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984 · Jul 2019
Wandering minds.
Ayan Jul 2019
A promenade in the midnight rain
Amidst the solitude
Of a wandering mind
Racing through a crowd of emotions
Waiting for us to find
The wrong and then the right

A promenade in the midnight rain
Amidst the solitude
Of a wandering mind
Comes the footsteps
Of a thousand minds
Running in the mud
Dancing in the sand

A promenade in the midnight rain
Amidst the solitude
Of us wandering minds
A lady sings
For all in her sight.
982 · Jun 2019
Salt for Sugar
Ayan Jun 2019
It's raining between the worlds.

Drops of sugar in the air
And the windows glazed with trust.

People fighting on the streets
Their blood colouring the rest.

The eyes are for the blind
But that's what they say.

It's raining between the worlds
Bullets and roses all come to greet.

"Shake the hands of what you may please"
Taking the hands we try to free.

Money is just a paper to fill your pocket
And your pride,
But it also keeps their hands clean
While we check our dimes.

But these must be lies,
That's what they say
Or else why would we live in a world we fake

What do you say?
803 · May 2019
Fried Eggs
Ayan May 2019
The smell of burnt eggs and cigarettes
Drifted across the room
As I lay, head over heels
On the couch.

Staring across a broken window
Counting the stars in the sky.
One, two, three...
They appeared to distance each other away
As I went past five.

The neighbours were up all night
Empty bottles rattled across the floor
The sound of their laughter
Entered my dreams.

Woke up the next morning with the sun
Dancing through the curtains.
And my stomach groaning from it's emptiness

As I went to the kitchen
To throw away the burned.
The smell of fried eggs
Greeted me instead.

I turned around, her eyes
Gazed at me.
Her face mellowed through the minutes
How did you get in
I say,
I still have your keys, you dumb head.

I leaned closer and whispered
Thanks for the eggs.
696 · May 2019
Hearts and Diamonds
Ayan May 2019
There was once a king
In a house of cards
Loved his queen
With all his heart.

For he was a heart
To give and dare,
But she chose a king
With a diamond
To spare.

Soon they got shuffled
And the game begun.
In the hands of a man
Whose heart had spun.

They drew their swords
And waited their chance
But this was a game
They all knew,
Was done.
557 · Mar 2019
A Second's Love
Ayan Mar 2019
She stood under the rain
Strands of wet hair
Covering most of her face.
Except those eyes,
Ahhh the eyes
That make everything else
Go blind.

Especially the fact
That I had an umbrella by my side.
493 · Apr 2019
Night Blind.
Ayan Apr 2019
I had a dream last night -
Stranded in the middle
Of the ocean
Trying to stay afloat.

For once there were
Fighting each other off
The beautiful sky.

And then there was
The never ending darkness
With it's enigmatic mind.
478 · May 2019
The Nightingale and I
Ayan May 2019
What's that thing
That wakes you at night,
Light up a cig
And think of the times.

It's not the sins.
It's not the lies.
Those are just
What we sleep with at night.

A feeling of annoyance,
A feeling of fear,
Of not knowing what's beyond
And what's here.
469 · May 2019
Ayan May 2019
She stood there on the stairs
Having walked up the
Timeless flight.
Holding the hands of her
Grandfather's clock.
To make the time stop by.

The bed lay deserted
Wrinkled with smiles.
As a magpie flew in
Looking for the breadcrumbs
He left behind.
397 · Dec 2018
Ayan Dec 2018
Strokes of paint,
Smudged over the face.
Hiding below it
The skin fades.

                The touch remains -
                That of a mother's hands
                Over her child's face.

For behind the canvas
Is where the art is,
And it's not up to us
To make a masterpiece.
But to try...
...Is what makes us artists.
347 · Apr 2019
Ayan Apr 2019
We fall from grace
And mix with the rain,
Then look into their's
To make our heart feel okay.
We all know the secrets of those eyes,
And yet no one blows the whistle
To end this tide.

For the rains have ceased to exist,
It's just us falling from grace.
330 · May 2019
A moment's worth.
Ayan May 2019
The waves shed their spell
Like the sound of jazz
Lost with an unseen trail
Each with their own taste
Following the rhythms of other's breath.

Their moonlight dress dancing
In the silhouette night
Galloping with the wind
Till they fade,
Through the gaps of sand.
Away from people's mind
Stuck for a while
For a moment's worth.
315 · Jun 2019
In the mirror by my side.
Ayan Jun 2019
A blurred up nightscape
Brushing past the eyes
Wind rolling through the windows
And the tears way past dry.
The old V8 knew it's way
The past, present and dust on the trail.

With the Sun starting to set
The horizon came near, in the distant mile.
But still afar,
From the place
In the mirror by my side.

Or so I thought.

That evening had it's beauty
The sky was clear and the road empty.
The dial on the speedometer started to rise
As I gave it all to get past this
Last mile.
I just didn't wanna look in the mirror.

Her arms waving to me
For one last time.
Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.
Ayan May 2019
At midnight the clouds rain
Dreams flow down the alleyways
And streets, till they all fade
With them bustling with the wind
The music and light
Hands around her waist
And the world in her eye
The leather jacket skycrapers
And the neon in their shades
They name all the stars
While you take me there
210 · Jul 2019
So what about it?
Ayan Jul 2019
My shoes are red
And so are your's
That's all I could think
To say I am in love with you.
200 · Mar 2019
Ayan Mar 2019
The taste of fear lingers
In my mouth,
Turning the breadth warm
Against the wintry crowd.

A glass of whiskey
Studded with ice,
Covered with droplets
With the passage of time.

Pleading to let things go
"It doesn't matter no more".
175 · Feb 2020
Killing a Florist.
Ayan Feb 2020
Amidst the solitude
Of a wandering mind
Silver tracks
Under the subway light
Figurines of people
Passing by
Shades of colours
On their smeary eyes
Engulfing the darkness
Of the passing voids
Pretty shoes and conceited smiles
Till the sky is alone
And the ocean dark
The horizon is gone
Under the trees and mud
Between their fingers
They hold the lilies
Leaving them for
The figurines to pass
Shades of colour
On their weary eyes
Looking up to their
Beautiful lives
Till it’s all gone for
The figurines to buy
172 · Dec 2019
Ayan Dec 2019
Hold on to the thoughts
They run off once in a while
Across the playful meadows
And the clouds in the sky
Weary of a single mind

Dive from the cliffs
Into the  river blue eyes
Trust in them
Before they run off
From the tears we hold behind
143 · Feb 2020
Ayan Feb 2020
White was the snow
And the branches held high
Feel the fingers in mistaken layers
Erase from the sky
Don’t strain thy eyes
Let the kingdom come
From the fathomless lies
Of our selfish minds

— The End —