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 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Daniel Magner
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Daniel Magner
I was told
to never succumb
to her influence
but she wrapped me up
in a fairy land
where everything made sense,
whispered out the sweetest
bestowed upon me
the perfect chords,
then dropped me gently
from the clouds
to a soft bed of
safety nestled on the
Daniel Magner 2014
"I'll take that," I said.

"No, it's fragile," she said.

"Ah, your heart!" I quipped.
To the man who taught me how to love.

Erich Wolf Segal
June 16, 1937 – January 17, 2010

People like these will never die.
Because they left their legacies
not in their words but in the hearts
of us lonely lovers.
He gave me something to live for
and something worth waking up another day for.

He wasn't just a writer. He was a fighter. A philosopher. A man who lived as his words.

A million thank yous will never suffice.

You will never die.
You never could.
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Why break unto the will of the suffering when the summation of the whole amounts to nothing.

We can hold on to oversaturated dreams that portray a future not yet broken.

However, that past is where a misery is left, choking, a soul of unbreakable will with love.

Much like a moth diving into the most beautiful flame,

Expecting to be warmed rather than burned alive, but from the inside.

The internal struggle of aspects far deeper than the sum of four simply arranged letters.

From the habits we have to every emotion we display,

The meaning that fits between the space of each letter is an infinite array.

The construction of the connection so strong, it is only bound by the effort given in pursuit of that bond.

But like a pond still as glass, there is more underneath the surface for which to grasp.

We tread through life with water like emotions, hard and cold or warm and soft.

We take flight to places far beyond, breaking through emotions bonds to a new state of mind.

A soul so confined to infinitely roam, having lost the line that ties to the reality, stingingly true.

A wondering light, often too bright for others existences, never choosing a direction of conception.

But with the detection used by inner wisdom of once overturned beliefs, a soul that learned.

In the end there is little we can do to affect the grand design, to change the laid path or rewind time.

We are a grain of salt, melting away...
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Cam E
a better me
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Cam E
when i was little, i dreamt of being a princess
because taking charge is what i do best
and why not do it in a long pink dress?

i may not be royalty but i am royally *******
by being an overemotional teenager who ...
listens a bit too much to what society says
and not enough to what she has to say
about herself

i feel like that needle in a haystack
when it comes to the future.
i’m still asking if i can use the bathroom
when i’m expected to have my whole life planned out
by the time the leaves start to change
and i have to surgically remove my arm to sell on the streets so four years from now i’m not living on one ... with nothing but a fancy degree held above my head when it rains the cold realization that i am $100,000 in debt
and have no idea what i’m doing

so what am i supposed to do
when i still find myself comparing who i am now,
to who i could have become
without the challenges of 2012
still hanging on my shoulders

when i lay in bed at night,
thinking about how different i would be
if life hadn’t thrown me a curveball
that knocked me off home plate and out of my comfort zone,
out of the dreams of an ivy league school or graduating with high honors -
when i’m just lucky to be graduating on time.

while my peers are getting acceptance letters,
i’m getting the reminder that the battle has just begun,
the war of me against myself in accepting the past as it is,
regretting my mental disorder will not make it go away no matter how hard i fight.

i know that forgiveness equals growth,
a never-ending road of
constantly changing
twisting and winding
paths that never seem to have any clues
as to which one is the right one.

i’ve blindly picked a path, a quest if you will.
i am on a quest to be the best
no no, let me rephrase, MY best
because my best is all i can give and someday,
those that told me otherwise
will be eating those sugar coated words
when i have finally accepted MY best is true success.

so when i was little, i did dream of becoming a princess
but today, i’m dreaming of being a better me than yesterday
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Sam Moore
bone is bone is bone
is bone.
my hands are forever too tiny,
my hips forever too big,
and you forever the girl
who’s always wanted to leave.
when we first met you talked of
hating the palm trees seventy degrees
traffic clogged grit and smog,
graffiti covered rat sewers
mansions dotting all the hills
and everything else i’ve ever loved.
i reminded myself that some people
need more than a place with
hundreds of stars on the sidewalk
but hardly any in the sky.
when i think of superpowers
i imagine being strong enough
to carry manhattan to you on my
shoulders and all your rain clouds
in my arms.
if you ever turned fragile i would
arrange a fortress out of skyscrapers
big enough to cover all the hills,
and with tiny hands i’d point
to the clouds and make them fill
the sky outside your window;
white as bone, as bone,
as bone.
 Jan 2014 Ayeshah
Allen Wilbert

Getting deceived
nothing received
loving destruction
covered in corruption
been slowly choking
words already spoken
ticking time bomb
dying in Vietnam
everyone is confused
difficult to get amused
laying in bed crying
wishing to be dying
wondering how and when
every now and again
going, going gone
trying desperately to hang on
no more power
time to devour
take total control
dig deep into soul
always a way
no need to pay
lost then found
silence now sound
flirt with disaster
become your own master
take a risky chance
not at first glance
grin and bare it
make everything fit
try and understand
nothing is planned
have a good day
all I can say.
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