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Sep 2013 · 2.1k
Aliens In Our Own Shoes?
Àŧùl Sep 2013
Let's talk about life in its smartest forms,
Let's talk about the great idea of evolution,
Let's talk about our basic origins in past.

This is a not-so-popular fact that some life forms
Experienced an alien evolution on a different land
Before they dropped us down on this planet to rule.

But look amongst ourselves for their signs,
The tell-tale signs leftover from their visits,
Weird skull shapes is just one of those marks.
I think that aliens are the real Gods for us.

See the cave paintings and ancient wall-etchings anywhere, be it the so-called early-man rock etchings or be it the paintings in the Egyptian or Chinese or Inca pyramids, look at the elongated heads of all their leaders. These structures called pyramids are often accompanied by high towers, possibly possessing the alien-technology of communications or channelizing energies once upon a time.

It may seem eerie but it's surely probable that some of us are less hominid than the rest of us.

My HP Poem #436
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 985
Àŧùl Sep 2013
It is brought to Hello Poetry confederation's notice,
That I am dearly missing my dearest poetess friend.

Anyone and everyone that blesses her in their minds,
I tell them all thanks for blessing her for her career..

And I want to tell her that I am always here for her,
If she feels lonely or helpless then I'll illuminate it...
Yes my friend, I'm always here for you and you just have to keep the advice that I supply you with in your mind and use it.

My HP Poem #435
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
Mom, Dad and Auntie, Uncle
We know that our families are a total mismatch,
We know that this takes a lot of time to hatch,
But why not give it some time
And why not let us try.

Destinies have been written to mingle,
If not at this stage then surely at another,
But we already live life as a single entity,
We are sorry that we couldn't just tread upon the path shone by you people, but it's fine! ;-)
Isn't it darling?

My HP Poem #434
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 582
Can You - Would You
Àŧùl Sep 2013
Can you ever stop loving me,
Would you ever do it to me??

Out from the thickest thickets,
Our loudly voices are audible!!

We hide behind these curtains,
Our ruckus will fail to be faint!!

How we fight like wild big cats,
Bodies painted red 'til sunrise??

Your hands have beautiful nails,
My back is dug by these gems!!

We don't live as normal humans,
Not many still remember loving!!

Can you understand this poem,
Would you follow me, sweetie??
My HP Poem #433
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 815
Hopefully Yours!
Àŧùl Sep 2013
I'm not a seer to have looked into the future,
I'm surely a man with the intention of diamond,
I'm definitely going to marry you some years later.

I'm not a pathogen to have blighted you here,
I'm surely a super-crazy lover of yours lovingly,
I'm definitely coming to elegant city of yours soon.
My HP Poem #432
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 2.1k
Babe, Relax
Àŧùl Sep 2013
If you ever happen to think,
That I fell prey to narcotics,
You just got to relax a bit...

I'm immune to all others,
Because I have my own,
Addiction as my shield..

It's got to be blamed on you,
For the reasons all bright,
With you here in my life.
My HP Poem #431
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
Oh my dear Darling!!!
It's a special day today,
Another year old they say,
If you asked me I'd say,
A very happy birthday!

This is your day divine!!!
It's one year more for you,
Another year passed by you,
If I wish on your day to you,
Another year awaits you!

I'll come two years later!!!
It'll be really awesome then,
Another year'll then be waiting,
If I had the privilege to come,
Another happy year awaits!

I again confess my love to you,
It's really funny but I do love you,
Another year is there for me & you,
If I blessed all the ages upon you,
Another couple of years to wait!

It'll be much intimate at that time,
It must be a relation of previous life,
It must be like this relation we share,
It must be - more sweet than sugar,
Another poem will be written daily.
Today on 23rd September, it's my best friend Kripi's birthday and this is another poem and a suggestion based on my experience for her.
And as I couldn't make a plan of visiting her city materialize, this poem is an attempt to make her smile. :-)
This is your lucky birthday buddy!
Smile and enjoy!
Relax & rejoice!
Keep smiling inside your heart.
Study well.
We will meet in the end as we are true and as you are destiny's sun shining through for me.
By the way.......
Your age = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7!
My HP Poem #430 (4+3+0=7!)
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Steeped In Grandeur
Àŧùl Sep 2013
I have so often wondered more,
Who wrote you in my destiny.

The question has cutely lingered about here,
In the newly glorified days of my life.

You seem so carefree to me on the outside,
But you are a lovely-lovely angel in the inside.

We must learn patience & conservancy from birds,
They travel across oceans to breed in the seasons.

I enjoy gazing at your pretty name,
Just like I stared at stars in the clear night-sky.

A date will bolster the waiting time,
But we will keep in touch with you till then.

Such is the grandeur of the feeling we have for each other,
We are so steeped in love that it has seeped into our blood.
My HP Poem #429
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 6.0k
I'm Not In Love!
Àŧùl Sep 2013
I'm not in love,
It's just this feeling I'm getting.

She's not in love,
It's just that feeling she's getting.

We're not in love,
It's just love has found its abode in us.
My HP Poem #428
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
Your divine aura surrounding my mind,
The collier of your bangles reminds me,
Beautiful was the last night like always.

The sweet heart ache was astounding,
The remnants still linger in our bodies,
Beautiful is the realization that dawns.

A picture of the previous evening shines,
The picture shines in my mind-your mind,
Beautiful was the setting sun yesterday.

Sweet sugary bourbon biscuit in your lips,
How I chased you down onto the cushion,
Beautiful are those moments of a lip-lock.

Sweet was the biscuit or your sugary lips,
I zoomed onto the smiling curve of yours,
Beautiful is the shape as they pout open.
My HP Poem #427
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
As I'm brought up by a working couple,
I have seen their mutual disagreement,
Not just in few but in many facets of life.

As I'm only facing loneliness since birth,
I have hated my lonely life as the only kid,
Not just in loneliness but also in a crowd.

As I'm treading on the path of life alone,
I have sought your constant company,
Not just in my dark but also in brightness.

As I'm experiencing your distant friendship,
I have this rare privilege of being inspired,
Not just in my poetry but also in my smiles.

As I'm going along you on this rugged path,
I have already started to realize your worth,
Not just make me feel blessed but also lucky.

As I'm looking out on the path of my life,
I have few reasons to be bothered about,
Not just about my health but also feelings.

As I'm receiving all the goods of happiness,
I have learnt a new lesson of love from you,
Not just about romance but also about care.
My HP Poem #426
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
When We Are Close Together
Àŧùl Sep 2013
I wonder how we will stay,
When we are close together,
Away from the social bounds.

I can't presume us to be good,
When we are close together,
Away behind that wood.

I only foresee them say,
When we are close together,
Away from all societal shames.

I foresee too that someone asks,
When we are close together,
Away from social masks.

I assure you we will be,
When we are close together,
Away from the worldly boundaries.

I don't claim anything baseless,
When we are close together,
Away almost shameless.

I share dignity with you,
When we are close together,
Away in such peace just me & you.
My first Wave-shape poem!

My HP Poem #425
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
I find my memories all hijacked, by you.
I find my thirsts all quenched, by you.
I find my troubles all shot at, by you.
I find my poetry all initiated, by you.
I find my habits all affected, by you.
I find my smiles all admired, by you.
I find my duties all completed, in you.
I find my feelings all inflamed, for you.
I find my stories all completed, with you.
Concave lens concrete poetry.

My HP Poem #424
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
I have known this much talked about search for true love for over 10 years and I am aged 22 years now. There was this unforgiving loneliness till I was 17 years of age given that I am the only child of my parents who lives with them in a lonely campus of a research institute away from the small city.

A tumultuous relationship filled with resentment to the brim about my parents keeping me their only 'issue' was brought to the hilt and I was weary of being their arguably most beloved 'machine' who was supposed to live sticking to the 'guidelines' laid by them as the ideal only son.

We aren't from a landlord's family and have limited resources, so I was supposed to suffice in my parents' love and affection, studying at a fairly consistent dedication to bring forth the results worthwhile landing me a good job.

But who has been able to control a Romeo-in-the-making?

Answer: Nobody!

But my Juliet wasn't yet on the horizon till age 17, when I mistakenly took my first girlfriend who was my classmate till class 7, to be my last love. Period. Then for the first time I was introduced to the idea of 'love' by this sweet girl whom I dub "G3" over 11 months elder to me. I had proposed her, but it was not a pre-emptive proposal.

Our period of courtship had started over Orkut which was the most popular social website at that time. It was just friendship initially until I had unsuccessfully proposed two bimbets other than my first girlfriend. One of those two unsuccessful attempts was with her best-friend-once-upon-a-time.

I had told her about them both, she had even tried apparently helping me propose her best friend when I had told her that I had even written a song for my childhood crush over the years I had been away from my old school.

Her first reaction was, "I would die for having such a boyfriend! Wish it was I for whom the song was composed."

Then when I proposed my childhood crush, G1, I couldn't even mention about the song and she rejected my proposal. Period. I was distraught, I was broken & I was amazed at how easily she could've undermined my liking for her from the past 7 years.

To take my attention off the disappointment posed by my first rejection. I proposed a different girl, G2, non-seriously, knowing that another rejection was lurking behind the curtains of time.

Rejection 2 successfully diverted my mind away from the mess created. Anyways, I did have a girlfriend for myself. After all, people love guys who sing melodiously and can play guitar apart from having decent appearance, and believe me- I used to look this chocolatey young guy until I was 19 years of age.

The girl who later went on to have the place vacated by my first crush was her same best-friend-once-upon-a-time 'G3'. She went on varied lengths in narrating her own break-up story with the guy she was with. I got a second-hand  piece as my first girlfriend. It was no issues, at least till she was bickering about how he had broken her 'heart-of-a-self-proclaimed-princess' and we started having arguments and serious tiffs over what had been happening in her life.

We broke-up. I had enough of the hardships brought by myself upon her. She had taken to crying harshly over phone. I resented myself. I failed to identify that it was not true love indeed but only a mirage of the idea.

I next concentrated in studies and this time I prevailed over the hurdles offered by examinations and a second girlfriend, 'G4', who refused to openly accept she was going about with me was attracted to me. She'd go see the Taj Mahal at Agra and the Hawa Mahal at Jaipur with me apart from spending the night in the same hotel room but would still reckon me with my pending reappear supplementary exams and wouldn't openly accept a failure as her man. I was frustrated by her autocratic behaviour and opted for a different girl, 'G5'.

G5 was the prettiest of my first 3 GF's as far as looks were considered. We romanced around Delhi's historical places and malls; holding hands around cinemas and Old Fort walls in New Delhi. But still I was as ****** as I was when I was born.

May 7, 2010 was a scorching hot day with the sun ablaze overhead and me going on the busiest highway of India. I was going back to my home and met with a serious road accident en route that kicked me out of my senses into a frozen comatose state.

I somehow survived the life-threatening coma and was moving around in 52 long weeks, limping heavily all thanks to my parents and the kind physiotherapist. Thanks to a poor memory, I initially performed extremely below average at college.

Then I was all prepared to attack at all future examinations and nothing could stop me. I breezed past another girl 'G6', this was my last failure. She was confused between me and a different guy. Neither me nor any other guy with a high self-prestige would entertain the idea of being weighed as an option. I again moved on.

Then comes the continuing story of my true love. True love is the one that lasts forever successfully. She is incidentally my 7th chance upon the love pathway and last. I am sure this is her- my soul-mate.

She is my gateway to the 7th heaven, I find her presence in every aspect of my life. She is 6 years and 9 months younger to me and her descent in my life has been the best thing in my life. I celebrate and rejoice each day in her presence. Our tastes are so similar that we feel merely our X- & Y-chromosomes are different.

We patiently wait for time to last till the day till we perish after blessing our grandchildren. We live 250 kilometres away from each other and have only known each other through voices and photos. We are yet to meet. Till then I wait for the day my master degree gets over and she gets into a medical college.

Now I will end this post by saying that there's no end of love and no beginning of it - you just have to wait, identify and hold on to your truest love.

Self-Note (Not to be forgotten): This was the last time you wrote about your past. But what's passed is past now and is meant to be forgotten. I really hope she reads the second-last paragraph duly and gives it due thought. 143 Creeps!
Àŧùl Sep 2013
23rd December, 1990; 20:45 IST GMT +5:30
The universe is born with a history & time is started.
Atul is born on a rainy-stormy frigid snowless night.**
People were made to believe that all of this has had been there since a long time.
But for me, the world started when I was born and will end when I die.
Just some Gibberish vain minded words.
Thought I'd scare you with my boredom today!
Ha ha ha! :-D
Àŧùl Sep 2013
I woke-up in the morning,
To the sound of the radio.

I then grabbed the brush,
Nay, not the paint-brush.

I grabbed the toothbrush,
And I brushed afterwards.

I looked at my reflection,
As you came to my mind.

I smiled to myself heartily,
Revealed were my canines.

I shied away from myself,
As I find my smile demonic.

I then reasoned in my mind,
About my craziness for you.

I thought about you more,
You love me as an Angel.

I then recalled your craziness,
Could I have been blessed more.

I smiled at myself thinking,
An Angel is loved by a demon!
10 Romantic couplets.

My HP Poem #423
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
That someone might take her away.
Not boys or men, no not at all them.
But then who it is I am scared of???

She finds me the best guy for herself.
Then who is there to be scared of???
It is some other beautiful girl I mean.

She often says girls compliment her.
And she knows well that I am aware.
Aware of these homosexuality jokes!
My HP Poem #422
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
This is a thought for all the days,
Ponder upon it as the sun stays,
Even if a group of clouds plays...

Darker even than the darkest night,
Thin is the strand holding us tight,
Lighter even than the air so light..

Think of me when you're bothered,
Guess what I must've suggested,
Even as you struggle & get tired.

Think about these golden words,
Those we share & those we don't,
Saying all is something we won't..

Staying happy now in our misery,
When it is to love we're no miserly,
The love potion flows ceaselessly...
My HP Poem #421
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
The morning sun,
The twirling vines,
The chirping birds,
The cooing alarms,
The whizzing brush,
The laughing babies,
The rising moonlight,
The evening windows,
The passing moments,
The whirling memories.

Each and every thing talks to me these days,
The passing wind says the sweetest of all things,
For it softly whispers your sweet name in my ears.
My HP Poem #420
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 473
The Final Tear
Àŧùl Sep 2013
Come oh my darling so dear,
Come closer & a bit more near,
Come fall in my arms do not fear,
Come I will hug you like a big bear,
Come let us have a cup of warm love,
Come let me kiss away your final tear,
That tear from your eyes will be the last,
We will be purely happy the rest of our life,
We will be surely happy the whole of our life.
The final tear will be in the end when we get married.
More happiness will then follow.

My HP Poem #419
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 921
My Painting Came To Life
Àŧùl Sep 2013
Unaware of my destination,
I'm imagining my days away,
A man with a vivid imagination,
My thoughts often wander too far,
I drew a very detailed picture of hers,
Yes t'was in my mind and not real,
But I ain't a good painter at all,
So I painted her in my mind,
She's a dream-come-true.
Japanese lantern - another instance of concrete poetry.

My HP Poem #418
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2013 · 585
Àŧùl Sep 2013
I fall

I will

Only to
Reunite with

                          Be it once,
                          Or be it twice,
                          I will come again,

                          It won't take,
                          More than a lifetime,
                          For me to be back again,

                          Yes, I will,
                          And I will surely,
                          Unite with you.

                                                          Don't you fear,
                                                          F­or it'll be me,
                                                          Fal­l for me dear.

                                                          ­We will have it,
                                                          The­ best way,
                                                          It­'s our destiny.

                                                       ­   Let me make it,
                                                          A bit more clear,
                                                          ­I love & want you.
.                                My HP Poem #417                             .
                                     ©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2013
She comes to my active memory.

She smiles looking at me.

She hugs me.
My HP Poem #416
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 373
Àŧùl Aug 2013
How shrill does the world sound,
Especially when I don't hear you,
You are dearly missed & wanted.

I cannot bear you away from me,
Freedom is awaited for you & me,
Nothing seems completed to me.

Skies too lose sunlight in the day,
Clouds missing water as in May,
It seems hot wherever they slay.
My HP Poem #415
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2013
You & Me,
Breathing heavy,
In a close hug,
Hearing raindrops,
Kissing each other,

The drops ******,
The tin shed outside,
Bringing relief,
To our ears,
So romantic.

They echo us,
And our romance,
Becoming one as they fall,
But they can't feel,
The love we do,
Lucky us that we are alive!
My HP Poem #414
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 637
You Came To My Mind
Àŧùl Aug 2013
And you got permanently fixed in my heart here.

Who knew just a 'Hullo' would bring us so near..

Poetic world has made each other feel so dear...

What we feel is not just love but it is more clear....

Equally relishing how we write poetry for each other.....

We find so much sweet similarity in one another......

And each day I find you so much more closer.......
My HP Poem #413
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Your cutest appearance,
Your sweet mellow voice,
Your very sensible choice,
Your lucky for me presence,
Your cheery nature of rejoice,
Not even just
Your rhythmic nature of dance,
It's inexplicable why I love you,
Probably it's even unnecessary,
But yes I do proclaim that I love,
*You, yes I love you and only you.
My HP Poem #412
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 635
Àŧùl Aug 2013
When I wake up in the morning,
I think exclusively of you.
While I lie down,
I dream of you..
Whom I crave for,
Is only you...

It's just you,
Whom I brave for...
I gleam from you,
While I breakdown..
I assume that I'm with you,
When I walk up the lonely street.
Brave the cold times, hostile situations & the sandstorm to be with you.

My HP Poem #411
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2013
I Am That I Am
I am real - not merely a thinking.

©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 3.7k
The Racquet's Racket
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Squash uses a racquet,
Tennis implies a racquet,
Badminton applies a racquet.
Together the racquets' racket is too noisy.
But it's funny how we all seem to like it.
Some cannot even live without the din.
But how good or bad is to bet about it.
Even the racquet sports, while being so exciting & entertaining, are prone to illegal betting.

My HP Poem #410
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 748
A Sink For My Tension
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Oh baby you drive me,
So freaking crazy,
I yearn for you, baby.

Oh baby you make me,
So feeling wanted,
I learn for you, baby..

Oh baby you take me,
So farther away,
I turn for you, baby...

Oh baby you thrive in me,
So full and frizzy,
I live for you, baby....

Oh baby you are awake for me,
So difficultly daunted,
I relive for you, baby.....

Oh baby you ache for me,
So smarter way,
I give love for you, baby......

Oh baby why I feel so calm,
So genuinely in love,
I take inspiration for life, baby.......
My HP Poem #409
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2013
A baby is born devoid of any hair,
It has no tension but only hunger,
It is only trying to eat everything,
It grows up to identify the edible,
A baby will be keen to taste & bite.
My first 5-line humorous poem - a Limerick.
The humour content is low but this is a cute poem I guess, if you have ever observed a baby.

A limerick has roughly ten syllables per line.

My HP Poem #408
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 851
An Obituary
Àŧùl Aug 2013
To a dead conscience,
To the bygone morality,
To the diminishing values,
To the idols of honesty, and
To their ghastly appearance.

To un-dead suicidal victims,
To their unblessed families,
To the tears they let flow,
To disappeared smiles,
To missed birthdays.

To suffering people,
To unbalanced sheets,
To sinking cash reserves,
To their zombie-like bodies,
To the stinking ***** politics.
Another piece of Concrete poetry from me.
A Concrete poetry work also conveys a message about the poem's topic.

My HP Poem #407
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 6.8k
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Hypnotized by you,
I am drowning,
Day by day.

In the emotion,
Of your love,

I'm drowning wilfully,
Really not to be save,
Listen when I say.

Effortlessly I let my body sink,
Not struggling at all to escape,
I only fear distance from you.

Not the physical distance,
But the distance of hearts,
A distance of heartbreaks.

You say similar things,
Claiming I stole your heart,
An eternal truth this we share.

Dreaming on & on,
We even struggle often,
Our struggle goes on & on.

Looking into these calm dark eyes,
On your face full of beauty & truth,
I gain an escape from worldly lies.

You claim I jinxed you the first time,
So true- weren't we bound to meet,
It's just Time choreographed this.

I can't easily refute the blame,
After all I am an equal partner,
In this lyrical life & this game.

So I bear morally equal liability,
As we observe our love garner,
After all I am older than you.

We can't give into these tough times,
Not now, today, tomorrow nor ever,
For our relationship is a challenge.

A challenge for changing our world it is,
A bright change for a brighter future,
A betterment of your & my lives.

I know you're with me in life,
I know you're surely lighter,
I know you're much young.

Younger than my experience,
Younger than my sad lifespan,
Younger than my reborn avatar.

Happier than my own best happy,
Happier than my ever-so-pale face,
Happier than my knowledge can be.
A post-poem note:

Along the way I sprint hypnotized,
Along the Angel imparting me strength,
Along you my Angel - not alone as I had been.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

My first 17-paragraph poem. I guess I'll call it a Decaseptolet poem.

I invented my first distinct style.

My HP Poem #406
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Do you remember that date,
It was 27 April the year '13,
And it was really very late.

We had a communication-gap cropped-up,
An unavoidable communication-gap it was,
Some misunderstandings had cropped-up.

Though both had our respective liabilities,
I had been overtly angry much to your fears,
I'm still sorry for what I said had brought tears.

I had lamely prophesized in anger,
When we had a no-fun word-war,
I had said very dramatically,
That you'll be married,
Exactly 7 years, 7 months & 7 days later.

Even you yourself were upset at that time,
And we didn't talk for many days.
You felt cheated & even I felt scandalized.

We knew that this tiff will have to end one day,
So we sub-consciously thought we'd test ourselves.
Maybe we knew that it'll end someday if not that day.

Because we are like our favourites Tom & Jerry,
Fighting very seriously but loving all the way along,
So probably that too is an indispensable part of love!

We have laughed it over and left that tiff back,
But hey that prophecy must come true!
Not at all like that you should worry about it,
About having to marry somebody else,
It will be me only who marries you!
Do you remember that day, darling?
:-P ^_^ :-D
Probably a free relationship advice for everyone who is true in their relationships.
Keep it truthful and sweet, it should come through.

Special thanks to Mrs. & Mr. Bruffy who helped us as we held to the strings so delicate.

My HP Poem #405
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 659
My Reply To The Teacher
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Do you know what was my reply when the class teacher told me that my attendance was lower than the minimum requisite & I won't be allowed to sit in the exams???

I replied that it's not an issue, my genes make me very sturdy and I could write the exams standing!
Not a poem but a joke I read somewhere.
Aug 2013 · 912
A Reunion If You Please...
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Where did the first border appear?
I wonder and I wonder more.
The answer doesn't come out freely.

Probably on a piece of paper.
Or a cave wall perhaps..
Or on an insecure conscience...

They followed the dogs, lions and tigers.
They didn't take clues from the Albatross..
They were unable to make it a one world...

Fought for meagre pieces of land in a bid to expand...
They forgot that the wind blows beyond borders..
Animals and birds don't consider any borders.

Let's put our poetical hands together now.
Around each other's shoulders & waists..
Let's rhyme away the borders & nations...
My HP Poem #404
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Let me be...
Àŧùl Aug 2013
● Your moon who'll shine
On the darkest hour of night
Brightening up your path
When anyone else can't.

● Your long eyelashes
On the golden orbs of yours
Covering the eyelids then
When it is a dusty noon..

● Your gorgeous red lips
On the cute babyface of yours
Transforming the shiny smile
As a pout whenever we kiss...

● Your slender smooth waist
On the toned body of yours
Wriggling with full grace
As my hand kisses it....

● Your pain-bearing friend
On those days of pain
Sharing tell-tale signs
When the pain ramps up.....

● Your gut-wrenching partner
On the sleepless moonlit nights
Writing our epic in love-ink
When the nights get naughty......

● Your dream-man poster-boy
On the crevices of your mind
Posing for you in all those poses
As you often fantasize about me.......

● Your courageous support
On courage-demanding days
Facing all these obstacles in life
As we go on the road to nirvana........

● Your skill of creativity
On the pages of our epic
Rhyming along together
When you start thinking.........

● Your permanent companion
On the beautiful road of our lives
Living with you at the same place
When you bring the good news..........
My HP Poem #403
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 566
Someone Asked Me
Àŧùl Aug 2013
'Atul, who do you keep in mind while writing romantic poems?'

I was about to say your name,
But then I stopped the voice from escaping.
Because this love is not a game,
I just said my name & felt I said your name.

I have been with you for a lifetime it seems,
But it has only been a small game.
Because this has been our exclusive fantasy,
I just want these poems to sustain.

Whenever I say, 'I love you,'
You complement, 'I love you too!'
My HP Poem #402
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 12.1k
Get Your Hoes Out And...
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Dig the ground,
Deeper & broader,
Large enough to accommodate,
And peacefully lay us,
The commoners to rest,
Without causing any disturbance,
To the Clout-clad looters.

Don't rest till you collapse lifelessly,
Into the mud extracted for digging,
Digging their trap deeper enough,
Deeper enough for all the clout,
'Cause you wouldn't even want,
Their zombies to be turn-out,
Escaping out stark naked,
Out in future to plight,
****** and blight,
Pester and fester
The future generation.

Oh but do we not know,
They will survive and flourish,
Indian or Russian or American or British,
The clout will always be there to ****/eat,
**** blood and eat meatballs,
Why they will survive,
And why the civilians suffer isn't riddle.
I refer to hoes as tools for digging, like the ones you might use in your gardens; the other meaning may also fit in with other combinations of similar words.

Clout-clad looters = Politicians

There's this globalization of the schemes of scams.

Hopefully, this lantern of questions will enlighten the way.

My HP Poem #401
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2013
I retired as a colonel and am aged 64 years now.
My son was enrolled in the army two years ago.
He turned 32 years & got married only last year.

Today I looked at the lawn and it needed a mow.
So I picked up the lawnmower and started to go.
A man in military fatigues was coming near now.

Not my son but another soldier from his row.
I was looking at his face that had said a big no.
The soldier came near & stopped to inform in a low but calm voice, 'Sir, I've brought his luggage,'

The words seared through my chest like a bullet.
My HP Poem #400
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 951
7 & I (Part I)
Àŧùl Aug 2013
There're no lucky or unlucky,
No benign or cancerous,
Nonsense or sensible,
Bitter or sweet,
There's a strange,
Number in every life,
Insignificant but important,
Like there's number 7 for me.
Read 7 & I (Part II), to better understand this poem.

My HP Poem #399
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 892
7 & I (Part II)
Àŧùl Aug 2013
There's a prime example,
Which reflects the importance,
Of number 7 in my life.

It's the sequence of my rebirth,
In real world after an accident,
On '7th' of May, 2010 which put,
Me to the horror of my family,
Into a comatose state..

Now before you start taking 7,
As an unlucky number for me,
Let me tell you that my story is,
Far from over yet as I am alive,
After surviving the serious injuries,
From the accident that the doctors feared,
And I braved death in the HDU number 7.
Read Part I of this work to make any sense of it all.
I was in the ICU number 5 at the Sir Ganga Ram's Hospital located at New Delhi and after that I was shifted to HDU number 7.

An ICU is more serious than a HDU.

Intensive Care Unit
High Dependency Unit

My HP Poem #398
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 753
I Know You
Àŧùl Aug 2013
As your friend,
As a good friend,
As the best friend.

Not only
Because I know,
Because I listen,
Because I care...

But also
Because I love you,
And believe me,
There's no better lover than a best friend..

We share tidbits,
We share habits,
We share secrets.

Wait for our day,
When you're my wife, and
We share a life.
The day I achieve you,
Will be the day when I'm freed.
Perhaps I'll weep gallons,
For there's this ocean full of tears dammed,
Behind these eyelids waiting for you,
To help ease the pain I've accumulated,
Over years of grief and seemingly unsustainable mortal & mental injuries.

It will be that day when humanity meets divinity herself,
It will be a day when imperfection is given a meaning for itself.

My HP Poem #397
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 962
Àŧùl Aug 2013
The pleasant voice
Was muted up by

The outgoing guy
Was holed up by

The guy aged 19-years
Was shattered up by

The parents' only child
Was then threatened by

The belief in love
Was broken up by

The die-hard lover
Was stirred up by

The poet inside me*
Was woken up by
There's no sun each day that rises or sets for me sans your name on my mind.

The guy aged 19 years as mentioned above is now aged 22 years and is in love with a girl aged barely 16 years.

7 Paragraphs of My Biography moulded to poetry.

My HP Poem #396
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
August 6, 1945
Àŧùl Aug 2013
That age,
This day,
The raid.
The laughter which vanished,
Those smiles which perished,
That area which suffered it...
That revenge,
This disease,
The harbour.
August 6, 1945: Hiroshima
August 9, 1945: Nagasaki
The 2nd World War got over,
But at what cost.
This cost?

My HP Poem #395
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2013
When I'm here without you baby.
When I'm afraid of us failing & falling.
When I'm thinking about our connected fates.

But someone rushes to rescue me from myself.
It's an Angel who helps me overcome.
I think it's you baby - my Angel.
My HP Poem #394
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
An Egyptian Dream
Àŧùl Aug 2013
I am a soldier in
The Great Ancient Army Of Egypt
In love with a dream.

I know that it is
Very difficult to achieve what I wish
In Love With The Queen.

I Won't Give Up
The great dream of my commoner's life
In love with the lonely desert.
My HP Poem #393
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Me  -  I'm your suitor,
And you,
You're my paramour.

Don't make it too easy,
Don't be soft,
Take my examination.

Me  -  I've long said it,
I love you,
I want you in my life.
My HP Poem #392
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2013 · 891
Someday Sooner
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Someday I'll finally graduate,
This tiring time will be over,
Yes it will be over finally.

Someday I'll own a 4-bedroom,
This house will then be gone,
Yes it will be comfortable.

Someday I'll hold your hand,
This shiny ring will be on it,
Yes it will be the wedding.
Someday sooner I'll be closer to you,
This cute smile in the head will be on your face,
Yes, I will see you smiling live in front of me.

My HP Poem #391
©Atul Kaushal
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