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Jun 2013 · 869
How Could I Tell You
Àŧùl Jun 2013
That Why I Love You.
I Can't Find Enough Words Ever.
What My Heart Says Is For You To Understand.
You Don't Know It Yet But You - Yes You Are My Happiness.
So Oh My Baby - I Can Just Say That I Love You.
And You Fill Up The Half Of Me.
And You Complete Me.
5, 9, 12, 15, 12, 9, 5
My HP Poem #294
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
Young Age Of Innocence
Àŧùl Jun 2013
It Was A New Delhi To Bangalore Flight In 1994
I Was Aged Three Years & 7 Months At The Time
We Did Start From Karnal For New Delhi At 1400
Mom Feared It That We Might Miss Our Flight
I Did Not Say Anything As I Knew Not Why So...

Anyways, We Reached IGI Airport In New Delhi
Here We Checked-In At The Domestic Terminus
Remember The Security Folks Tickling My Body
Maa Disappeared Into A Screen - Wooden Frame
I Looked Silently At The Smiling Security Man...

Then We Had To Cross Over In The Boarding Area
I Was Not Allowing My Young Eyes To Rest At All
Closely Following My Mum As Dad Was Not Here
Then Just As We Mounted The Taxiing Bus, I Said Aloud,
"I Am Not Here For The Bus!!!
Where's The Flight?"

Such was my childhood.
Everyone around us started laughing happily on listening to this young & innocent comment and the young - very young me was unable to understand why I was not on the flight right away - young age innocence!

My HP Poem #293
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 492
The Price Of...
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Honesty In Her Voice
Can't Be Compared
With All Of The
Deceit In Their Eyes
My HP Poem #292
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 223
I'm Breathing My Last
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Because I'm Living
To Die
In Future.

At Most Sixty
More Years
In Future.
I Just Want To Live Healthy
And Die, Not In A Pitiable State,
On A Hospital Death Bed Peacefully
With Her Shrivelled Hands Clasping Mine.

My HP Poem #291
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2013
A Barrage Of
My Own
A Smile
If You Please.
My HP Poem #291
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
I'm Jealous
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Of your hot breath,
For it gets deeper inside of you.

Of your onyx eyes,
For they get to see what I don't.

Of your soft hands,
For they touch you where I can't.

Of your pink tongue,
For it enjoys the taste of your mouth.

Of your shiny mirror,
For it gets to see you staring at itself.

Of your pearly smile,
For it shines so brilliantly brightening the world.

Of your slender waist,
For it looks so **** as a part of your body frame.
My HP Poem #290
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 804
The Midnight's Soldier
Àŧùl Jun 2013
So Often
Lie Awake Too
Regretfully In My
Fat Bed Cooled By The
Cooling Comforts Of Our
Air Conditioner And Bed
With A Much Cozy Sheet
Spread Around My
Toned Strong
As I Often Think
About Things So Varied
Mostly I Miss The Labourer
Children Whom I Did Use To
Teach For Almost Nine Months
During My Stay At The Old One.

For This New College Did Never
Feel Like Home Ever And There
Were Just So Many Selfish Folks
That I Even Lost The Count Of It.

Not Even Once Do They Smile
Not Even Once Do They Try
Not Even Do They Care
About Their Attitude
Or The Multitude
Of Their Rudeness
So Is Their Crudeness.
My HP Poem #289
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2013
For themselves exclusively,
That is why they wrote against it,
Made it to be looked upon in red light,
Who have ever been able to restrain folks,
The common people have had their pleasures,
That's how you-me-she-he were ever born,
Let us look upon it in light moonlight,
What wrong it is to be demonized,
For I guess it needs maturity.
Teenage is not the age, it's not the age at all.
One needs to age up more & get more sensible if they want some more.
My personal views are out in the public that one needs not lose their it (not being diplomatic not to use the word here but I feel that let them understand it by themselves if it matters to them at all) so soon or even may be get or make pregnant in their teenage.
Both guys & gals need to be behaving in a more responsible way.

My HP Poem #288
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
This Won't Rhyme I Swear
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Even if it rhymes incidentally,
You still don't have to care.

After all this is just another poem,
And poems don't need to rhyme.

Some people won't find sense in a non-rhyming poem,
But it's as though I cared if they even read my stupid ones.

Now it seems you get similar feelings about the world incidentally,
But hey, you need not feel yourself alone as there are other poets too.

And if by any thinnest chance you still feel lonely in the world of poetry,
Then look up to the one who might have introduced you to HP like I do.
Poems which rhyme do feel better, I agree.
My HP Poem #287
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 2.8k
Àŧùl Jun 2013
My Cutest Friend
I See You Looking
At Me With These
Cutest Sleepy Eyes
In All My Dreams
You Think Of Me
Dream About Us
On The First Date.
A Forever Desire
I Wanna Be Your Lover
My HP Poem #286
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Which The Doctor Prescribed To Me That Day.
Had He Not Told Just About Making Friends?
Why In The World Did I Let Myself Fall For Her.
Have I Been Spending My Time Being Dumber?
When I Don't Trust Myself How Can I Survive.
Was I Too Busy Chatting My Way To Happiness?
How Did I Not Notice I Broke My Own Promise.
Would I Just Let The Time Pass Us By A Second?
Here I Could Pass Days With Her On My Breath.
Where Must I Wait Very Patiently Till Then...?
Will Those Arms Of Her Be Warm Or Nervous.
Would We Be Pulled Into That Other World?
Yes you are my poison & elixir.
My HP Poem #285
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2013
When I will get to meet her in that hostile real world,
When she'll introduce me to her tough skeptic world,
When she and me are together in the physical world,
When the clarinet'd sound as we marry in her world,
When the bed creaks up with our active night world,
When you give me the news & I feel top of the world,
When the baby's cries'd fill up our own pretty world,
When we imagine for our baby the best in this world,
When the baby laughs happily to our delightful tears,
When so I do not know but surely so in the real world.
The clarinet is translated in Hindi & Urdu and many other Indian languages as Shehnai.

The shehnai, or shahnai, is an Indian musical instrument played in ceremonial settings and in musical performances.

There have been many accomplished veteran shahnai players in the Indian history.

'Ustad' (an Urdu title meaning 'master of the skill')  Bismillah Khan, also known as the 'Sanadi Appana' (Kannada for Shehnai master) in his home state of Karnataka is the most respected name in this field.

It is also played in the marriage ceremonies all across India.

My HP Poem #284
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 844
Cranium Of Diamond
Àŧùl Jun 2013
My helmet was seared then,
But I guess that protected me.
I got hit on the left cheek-bone,
By some metallic stick-like object.
The onlookers froze on their vehicles,
Nobody could slow it down to 6000 fps.
They saw him collide turning to his right,
And I was the colliding object unfortunately.
All of it blurred, froze and blacked out for me,
Then I don't remember any pain which I suffered.
But my cranium is of diamond probably for itself,
Because someone special was written in my destiny.
My HP Poem #283
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 2.5k
Àŧùl Jun 2013
This Poem
In A Separate
Window And Read
The Title Bar Located
Up Above The Browser
To Get The Real Meaning!
If you read this in a separate window then that means I trolled you!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
My HP Poem #282
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2013
I'd like to mention that my city Karnal was once the bastion of the armed forces.
Close to my house in NDRI campus until half-a-decade ago stood remnants of the old British Barracks - an irksome reminder of the colonial period.
But we went inside the rickety ruins of an olden period to play hide and seek and sometimes just for fun as an adventure.
I had seen them - the erstwhile barracks in that dilapidated state only, carrying the Union Jack painted at some places, and I had seen the ruins crash to ground - a reinstated taste of Indian freedom.
The Colonial army camped here until the occupying British chose to shift the army camp to Ambala due to high occurrence of mosquitoes in the city of Karnal and found this place fit only for a great cattle yard.
Karnal has seen negligence & side-lining ever-since along the course of history.
The Indian Oil Corporation's petroleum refinery was decided to be built in the neighbouring Panipat city & so was the National Fertilizers Limited's manufacturing plant built there and not in Karnal.
In Karnal they built research institutes, filled with greenery these make the city a comfortable place to relax at ease.
But ****** shameless people don't realize the value of plants & trees and keep removing them off the face of Karnal & even where I live, in the NDRI campus - acronym for the National Dairy Research Institute campus.
****** blood sucker stupid human beings are sometimes more irritating than the malarial mosquitoes.
They cut trees assuming trees shelter mosquitoes!
True they might be but I keep wondering what about the potholes dug by them into the coal-tar & gravel roads to facilitate the installing of religious & marriage tents.
But nothing can be done to change the people whose mindset has been falsely ligated with the thought of *we are the best & we won't change.
A question for all my fellow North Indians.
My HP Poem #281
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Sleepless Night
Àŧùl Jun 2013
I heard a ***** howling nearby,
Writhing with wonderful pain...
I heard the pack of dogs barking,
Each bark immersed in ecstasy...
I heard the stray puppies as well,
All making only unhappy noises...
I then attentively heard the night,
That seemed to last for long time...
I was finally hearing only insects,
They made their scratchy noises...
*****: Life gone awry.
Was Feeling Sleepless The Night I Wrote This
My HP Poem #280
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 655
The Malady
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Please Be Silent These Two Minutes For I Now
Know That Most Crucial ***** Of My Body
Organs Has Given After The Long Sustaining
Malady To Which There Exists No Remedy...

My Heart Has Fallen Prey To The Endemic
So To Treat This Love Malady I Need Help
Dreadful Self-Destruct Mode's Taken Over
And I Will Need You To Relieve My Pain..

*Probably I Know That Kreepy Causative
Agent Which Could Have Harmed Me So
Much Even As I Tried To Resist Its Sweet
And Virulent Love Manipulates In Heart.
Madams and Sirs, please spare your sincere grades for this poem.
And please do care to dedicate some respectful words to the departed as a gesture of civility.
There's no coming back from the world of true love.
My HP Poem #279
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2013

You & I get ready in the morning,
Go to office & work to exhaustion,
A 9  to  6 job at our office is tiring,
I & you meet in the lunch breaks,
Discuss work in middle of lunch,
Facing the obstacles in our work,
Busy in the various experiments,
Catching a look at the same time,
X-ray crystalograph is prepared,
Dizzying velocities of centrifuge,
Early risers - late runners to bed,
Heavy eyelids call us out for rest,
Reaching back to the home tired,
Junkies of love we'll stay awake,
Kissing we start the game of love,
Tickling yours body - you nibble,
Loving the foreplay we carry on,
Making love is a second priority,
Not always so energetic for love,
Over the edge we push ourselves,
Putting an extra effort as always,
Queen guides the King into cave,
Slow but steady our expression,
Zooming the oozing nectars out,
Under-relaxed we need a break,
Vacations are a really good idea.
My vision is of A to Z for the hotter part of our romantic & professional lives!
Obviously some years later but surely.
My HP Poem #278
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 582
Our Games
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Vision of the future*
Blind man's bluff and hide & seek,
Tied with your scarf and at home.

With both our kids enjoying on a Sunday,
Future'll get ripe with our family warmth.

Settled on a cotton sheet in a picnic park,
We smile as we play the Monopoly game.

Flowers & buds of Lilies & roses,
Will be pleasing for all our eyes.
This is a vision & not a dream.
Dreams may or mayn't come true but a vision can be made to happen.
My HP Poem #277
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 456
I'll Hug You Silently
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Whichever* the time it may be,
Whenever you want me to,
Without you telling me to,
Whoever you get hurt by,
Without a word passed by,
Wherever you feel the need,
Whatever the problem may be.
Just feel me inside your beautiful heart.
My HP Poem #276
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 433
I Want To Do This To Her...
Àŧùl Jun 2013
I Love Her And Will So Till I Die.

I Want Her Like A Child Wants His Toy Train To Go On And Never Stop.

I Want Her To Stay In My Life And Never Ever Permanently Leave It.

I Want To Taste Her Melons Like A Thirsty And Hungry Monkey.

I Want To Give Her All Pleasures Known To Humanity.

I Want To Give Her Tears Only From Sweet Pain & Happiness.

I Love Her & Will Continue It Lifelong & Even Afterwards.
Quite Justified, Eh?
My HP Poem #275
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2013
I observe our mango tree,
In these times as its mangoes ripen.
But that's not the only place,
I see mangoes developing elsewhere as well.
I also observe my dearest darling,
Up above her slender tummy and below her neck.
I find the sweeter mango hard to decide,
As her mangoes I have not tasted yet.
I wonder whether hers would be more lemony,
As those will surely taste more of sweat.
My HP Poem #274
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 700
No Bluffing - Seriously!
Àŧùl Jun 2013
I am confident,
As you are my confidant.
Take this cue,
As you want to avoid the queue.
I am your dear,
As you seem like a sweet deer to me.
Take this beer,
As you will find me a wild bear jumping.
I am an imminent success,
As you will see my poems are all immanent.
I would be an eminent person for sure,
As you will see my persona develop and shine.
Written for you-know-who because it's you! ;-)
My HP Poem #273
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 2.6k
Crazy Guy!
Àŧùl Jun 2013
I'm just a guy really crazy for losing!
There're so many things I want to lose.
I'm just also the guy crazy for earning!
There're as many things I want to earn.

A barrage of your tears in happiness,
A night's tight time with you my dear,
A dream of a golden future for reality,
A tight situation's hug for the loved one,
A carriage of fresh tulips for my lover,
A bed of clouds for our very first night,
A bouquet full of all live coloured roses,
A hard-earned yes as she made it hard,
A marriage full of tradition and rituals,
A honeymoon at the place of her choice,
A cool place with my hand on her waist,
A nice restaurant full of relaxing aroma,
A menu card of sweet dishes of her taste,
A tear-jerking first night after marriage,
A careful & easy nine months pregnancy,
A super-cute baby spreading cheer in life,
A more cheerful time as the baby grows,
A cuter kid with happy mischievous looks,
A safer childhood for the first kid till three,
A second child only after the first child sees school,
A happier life than both of us had as kids.
I'm just a guy crazy for loving you as well.
My HP Poem #272
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Darkness was waiting on his hot rod motorbike,
When I fell from grace onto the hard ground,
Darkness was smirking wickedly as hell,
When I sensed it coming I closed eyes,
Darkness was all I had for 23 days,
When I was about to die I bargained,
Darkness was cajoled by my good deeds,
When I almost made up my mind for leaving,
Darkness relented & let some rays enter my life.
My HP Poem #271
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Losing This Is All I Fear
Àŧùl Jun 2013
Losing my loving parents untimely,
Losing my best friend to some quarrel,
Losing my wonderfully erratic memory,
Losing my hearing sense before I meet you,
Losing my precious gift even before getting it,
Losing my life before I meet you in person,
Losing my voice with the course of time,
Losing my sense of basic true & false,
Losing my eyesight 'fore I see you.
My HP Poem #270
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 4.0k
An Indian Seasonal Account
Àŧùl May 2013
Spring came full of rejuvenating hope to ward off the chilly winters,
It came replete with dreams of days much brighter,
It came to exfoliate & gently scrub away the old ones,
Yes it came to make way for the new flowers.

It stayed till the sun was high up there in the shy sky,
It stayed till the sun burnt holes in human pockets with bills of electricity,
It stayed till the sun was cursed for being out there with AC's to help the well to do,
Yes it stayed there till it was the merciless month of June.

Summer then took over in July by burning animal & human skins alike,
It even did not spare a patch of cool water in the naked-barren lands,
It made animals cry & people kneel down and call for help,
Yes their calls weren't left unanswered and soon it was the rainy monsoon.

Monsoon - the rainy season lashes upon the oven hot land in August's end,
It eases the hot temperatures and releases peafowls in mating,
It even threatens to drown the ill-prepared cities of India by flood-waters,
Yes Mumbai is just one example of how Indian people want the autumn to come.

Autumn - the reliever from torrid showers,
It is an exception in the Indian season cycle,
It is neither that torrid monsoon before it nor is it the hostile winters succeeding it,
Yes it is a short calm time just before the winter season extreme in the north.

Winter season as we've learnt to call it in schools,
It sends chills down the spines of Indian people all over,
It is harsh only in the north but the other people simply don't have tolerance or genes,
Yes I love the beautiful winter season so what if once it nearly took my life while on trekking.
A rough description of the five main seasons in Indian season cycle, spring season extended over its timespan.
My HP Poem #269
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
All sorts
Of chances
To lose my it
And it's not like
I have to boast it
But I am just telling
And letting you know
How I still keep my
Adolescence alive
All these times
Just for my
True love
My last
I wonder how my stories start with 'I' and end with 'You'!
Don't you?
My HP Poem #268
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
Because the government announces only some money as a compensation.
Because the press makes much hue and cry for some days only as a story.
Because the civilians can only shed a few tears before finally moving over.

Because I don't want my mother to cry over my mutilated corpse one day.
Because I don't even want my father to stand numbed over my dead body.
Because I don't ever want an angel - my angel to cry over my lifeless body.

Because I don't want to come back mangled remains & cause them winch.
Because I don't want to come back ever with a conscience guilty of killing.
Because I don't want to come back hands filled of instrumental blood ever.

Not at all like that because I fear the bullets searing my soldier's body in life.
Not at all like that because I fear bombs blasting up my body organs away.
Not at all like that because I fear ******* enemies ambushing me from rear.

Not at all like that because I have a soft heart or that I can't shoot my target.
Not at all like that because I have a sympathetic stand towards the enemies.
Not at all like that because I have a low level of love for our national virtues.

Not at all like that because I don't want my friends to ever lament upon me.
Not at all like that because I don't want my future children to get to know it.
Not at all like that because I don't want my fresh hobbies stay unrecognized.

Not to mention how all of the civilians and the press make much hue & cry.
Not to mention how all the topics they choose are only useless T.R.P.-based.
Not to mention how all of the time the soldiers spend under such conditions.
My HP Poem #267
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 2.3k
A Struggler's Perspective
Àŧùl May 2013
I was on bed then clueless about my life.
I remember three years ago, it was a strife.
I was made to realize by pain of being alive.

The procedure of tracheotomy was done.
The other nose was cut into my windpipe.
The lower end of my throat was bandaged.

The two navels are located on my stomach.
The second navel was gained at the hospital.
The upper navel is not always here to be seen.

Blankly I stared at the world in front of me.
Bluntly I stared at a big wall in front of me.
Bleakly I stared at people coming to see me.

They would come few in numbers initially.
That time is something I can't recall clearly.
Then I was home worriedly waiting for him.

The eternal-seeming torture period started then.
The dreaded physiotherapist used to come then.
The kind man was renamed physio the ******.

He caused me great pain, I was like a 3-year old.
He saw me writhe in pain & I begged for mercy.
He continued coming & I remained terrorized.

I used to ask my parents if they're actually mine.
I was made to disbelieve in them as my parents.
I took numbing pills directly into my stomach.

I used to remain in sheer terror all day long.
I took offence at the sound of the doorbell itself.
I was asking my parents if someone would come.
By now, all seems well sparing two fading observable marks of the test I was put through by life.
I am very thankful and indebted for life by the kind physio the ******.
And I will again lay emphasis on the fact that I am writing this poem today because I was wearing a helmet however unworthy of being called a helmet.
My HP Poem #266
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 2.6k
Get Well Soon
Àŧùl May 2013
My very own poetess friend met with a minor accident.
She wasn't wearing a helmet because she considers it uncomfortable.
Please always wear a helmet mere yaar, because roads in India are really unsafe.

Now get well soon,
Quicker than sooner,
Because I miss your poems idiot.
Always wear a helmet wherever required, everyone
My HP Poem #265
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.1k
21 Guns
Àŧùl May 2013
21 Guns which blast together,
To show respect to the martyr,
In a ceremonial military salute,
Make noise to fewest residents,
To the patriots they do salute.

All the 21 times the guns blast,
In unison and to show him respect,
The irritable residents find it nonsense,
Cursing the governments for wars,
In unison and in an undertone.

Their criticism is more of war,
Of aristocracy & government,
Apathetic are the commoners,
But to them the peace matters,
Feeling more loyal & patriotic.
The 21 guns blare 21 times.
My HP Poem #264
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 3.9k
A Snowflake For Everyone
Àŧùl May 2013
There are just so many snowflakes falling from the sky each year,
That you and me, she and he, even your pets could lend their names to the snowflakes,
And not worry about them being duplicates of each other,
Because just like all human beings have different physical characteristics,
Each snowflake is amazingly uniquely structured,
You would run out of names of human beings in all languages,
Numbering each snowflake is a better option,
Mother nature has also made each person so unique,
Why care about the names and origins,
When everyone could have a unique snowflake!
My HP Poem #263
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
I'm a very creative guy,
Baby you should know it,
I foresee in my imagination,
A sunny-snowy day in winters,
Up in the mountains to the north,
Both of us sitting together on a bench,
Then you tell me to relax from life as such,
I understand and sink my head in your lap,
You put a warm gloved hand on my left cheek,
Giving me the ultimate relaxation to be felt in love.
My HP Poem #262
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 564
Blistering Wounds
Àŧùl May 2013
These wounds have
Subsided now but
The marks they
Left are the
Of a dark
And blurry past
Memories of which
Threaten with horror.
Hour-glass shaped poem
My HP Poem #261
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013

The blowing wind tells you to be calm...
It tells you to be generous with the hard work...
And tells you to be strong all the way...
My HP Poem #260
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 383
The Fabled Abode
Àŧùl May 2013

Why do you worry about judgement day?

Do good to the world keeping your own interests in mind as secondary & don't worry about the result.

You will be happy.
My HP Poem #259
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 614
Now I Seldom Conduce Her
Àŧùl May 2013
Now she has gathered herself in this medical stream,
Which was chosen by her out of keenly interested steam.

I used to prepare some biology notes for her in the beginning,
But now I seldom conduce her, yes she has gathered herself.
And baby do tell me if you want my help any day.
My HP Poem #258
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 441
Don't Get Confused! :D
Àŧùl May 2013
With the short one
For it is written by a
Loving one for another
Loved one, yes a loved one
Who is cuter
Peace & Satisfaction
Love & Contentment
To my otherwise lonely life.
Baby you're the lamp in the dark of my life.
My HP Poem #257
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 318
Àŧùl May 2013
Probably you learned it there only from where I learned hypnotizing by my clear heart.

Probably you learned it there only from where I was banished at a younger age & my memory taken.

Probably they call it the Heaven as I am made to remember where you still belong to and I'm just another *fallen angel.
My HP Poem #256
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 874
We Planted A Sapling
Àŧùl May 2013
It was on the 19th of June, 2012
That me and you became friends
And our similar tastes ensured it.

It blossomed in our shared love for poetry,
Nurtured by songs of love & future-hopes,
Flourished in our understanding natures.

Hopeful I am that our sun will rise,
Hopeful I am that our son will rise,
Hopeful I am that a daughter will rise too.
My HP Poem #255
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
He has been with me ever since I used to be a toddler!
We share the same bathroom & even the underwear!!
He has been my best secret-keeper apart from you!!!
We have been in love with each other crazily but now even he loves you so I have maintained a safe distance!!!!
Don't you think of me as a madman or ****** because the other person who is my best friend is me only!!!!!
My HP Poem #243
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.1k
No Remorse In My Heart
Àŧùl May 2013
Of having loved you,
Won't ever regret it,
Because you my dear are the sweetest.

Your fabulous words in the super-sweet voice,
Touch not just my eardrums & the auditory lobe,
But they also ring sonorously well in my heart,
Especially when you say those three words,

*I love you!
My HP Poem #242
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 1.8k
How You Creep Up My Veins!
Àŧùl May 2013
As you study zoology further you will come to relearn that veins bring blood back to the lungs,
Across the kingdom animalia & a few others including Aves & Reptilia, Mammalia & Chordata,
From lungs the re-oxygenated blood is re-pumped around the body by our rhythmic heartbeats.

In my body it's a bit different I guess, yes it's different!

Your name has crept up my veins and I just feel your Kreepy name sounding with every heartbeat.

My HP Poem #241
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 376
If You Are
Àŧùl May 2013
If you are,
The ways are here...
If you are gone,
The ways are lost...
If you are here,
The end is as sweet as dreamt...

If you are here,
So I feel like,
I own this ground...

If you are gone,
So I feel like,
I don't have to breathe anymore...

I found you,
*I found life..........
My HP Poem #240
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 616
How I Was In My Childhood
Àŧùl May 2013
Both my parents are working,
And we live in a desolate campus,
Neighbourhood is a stranger's place,
Ever since my being a kid with a tricycle.
So it does succeed in explaining something,
It does give hint o'my being a loner ever since,
That explains how lonely a neighborhood can be,
But that doesn't explain how I was in my childhood.

I was just Lonely.








I was.

There were few friends intermittently,
And kept losing them to a new school.
I kept making and losing friends along,
But now I have found some poet friends.

The one I really love & care about is also a poetess,
But now I don't fret loneliness as badly as I used to.
I don't much like the fact that I read in 4 schools.
My HP Poem #239
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
I remember our Metabolic Engineering result,

Mass reappear.

The examiner scared the **** out of us,

****** examiner.

But I'm not more than disappointed,

I'm a fighter.

I love challenges,

Hard ones.
My HP Poem #238
©Atul Kaushal
May 2013 · 276
I'll Never/Always
Àŧùl May 2013
I'll Never
Cry Alone
In The Rain...

I'll Never
Feel Deserted
In This World Again..

I'll Always
If You Must Cry.

Oh Baby!

I'll Always
You Whenever You Need Me.

I'll Always
You Whenever You Need Me..

I'll Always
You Whenever You Need Me...
To the Lovely Little One
My HP Poem #237
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
And Sleep
To See
A short poem inspired by the Everly Brothers' song
My HP Poem #236
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2013
Punjabi (Roman script, not in the Gurmukhi script)

Jadon teri khushboo udi-udi jaaye,
Mennu vaajaan maar bulaye,
Main kyun khincha chala aanda,
Ni main tenu pyar karda.

Translation in English

When I sense your scent in the wind,
Calling my name out,
Why I get pulled towards you,
It's because I love you.

My HP Poem #235
©Atul Kaushal
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