem is morbid in case none of you understand its about bulling
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
We never hang out anymore
your allways with her
has she replaced me
as your true bestie
apparantly because when
she calls you run

We never talk anymore
We used to share everything
we used to share secrets
we used to  share jokes
but when she's here you go

We used to be like sisters
We used to stay up all night
We knew each other so well
we started off so beutiful
but when she says sister your gone with no words*

we arnt best friends anymore
like the wind she swept you away
that best friend stealer she made you go away
like a river she drowned you in lies
like the flu she spread rumors of me
and you listend

This was made for my ex bestie selena :'( I miss you
Beauty is the thing,
That which all Men desire,
and all Women Strive to become,

It is in the Eye of the Beholder,
Something that we selectively want,
and something we learn to Love over time,
no matter "Fat", "Skinny" or "Curvy"
People CAN be beautiful,
But true beauty,
Is the Beauty of the heart.
Strange strings of thought.
Thoughts of loyalty and love,
thoughts of friendship and of ambition
and my condition;
thoughts of submission of subtraction and addition.

Unravel the secret of the continent,
oh how you are persistent.
The road uncoils and I uncoil down the pavement.
Off i go.
Twisted days of golden glow.
Off I go, into the black hole
of the road.
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